Physical Education and Health (H.O.P.E. 4) : Quarter 3 - Module 1

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Senior High School

Physical Education
and Health (H.O.P.E. 4)
Quarter 3 – Module 1:
Moving On: Adapting the
“New Normal”
Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines
Physical Education and Health (H.O.P.E. 4) Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 1: Moving On: Adapting the “New Normal”
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Cagayan de Oro City

Schools Division Superintendent: Dr. Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, CESO V

Development Team of the Learning Activity Sheets

Writer/s: Melody Fair C. Jomuad, MSPE

Eulogio Suaner, Mary Sieras, Paul Badon, Roxanne Fuentes, Anita Gochuco, Jemuel
Galay, Cherrie Lou Lanzaderas, Cynthia Yanez, Annabele Lariba

Management Team
Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Regional Director

Co-Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr. CESO V

Asst. Regional Director

Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, PhD, CESO V

Schools Division Superintendent

Alicia E. Anghay, PhD, CESE

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Mala Epra B. Magnaong, Chief ES, CLMD

Members Neil A. Improgo, EPS-LRMS

Bienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr., EPS-ADM
Lorebina C. Carrasco, OIC-CID Chief
Eulogio R. Suaner, Jr., EPS-MAPEH
Joel D. Potane, LRMS Manager
Lanie O. Signo, Librarian II
Gemma Pajayon, PDO II
Printed in the Philippines by Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)
Office Address: Fr. William F. Masterson Ave., Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro City
Telefax: (08822)855-0048
E-mail Address:
Senior High School

Physical Education
and Health (H.O.P.E. 4)
Quarter 3 – Module 1:
Moving On: Adapting the
“New Normal”

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed

by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and or/universities.
We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their
feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education
at action@

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Table of Contents

What This Module is About................................................................................................. i

What I Need to Know.......................................................................................................... i
How to Learn from this Module.............................................................................................i
Icons of this Module.............................................................................................................ii

What I Know..................................................................................................................... ..iii

Lesson 1:
Facing the Giants – I Can Do It (Full Psychological Interventions)
What I Need to Know................................................................................... 1
What’s New: Know Me Well........................................................................ 1
What Is It..................................................................................................... 1
What’s More: Describe Me Now................................................................. 3
The Frontliners, My Hero...................................................... 3
What I Have Learned.......................................................................... .........4
What I Can Do .............................................................................................4

Lesson 2:
Finding Joy in the “New Normal”
What’s In......................................................................................................5
What’s I Need To Know .............................................................................5
What’s New: Guess What?........................................................................ 5
What Is It: ................................................................................................. 6
What’s More: Me and My Family.................................................................7
#COVID-Free ......................................................................7

What I Have Learned: ..................................................................................9

What I Can Do: ......................................................................................... 9

Summary......................................................................................................................... ...9
Assessment: (Post-Test) .................................................................................................10
Key to Answers................................................................................................................ .11
What This Module is About

This module deals with the psychosocial interventions that will help students
realize the importance of staying connected with their loved ones in this time of
pandemic. It suggests ways of coping from this problem by appreciating their simple
personal daily routines at home and turning them into worthwhile recreational activities
so they can maintain mobility and reduce boredom.

The following are the lessons contained in this module:

1. Lesson 1: Facing the Giants—I Can Do It
2. Lesson 2: Finding Joy in the “New Normal”

What I Need to Know

 At the end of Lesson 1, you should be able to:

1. Validate feelings and normalize your reactions;

2. Calm down and control your emotions;
3. Identify people and agencies whom you can approach for help;
4. Identify your sources of strength.

 At the end of Lesson 2, you should be able to:

1. Manage your physical reactions;

2. Manage your thoughts and emotions;
3. Seek solutions and social support;
4. Resume positive activities; and
5. Move forward.

How to Learn from this Module

 For the Learner:
The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
1. Follow closely the instructions in every activity.
2. Be honest in answering and checking your exercises.
3. Answer the pre-test before going over the material to find out what you
already know.
4. Answer the exercises at the end of every lesson.
5. Review the lesson that you find difficult to understand.
6. Seek assistance from your teacher if you need help.
7. Ask permission from your parents/guardians whenever you have research
and requirements to be conducted outside your home.
 For the Teacher/Facilitator:
The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
1. Communicate with parents and students regularly for updates and feedback
2. Make sure that all activities are complied before accepting them. .
3. You may contextualize or localize your activity as long as it is still within the
bound of the learning competency..

 For the Parents/Guardian:

The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
1. Closely monitor your child’s progress.
2. Do not answer the activities for your child. Just guide them in doing it.
3. Support your child. Talk to him/her about his/her journey with this module

Components in Each Lesson

This part contains
learning objectives that
What I Need to Know
are set for you to learn as
Learning Objectives
you go along the
This is an assessment as
to your level of
knowledge to the subject
What I Know?
matter at hand,
meant specifically to
gauge prior related

This part connects

What’s In?
previous lesson with that
Review Activity
of the current one.

An introduction of the
new lesson through
What’s New? various activities, before
Motivational Activity it will be presented
to you

These are discussions of

the activities as a
What is It?
way to deepen your
Lesson Proper
discovery and under-
standing of the concept.
These are follow-up
activities that are in-
What’s More?
tended for you to practice
Performance Task
further in order to
master the competencies.
Activities designed to
What I Have Learned? process what you
Generalization have learned from the
These are tasks that are
designed to show-
What I Can Do? case your skills and
Application knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life
concerns and situations.
This evaluates your level
Assessment of mastery in achieving
Post-Assessment the learning objectives of
the lesson.

What I Know


Test I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It refers to the invisible enemy that causes global health crisis at present
a. COVID-19 c. SARS-CoV
b. MERS-CoV d. SARS-CoV 2
2. The following are best practices to avoid COVID-19 transmission, EXCEPT:
a. Hand-washing c. Staying at home
b. Malling d. Wearing of mask
3. Which of the following government agencies head the IATF-EID?
b. DOH d. DSWD
4. It generally refers to the people who are directly involved in the COVID-19
response efforts
a. Barbers c. Front desk officers
b. Entertainers d. Frontliners
5. The following recreational activities can be done at home during this
pandemic, EXCEPT:
a. Doing Exercise c. Urban gardening
b. Shopping Watching movies d. Watching movies

Test II. Give the meaning of the acronyms

6. COVID-19 _________________________________________________
7. IATF-EID _________________________________________________
8. DOH _________________________________________________
9. ECQ _________________________________________________
10. GCQ _________________________________________________
11. DOLE
12. DBM _________________________________________________
13. DA _________________________________________________
14. DTI _________________________________________________
15. DFA _________________________________________________

Facing the Giants -- I Can Do It

1 (Full Psychosocial Interventions)

What I Need To Know

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Validate their feelings and normalize their reactions;

2. Calm down and control one’s emotions;
3. Identify people and agencies whom they can approach for help;
4. Identify their sources of strength.

What’s New

Activity 1: KNOW ME WELL

Find the meaning of the acronyms below.

1. COVID _____________________________________________
2. DOH _____________________________________________
3. IATF-EID _____________________________________________
4. LGU _____________________________________________
5. DOLE _____________________________________________

What Is It?
Stay at home. Wear mask. Always wash your hands. Observe proper
hygiene. Practice social distancing. These are just a few of the many reminders of
the government for us to strictly and religiously follow during this pandemic. Far from
the normal ways of life where we can freely go to the malls, beaches, parks or
church, host or attend parties and big events, travel to places we plan for vacation,
and the like, this situation brings so much adjustment in many aspects of our lives ---
emotionally, socially, physically, financially --- to mention a few.
Corona Virus Disease (COVID)-19 is an invisible enemy.
We do not know where it is coming from, when it will hit, who its
vector (nagdadala) is and how it will end. Until now, a very big
question of uncertainty keeps on ringing in our minds --- “When
will it end? (Kailan ba ito matatapos?’). How about you? Did
you ask yourself the same question? Yes or No, feel free to
share your thoughts in the space provided below.







Be aware that the government is exhausting all its effort to combat this disease.
It is working hand in hand with the frontliners (health workers, police force, military
personnel, local government units (LGUs), basic services providers, volunteers, and
others) in finding ways to provide continuous social services to the general public
through public service, health care, financial assistance, peace and order, to name a
few. Chaired by the DOH, the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious
Diseases (IATF-EID) composed of the DFA, DILG, DOJ, DOLE, DOT, DOTr, DTI, DA
and DBM, work together to address the spreading of the disease across the country.

It is the government’s initiative to create and mobilize all the health sectors in
the country form the national down to the barangay level in order to give quick
response to any situations related to COVID-19. In the case that one experiences
COVID-19-related symptoms, one has to report to the proper health authorities in your
locality. Likewise, those who have travel history from other places are subject to
monitoring. Whatever quarantine level our place belongs, let us all support the effort
of the government to help end this problem by following the “new normal” way of life.

We all experience the same thing. I am worried, you, too. I am afraid, you, too.
I am bored, you, too. We are on the same boat except that we have different levels of
experience and acceptability about the situation. We use technology to access news.
Television, radio and social media are some of our sources of information. We rely so
much on the updates given by these platforms to the point that our minds are
overloaded with thoughts (both reliable and fake) that are causing us psychologically
and emotionally affected. With this, let us be mindful of the things that we are going to
feed our minds in order to lessen our worries and be at peak of good decision-making.
It is necessary for us to stay calm, focused and be optimistic despite of the difficulties
that we are facing now. Let us always be vigilant. Show more compassion to one
another. As a student, staying at home at this moment in time means having more
time for yourself to relax/recreate, to hone your talents/skills and to have more

bonding time with your family. Enjoy every moment of it as you journey towards the
“new normal”.

What’s More?


1. Look around you. Choose an object to represent yourself. Draw it.

2. Based on the concepts in Lesson 1, describe your drawing and make a
connection by discussing your thoughts and feelings about your
experiences during the quarantine period.
3. Use one (1) long bond paper for your drawing and explanation.

Notes To The Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 2. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the

Rubric for Drawing

Criteria Rating
The drawing clearly expresses the 5 4 3 2 1
information and message.
The drawing highlights important 5 4 3 2 1
information relevant to the topic.
The drawing is creative and artistic. 5 4 3 2 1

1. Reflect on the sacrifices of the frontliners in our community.

2. Write a letter of appreciation to them for serving selflessly and risking their
lives (buwis-buhay) just to give us a better and safer life during the pandemic.

Notes To The Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 3. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the
Rubric for Letter-Writing
Criteria Rating
The content relates entirely to the 5 4 3 2 1
assigned topic or issue.
The content conveys a genuine 5 4 3 2 1
personal view regarding the topic or
The work is original. 5 4 3 2 1

What I Have Learned


1. Describe your role as a citizen-student during this pandemic.


What I Can Do

1. List down the things you can do at home as a citizen-student during this

Finding Joy in the “New Normal”
2 (Integration of Psychosocial Activities in the Lessons)

What’s In

Home is your safest refuge this time. This is where you can
protect yourself and your family from the deadly COVID-19. As a student and citizen of
this country, this is the best thing you can do to help our frontlines in this fight. Continue
to support and help them in your little ways.

What I Need To Know


At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Manage their physical reactions;
2. Manage their thoughts and emotions;
3. Seek solutions and social support;
4. Resume positive activities; and
5. Move forward.

What’s New?
Activity 1: GUESS WHAT?

Arrange the jumbled letters until you get the right term.

Jumbled Words Answer

1. NRARIETCOE _____________
2. EWN RNLOAM _____________
3. TRUEQNAAIN _____________

What Is It?

The quarantine level in each area is changing every fifteen days as decided by the
government and the IATF-EID. Depending on the risk level, changing the quarantine status (i.e.
ECQ, MECQ, GCQ, MGCQ) may vary from one place to another. This means that the way of
life in a certain place must also conform to the existing rules and regulations. Honestly,
community quarantine affects us all. We are still facing the uncertainties of tomorrow. The
COVID-19 pandemic forces the government to implement the “new normal” in order to move
forward. Programs and policies are made to help the society adapt to this. Still, we need to
practice social distancing, continue to wear masks and wash hands more often as we continue
to face this battle. How about you? Have you adjusted already to the “new normal”?
What did you do at home during quarantine period? Did you gain weight? Did you use
your free time wisely? Did you sleep well? Did you still exercise? What recreational activities did
you do? How did you feel about your so-long-stay at home? Did you feel bored? Were you
happy for not going out with friends like what you were used to do? How about the people
around you and your family? Did you spend more time with them in doing recreational and
positive activities to relax and to have fun? Feel free to briefly share your most unforgettable
experience during the quarantine period in the space provided below.

Recreation does not stop during this pandemic. There

are so many recreational activities you can do at home to kill
boredom. Have you tried gardening? Seeing the healthy plants in
your garden can make you smile. Did you do some
household chores like sweeping and scrubbing the floor, fetching
water, feeding the pets or even watering the plants? Doing
them all with a big smile on your face is already a form of
recreation. How much more if you are doing them with your
loved ones! Turn your boredom into fun. Learning to like and love
what you are doing will lead you to finding real happiness in
overcoming adversity. Relax, enjoy, have fun, smile, and most of

What’s More?
Activity 2. ME AND MY FAMILY

1. Think of the recreational/positive activities you and your family did during the quarantine
2. Describe how you and your family support and help each other to move forward through
these activities. Did you find enjoyment in what you did at home? Write your observations

Notes To The Teacher

Use this rubric to evaluate the output of Activity 2. (Rubric may be changed depending
on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the learner).

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the assigned topic or 5 4 3 2 1
The paper conveys a genuine personal view 5 4 3 2 1
regarding the topic or issue.
The work is original. 5 4 3 2 1

Activity 3. #COVID-FREE

1. Think of a recreational activity that you dream of doing when the pandemic is over.
2. Draw it inside the box.
3. Write your reflection below your drawing

Notes To The Teacher
Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 3. (Rubric may be changed
depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the learner).

Rubric for Drawing

Criteria Rating
The drawing clearly expresses the information
and message. 5 4 3 2 1
The drawing is creative and artistic. 5 4 3 2 1
The drawing highlights important information
relevant to the topic. 5 4 3 2 1

What I Have Learned?


1. Visit and observe your neighbourhood by the window. Based on your observation, write a
reflection on how the people there do things that bring significant changes and contributions in
the society during this pandemic. Did they follow the existing rules and regulations set by the
local government unit for everybody’s safety? How?

What I Can Do?

1. During this time, list down positive activities that you can do at home. You may consider
planning for an urban garden, starting to do changes in the arrangements of your furniture,
house repainting, general cleaning, and the like. Somehow, these are ways to see change
in this trying time. These activities will help you move forward. Invite your family in this
new normal and enjoy every minute of your recreation with them. Have fun!

 Corona Virus Disease (COVID) – 19 is a pandemic and is considered as an invisible
enemy because we cannot see them. We do not know where it is coming from, when it
will hit, who its vector (nagdadala) is and how it will end.

 Stay at home, wearing of mask, frequent washing of hands, observing proper hygiene and
maintaining physical distancing are the best practices to combat COVID-19.

 The government is working hand in hand with the frontliners (health workers, police
force, military personnel, local government units (LGUs), basic services providers,
volunteers, and others) in finding ways to provide continuous social services to the
general public through public service, health care, financial assistance, peace and order,
to name a few.

 The Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID), chaired by

the DOH is composed of the DFA, DILG, DOJ, DOLE, DOT, DOTr, DTI, DA and DBM,
who work together to address the spreading of the disease across the country.

 It is the government’s initiative to create and mobilize all the health sectors in the country
form the national down to the barangay level in order to give quick response to any
situations related to COVID-19.

 The quarantine level in each area, as decided by the government and the IATF-EID, is
categorized into ECQ, MECQ, GCQ, MGCQ.

 The COVID-19 pandemic forces the government to implement the “new normal” in order
to move forward. Programs and policies are made to help the society adapt to this. Still,
we need to practice social distancing, continue to wear masks and wash hands more
often as we continue to face this battle.

 Doing recreational activities at home can reduce boredom. Doing gardening, petting
animals, watching television, playing board games are a few examples of activities you
can do during this time.


Test I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It refers to the invisible enemy that causes global health crisis at present time.
a. COVID-19 c. SARS-CoV
b. MERS-CoV d. SARS-CoV 2
2. The following are best practices to avoid COVID-19 transmission, EXCEPT:
a. Hand-washing c. Staying at home
b. Malling d. Wearing of mask
3. Which of the following government agencies head the IATF-EID?
b. DOH d. DSWD
4. It generally refers to the people who are directly involved in the COVID-19 response
a. Barbers c. Front desk officers
b. Entertainers d. Frontlines
5. The following recreational activities can be done at home during this pandemic,
a. Doing Exercise c. Urban gardening
b. Shopping Watching movies d. Watching movies

Test II. Give the meaning of the acronyms

1. COVID-19 _________________________________________________
2. IATF-EID _________________________________________________
3. DOH _________________________________________________
4. ECQ _________________________________________________
5. GCQ _________________________________________________
6. DOLE _________________________________________________
7. DBM _________________________________________________
8. DA _________________________________________________
9. DTI _________________________________________________
10. DFA _________________________________________________

Key To Answers

What I Know (Pretest) pp. iii-iv

Lesson 1 (What’s New) p. 1

Lesson 2 (What’s New) p. 5

Assessment (Posttest) pp. 10-11


Management Team
Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Regional Director

Co-Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr. CESO V

Asst. Regional Director

Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, PhD, CESO V

Schools Division Superintendent

Alicia E. Anghay, PhD, CESE

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Mala Epra B. Magnaong, Chief ES, CLMD

Members Neil A. Improgo, EPS-LRMS

Bienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr., EPS-ADM
Lorebina C. Carrasco, OIC-CID Chief
Eulogio R. Suaner, Jr., EPS-MAPEH
Joel D. Potane, LRMS Manager
Lanie O. Signo, Librarian II
Gemma Pajayon, PDO II

For inquiries and feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

DepEd Division of Cagayan de Oro City

Fr. William F. Masterson Ave Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro
Telefax: ((08822)855-0048
E-mail Address:


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