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A non-believer would use this graph below because of how in the past 2000 years there have
been variations in temperature. As we can see, there seems to be a pattern where a warm
period ends, a small ice age starts. 


a) NA

b) Since 1950 there has been a dramatic increase in global temperatures

- Ongoing temperature recordings done by scientists using thermometers have shown a
clear warming of the earth’s temperature in the past few decades

- There has been a 0.85 degrees Celsius increase on average land and ocean temperature
since the 19th century
- In the northern hemisphere, the period between 1983 and 2012 was the warmest 30-year
period in the past 1400 years
- Over the past 50 to 100 years, photographic evidence has shown that the world's glaciers
have been melting, which has caused them to retreat

4. The overall trend in greenhouse gases on this diagram represent that the rise in carbon
dioxide is much more substantial than other greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous
oxide. Synthetic greenhouse gases on the other hand has shown to have a dramatic increase
in the 20th century, but had started to rise slowly again in the early 2000s.

Exercise 8:

1(a) Cairns climate is quite straight forward, being hotter in the first 4 months and last 2 months. From
months 5 – 10 being the coldest months of the year, but then slowly increasing in temperature as the
year goes on.

(b) This may have an impact on the climate being much hotter as there is not a lot of rain but the storms
with have a longer lasting effect on the climate than the shorter ones do.

2(a) Yes, there does seem to be a correlation between the amount to phosphorus particulate and the
amount of coral bleaching

3. Because there would be more nutrients running into the sea and have bigger impact on the bleaching
of the coral.

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