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KELAS : VI (ENAM) NAMA : ...........................

MATA PELAJARAN : BAHASA INGGRIS NOMOR : ...........................
WAKTU : SD : ………………..
TANGGAL : NILAI :..............
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c or d!
(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (X) huruf a, b, c atau d)
1. What animal is this ?
A. Tiger
B. Elephant
C. Crocodile
D. Rhinoceros
2. I have long body. I move using my stomach. I am poisonous. I am a . . .
A. Wolf B. Cobra C. Komodo D. Lizard
3. It is wild animal. It is crocodile. It eats . . .
A. Grass B. Vegetable C. Meat D. Fruit
4. Does the eagle eat meat ?
A. No. The eagle does
B. No. The eagle does not
C. Yes. The eagle does
D. Yes. The eagle does not
5. Is this a rhinoceros ?
A. Yes. This is
B. Yes. This is not
C. No. This is
D. No. This is not
6. They . . . panda, but they don’t like leopard.
A. Like B. Likes C. Doesn’t like D. Don’t like
7. She doesn’t like girrafe, but she . . . zebra.
A. Like B. Likes C. Doesn’t like D. Don’t like
8. You like komodo, but you . . . like eagle.
A. Didn’t B. Did C. Doesn’t D. Don’t
9. I like this food because this food is from East Java.
What is this ?
A. Gudeg
B. Pecel Rice
C. Gaado-gado
D. Meatball
10. Its shape is round. It is made from meat. It is from East Java. What is it ?
A. Pepes B. Rendang C. Meatball D. Soto
11. Is Soto Banjar from West Kalimantan ?
A. Yes. It is
B. Yes. It is not
C. No. It is not
D. No. It is
12. Arrange these words into good sentences !
Rendang – from – food – is – sumatera- west
A. Rendang is food from Sumatera West
B. Rendang food is from Sumatera West
C. Rendang is from food West Sumatera
D. Rendang is food from West Sumatera
13. Indonesian traditional food from Jakarta is . . .
A. Chicken Opors B. Satay C. Uduk Rice D. Pepes
14. What is this ?
A. Gado-gado
B. Gudeg
C. Satay
D. Rawon
15. This is made from fish with special seasonings and was cooked by steaming. It is a . . .
A. Soto Banjar B. Gudeg C. Pepes D. Meatball
16. This is . . . . It is from Yogyakarta.
A. Soto Banjar B. Gudeg C. Pepes D. Meatball
17. The inventor of electric bulb is . . .
A. Thomas Alva Edison
B. Karl Benz
C. Alexander Graham Bell
D. C. Marconi
18. Johann Zahn invented a . . .
A. Radio B. Telephone C. Camera D. Battery
19. Who is the inventor of camera ?
A. Johannes Gutttenberg C. Civrac
B. Johann Zahn D. Galileo-Galilei
20. Who is he ?
A. Thomas Alva Edison
B. Karl Benz
C. Alexander Graham Bell
D. C.Marconi
21. Was the inventor of aeroplane Rene Laennec ?
A. Yes. He was B. Yes. He was not C. No. He was D. No. He was not
22. The train was invented by . . .
A. William Murdocks
B. Zacharias Jansen
C. Civrac
D. Volta
23. It was invented by . . .
A. Galileo-Galilei
B. Volta
C.Thomas Alva Edison

D.Karl Benz
24. He was invented . . . He is Johannes Guttenberg
A. Television B. Printer C. Radio D. Camera
25. The inventor of Thermometer was . . .
A. Zacharias Jansen
B. C. Marconi
C. Galileo-Galilei
D. Volta

II. Fill the blank below !

(Isilah titik-titik dibawah ini !)

1. We . . . shark, but we don’t like wolf.
2. I have long neck. I have four feet and I eat leafs or grass. I am a . . .
3. Crocodile, wolf and tiger are kinds of . . . animal.
4. I am Indonesian vegetable salad. I served with peanut sauce. I am from Betawi, I am . . .
5. Rawon is food from . . .
6. Rendang and Padang rice are food from . . .
7. Did Civrac invent a bicycle ?
8. That was invented by . . .

9. What did Johannes Guttenberg invent ?

10. Who is he ?

III. Answer the questions below !

(Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini !)
1. Mention 3 wild animals !
2. This is . . .
It lives in . . .
It eats . . .
3. Mention 3 foods are from East Java !
4. What did they invent ?
a. C. Marconi =
b. Rene Laennec =
5. He is . . .

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