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Pg. 1 The Rainbow Language: The Color and Sound of Hebrew! Gen. 9: 12 16. I.

. The Rainbow Covenant made with Noah, is crucial to our understanding of what Father is doing at this hour. Therefore, as we set the stage, we must remember that YHVH had destroyed the earth as a result of the corruption of the Seed-line of Man with that of the Fallen Ones. We see the Adulterous Bride judged by the Bitter Waters of the Flood, and all perish but a remnant Noah and 7 others! 8 is the number of New Beginnings and the Hebrew letter Chet, the letter drawn upon the doorposts of Israel at Pesach, the letter depicting the Loins of procreation! Thus, YHVH is reiterating His promise to redeem the Bride, and release the Seed of His Word in her! This same scenario is going to be played out in the End Days (Matt. 24:37) and is in fact, already in progress! How do we become like Noah and not compromise? Remember Chet depicts a fenced-off place, the enclave devoted to intimacy with the Bride. It is hidden and off limits to everyone else! The Chet is unique, in that the Paleo Letter Chet is said to resemble a fence, however, if set perpendicular, it could also portray a ladder as in Jacobs ladder, or the loins (waist and upper thighs) of the man visible upon the earth! The reason it is the letter and number of LIFE & NEW BEGINNINGS! I also believe these 22 letters would resemble the form of a man if laid out upon the earth, like the Tabernacle Man pattern! Lets look at the language of this promise: Gen. 9: 13. I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. Set, #5414, Nathan, to place, put, spread out. The numeric value of Nathan, Nun-50, Tav-400, Nun-50 = 500, the same as the Hebrew words, #8269 & 8270, Sar. It means prince, ruler, chief one, priest. It can also mean Navel - umbilical cord, or body, flesh. It is the root stem of Basar flesh! [Bet house of, Sar the Chief One]. This is important, because YHVH is alluding to the

Rainbow functioning as the UMBILICAL CORD OF THE PRINCE. DNA travels through the cord from mother to child and pieces are transferred to both! [Mary-Yahshua]. Could Jacobs ladder also depict an umbilical cord carrying the DNA of the Son into the earth? Bow, #7198, qesheth, *Note the Hebrew phrase:

et qashti, Alef-Tav - My Bow! It is translated:

Bow, rainbow. The gematria of qesheth, Qof-100, Shin-300, Tav-400 = 800, the value of the final form of the letter Pey mouth. 80x10, 10 = order. It is also the gematria of Alef-Tet which, means secrecy, to conceal. This is a picture of the order of what issues out of His Mouth being made secret & concealed yet revealed to those in Covenant! Cloud, #6051, ` anan, translated cloud, but if we break the word apart, we see the letter Ayin a well, womb, to see, perceive, and Nun-Nun life. Token, #226, owth, sign, signal, mark, to cut in, engrave. Covenant, #1285, briyth, covenant, treaty. We know the normal two-letter root, Bet-Resh can mean son, bar. However, the Resh-Yod-Tav connection is intriguing as well, it infers to be indulgent, lenient, to pity. This reveals the nature of the heart of the Father! Our extrapolated definition I do place, in the House of the Chief One, My bow, the Alef-Tav (releasing out of My mouth secrets concealed in the Well [womb-Mem] of Life) engraved there as a Sign between Me and the earth! It is no accident the number of Hebrew letters in this sentence equal 39, the number of stripes (40-1) (Deut. 25: 3) when one was to be scourged. Lets examine IS. 53:5 where were told, with His stripes we are healed. Healed #7495, rapha', implies far more than physical healing - actually inferring to MEND, REPAIR, TO SEW TOGETHER. THESE STRIPES #2250, , chabbuwrah, in this context tell us these stripes were STROKES ON THE SKIN, LIKE WORDS WRITTEN ON A SCROLL! Ironically, Light, Sound, and Color, which are all connected to the HEBREW LANGUAGE, each nourish and affect the Body! Thus, the Stripes would have affected us in multiple areas of our bodies,

Spirit, Soul, & Flesh. In fact, Music- Sound & Color-Light are harmonics of each other. For example: The Musical note C on the piano is 256 cycles, while one octave higher (high C) is 512, go up 39 octaves STRIPES and double the number and you get the vibratory rate of the color RED, making the two exact harmonics of each other! It is this color of blood that marked each stroke on the LIVING TORAH MADE FLESH YAHSHUA! The Gematria of Chabbuwrah, (Stripes) Chet-8, Bet-2, Vav-6, Resh-200, Hey-5 = 221, is the same as: Yori, Yod-Alef-Resh-Yod, He (YHVH) gives light and #3138, yoreh, the Early Rain that fell during the Fall Festivals. Yeor is also the Hebrew word for NILE (The River of Egypt). This ancient river was connected to the Constellation Canis Major and in particular the Dog Star Sirius, the brightest star in the heavens! Karl Guthe Jansky a physicist at Bell Laboratories in 1932 proved that stars emit both light and sound (radio waves)! This word stripes then, connects us again to both sound and light. Why would a rainbow be able to convey a message, if any, and what could the message possibly be? Remember, Noahs flood was a foreshadowing of Numbers 5:23, where the Adulterous bride had her curses written in a book, #5612, sepher, Samech Pey Resh, the two-letter root, Sap, #5592, means a cup or bowl and also a threshold, the boundary crossed over as one enters the Marriage Covenant. These words were written and had water poured over them, washing them, along with the dust of the Tabernacle floor (Genesis 3: 19 #6083, aphar, written Ayin-Pey-Resh: Pey-Resh, par = the fruit of our lips) into the Cup of bitterness from which she drank. The Rainbow is a Sign of this same Covenant this sign conveys a message/words AND APPEARS ONLY WHEN WATER IS POURED OVER IT washing it into the earth! Thus, a promise to not destroy the earth with the Bitter Waters of Jealousy a flood - is written in the Rainbow to remind us Messiah paid the penalty. The Rainbow (language) appears after a season of exile: Noah, Israels 430 years, and now after 2730 years of exile, as were being released the RAINBOW APPEARS AGAIN! Zeph. 3: 8 tells us YHVH is determined to gather #622, acaph. This word means to gather, collect, but it is also the root of Joseph. This could say, I am going to JOSEPH the Nations! Curiously, this verse contains ALL 22 LETTERS OF THE HEBREW ALEF-BET, INCLUDING THE 5 FINAL FORMS. Is Joseph somehow connected with this cup of jealousy and the language being offered to the world? Ps. 81: 5 Yah ordained a testimony,

(#7760, suwm, to appoint, to change, to charge. It also conveys the idea of the placement or laying of beams in a wall, or THE IMPRINTING OF A SEAL ON SOMETHING) in Joseph, #3084, Yhowceph, to make doubly fruitful. *NOTE THE ADDITION OF THE HEBREW LETTER HEY IN BOTH WORDS AN ANOMALY ASSOICATED WTTH YHVH ADDING A LETTER OF HIS NAME INTO THAT OF JOSEPH ESPECIALLY AT THE END! Remember Gen. 44:2 and Josephs silver cup placed in the mouth of the sack of Benjamin? Silver, #3701, keceph, *Note the Samech-Pey again! Cup, bowl. Interestingly, the Samech and Shin are interchangeable, thus it could read Shin-Pey, sap, the word for LIP MOUTH. The Kaf, represents authority, ownership, it was the Kaf engraved upon the land that proved Israels title deed. Thus, Joseph had the Authority of the MOUTH, WORDS, and LANGUAGE! He like YAHSHUA WENT DOWN TO EGYPT! Cup, #1375, gbiya`, cup, bowl, the golden cups and calyx on the flowers of the Menorah. The calyx is the hard cover protecting the SEED! Joseph is the one teaching the Torah to the Nations NOT JUDAH! At present, there is a great rift between Judah & Joseph, with both misunderstanding the others place in the Kingdom! This was apparent during Messiahs 1st coming also, as He declares, I come in my Fathers Name (Jn.5: 43) and then that He only came for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel! (Matt. 10:6, 15: 24) What was Yahshuas name in Hebrew? The same as Joshua, #3091, Yehowshuwa: curiously, his name was originally, #1954, Howshea`, this is the same name as Hosea who married the harlot and whose children epitomize the scattering of the House of Israel! The Pharisees, like today WANTED NO PART IN THE GATHERING IN OF THE GENTILE NATIONS. The same is reiterated in the parable of the Prodigal Son in Lk. 15. Back to the Rainbow

Rainbows only occur when moisture refracts or bends the light, revealing colors. Throughout Torah, Light and Word are synonymous. Thus, when YHVH says, let there be light, He speaks or vocalizes the light! He slows the light down so that it can be heard or seen in the physical realm! Most Physicists agree that light is speeded up sound, and sound is slowed down light. If you slow down lights frequency 40 times you have a frequency within the parameters of sound. If you speed sound by doubling it 40 times you have a frequency within lights parameters! The number 40 is associated with trials, testing, proving. It is written in Hebrew with the letter Mem, meaning WOMB & the number of Chaotic Waters just like Gen. 1:2 where the waters/Mem of Creation were in Chaos! Thus, when light-word, is spoken - sounded into the Waters of the Womb - conception takes place! Humans are 90 94% water! Therefore, light when it is released into these water vessels, becomes sound! The #90 is written with a Tzade-meaning righteousness, 94 is written Tzade-Dalet, #6654, tsad, the side of the body! It was out of the Side of Righteous Adam & Messiah that His Bride was formed from the DNA of ADAM-MESSIAH! Dr. Bruce Lipton, PH.D professor of Anatomy at St. Georges University School of Medicine teaches that cells are liquid crystals! Exposing them to an energy source such as light, radio waves, musical notes and colors, causes them to resonate sympathetically and even change physical shape NO WONDER THE ROCKS CRY OUT!! The Coat of Many Colors! II. Is it possible that Adam and Eve are clothed with this same light, the rainbow of Color, sound, known as the Word? For an example, lets look at Josephs coat. Gen. 37:3 Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he [was] the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of [many] colours. Coat, #3801, kthoneth, a fem. noun indicating a coat, a garment, it is cognate with Kaf-tav, to write. The Nun-Tav, is

the root of #5410, to pave the way, a pathway. This is the same word used in Gen. 3: 21, where YHVH makes the same type COAT for Adam and Eve. The coat then, represents a paving of the way for what is to be written. Colors, #6446, pas, a long coat or tunic, richly ornamented and multi-colored. This garment was worn by the first-born as a sign of inheritance. Thus, Joseph who would have had the right of firstborn, wore the same tunic as Adam, the firstborn, and later, Yahshua, whose tunic was gambled over and not torn. The Pey-Samech is the two-letter root of Pesech or Passover! Ironically, the plural form of Pas, passiym, spelled backwards gives you Mem-from, out of, YOD-Samech-Pey, JOSEPH! Indicating a connection to Joseph as the source of this Coat of Colors light word, in the last Days! This garment, Kethoneth, rests upon the shoulders of the wearer. Zeph. 3:9 For I will turn to the people a pure language, [#8193, saphah, to become visible. It also means the lip, language, edge, and border, as in a cup (of divination). The two-letter root stem, Shin-Pey is etymologically the same as Samech-Pey and infers a cup or bowl [the root of Joseph] that they may call upon the name of YHVH to serve Him with one consent, #7926, shkem, shoulder, consent. This is the name of the valley located between the Mountains of Ebal and Gerizm the blessings and cursing of the Torah! Ezekiels Two Sticks III. It is made very plain in Torah - the intent of YHVH is to reconcile the two estranged houses of Israel. The pattern will follow that of Joseph, who was not identifiable to his brothers until he spoke Hebrew & showed his circumcision to his brothers. Ezekiel tells us the TWO will be melded into ONE stick. Ezek. 37:16. Stick, #6086, ` ets, tree, wood, timber. It also in its plural form, Etsem, means, bones. The numerical value of ETS = 160, the same as Ben Chanan a son of Judah, known as the The Son of Pity.The bones are where DNA residue is found long after the flesh dies. Josephs bones were carried out of Egypt and buried at Shechem, thus the connection is irrefutable! The sticks of Judah

and Joseph will become One, in Messiah, the ETZ CHAIM, THE TREE OF LIFE! At present, our UNCIRCUMCISED LIPS & our disconnect from Torah and the Hebrew language must be acknowledged and dealt with. Moshe declared he himself had uncircumcised lips after being in exile 40 years (Ex. 6:12). The Zohar infers that without Torah (HEBREW) and community the fellowship of others Moshes lips were obstructed. His impediment was not physical but spiritual. We need the UNITY OF THE WHOLE HOUSE AND THE RESTORATION OF THE LANGUAGE OF TORAH HEBREW, TO BE ABLE TO SHOW JUDAH OUR OWN CIRCUMCISED LIPS.

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