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Project: Owner: Revision No:

Tilal Al-Narjis Project

Developer: Consultant: Contractor

Tilal Al-Narjis Project

for Painting

Issue Status & Description Issued for Approval 

Document Rev No. Issued Date Prepared by Checked By Approved By

Project: Owner: Revision No:

Tilal Al-Narjis Project

Developer: Consultant: Contractor


1. INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………………… 3

2. SCOPE ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

3. RESPONSIBILITIES ……………………………………………………………………………. 3

4. MATERIALS ………………………………………………………………………………………. 4

5. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING …………………………………………. 5

6. WORK PROCEDURE …………………………………………………………………………… 5

7. SAFETY ………………………….………………………………………………............ 12

8. References and attachment ……………………………………….……………........ 12

Project: Owner: Revision No:

Tilal Al-Narjis Project

Developer: Consultant: Contractor


Paints are the expression of ideas and emotions, with the creation of certain
aesthetic qualities, in a two-dimensional visual language. The elements of this
language—its shapes, lines, colours, tones, and textures—are used in various ways
to produce sensations of volume, space, movement, and light on a flat surface
specially to modern houses.


The scope of this procedure covers the steps to be followed for the architectural
painting works. This includes general requirements for materials, tools, equipment,
and all services and operations necessary for the complete supply, preparation, and
application of the following scope of works:

a. Preparatory works/pre-construction
b. Surface preparation
c. Primer application
d. Paint application (as per manufacturer’s recommendation/standard)
e. 1st coat and final coat application (as per manufacturer’s
f. Repair/rectification works (if any)



Have the responsibility of the management or control of a work place, with their
area of authority, and must ensure this procedure is implemented. They shall
maintain Hazard and Risk register and appropriate signage for their work place; and
shall ensure that site Senior Engineer assigned for the management and execution of
work within their area of authority.

Project: Owner: Revision No:

Tilal Al-Narjis Project

Developer: Consultant: Contractor


Have the responsibility of the management, supervise and control of a work place,
with their area of authority, and must ensure this procedure is implemented. They
shall maintain Hazard and Risk register and appropriate signage for their work place;
and shall ensure that site Senior Engineer assigned for the management and
execution of work within their area of authority. Always report the progress of work
to Project Manager.


Has The responsibility in all activities on site are carried out in accordance the
construction drawing and take care all worker to be work with their responsibilities
and make a decision when some non-conformance occurring their report to senior


Responsible to monitor the execution and performance of the works in relation to

this method statement, approved drawings and material speciation; detect and
report non-conformance: ensure that all non-conformance; ensure that all
conformance products or activities identified are reported; purpose the corrective
and preventive action where possible and appropriate and record the completion
the Non Conformance by Report format.


Responsible in ensuring that all activities are carried out safety patrol at the site.
Establishing the site safety plan, conducting continuous safety inspection and stop
any work deemed unsafe and a risk to personal. Taking action to rectify the unsafe
condition and report to Safety manager


Project: Owner: Revision No:

Tilal Al-Narjis Project

Developer: Consultant: Contractor

Paint. Ladders
Paint roller. Spray guns
Paint roller extension pole. Putty
Drop cloths.
Paint tray.
Painter's tape.


All painting materials will be handled and transported and unloaded at site strictly as
per manufacturers instruction.

Materials to be delivered in sealed containers shall be clearly labeled with the

following information:

Manufacturer’s name, initials, or recognized trademark

Title and specification number
Whether the material is primer, undercoat, or finishing coat
Whether the material is for internal or external use, where appropriate
Color reference
Method of application
Batch number and date of manufacture or re-test
No paint is to be used more than 18 months after manufacture or re-test.

Materials found not suitable for site use will be removed immediately.

Replace materials that are damaged or unfit for use.

Replace materials that are damaged or unfit for use.

No materials will be permitted to enter the work location without being inspected
and approved by the Engineer.


Project: Owner: Revision No:

Tilal Al-Narjis Project

Developer: Consultant: Contractor

6.1 External Painting Works

6.1.1. Surface Preparation

Before painting commences all surfaces in the work area are to be washed and
scrubbed clean of debris and every possible precaution taken to keep down the dust.
No paint is to be applied to surfaces structurally or superficially damp and all
surfaces must be ascertained to be free from condensation, efflorescence, etc.,
before the application of each coat.

The surface shall be checked for evenness, flatness, and true level. Any substrate
surface found uneven, bulging, with undulations, and out of tolerance shall be

The surface to be painted or the substrate must be clean, dry, and free of dirt, dust,
grease oil, soap, was and mildew.

Ensure substrate is clear of any defects, nails holes, cracks, and surface

Check and test the surface moisture (for concrete substrate) prior to primer

6.1.2. Substrate

Remove release agents, curing compounds, efflorescence, and chalk.

Do not paint surfaces if moisture content or alkalinity of surfaces exceeds that

permitted in the manufacturer’s written recommendations.

Remove dust, dirt, and other foreign material that might impair the bond of paints to

Remove rust, loose mill scale, and shop primer from metal surfaces. Clean using
methods recommended in writing by the paint manufacturer.

Blast cleaning shall achieve finish preparation grade Sa 2.5 in accordance with BS EN
ISO 8501: Part 1, and control quality in accordance with BS 5493, BS EN ISO 12944:
Parts 1-8, and BS EN ISO 14713.

Clean site welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of shop paint, and paint
exposed areas with the same material as used for shop priming in accordance with
SSPC-PA 1 for touching up shop-primed surfaces.
Project: Owner: Revision No:

Tilal Al-Narjis Project

Developer: Consultant: Contractor

Remove grease and oil residue from galvanized surfaces fabricated from coil stock by
mechanical methods to produce clean, lightly etched surfaces that promote
adhesion of subsequently applied paints.\Remove loose surface oxidation from
aluminum substrates.

6.1.3. Products

Exterior Acrylic Paint

Description: Pure acrylic textured heat reflective coating applied to external walls as
indicated on the design drawings.

Substrate: Rendered exterior masonry wall substrate at the location indicated on the
design drawings.

Color: As indicated on the design drawings.

6.1.4. Application

Workmanship shall generally be in accordance with BS 8000. Apply paints according

to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Use only materials/components from the same production batch in the same area to
prevent banding, patchiness or other visual variations.

Apply coatings to clean, dust-free, suitably dry surfaces in dry atmospheric

conditions and after any previous coats have cured adequately.

Apply coatings evenly to give a smooth finish of uniform thickness and color free
from brush marks, nibs, sags runs, and other defects.

There shall be an interval of at least the period recommended by the manufacturer

between successive coats of paint.

Ensure that an adequate drying/ curing period for each coat has elapsed before

Multiple coats of the same material shall be of a different tint to ensure that each
coat provides complete coverage.

Consideration shall be given to the correct choice of color for the undercoat such
that it complements the finished topcoat color and avoids any color variation
showing through the topcoat.

Project: Owner: Revision No:

Tilal Al-Narjis Project

Developer: Consultant: Contractor

Use application and techniques suited for paint and substrate indicated.

a. Paint surfaces behind movable equipment and furniture same as similar exposed
surfaces. Before final installation, paint surfaces behind permanently fixed
equipment or furniture with prime coat only.

b. Paint both sides and edges of exterior doors and the entire exposed surface of
exterior door frames.

c. Paint the entire exposed surface of window frames and sashes.

d. Paint front and backsides of access panels, removable or hinged cover, and similar
hinged items to match exposed surfaces.

Do not paint over labels of independent testing agencies or equipment names,

identification, performance rating, or nomenclature plates.

Primer specified in painting schedules may be omitted on items that are factory-
primed or factory finished if acceptable to topcoat manufacturers.

If undercoats or other conditions show through the topcoat, apply additional coats
until the cured film has a uniform paint finish, color, and appearance.

Apply initial coats as soon as practical after surface preparations, allow surfaces to
dry 24 hours minimum between coatings unless shorted periods are permitted in the
manufacturer’s printed recommendations.

Oil-based stoppers/filters shall be applied after priming, water-based stoppers/fillers

shall be used before priming unless otherwise recommended in writing by the
manufacturer. Water-based stoppers/fillers shall be patched after priming.

Apply paints to produce surface films without cloudiness, spotting, holidays, laps,
brush-marks, roller track, runs, sags, ropiness, or other surface imperfections, cut in
sharp lines and color breaks.

Paint coatings as per the below guidelines:

a. Initial Coat(s): Apply a single coat of solvent-based penetrating primer/sealer.

b. Intermediate Coat (s): Apply two (2) full coats of pure acrylic textured, flexible,
breathable anti-carbonation coating.

c. Finishing Coat (s): Apply two (2) coats of high-quality pure acrylic, water-based

Project: Owner: Revision No:

Tilal Al-Narjis Project

Developer: Consultant: Contractor

d. Thickness of each coat shall be as recommended by the manufacturer to suit the


6.1.5. Repair works (if any)

Any works completed and get damaged shall be repaired with the same materials.

Apply spot primer and body coat (1st coat) to the affected area. Smoothen the
surface with sandpaper.

Apply 2nd coat or final paint to the affected area and let it dry.

Repeat the same procedure for other areas if any.

6.2 Internal Painting Works

6.2.1. Surface Preparation-Method Statement for Painting Works

The substrate must be sound, clean, dry, free from dust, oil, grease, and laitance,
etc. The surfaces shall be checked for evenness, flatness, and true level. Any
substrate surface found uneven, bulging, with undulations, and out of tolerance shall
be repaired/rectified.

Ensure substrate is clear of any defects, nails holes, cracks, and surface

Check and test the surface moisture (for concrete substrate) prior to primer

Sandown to receive a smooth surface finish and remove chalk dust.

6.2.2. Substrate

Remove release agents, curing compounds, efflorescence, and chalk.

Do not paint surfaces if moisture content or alkalinity of surfaces exceeds that

permitted in the manufacturer’s written recommendations.

Remove dust, dirt, and other foreign material that might impair the bond of paints to
Project: Owner: Revision No:

Tilal Al-Narjis Project

Developer: Consultant: Contractor

Remove rust, loose mill scale, and shop primer from metal surfaces. Clean using
methods recommended in writing by the paint manufacturer.

Blast cleaning shall achieve finish preparation grade Sa 2.5 in accordance with BS EN
ISO 8501: Part 1, and control quality in accordance with BS 5493, BS EN ISO 12944:
Parts 1-8, and BS EN ISO 14713.

Clean site welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of shop paint, and paint
exposed areas with the same material as used for shop priming in accordance with
SSPC-PA 1 for touching up shop-primed surfaces.

Remove grease and oil residue from galvanized surfaces fabricated from coil stock by
mechanical methods to produce clean, lightly etched surfaces that promote
adhesion of subsequently applied paints.\Remove loose surface oxidation from
aluminum substrates.

6.2.3. Products

Type PT-101 Emulsion Paint – Dry Areas

a. Description: Acrylic base emulsion paint system, to wall and ceiling substrate at
interior areas, as indicated on the design drawings.

b. Substrate: indicated on the design drawings.

c. Finish/Color: Refer to finishes schedule and shall comply with RAL color chart.

d. Paint application
► Initial Coat: One (1) No. coat of primer compatible with the substrate and
finishing coat, in accordance with the recommendation of the finishing coat
► Intermediate Coat: Apply two (2) No. coats of Stucco, an acrylic co-polymer-based
► Finishing Coat: Two (2) No. coats emulsion paint to achieve a nominal dry film
thickness (DFT) in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation.

Type PT-111 Emulsion Paint – Wet Areas

a. Description: 100 % pure acrylic, high crack tolerant, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial
emulsion paint with high washable properties, applied to walls and slab soffit at
interior areas as indicated on the design drawings.

Project: Owner: Revision No:

Tilal Al-Narjis Project

Developer: Consultant: Contractor

b. Substrate: indicated on the design drawings.

c. Color: As indicated on the design drawings/finishes schedule.

d. Paint application
► Initial Coat (s): Apply a single coat of emulsion primer or PVA primer.
► Intermediate Coat: Apply two (2) No. coats of Stucco, an acrylic co-polymer-based
► Finishing Coat: Apply Two (2) coats of paint to achieve a nominal dry film
thickness (DFT) of 40-60 microns per coat in accordance with the manufacturer’s

e. Paint Properties
► Gloss level: 12-18 in accordance with EN ISO 2813 (60º)
► Volume Solids Content: 36 ± 2 %.
► VOC Content: 29.75 g/l when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, subpart D (EPA
Method 24).
► Washable/Scrub resistance: 15,000 scrubs when tested in accordance with DIN
► Surface Spread of Flame: Class 1 in accordance with BS 476: Part 7.
► Fungus Growth Rating: No growth when tested in accordance with BS 3900.
► Application: Roller, Brush, or Spray.

Type PT-195 Anti-Carbonation Paint

a. Description: High reflective anti-carbonation coating to interior walls, columns,

and soffits at the location indicated on the design drawings.
b. Finish/Color: Refer to finishes schedule.
c. Preparation: In accordance with the paint manufacturer’s recommendation.
d. Paint application
► Initial Coat: One (1) No. coat of high-quality water bases acrylic co-polymer-based
alkali resistant primer with volume solids not less the 34 ± 2 %.
► Finishing Coat: Apply two (2) coats of high-quality water-based pure acrylic
reflective anti-carbonation topcoat with volume solids not less than 38 ± 2%.

6.2.4. Application

Workmanship shall generally be in accordance with BS 8000. Apply paints according

to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Use only materials/components from the same production batch in the same area to
prevent banding, patchiness, or other visual variations.

Apply coatings to clean, dust-free, suitably dry surfaces in dry atmospheric

conditions and after any previous coats have cured adequately.
Project: Owner: Revision No:

Tilal Al-Narjis Project

Developer: Consultant: Contractor

Apply coatings evenly to give a smooth finish of uniform thickness and color free
from brush marks, nibs, sags runs, and other defects.

There shall be an interval of at least the period recommended by the manufacturer

between successive coats of paint. Ensure that an adequate drying/ curing period for
each coat has elapsed before handling.

Multiple coats of the same material shall be of a different tint to ensure that each
coat provides complete coverage. Consideration shall be given to the correct choice
of color for the undercoat such that it complements the finished topcoat color and
avoids any color variation showing through the topcoat.

Use application and techniques suited for paint and substrate indicated. · Paint
surfaces behind movable equipment and furniture same as similar exposed surfaces.
Before final installation, paint surfaces behind permanently fixed equipment or
furniture with prime coat only.
► Paint both sides and edges of exterior doors and the entire exposed surface of
exterior door frames.
► Paint the entire exposed surface of window frames and sashes.
► Paint front and backsides of access panels, removable or hinged cover, and similar
► Hinged items to match exposed surfaces.

Do not paint over labels of independent testing agencies or equipment names,

identification, performance rating, or nomenclature plates.

Primer specified in painting schedules may be omitted on items that are factory-
primed or factory finished if acceptable to topcoat manufacturers.

If undercoats or other conditions show through the topcoat, apply additional coats
until the cured film has a uniform paint finish, color, and appearance.

Apply initial coats as soon as practical after surface preparations, allow surfaces to
dry 24 hours minimum between coatings unless shorted periods are permitted in the
manufacturer’s printed recommendations.

Oil-based stoppers/filters shall be applied after priming, water-based stoppers/fillers

shall be used before priming unless otherwise recommended in writing by the
manufacturer. Water-based stoppers/fillers shall be patched after priming.

Apply paints to produce surface films without cloudiness, spotting, holidays, laps,
brush-marks, roller track, runs, sags, ropi-ness, or other surface imperfections, cut in
sharp lines, and color breaks.

6.2.5. Repair works (if any)

Project: Owner: Revision No:

Tilal Al-Narjis Project

Developer: Consultant: Contractor

Repair of the surface shall be done as per the approved method statement for repair
of concrete, plaster, drywall, etc.

7. Safety:

All works shall comply with safety procedure or instruction as set out in project
safety plan and municipality rules and regulations. All safety recommendations as
advised by the approved sub-contractor.
Basic PPE to be worn by all staff or laborers.
Provide lighting when working at night.

8. References and attachment:


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