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Describe your favorite food

 1st draft

 Self-assessment (checklist)
 Content    Y/N    Comments/ Suggestions   
Task Response   
Is the paragraph at least 80 words?    y       
Does the paragraph have a clear topic sentence
that states the main ideas?
Does the paragraph have a concluding
sentence that rephrases the topic sentence,
summarizes main points, and/or gives the
writer's opinion?  
Does the paragraph focus on describing people,
objects, or places?
Coherence & Cohesion   
Are there one topic sentence, at least two
supporting sentences, and one concluding y       
sentence in the paragraph?   
Is there at least 1 transition word used to link
the sentences? (First of all, In addition, Also, In    y    
conclusion, ...)?
Lexical Resource   
Are there any spelling errors?       n    
Does the paragraph have descriptive details
(using adjectives, information related to five y
senses, prepositional phrase)
Grammar Range and Accuracy   
Are there any errors in verb tenses and subject-
verb agreement?
Do you capitalize the first letter of each
sentence and put punctuation marks at the end y    
of the sentence?

 Peer assessment (checklist)

 Final version

One of my favarite foods is Pho. Pho of the specialties in Viet Nam cuisine. I usually eat Pho
every morning. I has been popular with not only Viet Nam people but also foreign tourists.
Pho consists of rice noodles, sliced beef, broth made from beef bones and onions. All the
ingredients are put in a bowl with onions on top of the beef. The taste of all ingredients
creates harmony. Pho is also nutritious enough to be a typical breakfast in Viet Nam. I
conclusion, my favorite food is Pho, a delicious and versatile dish that offers a unique
combination of flavors and textures, making it a delight to the sences.

 Rubric for grading

 Link Sharepoint/ Onedrive/ Google drive your collaboration space (optional)

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