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  ‘It is being debated by the prime minister’, told John.

John told that it _____________ by the prime minister.
a. Was being debated                                             
b. Is debated     d. is being debated                                              
c. Debates e. has been being debated
43.  The two skiers were killed _______ an avalanche.
a. At   b. From    c. Between d. on e. in
44.  The professor is seeking to establish the nature of the changes in the ___________ of the
area since it became industrialized.
a. Ecological b. Ecosystem  c. Ecologically          d. ecology e. ecologic     
45.  Amy is director of a local __________ organization.
a. Charitable      b. Charitably      c. Charityfies        d. charity e. chariti
46.  By invading the generals met with the ____________ of the world’s press.
a. Condemned    b. Condemnation    c. Condemnational    d. condemning   e. condemn
47. She was really a weird, cool, and ________ girl.
a. A pious   b. A piety       c. Piously d. pious e. piety
48.  In this term we are focusing on ecosystem, conservation and _______________.
a. Industrialist b. Industry  c. Industries     d. industrial e. deforestation 
49.  The parliament need to rethink, revise, and _________.
a. Reformed   b. Reform  c. To reforming  d. Reforming e. to reform   
50.  The minister education suggested having a standard of healthy life and __________ the
quality of life.
a. Improve     b. Improved   c. To improving    d. To improve e. improving
The Unhealthy Fast Food
 Fast food nowadays is considered a normal eating (19)…. People are not just eating
out on special occasion or weekends anymore. It means that all the time they mostly eat
fast foods. However is fast food good for health?
 Fast food has its popularity in the 1940’s. Within a few years, fast-food operations 
(20) …. everywhere. With the compelling rise in fast-food restaurants since the 1940’s,
oddly it started the rise in obesity and cancer during that same time period.
 Fast food is highly processed with a wide array of (21)…. To ensure fast food’s low
cost, the fast food products are made with highly-processed ingredients to give it shelf-
life, to hold consistency, and to enhance flavor. Fast food is altered from its original
healthy form.

It is not the calories in fast food which damage health and waistline. It is the chemical
additives such as aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate). Studies show that the
chemical additives (22) …. to weight and disease issues.
 So, there is absolutely nothing nutritional about fast food. Fats food (23) …. Feeds
hunger and craving.
19.  a. venturesome b. venture c.venturing d.venue e. veracious
20. a. popped in b.pop out of c. to pop d. popped up e. pop in
21. a. addictive b. addict c.addicting d. adding e. addicted
22. a. leading b. to lead c. lead d. leader e.
23. a. simple b. simplicity c. simplest d. simply e. simpler
24. A: “Do you like the game?”
B: “….”
a. The dinner is really delightful.
b. I do enjoy this game. d. terrible
c. I am pleased with all the food. e. the show is delightful
25. A: “You look so happy with this picnic.”
B: “….”
a. Terrible!
b. That’s really a wonderful trip. d. I enjoyed the travel
c. I am so delighted with this picnic. e. really
26. A: “Will you pick me up this evening?”
B: “….”
a. sure you can.
b. Of course please help yourself. d. sure you will
c. No, I don’t think I can. e. sure I will

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