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1. Vina : “Which do you want to drink, Uncle? Tea or coffe?

Mr. Fariz : “____tea_____coffee will be fine. I like both of them”

2. Rakha : “I didn’t see you and Brenda at the course yesterday.

Gea : “You’re right. _____Brenda _____ I attended the course. We were sick
Rakha : “Sorry to hear that.

3. Chintya : “You look upset. What happened?”

Harry : “I just called Riana, but she didn’t answer it.”
Chintya : “Maybe, she is busy. You can send her _____ a message ______ a voice note.”
Harry : “Alright”

4. Mr. Tio : “We need to visit grandpa, but the car is broken. How will we go there?”
Mrs. Tio : “We can go there _____ by train _____ bus.”
Mr. Tio : “Okay, I will reserve the tickets now.”

5. Randy : “Did you know what happened to Linda? She looks unwell today”
Vera : “I didn’t. I also wonder about it. She ___ greeted____ smiled at me when we meet
at the school gate.”
Randy : “I hope everything is fine”

Fill in the blanks using either or/neither nor

1. In this game, you __ win __ lose. It depends on you.

2. ___ Sue ___ Sara will help you with your homework. They are both busy at the moment.
3. This is my offer. You ___ take it ___ leave it.
4. When I go to the restaurant, I eat ___ fish ___ roast chicken. These are my favorite meals.
5. His father believed ___ his son ___ his friend. He thought that both were lying.
6. I need ___ your help ___ your compassion. I can perfectly handle my problems all alone.
7. ___ Charly ___ Bill will write the report. Just ask one of them.
8. ___ you return the money you had stolen ____ I'll call the police.
9. My mum can ___ read ___ write. She is illiterate.
10. You can use ___ this computer ___ the other one. Someone must fix them first.

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