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Nama : Brillian Hendra Atmaja

Nim : L100210192

Two weeks ago me and my friends went on vacation to Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, at first me and
my friends joked about going on vacation to Jogja, but apparently this happened, we decided to
leave on Friday night at 8 pm, our planned destination was The first night we wanted to camp at
Sedahan beach, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, then the next destination we wanted to go to the Kali
Adem bunker, Gunung Merapi, and after that the destination we wanted to visit was Malioboro.

At 7 pm we decided to first gather at one of our friend's house named agus, while waiting for our
other friends to come, we came first to prepare the tools and food to be used during the holidays to
yogyakarta, after 8 pm everything was done. come and ready to start the trip, the estimated trip to
our first destination is approximately 3 hours, but don't forget before we start the trip we decided to
pray first so that we are given safety from leaving to returning home.

At 11 pm our group arrived at Sedahan beach, when we got there we immediately built a tent to
rest, after that we cooked and ate together while spending the night together.

in the morning my group decided to pack the tent to get ready to go to the next destination, namely
banker kali cool, at 8 am we left the beach and went to bankerkali cool, we got there it was noon
and we decided to spend until the afternoon then continued to leave went to Malioboro to look for
souvenirs, didn't realize the time was 11pm, our group decided to go home carefully and at 1am we
arrived home, we were very happy to be on vacation and go home safely.

That's the story from me, thank you

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