Homework Task-Getting To Know You!

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Homework task- Getting to know you!

Write two short paragraphs:

1.Write about things you like doing in your free time. Describe the

activities, the people, when you do this....

In my free time, I like to go out whit my family, know new places, sometimes I watch series at Netflix, but
the most thing that I like is been whit my daughter, reed histories for her, learned to together languages,
and study general culture or maybe the theme de History ancient for example "Greek gods", too I walk
in the park the center city , and the weekend I stay at home and cook something very special, like a
lasagna or Chinese food.
2.Write about your plans for the future. What would you like to be doing in

5 years’ time?

My plan for the future, Is be traductor, and works in ONG that helps immigrants persons, help them a integration a the
society, because I know that is so hard be in a new country, culture, languages.

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