06 OnScreen 1 Unit 6

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Unit 6


1 Label the pictures.

1 __r___ 6 ___k__

2 p ______ 7 t_______

3 __z____ 8 __x

4 ___f 9 ______o_

5 w___

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Unit 6
2 Complete the crossword.
R Across
B 2 A heavy wild animal with thick fur and sharp
5 A large, poisonous spider
6 A large dangerous sea creature with sharp teeth
E 8 A very intelligent sea animal with a long nose
T 10 A large wild cat with orange fur and black stripes

1 A small animal with long ears and large front
S teeth
S 3 A farm animal with four legs that people ride on
D 9
L 4 A huge grey animal with big ears and a long nose
10 7 A farm animal with thick wool that eats grass
T 9 A wild cat with thick fur around its neck

3 Label the body parts.

neck leg tail

teeth nose body

4 ………………

6 ………………
2 ………………
5 ………………

3 ………………
1 ………………
feathers wing eye

fur mouth ear 12 ………………

C 10 ………………

7 ………………

11 ………………
8 ………………
9 ………………

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Unit 6
4 Underline the correct item.

1 Sharks hunt/feed on fish and seals. 4 Most insects don’t weigh/fly very much.
2 All birds hatch/lay eggs. 5 Don’t be scared of the cat. It won’t harm/injure
3 Dogs use their sharp teeth to chew/digest you.
meat. 6 Do you care/protect about the environment?


5 Fill in the correct adjective: easy, sharp, friendly, inexpensive, large, dangerous, small,
endangered, thick, pointed.

Despite its deadly name, the killer whale isn’t as 1) …………..…… as you might think. In fact, killer whales often
behave in a(n) 2) …………..…… and protective way towards humans. This 3) …………..…… sea mammal, a
member of the dolphin family, grows up to ten metres long and weighs up to 10,000 kg. It has a black and white
body, a(n) 4) …………..…… nose and 5) …………..…… eyes. Because it eats meat, the killer whale has lots of
6) …………..…… teeth and like other whales, it has 7) …………..…… skin to keep it warm. Sadly, though, whale
hunting means that the killer whale is (an) 8) …………..…… species in some parts of the world. That’s why WWF
needs your help! Adopting a killer whale is a(n) 9) …………..…… way to protect this beautiful creature. And, at
only $10 a month, it’s 10) …………..……, too. Please apply online today!

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

Unit 6
General Revision

6 Underline the correct item.

1 Could you carry/bring me the cat food, please? 6 Dinosaurs died/disappeared from the Earth 65
2 My dog gave/lay birth to three puppies last million years ago.
night. 7 The wildlife organization works to escape/save
3 The Galapagos Tortoise can reach/last the age elephants from poachers.
of 180 years old before it dies. 8 Some animals attack/protect humans when
4 Lions appear/rest during the day and hunt they feel threatened.
during night. 9 An omnivore’s diet adds/includes plants and
5 Please, repeat/whisper what you said. I can’t animals.
hear you. 10 Polar bears hunt alone once they turn/break
into adults.

7 Match the opposites.

1 dangerous A slow

2 thick B weak

3 sharp C slow

4 heavy D harmless

5 fast E tiny

6 strong F light

7 fast G blunt

8 huge H thin

Grammar in use
8 Write the past form of the following irregular verbs.

1 fly ………………. 6 give ……………….

2 see ………………. 7 tell ……………….
3 come ………………. 8 think ……………….
4 break ………………. 9 leave ……………….
5 buy ………………. 10 make ……………….

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4

Unit 6
9 Complete the sentences with the past simple of the verbs in brackets.

1 A: …………………… (you/have) a pet when you were younger?

B: No, …………………… (do/not). But I …………………… (want) one!

2 A: What …………………… (you/do) last weekend?

B: I …………………… (go) swimming with my sister.

3 A: …………………… (you/see) lions at the zoo?

B: I …………………… (not/see) any lions but, I …………………… (see) a tiger.

4 A: …………………… (you/get) a new dog?

B: Yes! This is Spike, we …………………… (get) him last week.

5 A: Why …………………… (you/not/take) the dog for a walk?

B: I …………………… (feel) sick and …………………… (go) to lie down.

6 A: The cat …………………… (drink) the milk quickly!

B: She …………………… (eat) all her food, too!

10 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

Hello readers!
This weekend I 1) ……………………. (take) a trip to London Zoo. It 2) ……………………. (be)
an amazing experience! First of all, I 3) ……………………. (go) to Penguin Beach to see the
penguins. I 4) ……………………. (see) ten penguins and one of them 5) …………………….
(swim) right past me! Unfortunately, I 6) ……………………. (not/see) the new tigers at the
zoo but I 7) ……………………. (feed) the giraffes and the monkeys! They
8) ……………………. (be) so friendly and gentle! Then, I 9) ……………………. (eat) lunch at
the zoo’s cafι and 10) ……………………. (spend) the afternoon watching the dolphin show.
I really 11) ……………………. (have) a great time at London Zoo! What
12) ……………………. (you/do) this weekend, readers? Leave your comments below!

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5

Unit 6
11 Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or the superlative form.

1 The gazelle is one of the ………………… (fast) 6 I think canaries are the ………………… (good)
land animals. pets for children.
2 A giraffe is ………………… (tall) than a horse. 7 A polar bear is ………………… (aggressive)
3 A lion’s tail is ………………… (long) than a than a koala bear.
cat’s tail. 8 Parrots are ………………… (funny) birds than
4 A fox is ………………… (big) than a rabbit. canaries.
5 The great white shark is one of the
………………… (dangerous) animals in the

12 Complete the sentences with adverbs formed from the words in brackets.

1 The dog ran really …………………….………… 4 The cat rolled over …………………….…………
(fast) to fetch his ball. (lazy) and stretched its legs.
2 The dolphins jumped ………………….………… 5 We turned the boat around ………….…………
(graceful) through the waves. (careful) to see the dolphins.
3 Our rabbits slept …………………….………… 6 The rescue dogs …………………….…………
(peaceful) in their new cage. (brave) made their way through the snow.


13 Choose the correct item.

1 Blue whales can live …….. about 80 years. 5 Wolves hunt …….. their food at night.
A for B in C at A of B for C about

2 Mammals feed their babies …….. their own 6 Help! The house is …….. fire. Call the fire
milk. brigade.
A in B with C on A on B in C under

3 Emperor Penguins live …….. Antarctica. 7 Tom loves to play …….. his pet hamster.
A on B at C in A along B up C with

4 Adult giraffes are …….. 5 metres tall. 8 Most dinosaurs lived …….. land.
A about B under C at A in B on C above

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 6

Unit 6
Everyday English
14 Choose the correct response.

1 A: My dog ran away last night. 4 A: A dog chased my brother yesterday!

B: ....................................................................... B: .......................................................................
a How awful! a Oh my goodness!
b Don’t tell me! b Look out!

2 A: The cat is sick. 5 A: The Smiths’ pet cat got stuck up a tree.
B: ....................................................................... B: .......................................................................
a I’m not surprised! a What did they do?
b That’s a shame. b Are they ok?

3 A: We saw a baby panda being born at the zoo!

B: .......................................................................
a That’s shocking!
b I don’t believe it!

15 Read the text. Which of the prehistoric mammals (A, B or C):

1 ate only plant life? ………….. 5 had long teeth? …………..

2 was a hunter? ………….. 6 had sharp claws? …………..
3 had a long nose? ………….. 7 was hairier than an elephant? …………..
4 had a thick tail? …………..

Dinosaurs were not the only animals to roam the earth millions of years ago. Let’s take a look at some of
the world’s oldest mammals.

A Smilodon
Smilodons were prehistoric big cats. They were about the same size as a tiger but they had two huge front teeth.
These sharp teeth were used for killing prey. Smilodons were predators that fed on large plant-eaters like camels
and bison. Scientists believe that when these large animals died out, the smilidons died out too.

B Megalonyx
Megalonyx was a giant ground sloth that lived in prehistoric times. On average, they were three metres tall and
weighed a ton. Megalonyx mainly ate plants but scientists think that they also occasionally ate meat. They stood
on their back legs and balanced themselves with their thick tail to reach high into the trees. They cut their food
from the trees using their sharp claws.

C Mammoth
Mammoths were huge prehistoric mammals that looked similar to elephants. Like elephants, they were
herbivores and they had long trunks. However, unlike elephants, mammoths had thick hair to protect them from
the cold. The average mammoth weighed over eight tons and was four metres tall.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 7

Unit 6
Listening skills
16 You are going to hear two recordings. Questions 1-3 refer to Recording 1. Questions 4-6
refer to Recording 2. For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

1 Dianne first saw Buddy while 4 How did Kabang save the girls?
A working at the animal shelter. A She barked at the motorcycle.
B cleaning up rubbish on the streets. B She pushed the girls to the ground.
C driving in her car. C She jumped at the motorcycle.

2 What did Dianne do when she found Buddy? 5 Who paid for Kabang’s treatment?
A She gave him a bath. A The motorcycle driver.
B She took him to the animal shelter. B The girls’ family.
C She found him a family to live with. C People who gave money.

3 The interview takes place 6 The recording is about

A on the radio. A a brave dog.
B on television. B motorcycle safety.
C over the phone. C charity donations.

Writing: a story
17 Read the rubric, then write your story.

Your English teacher asked you to write a story. Your story must end with the sentence: “It was one of
the scariest days of my life!” In your story, you need to mention:

 an animal  an accident

Write your story (50-100 words)


© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 8

Unit 6
Pairwork Student A
Work with Student B. Ask the questions below to find out about the kangaroo. Then answer
Student B’s questions about the elephant.

The Elephant

Height: 2.5 – 4 metres

Weight: 2,000 – 6,000 kg
Food: fruits, leaves, tall grasses
Lifespan: 60-70 years
Natural habitats: African deserts & Asian

The Kangaroo

 mammal?
 which country / live?
 eat meat?
 how long / live
 what / unusual / body part?

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 9

Unit 6
Pairwork Student B
Work with Student A. Answer Student A’s questions about the kangaroo. Then ask the
questions below to find out about the elephant.

The Kangaroo

Description: large, heavy mammal

Found in: Australia only
Feeds on: grasses, flowers and leaves
Lives for: 23 years
Unusual body part: a pouch (to carry their young)

The Elephant

 how tall?
 how much / weigh?
 What / eat?
 how long / live?
 where / live?

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 10

Unit 6
Portfolio Activities
Name: ………………………………………………… Date: ………………………. Class: ...................

Write about your perfect pet. You can either write about a pet you have got already or one
you would like to have. It can be anything! In the box below draw or stick a picture of your
chosen animal.

My Perfect Pet

Type of animal: .........................................................................................................................

Description: .........................................................................................................................

Habits & Feeding: .........................................................................................................................


Reasons why it’s the perfect pet: .........................................................................................................................


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Unit 6
Play in pairs. Students answer the questions by ticking () Yes or No, and then check their
answers with the teacher. The pair with the most correct answers wins.

1 3

The least dangerous The blue whale is

Loggerhead turtle
snake in Africa is the the lightest creature
Koalas carry their eggs take 60 days
Black Mamba. in the world.
young in a pouch. to hatch.
Yes No Yes No
Yes No Yes No

5 Wolves hunt for food
in groups.
Yes No

The giraffe is the

smallest animal in
Hippos are less An ostrich can run
the world.
dangerous than up to 40 miles per
Yes No
elephants. hour.
Yes No Yes No

10 Bears are domestic

11 12
Parrots are animals.
9 Emperor penguins
omnivores. Yes No
live in Antarctica.
Yes No
Yes No

Lions are herbivores.

10 Yes No

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 12
penguins live
in Antartica.

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