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John Ezekiel Ocampo BME_2202

BSA1F 2/01/2023

Module 2: Individual Indifferences

1. What are individual differences and why are they important to

organizational behavior?

Individual Differences are the distinct characteristics of a person compared to another. It

is the difference that make a person unique and different to another person. In the
context of organizational behavior, it is important because it serves as a variable to the
overall performance of an organization. Managers should be able to manage the
differentiation of personalities of his/her employees as it will dictate the output of such
tasks. They should be able to influence the feelings, thoughts and behaviors of their
employees to create a much more healthier working environment as well as create
harmony in an organization.

2. What is more influential in determining personality: Nature or nurture?

Nurture is more influential in determining our personality as compared to nature for the
reason being that our moral compass serves influence our decisions thus reflecting our
personality. In an experiment of Albert Bandura, Bobo dolls are utilized to determine the
argument on hand. The experiment showed that children are able to learn social
behavior through the process of observation, learning through watching the behavior of
another person. This goes to show that despite of our very nature, our environment can
heavily impact the personality we might develop in our daily lives.

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