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Marketing and sales survey

Sales cyle

1.What are the main lead sources?

2.How does a customer contact you to get information?

3.How are prospects recorded and tracked?

4.Who talks to potential residents?

5.How long does it take before a prospect becomes a new resident?

6.What items do you need to provide to the prospect during the sales process?

7.What steps are taken to turn an inquiry into a potential resident?

8.What types of activities?

9.Are the steps in the sales process recorded somewhere as a record for others to see?

10.How is pricing provided to the potential resident?

11.Are multiple department heads involved?


12.How are staff notified?

13.How are residents and ‘resident ambassadors’ notified?

14.When does information get shared so that other departments know that there is a potential

15 Is there a package prepared for each tour attendee?

16.Are evaluations, comments and notes recorded from all participants in the tour?

17.Where are they recorded?

18.What are your tour follow-up procedures?


19.Do you have competitors?

20.How do you track their offerings?

21.Do you track results by competitors?

22.Do you have sales literature (either your competitors’ or information you’ve created) that
helps address customer concerns during sales?

23.Do you associate competitors with products of yours to understand how they compete?

24.Who should maintain competitive information?


25.What things need to change to make sales more effective?

26.What things need to stay the same?

27.What sales reports are used?



29.How do you plan and budget your marketing campaigns?

30.How do you track marketing costs, activities and schedule for each campaign?

31.Do you formulate special invitations and events based on the potential resident interests?

32.Do you have the capability to define/refine/mix lists of prospects/residents/contact for

different campaigns?

33.Do you have a track of campaign responses from prospects?

34.How do you track lead sources?

35.How do you measure campaign performance?

36.Do you control results against former campaigns?

37.Across multiple communities?

38.Do you have referral programs in place?

39.With Residents?


41.Third Parties?

42.How are the results and rewards monitored?

43.What are your current most productive marketing tools?

44.Do you have a nurture campaign-newsletter program or regular e-letters?

45.Does your community have special focus?

46.How does your marketing reflect this specialty?

47.What types of reports are used in relation to marketing automation?

48.What marketing literature do you use?


49.Is data maintained to identify trend and/or performance for different campaigns?

50.Do you have a 360-degree for “Resident View” in order to understand resident behavior,
frequent contact channels, and preferences?

51.How do you analyze resident demographics and operational (CRM-related) data in order to
generate “Resident Insight”?

52.Are metrics shared between all of your communities?


53.Do you have sales stages that your sales team follows?

54.Could you benefit from selecting values (for the potential sale) and probabilities for each

55.Do you schedule activities around these potential deals?

56.Are there some characteristics that you may want to capture for opportunities?

57.Can you forecast closure dates for your opportunities so that you can get an accurate picture
of what type of business may be occurring in a specific time frame?

58.Can you forecast revenue and probability of closure?

59.Do you have sales stages that your sales team follows?

Community outreach

60.Do you track information about outreach partners?

61.If so what characteristics are important?

62.Where is the information about outreach partners kept?

63.Do you categorize these organizations and individuals?

64.Does your marketing team have specific outreach targets?

65.How are these monitored?

66.What methods of communication do you use to keep in touch with your accounts?

67.Do you have a database of existing data?

68.If so what format is it in?

69.Do you use social media to communicate, research, and monitor your outreach partners?

70.Do you monitor news feeds about you major partner organizations and individuals?

Sales literature

71.Do you have sales literature (for example, brochures, pictures, or any type of marketing
materials) that you send out to customers?
72.Where do you store this literature? Is it electronic?

73.Does a third-party print it for you?

74.Can it be incorporated into Retirement Home Software?

75.Do you want to develop literature that you can send out to prospects in either electronic or
paper form?

76.Should someone be in charge of this, or can anybody add new literature?

Task,activities and events

77.Do you keep track of the activities or events that salespeople participate in that generate
new business or sales?

78.What types of activities do your salespeople participate in?

79.Do you have defined follow-up procedures?

80.Are metrics used to monitor performance?

81.Are they analyzed against targets. Are your metrics effort based or result based?


82.What types of information are important to capture in reports?

83.What type of metrics do you intend to capture for internal reporting?

84.Will you be doing any external reporting?

85.Do your users have the ability to create their own userrelated reports?

86.How do you manage this?

1 = Disagree
2 = Mostly Disagree
3 = Somewhat Agree
4 = Agree
5 = Fully Agree

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