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1-Potassium, sodium and lithium do not react vigorously with water
and oxygen, and violently with dilute acids. ( )
2-Zinc, iron, and lead react FAST with dilute acids and cold
water. ( )
3-Silver, gold and platinum do not react with water, dilute
acids, or oxygen at normal conditions. ( )
4-The reactivity series, metals at the DOWN have very vigorous
reactions, metals are the bottom are unreactive. ( )
5-The reaction of surface atoms of a metal with oxygen, or
other substances is called reaction . ( )
1-Gold is reactive, denser than sand and gravel. ( )
2-Iron is not a vital metal ( )
3-Carbon is less reactive than iron. ( )
4-Carbon removes iron from iron oxide. ( )
5-Zinc and metals above zinc in the reactivity series, can be
extracted from their oxides by heating with carbon, because
carbon is more reactive than these metals. ( )

balanced or un balanced
1- Mg + O == MgO (unbalanced)
2- 2Mg + O == 2MgO (balanced)
3- Li +O == LiO (unbalced)
4- 4Li +O == 2Li O (balanced)
5- Zn + 2HCl == ZnCl +H ( un balanced)
6. Na + O2 == Na2O (unbalanced)

balance the equations below

Fe + HCl == FeCl + H2

ZnO + C == CO2 + Zn

2K +2 H2O == 2KOH + H2

Circle the odd one

gold copper platinum iron

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