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Sphere of Influence: Sword

The Sword Coast is yours for the taking

Introduction: Conquer the world, one quest at a time. This supplement provides a broad overview of
the lands of the Sword Coast from the perspective of conquering the world by way of overthrowing
hostile regimes, securing rare and valuable resources to bring neutral kingdoms into negotiations, and
otherwise using dungeon crawling and overland exploration to the ends of world domination.

by Chamo mile

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Chapter 1: Sphere of Influence
“The Sultan of Brass might be a tyrant, but Mass co m bat re mains on the table (though specific rules for
he's our tyrant, and the only friend we have in directing troops are not provided in this book), but there are
all Calimshan.” other m eans of expanding your sphere of influence, typically
—Langdedrosa Cyanwrath by exa mining local conflicts or crises and resolving the m in
such a way that whoever's in power at the end is dependent
upon you, or at the very least indebted to you.

So, you want to conquer the This might take the for m of securing a rare m agical resource
m uch desired by a kingdo m in order to push that kingdo m
world? into accepting a trade agree ment with you, thus bringing
the m into your sphere of influence because m uch of their
econo my is now dependent upon trade with you. This would
Right under saving the world and getting m ega - rich, essentially be the plot of Lost Mines of Phandelver.
conquering the world is one of the m ost co m m o n aspirations
of RPG players. This works great early on. The PCs crawl build It might involve m a king a military alliance with a belaugered
up wealth and allies in opposition to so me evil tyrant, and at territory, offering protection fro m a sinister villain in order
the end they overthrow hi m and are crowned the new rulers to draw the people under your wing. This would be a very
of the land. slightly tweaked Princes of the Apocalypse.

Then what? The world has a lot m ore territory in it than just It might involve restoring a deposed king to his throne, es-
the one land you've conquered, but now you're in charge of a tablishing a friendship with that king which pulls his kingdo m
kingdo m. Most character m otivations for going on adventures into your sphere of influence. This would be an al most unal-
expire once you have an ar my thousands strong that can go tered Stor m King's Thunder.
on those adventures for you. Is your paladin going to spend
all his time conquering the world instead of settling disputes It could also involve for ming a treaty of protection with s mall
in the halls of justice and providing valuable legal precedent towns in a relatively unsettled area between several m ajor
to the nascent body of law? Is your rogue going to keep risk- trade powers, going on a routine patrol to help secure the
ing her life for loot when she could just soak up a cut of the area, and winding up thwarting a plot to su m m o n a god to
taxes and live the rest of her life in luxury? Even if everyone destroy the world. You can probably guess that this would be
is on board with leading fro m the front at all times, do you the plot to Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tia mat.
really want every single adventure for the rest of the ga me to
be a m ass co m bat fought alongside a mini m u m of fifty other What's important to all of these is that sending an ar my to
guys, and quite frequently hundreds or thousands? take care of it would be a bad idea. A thousand level 0
sch m ucks with spears and chain mail are a terrible choice for
Maybe you do, and there's nothing wrong with that, but m ost rooting out giant warlords who've deposed the stor m king, as
groups would like to continue going into dungeons and slaying it would straightforwardly be a declaration of war on the gi-
dragons, and that can be hard to m a ke co m patible if you are ant real ms. It is m uch less costly to si mply help the stor m
running an e m pire whose standard m eans of expansion is to king reassert control over his real m.
m arch an ar my thousands strong into hostile territory. The
answer is the sphere of influence. If you try to relieve the siege of Dessarin Valley by the forces
of Ele mental Evil by sending out your ar my, they will probably
What is a sphere of influence? be ultimately victorious, but will face terrible casualties as
they can only bring a s mall handful of their troops to bear at
once in the narrow corridors of the dungeons below, losing
The sphere of influence was the do minant political m o del for
their nu m erical advantage against ene mies who are individu-
powerful nations in the m o dern world and, m ore relevantly,
ally far m ore powerful. Even if you have enough m e n to wear
ancient Greece. In a sphere of influence, a capital nation (in
the m down eventually, that will leave Waterdeep vulnerable to
our exa m ples, we will be using Waterdeep and Thay as exa m -
attacks fro m Kryptgarden or the Sword Mountains and leave
ples of protagonist and antagonist capital nations) exerts in-
you with no troops to send if you ever need the m for a situ-
fluence over other states not by directly occupying the m with
ation in which they're actually at an advantage over an ad-
their military, but through military alliance, trade agree-
venturer party, like a field battle.
m e nts, and possibly sacking (but not occupying) a city.
Tracking Tia mat's hoard and hunting down the wyr mspeakers
requires both speed and discretion, two attributes that ar mies

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of five thousand soldiers are sorely lacking, military forces So even though Waterdeep has absolutely no soldiers gar-
will have trouble retaining coherency in the depths of Never- risoned in Daggerford or Triboar or other, related towns at
winter Forest and, while they would probably crush the low- all, these towns are already well within Waterdeep's sphere of
level threats of Lost Mines of Phandelver, it would be at a influence. When Waterdeep wants so mething fro m one of the m,
pointlessly high cost co m pared to sending a s mall, fast, m ore they have enor mous and asy m m etric negotiating power.
easily supplied strike tea m to deal with the proble m.
However, Waterdeep is not alone in its position of power along
I don't m e ntion Curse of Strahd and Out of the Abyss because the Sword Coast. Neverwinter, the Silver Marches, and espe-
in both cases the party is trapped outside the reach of their cially Baldur's Gate are all nearly as important to trade and
sphere of influence, and the default objective of returning hold nearly as m uch power in the Lord's Alliance. Waterdeep
ho me only beco mes m ore urgent if your e m pire could be fall- would have m u ch greater difficulty convincing any of these to
ing to pieces behind you. give into de m ands concerning trade agree ments or military
support. Even so, none of the m would be at all willing to sup-
And of course, you m ay be using other content entirely. You port Thay or anyone else over Waterdeep, so these military
might use D M's Guild adventures, ho mebrew content, convert allies can be considered on the outer edges of the Waterdeep
fro m older editions, convert fro m the filthy heretics at Paizo, sphere of influence. Unlike m e m bers closer to the heart of
or any co m bination. All of these exa m ples to illustrate two Waterdeep's sphere, these outer m e m bers could probably be
things. Firstly, that the average adventure, even if it can be convinced to declare neutrality in a fight between Waterdeep
solved by an ar my, is usually m u ch m ore cost-efficient if and an outsider (like Thay).
solved by a s mall party, and second, that the average adven-
ture can be used to m ake an ally, sign a treaty, install a Szass Ta m directly ad ministers the land of Thay, and Thay's
m ore friendly govern ment in a kingdo m typically hostile to position as a vital co m ponent of eastern Faerun's slave trade
your own, or otherwise expand your sphere of influence. puts Chessenta fir mly in Thay's sphere of influence, and like-
wise because Thay is al most singularly responsible for supply-
If you are the m ost powerful adventuring party your kingdo m ing North Unther with food, they too are deep in Thay's
has to offer (and you probably wouldn't have been able to sphere. M ulhorand does heavy trade with Thay as well. All of
take over if you weren't), then oftenti mes you are better off these nations were devastated by the spellplague (particularly
leaving a capable steward behind to m a nage day-to-day af- Unther, which is still m ostly occupied by dragonborn invaders)
fairs for a while whilst you topple an evil kingdo m, put the and are at a severe econo mic and military disadvantage to
rightful heir on the throne, and secure a new ally for your Szass Ta m, so they cannot afford to refuse any but the m ost
e m pire. outrageous de mands he m ay m a ke of the m. Co m plicating
m atters for Ta m, however, none of the nations deep in his
sphere of influence get along well with any other nation there
Example: Waterdeep vs. Thay except Thay, and so me of the m don't even get along that well
with Thay, they're just dependent on Thay for trade.
In order to understand how a conquer-Faerun ca m paign
based on a sphere of influence would work, let's take the ex- Szass Ta m's outer sphere of influence includes the drow real m
a m ple of the players playing as the rulers of Waterdeep (pre- of Undrek'Thaz as well as other evil nations of the Earthroot
su mably after spending so me a mount of the ca m paign be- real m of the Underdark. These places are tenuous allies prin-
co ming or overthrowing the m asked lords of the city) with cipally due to trade, but Ta m would not have m uch difficulty
their pri mary antagonist being Szass Ta m of Thay. enlisting their aid in a war against Waterdeep if it ca me to
The only area directly controlled by Waterdeep is the city it-
self, however its econo mic power and historic position within Both Waterdeep and Thay have ene mies. Waterdeep has A m n
the Lord's Alliance m eans that Waterdeep already has a sig- and Cali mshan, which would not ordinarily be under Thay's
nificant sphere of influence in Faerun, and especially the influence at all, but nevertheless m ay end up in Thay's outer
Sword Coast. Many of the s maller towns and villages nearby sphere due to having a m utual ene my in Waterdeep. Likewise,
Waterdeep are only safe because they are m e m bers of the Waterdeep has no trade contact with Rashe men or Aglarond,
Lord's Alliance, and thus under Waterdeep's protection, and but both nations are ene mies of Thay and thus m ay end up
even those nearby towns which can defend the mselves are of- within the outer fringe of Waterdeep's sphere of influence
ten dependent upon trade fro m Waterdeep to sustain their si mply because of co m m o n goals. Several of Thay's allies like-
econo my. If Waterdeep were to cease trade with, say, Dagger- wise have ene mies, m ost notably the dragonborn of Southern
ford, the Daggerford econo my would im m ediately collapse, but Unther and Tchazzar, for mer ruler of Chessenta. Tchazzar has
Waterdeep would barely even notice as they go on trading with no en mity with Thay at all, but if Waterdeep pro mises to re-
Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter, A m n, Calimshan, and the Silver instate hi m in exchange for an alliance against Thay, he
Marches. might agree and honor the treaty (or he might betray the m
to Thay or beco me a third party, hard to tell).

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etc. etc.) cut for the sake of space. It also focuses exclu-
Waterdeep additionally has several potential ene mies on their sively on a single rival, Szass Tam, for the sake of simplicity,
doorstep. Kryptgarden Forest and the Sword Mountains are when a more faithful following of the lore has Amn, Cormyr,
both inhabited by creatures who generally consider Waterdeep Netheril, Hillsfar, and more with their own spheres of influ-
to be an ene my. Neither is an organized nation, but both are ence, each of which will resist being absorbed into another,
ho me to powerful warlords who Szass Ta m could forge an al- more powerful sphere of influence. Even if you want to set
liance with. Most of Waterdeep's allies likewise have unta med up Szass Tam as the final villain (and he does make for a
wildernesses full of warlords and m o nsters who could poten- good BBEG both because of being quite distant from the
tially be persuaded to join the Thayan sphere of influence to starting point and arguably the most powerful villain on
oppose the Lord's Alliance, places like the Wood of Sharp Faerun right now), the middle section of the campaign, be-
Teeth, Neverwinter Wood, and the Spine of the World. tween the initial rise to power and the final showdown with
Szass Tam, would probably include the players' Waterdeep
A cautious Waterdeep party will want to begin by shoring up sphere of influence and Szass Tam's Thayan sphere of influ-
defenses, making friends in potential allies of Thay like ence gobbling up lesser rivals like Cormyr and Hillsfar, with
Kryptgarden Forest and the Sword Mountains and making the player attempting to extend their influence as fast as
sure those friends are the dominant force in their respective possible before Thay beats them there. The amount of terri-
areas before moving on to defanging Amn and Calimshan. In tory claimed in this intermediate stage of the campaign
the former case, this can be done by agitating the tension would then directly influence the course of the final con-
between Amn's five ruling dynasties into civil war, and in the frontation in the endgame.
latter perhaps by supporting a genie invasion to reclaim
Calimshan in exchange for neutrality from (or even alliance
with) the new genie overlords. Finally, Waterdeep will want to
Further Examples
put pressure on Thay's core, aiding the dragonborn invaders
of Unther against the natives, helping Tchazzar reclaim
Chessenta, and then either using trade isolation to destroy Here are a few more m uch shorter examples that will hope-
Thay or else aiding Aglarond and/or Rashemen in an inva- fully give you some more ideas as to what spheres of influ-
sion. A more aggressive pro-Waterdeep force might want to ence might be interesting for players to com mand and
skip to putting pressure on the core for fear that opportu- struggle against:
nities might be lost and potential allies defeated if Waterdeep
takes too long shoring up defenses. • Crown Wars Rejoined: The good drow of Cormanthor
fight with the evil drow of the Underdark, with the
A patient Thay will fight m uch the reverse of a patient Wa- Dalelands and the Moonsea often caught in the mid-
terdeep, beginning by helping North Unther in the war dle.
against the dragonborn of South Unther and helping • Heart of Darkness: Cormyr, having relatively recently
Chessenta destroy Tchazzar's government-in-exile in Erebos driven the Netherese out of Sembia with the help of
in the Sea of Fallen Stars. Then they will want to begin agi- their allies, seeks to defeat the Empire of Shadows
tating enemies of Waterdeep's somewhat weaker allies like in their stronghold in the Shadowfell. The Netherese
Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter, and the Silver Marches, enemies seek to regain control of the Moonsea and destroy
like the monsters of Neverwinter Wood, the Kingdom of all their enemies: Cormanthor, Sembia, and Cormyr.
Many-Arrows, the High Moor, and the Trollbark Forest, help- • Blood for Gold: Amn seeks to exert their influence
ing them to cripple the economy of Waterdeep and her allies over the Sword Coast, while Waterdeep seeks to do
with increased raiding. With major trade partners sacked or the same to the Land of Intrigue. The two trade
convinced to declare neutrality in exchange for a halt of empires are finally on a collision course and soon
raids, Szass Tam can make alliances with Amn and Calimshan one must dominate the other.
to embargo Waterdeep and the Lord's Alliance, thus convinc- • Pools of Moonlight: Phlan, recently liberated, seeks
ing the already weakened Waterdeep allies to depart the desperately to ham mer together a sphere of influ-
Lord's Alliance to escape the embargo until finally Waterdeep ence from nothing to stand against the rising might
stands alone. At this point it can be either starved into sub- of oppressive Hillsfar.
mission or attacked with allies made in Kryptgarden or the • Civil War: The Cult of the Dragon is thwarted, Men-
Sword Mountains. Just like Waterdeep, a more aggressive Thay zoberranzan and its environs are depleted by inter-
might race to tear out the heart of the enemy by skipping nal wars, Amn and Calimshan are on the backfoot.
to attempts to wreck the economy of Waterdeep's allies or With no pressing external threat, Waterdeep, Never-
even trying to skip straight to pulling Kryptgarden and/or winter, Baldur's Gate, and Luruar have begun to
the Sword Mountains into an attack on Waterdeep itself. maneuver against one another. While their history in
the Lord's Alliance is too strong for any kind of
This is only an example, with many possibilities (including open warfare to be conceivable, each begins to un-
everything to do with the Moonsea Region, Anauroch, Chult, dermine the other's lesser allies while seeking eco-

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nomic and cultural dominance of the Sword Coast.
As the skirmishes escalate, the brotherhood of the
Keeping the Crown
Lord's Alliance begins to wear thin, and outright
sacking of one city by another is more and more a “When you play a game of thrones, you win or
possibility. you die.”
—George R.R. Martin, Game of
• Revenge of the Black Network: The Zhentarim, driven
from their base of power in the Moonsea, barely
clinging to a single remote stronghold in the Sunset
This document concerns itself primarily with acquiring influ-
Mountains, have not had their ambitions dulled. Still
ence in new territory. This is the part that requires the most
they seek to rule the world, and nobody will stop
attention to unique details of different regions, but it's not
them. Not Waterdeep, not Amn, not Thay, nobody.
the hard part. The hard part is hanging onto power after it's
• Rise of Thay: The chaos caused by the Spellplague
already been seized. There are three rules to maintaining
and Szass Tam's rise to power has pushed the entire
power after you've taken it: Keep the keys to power happy,
eastern reach of Faerun closer and closer to chaos.
control the treasure, and minimize the number of keys.
Aglarond has claimed Wizard's Reach, and embold-
ened by this victory, seek to put an end to the evil
No ruler is absolute. The ruler does not catch the criminals,
of Thay altogether. At the same time, Szass Tam
defend the walls, and build castles themselves. Instead, the
rules Thay absolutely and his lust for power is far
ruler uses the treasure in their vaults to pay other people to
from sated. His first step to global domination is to
do these things for them. This is most obviously true in
consolidate control of the east by securing his allies
placed like Baldur's Gate where the four ruling dukes are
and removing the pests in Aglarond and Rashemen
elected by a parliament made up mostly of the old money
who have so long vexed Thay.
and thus almost always are themselves old money, but even
in Luruar or Elturgard, nations in theory ruled over by
benevolent leaders who want only the best for their people,
the soldiers still need armor and the laborers still need to
eat and if you can't give that to them they will not build nor
defend your castles.

Some nations claim to lead with ideals and not with trea-
sure, but take away the treasure and leave only the ideals
and the nu mber of loyal defenders of the crown remaining is
going to look more like a single adventuring party than an
army. This is why heroes are a big deal in Faerun. Any major
city on the Sword Coast will have dozens of people who are
tenth level or higher, but the number of them willing to risk
their lives out of moral obligation and not necessarily for
profit is a lot smaller. Drizz't matters not because he can
fight frost giants at all, but because he'll do it whether or
not Lord Neverember is willing to pay him for it.

This is well and good for Drizz't, but this book is not about
Drizz't, it's about Lord Neverember, and from Lord Neverem-
ber's perspective, for every Drizz't whose loyalty is driven by
virtue there are a dozen generals, champions, and sages
whose only concern is to make as m uch money as possible.
These people, vital to defending a territory and collecting its
treasure, are the keys to power, and the second that some-
one persuades them to work for someone other than Lord
Neverember, Lord Neverember has lost power. He is nothing
without his keys, and so keeping his keys happy is his first,
second, and third priority.

Lord Neverember is not cruel, but he is ruthless, and un-

scrupulous pandering to a few powerful people is to be ex-
pected of him. So let's turn our attention to Abdel Adrian,
the ruler of Baldur's Gate (generally speaking, I try to be as

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vague as possible as to who exactly the Bhaalspawn protago- new war will ply their trade in another kingdom. Skilled ar-
nist of the Baldur's Gate games was, and this document is tisans like blacksmiths aren't as capable of packing up shop
compatible with inserting your own character there, however and leaving whenever the heat gets too high, but if the situ-
we will use the canonical Abdel as an example of the limits ation gets desperate enough they are capable of leaving and
of what a well-intentioned ruler can accomplish in the face most of them will. Too much taxation or just general tyranny
of the systemic selfishness inherent to systems of govern- will drive the most profitable citizens out of a kingdom and
ment). Abdel was a hero who was undoubtedly dedicated to thus the king will end up bringing in a smaller amount of
the good of the com mon people of his city. He also main- wealth in the long run. This opens him up to a coup just as
tained and promoted a system whereby 90% of those people surely as undertaxing out of benevolence.
had absolutely no say in government whatsoever, presided
over an era when the gap in wealth between the rich and the Thus, how just and benevolent a kingdom's ruler is will often
poor steadily expanded, and entrenched the Flaming Fists, an be defined more by how m uch justice and benevolence is
amoral mercenary company, in the government. Why would needed to get the most out of the population. Waterdeep is a
he do any of this? port town, and without merchants it has no economy, so
they need their taxes light enough that merchants still find
Because Abdel cannot do anything for the people of Baldur's it worth it to trade there, and laws lenient enough that
Gate unless he is in power in Baldur's Gate, and he cannot merchants aren't worried about being sentenced to a life in
be in power in Baldur's Gate unless he keeps the keys happy. the salt mines if they stick a toe out of line in the city. Cal-
The keys to Baldur's Gate were the wealthy patriar families imshan is a trade port, but most of its trade routes are so
of the Upper City, who controlled the treasure, without whose pirate-infested that somewhere between 20-30% of its cargo
support Abdel's coffers would run dry and he would be un- never arrives. Its gold mines, on the other hand, are very
able to pay the Flaming Fists, the other key to power in the reliable, very profitable, and can be run on the labor of
city, whose monopoly on effective military power allows them starving slaves with only a minor loss in efficiency. Any ruler
to depose existing governments at-will. Abdel was nominally of Calimshan who doesn't run the gold mines brutally is
the leader of the Flaming Fists during his rulership of Bal- spending money on the miners that a challenger could offer
dur's Gate, but they are still mercenaries. He may have been to spend on the keys to power instead. Even if the keys are
the general, but a general needs his captains just the same all selfless, virtuous heroes, they have keys of their own one
as a ruler needs his generals, and if a rival could have of- level down, and it won't be long before you run out of heroes
fered Abdel's captains a bigger share of the city's treasure and the middle management agrees to open up the gates of
than Abdel was offering them, enough of the captains would the city for Szass Tam's army to march in, enslave the poor,
have defected for such a rival to seize the city. and cut the traitors in on the profits.

The first rule to power is to keep the keys to power happy, The second means to maximizing the amount of treasure for
and that means offering them more treasure and offering it your keys is also the third rule of power. Minimize the num -
more reliably than anyone else. The wealth of Baldur's Gate ber of keys that you're splitting the treasure between (this
was split entirely between its mercenary defenders and its conveniently also increases the size of your share of the
noble families. Every copper spent on the people came out of treasure, whether you're spending it benevolently or on
Abdel's personal share. The day he diverted wealth from oth- hookers and blow) and maximize the nu mber of people who
er people's shares towards building a better life for the can potentially become keys.
com moners is the day he opened himself up to a coup from
opportunistic rivals. Anyone who isn't necessary to the ongoing running of the
nation is dead weight that a challenger can offer to get rid
The second rule of power is to control the treasure, and the of in exchange for being brought to power by the actually
treasure here is not only the treasure in the nation's vaults necessary keys. The keys necessary to taking power are not
but the treasure held by the nation's people. People need the same as the keys necessary to keeping power. When
some of that treasure to run their businesses and feed you're taking power, you need lots of soldiers with which to
themselves so they can keep working and produce more fight the soldiers of whoever already has power. When you
treasure, so while the ruler's goal m ust be to tax them as already have power, the nu mber of soldiers you need goes
much as possible (if he won't, an opportunist who will can down by quite a bit, and the number of tax collectors and
oust them from power by rounding up a critical mass of customs officers you need rises. Once you've taken power,
disloyal keys to power, and it doesn't have to be all of them, it's time to get rid of your least loyal generals. You can let
just half or more), the amount by which he can tax them them walk away alive, if you don't mind having a general or
depends on the amount of money they need to be produc- champion you stabbed in the back plotting revenge. Bear in
tive. mind that in order to expand your sphere of influence you
will need to take power multiple times, seizing control of one
Merchants who are being taxed too m uch or who fear their kingdom after another. If you let all of the unnecessary keys
stock might be seized whenever the king wants to start a

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live, they will ultimately form quite a coalition should they enforcers and assassins fro m the Guild instead. In other loca-
ever find one another. tions, details are sparse and you m ay have to do so me minor
extrapolation to invent characters to use as keys to power.
At the same time, you want your keys to be as expendable
as possible. If you rule over Waterdeep, you need both a Whoever these characters are, keeping the m happy is the se-
general and an admiral, and there's no point in having more cret to m aintaining power. Keep a list of the keys to power,
than one of each, however you want the number of potential and co m pile the m into a d20 table. Every time the players
generals and admirals to be very high. If the loyalty of your finish an adventure, or are dragging their feet on getting
existing admiral wavers even slightly, you m ust be able to started with a new one, roll on the table. If it co mes up a
replace them as quickly as possible. The more easily re- blank spot, nothing happens and the players can continue
placed your keys to power are, the easier it is to keep them their plans unhindered. If you roll up a filled in slot on the
happy with a relatively small share of the nation's treasure, table, however, the key to power who's filled in that slot has
leaving more for you and your pet projects whether base or so me de mand. They want m ore authority, they want so me
noble. Your keys to power aren't stupid, however, and may public service canceled to increase their share of the gold
turn against you if they realize you're expanding the pool of (players m ay not have bothered imple menting specific public
potential replacements. You can't be m uch of an admiral if services, but you can m a ke one up and say it was put in
you've never been captain of a warship, and captains in the place by the previous govern ment, or attribute it to one of
Waterdeep Navy are pulled exclusively from the Waterdhavian the m ore benevolent paladin-type characters if that's in-
nobility. If you make a policy of promoting com mon sailors character for the m), a spy has caught the m speaking with the
who show talent to captain rank, the nobles will take it as party's rivals in Thay or Calimshan or whoever the villains of
tantamount to a declaration of war and begin plotting your story are. If the players don't deal with the proble m, it
against you. This doesn't mean it's a bad idea, depending on could spiral into an uprising.
how many other threats you're facing at the time, just make
sure before implementing such a policy that it's a fight Those in charge of collecting treasure might begin siphoning
you're able to win, and never forget: Keep your keys happy, so me off to rivals or their personal vaults, leading to a
but make them as replaceable as possible. shortage of gold with which to keep paying for all the bribes
and services that keep the players' e m pire hu m ming along,
No ruler is absolute. Ignore these rules to keeping power and and now they need m ore gold in a hurry and they have to
you will not keep power. You will carry your morals, uncom- find out who exactly is responsible for the drain. Keys to
promised, to your grave, having helped no one at all. power in charge of military affairs might stage a coup or, if
they're m ore cha m pions than generals, atte mpt an assassina-
Keeping track of it all With three or four keys to power in each region and dozens of
regions to be clai med, players are going to fill up this d20
Running a ca m paign about Machiavellian global conquest one chart in a hurry, and that's intentional. Soon players will be
quest at a time sounds exciting and it is, but it can be a lot constantly putting out fires as different underlings m a ke de-
to handle if you're not used to thinking in ter ms of politics, m a nds, so meti mes contradictory de mands (for exa m ple, both
intrigue, and constant treachery. This section contains so me of the m want the sa me thing and only one of the m can have
advice for keeping track of it all. it). This m eans it's time for players to consolidate the nu m -
ber of keys. Instead of having a general in every region, unite
Every region detailed, fro m Icewind Dale down to the Green- the ar mies of several regions under the leadership of a single
fields, is going to have a handful of keys to power necessary general. The generals who are being sacked might not appre-
to hanging onto that location. A general needed to defend it, ciate this, and m ay express their dissatisfaction with pike
m aybe the leader of a party of powerful adventurers who keep for mations, but once that proble m is dealt with it won't co me
the local m o nster population in check, wealthy m erchants, back again, and that will give players so me breathing roo m to
land owners, or noble fa milies who represent a large chunk of start expanding again.
the area's wealth and m a nage the taxing of that wealth, and
so on. In so me cases, the keys will be obvious. Waterdeep and
Baldur's Gate have internal factions which are thoroughly de-
tailed, and while not all of these are going to be a part of the
winning coalition players use to seize power, so me of the m
will be. Baldur's Gate, for exa m ple, has three important fac-
tions: The Fla ming Fists, the patriar fa milies, and the Guild.
Only those first two are keys to power in Baldur's Gate as it
is, but the players might use the Guild to rise to power, and
thus replace one or both of the existing keys to power with

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Chapter Two: Taking Power on the Sword Coast
The Sword Coast is a handful of powerful and only moder- nearby whenever a warband too big for them to handle
ately corrupt cities surrounded by a quietly churning chaos comes along.
of constant, low-grade war between frontier outposts and
hostile kingdoms of marauding barbarians. The instability
gives rise to an uncontrolled wildlife, with most trade routes Neverwinter
stalked by not only orc and goblinoid bandits, but also owl- “Is anything in this city actually, officially
bears, manticores, and wyverns. Trade thrives, but not be- illegal?”
cause the roads are well-patrolled by imperial legions, but “It's definitely illegal to bury the city under
rather because merchants hire small armies of mercenaries hot lava.”
to guard shipments from one city to another. —Thaemin and Langdedrosa Cyanwrath

Both politics and trade in the Sword Coast are dominated Many cities along the Sword Coast are in the unusual posi-
principally by the three major cities that sit on the coast tion of being a part of the Lord's Alliance sphere of influence
itself, those being Waterdeep, Baldur's Gate, and Neverwinter. (headed by either Waterdeep or Baldur's Gate, according to
Additionally, the Silver Marches are a large inland coalition the current winds of fortune) while at the same time com-
of cities which collectively form a significant power bloc. manding a sizable sphere of influence of their own. Never-
That significance has diminished in recent years as Mithral winter's military power is the only defense the small villages
Hall and other dwarven citadels have departed the confeder- of Neverwinter Wood and the Triboar Trail (including Phan-
ation, while at around the same time Neverwinter was devas- dolin) have against major threats, while their status as a vi-
tated by the Spellplague and has only begun to be rebuilt. tal trade link makes towns like Luskan and Mirabar as well
This has left Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate as the two most as Icewind Dale dependent upon them to keep food from
powerful cities on the coast, and under the leadership of the more plentiful lands flowing to the unforgiving north. If Nev-
Bhaalspawn, a powerful leader despite sinister origins, Bal- erwinter were to leave the Lord's Alliance, these hinterlands
dur's Gate has become the first city of the Sword Coast in would have little choice but to follow. At the same time, los-
centuries to surpass Waterdeep in economic and cultural ing the favorable trade agreements that come with me mber-
importance. ship in the Lord's Alliance would be a huge blow to the Nev-
erwinter economy as well as leaving them isolated in the
Stuck between these major powers are the lesser kingdoms, event of an attack from Reghed Glacier to the north, or even
like Misty Forest and Elturgard, minor towns that survive and from raiding from the unsavory elements of Neverwinter
flourish either because they are nearby more powerful Wood and the Mere of Dead Men.
neighbors (like Daggerford) or because they lie along trade
routes and the heavily armed merchant wagons that regu- A party seeking to push Neverwinter to strike out on their
larly come down the those trade routes serve as a sort of own would have little difficulty convincing Lord Neverember,
patrol keeping monsters at bay (Longsaddle, Yartar), and ar- a man of great ambition ousted from his position of power
eas of wilderness both mostly friendly (the High Forest) and in Waterdeep and now ruler only of a city beholden to its
very dangerous indeed (the High Moor). economic might. Still, before he would turn his back on the
Lord's Alliance he requires reliable new trade contacts to re-
There is a constant tug back and forth between wilderness place Waterdeep, Baldur's Gate, and Silverymoon. The Lands
and civilization. Even major nations like the Silver Marches of Intrigue might provide just such trade partners.
must regularly repel hordes seeking to loot them of their
wealth, and small towns along the trade routes are under A party seeking to poach Neverwinter to a rival sphere of
constant threat that a sudden surge of monster activity will influence (or start their own) would have much greater diffi-
see their village sacked, and possibly even wiped off the map. culty convincing Lord Neverember to leave the shadows cast
The activities of the Dragon Cult saw the Greenfields' popu- by the Lord's Alliance only to step into that of another. Even
lation decimated and wealth almost completely stripped so, Neverember greatly resents Laeral Silverhand, the Open
away. The Cult was ultimately defeated by a coalition of the Lord of Waterdeep who replaced him and left him with only
Lord's Alliance, the Order of the Gauntlet, and other, less Neverwinter, so he will be the first to desert the Lord's Al-
public organizations, but even this powerful union has found liance should their ability to defend against outside threats
itself preoccupied with major threats to the Sword Coast and begin to crumble. Alternatively, the monsters who threaten
Faerun and the small towns and outposts have been left Icewind Dale and Neverwinter Wood might be forged into an
largely to fend for themselves against the day-to-day haz- army capable of overthrowing Neverember and seizing Nev-
ards of the surrounding wilds. The lucky ones get permanent erwinter for a new regime, or an army from Neverwinter it-
defense from the Order of the Gauntlet or the Emerald En- self may be persuaded to do the same and displace Never-
clave. The unlucky ones hope there's friendly adventurers winter's self-appointed Lord Governor. Neverwinter is an ex-

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Sphere of Influence 8
tremely cosmopolitan city and thus, while tensions would so out of date (in game time). The primary differences are
certainly be high, it is even plausible that the (so-called) the retreat of the Netherese sphere of influence following
monster races of the wilderness would unite with the citizens their defeat at the hands of Cormyr and Cormanthor and
of Neverwinter under a charismatic leader to overthrow the Lord Neverember's losing his title of Open Lord of Waterdeep
self-appointed Lord Protector. and becoming ruler of Neverwinter only.

Lord Neverember is well justified in his fears of economic For information on the city before its destruction in the
collapse should the Lord's Alliance turn against Neverwinter Spellplague, the Neverwinter Nights games are recom mended.
(or vice-versa). If the Lord's Alliance began to embargo the The city as depicted in these games is no more, but it's only
city, the frigid climate would be unable to sustain the popu- been about a hundred years, which means young dwarves or
lation for longer than a few months and the city would im- gnomes and even old elves depicted in the games will still be
plode. A successful blockade would devastate Neverwinter's alive (provided they survived the destruction of the city),
economy and would convince any sane ruler of the city to and as well the ruins of Old Neverwinter may have sunk into
concede to anyone who can maintain it. Even an irrationally the ground or still remain amidst the reconstruction. These
stubborn or spiteful ruler would have no choice but to con- could be excellent hideouts for rebel forces, either a base of
cede after the army starves to death. operations for players acting to overthrow whatever regime
com mands Neverwinter (Lord Neverember by default, but
Neverwinter faces an additional threat. The Ashmadai cult of these locations remain just as usable if the city should
devil worshipers were shattered by their war against the change hands during the course of your campaign) or dun-
Abolethic Sovereignty and New Neverwinter for control of the geons to be cleared by players acting to preserve whatever
city, but they are far from annihilated. The cult was a local regime com mands Neverwinter.
power even at their height and now struggle even to main-
tain their influence over Neverwinter and its im mediate en-
virons, but despite these odds they seek to seize control of
Neverwinter and establish a sphere of influence of their own.
As the only faction who utterly and fanatically refuses to
accept any result except total control over Neverwinter as a
sovereign and unentangled state, the Ashmadai represent a
wild card and a kingmaker who could side with or against
almost anyone.


The Abolethic Sovereignty was a faction with significant influence in

Neverwinter and deeply tied to the Spellplague, whose interests
were almost purely related to using its corrupting influence to create
mutant slaves to add to their choir. The Abolethic Sovereignty was
never defeated, but the Spellplague has been reversed, which
means the aboleths can no longer achieve their objective. What do
they do now?

Presently, this is entirely up to the DM. They might begin corrupting

creatures with new techniques, they might abandon the corruption
plan but go ahead and just gun for world domination, they might at-
tempt to murder some gods again in order to bring the Spellplague
back, or they might just pack up and go home. That last one ap-
pears to be the stance taken by the Neverwinter MMORPG. Pre-
suming the Abolethic Sovereignty are still active, however, they rep-
resent an independent sphere of influence, and one powerful
enough that if they bent all of their resources to absorbing the Nev-
erwinter sphere of influence, it is unlikely anyone could stop them.

Further Reading
Neverwinter Wood and the Triboar
There is an embarrassing overabundance of material avail- Trail
able on the city of Neverwinter. The most up-to-date infor-
mation on the city can be found in the eponymous MMORPG,
which is free to play as far as is required to get a feel for Neverwinter Wood surrounds Neverwinter on nearly all of its
the current state of the city. For a more in-depth look, the inland faces, and is ho me pri marily to elves, fey, and gobli-
4th edition Neverwinter Campaign Setting is only a decade or noids. The goblinoids once inhabited the entirety of the re-

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Sphere of Influence 9
gion, but are now clustered around the eastern edge, starting The colony in Gauntlgry m is both recent and surrounded on
at the Crags, a series of hills which cut through the northeast all sides by ene mies, however they have the support of the
end of the forest, and curving around to the south al most to entire dwarven society in the North, na mely Mirabar and
the borders of the High Road. Mithral Hall. While these cities are so mewhat distant (espe-
cially Mithral Hall), the protection they offer is not insignifi-
A pack of goblinoids operating out of the southern end of cant. Even if the drow or the fire giants do clai m Gauntlgry m,
Neverwinter Wood called the Crag ma w Tribe m e naces the Tri- they would find the mselves soon besieged by dwarves fro m
boar Trail just to the south. Additional hazards in the region afar.
include a hag, cultists, bandits, and even a dragon. The great
wealth of the town of Phandolin and their mines in the Wave Neverwinter Wood and the surrounding region are ho me to
Echo Cave, as well as the trade link between Neverwinter and m ultiple minor factions, which range fro m ene mies of Never-
the crossroads town of Triboar to the east (just within Water- winter to indifferent toward it to core m e m bers of its sphere
deep's sphere of influence), have been al most co m pletely of influence. The elves of New Sharandar and the dwarves of
crippled by these and other hazards. Gauntlgry m will by default help to defend Neverwinter fro m
outside attack and vice-versa, but their alliance is infor mal
The western edge of the forest and its interior (about 70% of and largely one of military convenience. None of the m wants
the total land area including the m ost abundant areas as well threats capable of successfully raiding powerful cities in the
as the m ost defensible save Mount Hotenow) is m ostly con- region, so they will unite to oppose such threats. It would not
trolled by the elven colony of New Sharandar and their allies be difficult to convince New Sharandar and Gauntlgry m to
the Ring of Swords druid circle. The colony was established declare neutrality in a conflict between Neverwinter and a ri-
after fighting an intense war in the forest with dark fey who val, especially if that conflict was kept to blockades, raiding,
invaded fro m the Feywild during the Spellplague, joining the and other actions which, while hostile, fall short of all-out
Ring of Swords who had pushed the goblinoids to the forest's war.
periphery a century before but were overwhel med by the oth-
erworldly invaders. Although the fight against the dark fey Players who find the mselves fighting for or against Neverwin-
was a decisive success, New Sharandar's population isn't ter might help New Sharandar in their fight against the dark
nearly great enough to keep the entirety of the wood pa- fey and Gauntlgry m in their fight against the drow and the
trolled, and the dark fey re m nants are adept at avoiding de- fire creatures of Hotenow in order to secure either their alle-
tection. Particularly in the heart of the forest near the Nev- giance to Neverwinter (especially against another allied city
erwinter River, the dark fey have a strong presence that New like Waterdeep) or their indifference to Neverwinter. On the
Sharandar will not be able to sta mp out without outside as- other hand, if Gauntlgry m or New Sharandar refuse to align
sistance. Making m atters worse, the portal to the Feywild is with the players' chosen faction, they might strike dark deals
still open, and a renewed dark fey invasion is kept at bay with the dark fey, the goblinoids of Neverwinter Wood, or the
solely by the vigilance of the guards at New Sharandar who minions of Megaera to clai m the region with a coalition of evil
constantly m a n for midable fortifications against a possible m o nsters. This would im mediately m a ke the m ene mies of both
counterattack. The dark fey deeper within the forest are elves of Shae m oor and the dwarves of Mirabar and Mithral
so meti mes content to run a mock, but whether out of loyalty Hall. Players m ay also find the mselves battling a villain at-
or just a desire to have the nu m bers to cause m ore havoc, te mpting to create just this coalition (possibly Menzoberran-
m a ny of the m plot to overrun New Sharandar and open up zan) in order to seize Waterdeep.
the portal to clai m Neverwinter Wood for their m asters in the
Feywild. Further Reading
The Crags are, for the m ost part, just a series of hills overrun The 4e Neverwinter Campaign Setting includes nearly up to
by goblinoids, orcs, and hu m an barbarian tribes, all of which date (it describes the region as it was a decade ago in game
fight with each other as m u ch as with the m erchants and pa- time) information on Neverwinter Wood and the surrounding
trols of Neverwinter. However, deep within Neverwinter Wood is area. Additionally, most of the region is accessible in the
Mount Hotenow, where lies trapped the powerful pri mordial Neverwinter MMO, which is completely up-to-date with set-
Megaera, who caused the eruption that destroyed Old Never- ting lore as of the writing.
winter thirty years ago. Megaera has since been put back to
rest, and the ancient dwarven city of Gauntlgry m has been The entire Triboar Trail area is described in great detail in
reclai med fro m the drow and the forces of wicked ele mental an already fairly sandbox-y intro adventure The Lost Mines
fire by Bruenor for the dwarves of the North, peripheral of Phandelver. This adventure also describes Cragmaw Castle,
m e m bers of the greater Waterdeep sphere of influence and the stronghold of the Cragmaw Tribe of goblinoids and a sig-
thus allies (for now) of Neverwinter. Fire ele mentals and gi- nificant goblinoid stronghold in the southern reaches of
ants re main co m m o n in the volcanic heart of Hotenow and Neverwinter Wood. Capturing and holding this stronghold will
the drow of Menzoberranzan's powerful and far-reaching Un - be a serious blow to goblinoids in this region, in addition to
derdark sphere of influence are a constant threat just below. the damage done to them by securing the Triboar Trail

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Sphere of Influence 10
against their raids (and general chaos) over the course of dragon Voaragha m anthar. In secret, Voaragha manthar is ac-
the Lost Mines adventure. This adventure is a great way to tually two ancient black dragons, the twins who refer to each
get players started with a small sphere of influence (albeit other as Weszlu m and Wulzour (the second twin's na me is al-
one beholden to Neverwinter and ultimately the Lord's Al- legedly Waervaerendor, but he hasn't actually been called that
liance) right away, as its presumed end is with players being for over a millenniu m, so I think it's safe to say the na me
personal friends with the Rockseeker family of dwarves, who change has cleared).
come to dominate the economy of Phandolin and the Triboar
Trail by their reclamation of the eponymous mines in Wave The Voaragha manthar twins are an overwhel ming deterrent to
Echo Cave. the establish ment of a sphere of influence in the Mere, how-
ever they do not bother with minor creatures. Under their
Gauntlgrym unsurprisingly features heavily in the novel of apathy, lizardfolk and bullywug tribes flourish and fight with
the same name, which depicts the reclamation of the ancient one another. Many of these tribes (particularly the bullywugs)
city by Bruenor. The reclaimed city is also described briefly are hostile to outsiders, but others are indifferent, content to
in Out of the Abyss. The information from Out of the Abyss let strangers pass through (provided they do not linger) and
may be particularly helpful in designing a confrontation be- perfectly willing to barter. They do not accept coins, as they
tween Gauntlgrym and Menzoberranzan. Although most of the lack anywhere to spend the m.
information on Gauntlgrym found in the 4e Neverwinter
Campaign Setting is now out of date, the general shape of In the darkest depths of the swa m pland, the uncontrolled un-
the city remains the same. dead hordes raised either by the lich Iniarv or else by the
death of Myrkul wander about, further destabilizing the re-
gion. The whereabouts of the lich hi mself are unknown, as are
any goals he m ay have.

The Voaragha manthars want only to expand their hoard and

have bargained with powerful heroes passing through to that
end. In particular, they are interested in the contents of the
Mausoleu m of Ebondeath, the lair of a mighty dracolich who
ruled the m ere before they arrived. Ebondeath hi mself has
collapsed into a pile of bones during a surge of Myrkul's pow-
er, and now lingers in the m a usoleu m as a dise m bodied spirit
a m ongst the legions of the dead who guard the place.

The Mere of Dead Men was once a kingdo m before the van-
ished lich Iniarv flooded it in agitation over his slu mber being
disturbed by an invading orc ar my. As such, the place is
strewn with ruins of castles and towns. A m ongst these is Cas-
tle Naerytar, notable for the portal connecting it to Parnast,
thus allowing a base deep within the Mere to be far m ore
easily supplied.

What To Do With Iniarv?

Iniarv hasn't been seen since he transformed the kingdom of

Phalorm into a giant swamp full of zombies. The reason he cast this
apocalyptic spell in the first place is because his (allegedly aban-
doned) tower was disturbed by invading orcs, and he overreacted a
bit to the bother. A small Helmite order used the ruins of his tower
(just outside the Mere) as a base for thinning the monsters of the
Mere for two years (they were then captured by Voaraghamanthar)
without being killed by an angry lich or accidentally provoking Ar-
mageddon, so if Iniarv still remains he's clearly chilled out a little. If
Iniarv is still around, he could provide either a potential ally if he
The Mere of Dead Men doesn't mind being a part of someone else's sphere of influence or
else a potential rival if he insists on indepedence and/or isolation.
Alternatively, he may have left or re-died in the intervening eight
The Mere of Dead Men m arks the southern boundary of the hundred years since the fall of Phalorm.
Neverwinter sphere of influence. In fact, it lies as m u ch within
the Waterdeep sphere of influence as within Neverwinter's, The Mere of Dead Men is a no m a n's land that would be in-
which would be a point of contention if the entire swa m p credibly difficult to ta me. In order to be resettled, the swa m p
were not decisively under the control of the ancient black

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would have to be drained, the towns and castles rebuilt, the
lizardfolk and bullywugs either befriended, subjugated, or Luskan is fir mly a part of Neverwinter's sphere of influence
driven out co m pletely, the thriving population of undead and because their own port econo my was deeply intertwined with
other m o nsters would have to be brought under control, and Neverwinter's. They were a halfway point between Icewind Dale
m ost importantly, so mething would have to be done about and Neverwinter, which connected the inhospitable far north
Voaragha m anthar. to the rest of the Sword Coast's bountiful trade routes. When
Neverwinter was destroyed by Hotenow's eruption, Luskan's
All of this m ust be done using external resources, because no econo my collapsed overnight and it descended into anarchy
faction within the Mere would ever consent to having it soon afterwards. The town is now divided up pri marily be-
drained. As such, the Mere cannot be clai med by picking sides tween gangs of pirates who are slightly, but only slightly,
and installing a friend into the govern ment. There is no gov- m ore civilized than you might expect of pirates. Luskan was
ern ment. Instead, players seeking to reclai m the Mere (and an aggressive naval power and had a rocky relationship with
re moving that threat to the High Road would be enor mously all their neighbors save Neverwinter (who disapproved of their
beneficial even before factoring in how fertile Phalor m's belligerence, but not enough to impose sanctions or otherwise
far mland was before it was drowned) m ust asse m ble a expend political capital to curb this behavior).
(preferably s mall, fast m oving, and easily supplied) vanguard,
clear a defensible ruin, then bring in colonists to rebuild that The Arcane Brotherhood in Luskan are responsible for clearing
ruin into a stronghold that can be used to push the frontier out the goblinoids and undead who captured the city after
back and as a base for draining the swa m p. Once a workforce Neverwinter's collapse (for all the difference it m a de to rein-
to drain the swa m p and sufficient guards to hold the lizard- stall the pirate captains as leaders), and thus are de monstra-
folk, bullywugs, undead, and assorted m o nsters have been bly powerful enough to capture the city m ore or less at-will.
brought in to the cleared ruin, the vanguard can advance So far they haven't done so for no other reason except that
(slogging through m u d dense with rando m encounters) to the they can't currently be bothered. It's anyone's guess as to
next ruin to clear it as well. how long that will hold out.

The guards defending the captured strongholds will not only To the east of Luskan, along a road to the south of the Spine
be occupied guarding those strongholds for at least a decade of the World, is Mirabar, a dwarven mining colony and the
while the surrounding area is cleared out enough for a stan- greatest of the mines at the southern edge of the Spine. The
dard town watch to be sufficient for local threats, the guard Spine is pock marked by mines that m a ke up tiny outposts of
will also take casualties during that time and thus require a civilization in a rugged wilderness otherwise ruled by orcs,
steady trickle of reinforce ments to be sustained long after frost giants, and white dragons. Most of these mines are un-
the players have cleared all the dungeons and left. stable and often perish to the wilderness within years of being
established, but not so Mirabar and its outlying outposts.
It's boots, boots, boots, boots m oving up and down again. These are defended by the Axe of Mirabar, a powerful militia
There's no discharge in the war. that keeps the m o nsters of the Spine at bay. The Spine of the
World holds vast wealth and Mirabar is one of the wealthiest
Further Reading towns on the Sword Coast despite its re mote location.

The Mere of Dead Men, and in particular Castle Naerytar, is Mirabar was previously within the sphere of influence of Sil-
the setting for an adventure in Hoard of the Dragon Queen. very moon due to their close affiliation with the dwarven city
Additionally, a series of adventures was set in the Mere fro m of Mithral Hall and the greater dwarven co m m u nity, however
Dungeon Magazine #69-73. There is also an article in Dragon an invasion of the Many - Arrows kingdo m saw the dwarven city
Magazine #257 which gives an in-depth description of the of Sundabar overrun, and this ended the military alliance be-
Mere in general and its twin dragon overlords in particular. tween Silvery moon and Mithral Hall, and thus to Mirabar's al-
The Mere also features in the Neverwinter M M ORPG. An enter- liance-by-proxy with Silvery moon. At the sa me time, the re-
prising D M would do well to use this m aterial as basis for a establish ment of Gauntlgry m has placed the dwarven co m m u -
hexcrawl in which the goal is to clear every encounter. nity into close contact with Neverwinter's allies, and this has
pulled the m, Mirabar included, into the periphery of Never-
winter's sphere (the section on Mithral Hall provides m ore in-
Neverwinter Periphery for mation on the dwarves of the North and their realign ment
fro m Silvery moon to Neverwinter, however Mirabar is included
Luskan, Mirabar, and Longsaddle for m an arc m arking the here due to the implications of the Spine of the World and
northern and eastern land boundary of Neverwinter's sphere the Lurkwood on their security). Although the dwarves of
of influence (Icewind Dale to the north is also a part of Nev- Mirabar consider the fellow dwarves of the Battleha m m er
erwinter's sphere of influence, but the land route past Luskan clan's holdings in Mithral Hall and Gauntlgry m to be friends,
is interrupted by the hostile territory of the Spine of the secretly m a ny of the m re main bitter over the (century-old)
World). upset in their mining m arkets caused by Mithral Hall's recla-

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Sphere of Influence 12
m ation, and so me fear that the colony at Gauntlgry m might also secure defense treaties with Longsaddle and whoever
further dilute their control of the mining m arkets. As such, a controls Luskan (assu ming they are open to negotiation, which
silvertongued diplo mat with a good offer (especially an eco- will depend on the state of the world and player actions). Al-
no mic one) could convince Mirabar to split with the rest of ternatively, an alliance between orcs of the Spine and Lurk-
the dwarven co m m u nity and join a separate sphere of influ- wood (possibly with allied frost giants) could be used to over-
ence fro m Mithral Hall and Guantlgry m. whel m the entire region with pure military power.

Not far to the southwest of Mirabar stands the Crags, large Further Reading
hills overrun pri marily by goblinoids that run south into Nev-
erwinter Wood where they cul minate in Mount Hotenow, and There is little written about these locations. The Sword Coast
on the southeast is the Lurkwood. The western fringe of the Adventurer's Guide goes into all of the m in so me detail, but
Lurkwood is settled by loggers fro m Mirabar and Longsaddle entirely in-character, and it's not always clear how reliable
(to the south), but the forest's interior is overrun by orcs and the infor mation is m eant to be. Relevantly, it's not especially
ettins, and its eastern reaches have been clai med by werewolf clear what the difference is between Luskan's current govern-
packs hostile to all civilization. m e nt and their previous state of having been overrun by
m o nsters other than the fact that it is now hu m ans and not
Longsaddle is south fro m Mirabar along the road towards Tri- orcs or goblins who are raiding the Sword Coast.
boar, It is a minor ha mlet notable only because it is defended
by a friendly pack of werewolves descended fro m a cursed
citizen of the village who retained his loyalty to his ho me.
Longsaddle's hinterlands include logging outposts in the Lurk-
wood alongside Mirabar, the edge of Neverwinter Wood to the
west (in particular the sections where goblinoids still hold
out), and to the east the lands of the Uthgardt barbarians.
The Uthgardt are fractious and so me tribes fight against all
nearby (including other Uthgardt tribes), so me honor the an-
cient alliance between the tribes against orcs and goblinoids
and refuse to attack other Uthgardt unless forced, yet are
willing to attack all outsiders, and still others are peaceful
entirely and prefer to avoid conflict as m uch as possible. In
any case, very few of the m engage in open raiding and those
that do m eet a swift end at the hands of Longsaddle's were-
wolf protectors, so the Uthgardt have little impact on
Longsaddle one way or another.

Longsaddle, Luskan, and Mirabar are a grab-bag of fringe

settle ments united pri marily by their geography. They share
nearby wilderness threats in co m m o n with one another, but
little else (even then, it's m ore accurate to say that Mirabar
shares threats in co m m o n with both Longsaddle and Luskan).
As such, parties m ay find the mselves dealing with each town
individually with their internal politics, imposing a stable gov-
ern ment on nearly-lawless Luskan, winning the allegiance of
Mirabar by fighting against frost giants and white dragons
m e nacing their frontiers, and helping Longsaddle by driving
the goblinoids in eastern Neverwinter Wood out once and for
all. Alternatively, they could be brought in by association, with Icewind Dale
Longsaddle dependent upon trade fro m Mirabar and Mirabar a
close ally of Gauntlgry m and Mithral Hall, which m eans that Icewind Dale is a confederation between the Ten Towns, each
(with the exception of anarchic Luskan, whose govern ment has pledging to support and defend the others in times of trouble.
no friends or interests because it does not exist) this region Due to the inhospitable landscape just south of the Reghed
can be brought into a sphere of influence si mply by bringing Glacier and the m o nsters that surround their dale on all
in other regions. sides, the towns have no choice but to rely on one another or
perish. Add to this their long history of inter-reliant not-
The region can also be tackled as a unified entity, however, perishing and the odds of breaking up the confederacy is
using Mirabar as a base fro m which to fight against the dark da m n near impossible.
forces of both Lurkwood and the Spine of the World, and thus

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Sphere of Influence 13
To the south of Icewind Dale is the Spine of the World, where developed a strong isolationis m due to having endured on -
orcs, frost giants, and white dragons thrive. The northern side and - off siege by the sa me for a si milar a mount of time. With
of the Spine holds far fewer mining outposts than the south, these dwarven citadels returned to their creators, the areas
and is wholly overrun. On the north and east is the Reghed surrounding have beco me significantly less dangerous, and
Glacier, where the Reghed m an Barbarians live until they give even the isolationist Citadel Adbar is beco ming m ore open to
way to the great frost giant kingdo ms of the far north. On the outside contact again.
west is the Sea of Moving Ice. Infested with white dragons and
ice trolls, skirting the edge of this sea is one of two ways These three underground cities are geographically located
Icewind Dale can do vital trade with lands to the south. The m uch closer to Silvery moon than Neverwinter, and both the
other is to run a path through the western foothills of the citadels lie well within what is otherwise Silvery moon's sphere
Spine of the World, along the northern m ost parts of the Sword of influence. The Mithral Hall stands on the western most ex-
Coast. Both are fraught with peril. tre me of Silvery moon's sphere, what is now the eastern most
extre me of Neverwinter's sphere since the dwarves of the
The unending tide of m o nstrous forces that encircle the Dale North realigned towards the m. This realign ment occurred due
entirely are not so deadly nor so vital to exerting influence to a war with the orc Kingdo m of Many- Arrows in the Spine
over the m as the si mple cold. Unable to sustain the mselves of the World to the north (a section of the m o untain range
through far ming, the Ten Towns are co m pletely dependent east of where it intersects with the rest of Neverwinter's
upon trade with the Sword Coast to survive. Whoever controls sphere of influence). The dwarven strongholds were left largely
Neverwinter and Luskan, the two nearest m ajor ports, will to hold their own early on due to the city of Silvery moon
have significant influence in Icewind Dale even if neither they falling under siege. Mithral Hall, Citadel Felbarr, and Citadel
nor their representatives ever set foot in it. If one faction Adbar m a naged to hold out, however the mixed dwarven -hu-
were to have at least enough influence over all the Sword m a n city of Sundabar was overrun. Although the territory was
Coast ports to convince the m to cease trade with Icewind reclai med, the dwarven presence in the city was nearly wiped
Dale, Icewind Dale would have no choice but to concede to any out, and the city is now effectively hu m an. In the after math
and all de mands such a faction would m a ke. of the war, the dwarves of all three m ajor cities for mally de-
parted the confederation of Luruar led by Silvery moon, and
Exerting influence through military m eans would be m u ch drifted into the periphery of Neverwinter due to trade rela-
harder. Icewind Dale is constantly pu m m eled by m o nster tions, largely fro m Mirabar and Gauntlgry m.
raids. Defending the Dale to the point where they co me to
rely on that protection and would be unwilling to refuse de- The Dwarven Sphere of Influence
m a nds for fear of losing it would require either the conquest
of no less than three wilderness areas inhabited by white
The only thing stopping the dwarves of the North from forming their own
dragons, frost giants, and orc tribes, or else a m assive in- sphere of influence is a lack of desire to do so. Should they ever feel the
vest ment of troops in the region such that these hostile ele- need to cut ties with Neverwinter and go it alone, they would not find their
m e nts can no longer threaten the Ten Towns. On the other trade collapsing or be exposed to new threats, because their most vital
hand, anyone seeking to wipe out the Ten Towns and replace trade agreements are with each other and their greatest military allies are
the m with a new, m ore friendly govern ment would have their also each other. The dwarven economy wouldn't even notice economic
backlash from the nearby human and elven nations unless it reached the
pick of local rulers. level of total embargo. On that note, two additional dwarven strongholds
should be noted: Ironmaster in Icewind Dale and Thornhold just outside
Further Reading the Mere of Dead Men, both of which currently have very few connections
with the regions they're located in (in Thornhold's case, because there
aren't really any connections to have) and either of which could be good
Icewind Dale is the subject of two video games of the same
bases for the expansion of the dwarven sphere of influence should they de-
name as well as the trilogy of novels in which Drizz't made cide to strike out and create one. Since both these lands are themselves on
his debut, all of which give an excellent close-up look at the the periphery of Neverwinter's sphere of influence, it's unlikely that poach-
Dale itself. The Sea of Moving Ice was explored in Chapter 2 ing them would even provoke a strong response from the weakened city.
of the Rise of Tiamat.
Further Reading
The Dwarven Citadels
The Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide goes into particular detail
In addition to Gauntlgry m (described in Neverwinter Wood and on the dwarven strongholds (and there is limited infor mation
Triboar Trail above) and Mirabar (described in Neverwinter on anywhere but Gauntlgry m and Mithral Hall outside of the
Periphery above) there are three m ajor outposts of the dwar- Adventurer's Guide). As with the Neverwinter periphery, the
ven civilization in the North. These are the Mithral Hall, disclai mer re mains that these lands are described in-charac-
Citadel Felbarr, and Citadel Adbar. Mithral Hall and Citadel ter by what is not necessarily a reliable narrator (and in fact,
Felbarr were reclai med within the last century and change this one is clearly biased in favor of dwarves in general and
fro m drow and orcs (respectively), while Citadel Adbar has Adbar in particular). The Silver Marches sourcebook for 3e

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Sphere of Influence 14
also goes into so me detail on these citadels, though it is a bit Waterdeep via Triboar. This trade nexus is m aintained due to
out of date ( most notably in that it paints the m as still being the vigilance of the Knights in Silver, Silvery moon's powerful
a part of the Silver Marches). chivalric order which keeps Luruar free of orcs and for ms a
for midable vanguard for their military when m arshaled for
war. In addition, Silvery moon boasts the Spellguard and the
Silvery moon High Guard, two m uch s maller but far m ore exalted elite or-
“The unity and goodwill in this place is suffo- ders dedicated to the defense of the city and palace (respec-
cating.” tively), as well as the Silverwatch which m aintains order in
—Langdedrosa Cyanwrath the streets, the Moon Garrison that serves as the rank - and-
file of the city's defenses, and the Argent Legion, a m assive
Silvery moon is the political and cultural capital of the nation ar my supplied by recruits fro m all across Luruar and dedi-
of Luruar. Methra m m ar Aerasu me leads Luruar as a whole, cated to the defense of all m e m ber cities.
succeeding the nation's founder Alustriel Silverhand, who was
for merly the leader of Silvery moon itself. Although the lead- Perhaps its m ost for midable defense, however, is the Silvery-
ership of Luruar is not co m bined with the leadership of Sil- m o on Mythal, a powerful m agical ward that prevents all but
very moon, Alustriel's pro minent position within the Silvery- the strongest willed evil creatures fro m re maining, including
m oon govern ment prior to her ascension as well as the con- chro matic dragons, de m ons, devils, goblinoids, orcs, trolls, il-
centration of cultural, econo mic, and military power in the lithids, drow, duergar, and giants, while also preventing the
city of Silvery moon itself both led to the city beco ming m uch casting of evocation spells, teleportation spells, and su m m on -
m ore pro minent and influential over the nation despite a lack ing spells by anyone not carrying a m agical char m that
of explicit legal favoritis m. grants the m exe m ption. Silvery moon has no shortage of mili-
tary defenses nor do they lack the ability to project force.
Luruar and Neverwinter have been co m peting to be the third They are quite possibly the m ost powerful land military in all
m ost powerful sphere of influence in the Sword Coast region of the Sword Coast.
for over a century, and they are as near one another in in-
fluence now as they were before. Unfortunately, this is not Given this abundance of econo mic and military power, con-
because they have m aintained pace with one another but be- vincing Silvery moon to give up any a m ount of independence
cause they have both experienced disasters that set the m and be absorbed even into the periphery of another sphere of
back by si milar a mounts. While Neverwinter was physically influence is a task of titanic difficulty. The orcish Kingdo m of
destroyed and forced to rebuild, Luruar was overwhel med by Many - Arrows has a de m onstrable capability to pose a serious
orcish invasion fro m the Spine of the World soon after threat to Luruar, but that was before they took the losses
Methra m m ar took over. Methra m m ar, lacking Alustriel's talent they did in their previous invasion. If the dwarves could be
for diplo macy, stewardship, and organization, led a confused convinced to co m pletely ignore an orcish invasion of Luruar,
resistance against the invasion. Despite the slow start, Many - Arrows would have a fighting chance of overwhel ming
Methra m m ar was eventually able to for m up the ar mies of the nation. Even if Luruar survived, they might find m ore of
Luruar (especially the large and powerful military of Silvery- their internal trade network and several m e m ber cities de-
m oon) and drive back the invaders, but the dwarven citadels m olished, leaving the m si multaneously in need of a m assive
of the north had been left to fend off the sieges by the m - reconstruction effort and with their pri mary m eans of funding
selves for m o nths while the mixed dwarf/hu m an city of such an effort crippled. If Luruar were rebuilt by an outside
Sundabar had been overrun and co m pletely destroyed. party, that party might be able to sign treaties that gave
the m control over trade within Luruar, possibly even to the
As a result of this, the dwarves lost confidence in the ability extent of cutting Silvery moon out entirely unless they, too,
of Luruar to provide m utual defense and saw no reason why cede their sovereignty to treaties that would bring the m into
their coffers should be drained to support a nation that another's sphere of influence. Alternatively, a party might at-
couldn't keep its pro mises of protection. The loss of the te mpt to set up one of their own or a trusted ally to beco me
dwarven citadels, especially the wealthy city of Mithral Hall, the next High Mage of Silvery moon or the next leader of Lu-
was a serious blow to the pro minence of Luruar and its capi- ruar. Each of these offices has a (usually non - hereditary)
tal Silvery moon, especially as it ca me si multaneously with the successor designated by the current ruler. Convincing such a
loss of their founder and great leader Alustriel. ruler to designate so meone who spends m ost of their time
outside Luruar as opposed to a m e m ber of the Spellguard, the
While Silvery moon's sphere of influence is greatly di minished High Guard, or their existing advisers would be difficult, but
by these events, the city itself re mains an econo mic and mil- not impossible, nor would it be impossible to find so meone
itary powerhouse. The city is a trade nexus between all of Lu- fro m one of those organizations who would be a menable to
ruar including the valuable mining city of Sundabar (still un- joining another sphere of influence.
dergoing reconstruction) and the trade gateway of Everlund as
well as two of the three dwarven citadels in the north, whose A m ore direct approach might involve invading Luruar. A
trade m ust flow through Silvery moon and Everlund to reach coalition between not just Many - Arrows, but also the People

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of the Black Blood, the trolls of the Ever moors, the Uthgardt Although weakened, Many- Arrows re mains the single greatest
barbarians throughout the wilderness periphery, and the orc concentration of orc power ruled directly by orcs in all of
and goblinoid tribes of the Nether Mountains might be able to Faerun. If the Gruu mshites were to place another of their own
bring even the powerful military of Silvery moon to its knees. on the throne, Many- Arrows could do serious da m age to Lu-
ruar in a second invasion provided that they could be con-
Further Reading vinced to ignore the dwarves and the dwarves convinced to
ignore the m. Although Many -Arrows would be unlikely to ac-
The 3e sourcebook Silver Marches is about a century out of tually capture Silvery moon and defeat the Argent Legion, they
date, but nevertheless provides m ostly accurate details on not could weaken the nation enough to leave it vulnerable to as-
only Silvery moon and the other cities of Luruar, but also the si milation into another sphere of influence. On the other
entire region. To avoid redundancy, this sourcebook will not hand, if the Gruu mshite faction were m ore decisively defeated,
be m e ntioned in other sections, however it is nevertheless the Lorgru would have the breathing roo m he needs to retaliate
best source for closer details on every subsection within the against orcs conducting minor raids into Luruar against his
Silvery moon section of this docu ment. decrees, and that in turn could lead to the establish ment of
for mal trade relations with Luruar and strengthen the econo-
m y of the entire region.

The Kingdom of Many-Arrows Further Reading

The Kingdo m of Many - Arrows is ruled over by the unorthodox RA Salvatore's Vengeance of the Iron Dwarf explores the re-
but undeniably effective Obould Dynasty, founded by King cent events of Many - Arrows in great detail, albeit fro m the
Obould, the first ruler of Many - Arrows. This orc kingdo m is perspective of Luruar's allies rather than that of the orcs of
re markable for its stability. There is a reason why m ost orc Many - Arrows.
territories are si mply labeled as orc territories: They are gen-
erally too unstable and their kingdo ms too short-lived to
bother m arking the m out on a m a p. Not so with Many - Arrows, The Glim merwood
for Obould was a cautious, long ter m planner even as he was
a courageous and powerful warrior. He and his legacy forged a Previously known as the Moonwood and the Cold Wood, the two
kingdo m which, rather than bashing itself relentlessly against forests have grown together in recent years and are now
all neighbors until they eventually m et their m atch or known collectively as the Gli m m erwood. The elves of the
stretched too thin and cru m bled, m aintained long periods of Moonwood, as m u ch a part of Luruar as any hu m an city, still
peace with the powerful real m of Luruar. While it set the refer to their ancestral ho melands within the Gli m m erwood as
sha m ans of Gruu msh and their not-insignificant following at the Moonwood. The elves kept the forest cleansed of orcs and
edge to ignore the wealth of Luruar to the south, Obould and goblinoids, but lacked the power and the will to clear the
his descendants released the aggression of their subjects People of the Black Blood, Malarite werewolves who lived pri-
through al most incessant low-grade warfare with the Uth- m arily in the northern reaches. The Moonwood is also ho me to
gardt barbarians who lived at the periphery of Luruar, partic- cells of the Eldreth Veluuthra, an elven supre macy m ove ment
ularly in the Cold Wood and the Ever moors. The population of that despises all non - elves. Being that the Moonwood are fir m
Many- Arrows grew, and with it grew its power and wealth. allies of the hu m ans and dwarves nearby, this organization is
co m pletely illegal, but thrives nevertheless. So me of the m
Eventually, the drow of Menzoberranzan decided that Luruar have beco me werewolves the mselves, and fight with the People
needed to be destroyed and Many - Arrows was the instru ment of the Black Blood for supre macy over the northern fringe of
with which to destroy the m. They began supporting the Gru- the forest.
u msh factions within Many-Arrows, who threw a coup against
Obould XVII (Obould's descendants are not very long lived, nor The eastern half of the Gli m m erwood, for merly known as the
are they too creative with na ming their kids) and installed Cold Wood, is the territory of the Red Tiger clan of the Uth-
the Gruu mshite Hartusk in his place. Hartusk im mediately led gardt barbarians. Pockets of orcs and ettins fight with the
the orcs of Many- Arrows in a m assive invasion of Luruar. The Uthgardt for control of the forest. Many Uthgardt outcasts
speed and size of this invasion caught Luruar off-guard, and also live in the eastern Gli m m erwood, as it stands at the far
led to the destruction of Sundabar and the secession of the fringe of Uthgardt wilderness.
dwarven citadels fro m the nation. The forces of Luruar even-
tually m a naged to rally and defeat the orcs, and in the after- The Eldreth Veluuthra might m a ke for better pawns than one
m ath Lorgru of the Obould Dynasty deposed Hartusk and re- might expect, given their hostility towards the kind of race-
clai med his throne in Dark Arrow Keep. The kingdo m re mains mixing that goes on in any given D &D party. While they might
significantly less stable and less powerful than before the war. want to conquer all the Sword Coast (if not the world) for the
elves as it was before the Crown Wars, a charis matic diplo mat
could persuade the m to accept the Gli m m erwood as their own

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Sphere of Influence 16
and thus use the m as catspaws to destroy the orcs, ettins,
Uthgardt barbarians, and the Children of the Black Blood in
Elruar Mountains
other parts of the forest.
The Nether Mountains once m arked the boundary between the
That said, a pawn who will refuse all calls to ar ms and does ancient hu m an e m pire of Netheril and the ancient dwarven
no trade is really m ore a neutral faction. Al most any party kingdo m of Delzoun, which occupied all of the territory now
will be better off rooting the m out and using either the Uth- known as Luruar and originally delved all the great dwarven
gardt barbarians or the orcs and ettins fro m the Cold Wood cities of the North, as well as so me of the hu m an ones (most
as local rulers. The real utility in the Eldreth Veluuthra, then, notably Sundabar). Given that, the dwarves are surprisingly
is to use the m to stage a coup and drive out the Moonwood okay with Luruar's continued existence.
elves before subsequently destroying the m with the Uthgardt
barbarians or an orc-ettin coalition. This way the Moonwood In m o dern times, these m o untains are overrun with orcs.
is brought under the party's control and no war is provoked Baraskur is a series of closely packed caves fortified together
with Luruar. as one structure to serve as the stronghold of the Ripped
Guts tribe of orcs, inter mittently ruled over by the ghost of a
The alternative is, of course, to befriend the Moonwood elves long dead hu m an sorceress who de m ands a host to possess
by helping the m defeat the Children of the Black Blood, al- every few years, a possession which can last anywhere fro m a
though it would be difficult to convince the m to defect fro m few days to half a year. While possessed, the powerful sorcer-
the Silvery moon sphere of influence considering they do not ess directs the orcs to scour the Netherese ruins in the
face serious danger fro m the werewolves in the northern for- m o untains for so me lost ite m. In between possessions, the
est (individually m ost elves would be in serious danger against ghost is largely dor mant and the orcs raid and fight with
the average werewolf, of course, but the werewolves are few their neighbors.
enough that elves are rarely attacked in the first place). A
party that was already aligned with Silvery moon would benefit Said neighbors are the Thousand Fists tribe of orcs, whose
fro m entrenching the Moonwood elves (and m aybe also Uth- stronghold is a m u ch m ore thinly spread series of caves
gardt barbarians) as sole rulers of the Gli m m erwood, but called the Thousand Maws. These caverns are linked not by
otherwise it would likely be wiser to drive the m out. fortified out-buildings and ra m parts but by runners who
quickly run to nearby caverns to bring all the tribe to the
Further Reading defense of any one cave that should fall under attack.

The two tribes pri marily fight over the Moon Pass. In stark
Various Drizz't books visit the Gli m m erwood ( mostly the
contrast to the foreboding m o untains, the Moon Pass is an
Moonwood), including repeated visits in the Hunter's Blade
abundant valley. The hu m ans and dwarves of Luruar have
trilogy. The Gli m m erwood also m a kes an appearance in
been known to m a ke their own atte mpts at colonizing the
Vengeance of the Iron Dwarf.
area. So far, the orc tribes have prevented the m fro m seeing
m uch success.

The m ost deadly threat in the Nether Mountains are the M u -

rue me Clan. No less than a half-dozen young blue dragons led
by Nahaunglaroth and Rauri m m, a pair of adults who, m uch
to the relief of all nearby, turned upon their father, an an-
cient blue na med Kizilpazar, and killed hi m. Nevertheless, the
unusual nu m ber of dragons in the area m a kes the m a serious
threat even with their patriarch slain. The Morue me Clan is
dedicated to protecting Dalagar's Dagger, the tallest peak of
the Nether Mountains, upon which aging chro matic dragons
fro m all across the Sword Coast fly to impale the mselves. The
treasure stuck between the dead dragon's scales falls out,
so me dislodged fro m the impact, others co ming loose as the
dragon decays, to for m a sizable hoard of its own at the base
of the m o untain. The Morue me Clan won't touch a single coin
of this hoard, nor will they let anyone else do so. No one
knows why the dragons co me to Dalagar's Dagger to end
the mselves, and no one knows why the Morue me Clan don't
clai m the treasure for the mselves (certainly they each m ain-
tain a hoard of their own, each in their individual caverns at
the eastern edge of the Nether Mountains).

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Sphere of Influence 17
with a fallen e m pire (although it should be noted that so me
A m o nastery to Loviator, goddess of pain, overlooks the Ever- sourcebooks m e ntioning the Netherese are referring to their
lund Pass at the far west of the Nether Mountains. Ordinarily 15th century successor state, who are descended fro m the
such a tiny outpost would not m erit m e ntion, but its strategic original e m pire but otherwise unrelated).
location m eans that it could be used, were its inhabitants so
inclined (or killed and replaced by those who are), to inter-
dict trade between Silvery moon and Everlund, which would
The Evermoors
seriously da m age the econo my of all Luruar (and the dwarven
citadels) as practically all trade that isn't co m pletely internal The Ever moors are a lu mpy bog with hills rising irregularly
goes through Silvery moon to Everlund and fro m there down to out of largely stagnant, brackish water. Their pri mary inhabi-
Waterdeep. tants are trolls and giants, who do not get along with one
another. The trolls used to be the sole inhabitants and largely
The Rauvin Mountains cut through the center of Luruar and kept to the mselves, however a frost giant incursion (with hill
the for mer kingdo m of Delzoun. Three different orc tribes giant lackeys) has pushed the trolls into the outlying regions,
have taken up residence in these m o untains, each one taking m uch to the distress of the outlying regions.
their na me fro m their favored m ethod of slaughtering hapless
victi ms for Gruu msh: The Tornskulls, the Heart Takers, and Delzoun and Netheril alike created cairns out here for their
the Red Fangs (the latter devour their victims alive). The dead, and these ancient to mbs re main, co m pletely sealed by
foothills of these m o untains are pock marked by goblinoid thick stone slabs to prevent the re mains fro m being dis-
strongholds. turbed. The to mbs were so frequent and so weighed down with
m agical treasures that, for a brief time when the bog water
A party sided with Silvery moon will have no shortage of began eroding m ost of the m away, people could actually m a ke
colonists willing to push into the Moon Pass, nor will they be a living panning for m agic rings in the Laughingflow as it
unable to find recruits to garrison Baraskur and the Thousand flowed out of the m o or. These days m ost of the cairns have
Ma ws. The trouble, then, is of course to actually capture these been looted or flooded, but a few still re main undisturbed and
orcish strongholds and drive the orc tribes who inhabit the m packed with treasure.
southwards. A party working against Silvery moon would need
to seize control of one orc tribe or another, perhaps by exor- Prospectors believe that the hills of the Ever moors are ex-
cising the sorcerous ghost who regularly tyrannizes the tre mely ore-rich and that it would be a mining location as
Ripped Guts, and use the m to destroy their rival. Either way, valuable as the Spine of the World were it not for the giants
the Morue mes will have to be dealt with, and they very rarely and trolls occupying it. As such, although its strategic posi-
fight alone. A si milar strategy would have to be taken in the tion is questionable due to how incredibly difficult it is to get
Rauvin Mountains, however this time there is no fertile valley an ar my through it on any kind of reasonable timetable, the
which Luruar is eager to settle, which m eans the party will Ever moors would quite possibly be a valuable addition to a
have to provide incentive or per manently garrison troops in sphere of influence. Mining rights to that area could poten-
the Rauvin Mountains to retain control after driving out the tially be a powerful bargaining chip in negotiations, particu-
orcs and goblinoids. Alternatively, they could pick their fa- larly with the nearby dwarfhold of Mithral Hall. Any sphere of
vorite tribe and lead the m to victory or unite the goblinoids influence that did not already have the dwarves on their side
and lead the m in an uprising against the orcs who raid and could easily lock the m into beneficial treaties with such valu-
extort the m regularly for cannon fodder and slaves. ables to offer.

Further Reading The issue, of course, is the giants in the north and the trolls
in the south. As the giants are already quite handily winning
the war, they have little incentive to m a ke any concessions in
The Northern Marches re mains fir mly reco m m ended for m ore
exchange for assistance in the fight (though they might still
details on these m o untain ranges. The Nether Mountains in
be willing to hire m ercenaries for a one-time pay ment in
particular still have lost Netherese ruins hidden in the m.
treasure), which leaves two options: Either rally the trolls or
While these are unlikely to prove critical to a sphere of influ-
enlist outside aid for an invasion. The only outsiders in any
ence due to their lack of strategic importance, a party might
position to attack are Luruar and the dwarves of the north,
take a break fro m world do mination to plu m b their depths
both of who m are still fairly depleted fro m their recent war
for personal wealth and m agic ite ms. In this case, Netheril:
against Many - Arrows. The good news is that ar mies of both
E m pire of Magic is an excellent sourcebook to the ancient
giants and trolls tend to be relatively s mall, nu m bering in the
e m pire, and the sections of Lost E m pires of Faerun dealing
dozens rather than the thousands, due to the m u ch higher
with Netheril m ay also prove useful. Although these books are
supply needs of such large creatures. As such, adventurers
old (E mpire of Magic is fro m clear back in 2e), Netheril was
who can slay even a s mall nu m ber of the creatures might
already an e m pire thousands of years fallen when the setting
m a ke a serious difference on the battlefield, and m ay provide
was first released, so infor mation on it fro m any real world
the edge needed to lead Mithral Hall and/or Silvery moon to
year of publishing is all equally valid, as they are all dealing

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Sphere of Influence 18
victory. Of course, if the resources of the Ever moors were in- Although they have final say over the city's law, there are
tended to be used as a bartering chip to bring Mithral Hall m ultiple other powerful influences in Waterdeep besides the
into a sphere of influence, that sphere of influence would lords. There are over seven dozen noble families of varying
have an extre mely difficult time convincing the dwarves to degrees of importance, who are famous (and infamous)
then also do m ost of the heavy lifting in securing those re- throughout the Realms for their obscene wealth and aristo-
sources. cratic vanity. The merchant class also has tremendous influ-
ence due not only to their wealth, but the fact that everyone
Further Reading else's wealth depends on their trade. Waterdeep is a trade
nexus connecting the islands of the west, the Lands of In-
RA Salvatore's Rise of the King is the only recent depiction of trigue to the south, Neverwinter and Silverymoon to the
the Ever moors, and the attention paid this region by the oth- north, and Cormyr and Sembia to the east. The merchants of
erwise fairly exhaustive Silver Marches sourcebook for 3e and Waterdeep, as a collective, can paralyze the economy of most
5e's Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide have little (though not of Faerun if they want to (fortunately for everyone, the
nothing) to say about it. merchants have no incentive to destroy the economy that
pays for their dinner). The city is also host to a large clergy
of nearly every deity imaginable, with representation for
Waterdeep Oghma, Tyr, Tempus, Beshaba, Gond, Selune, Mystra, Silvanus
“Why would you expect anyone here to care that and Mielikki (these two share a temple), Lathander, Sune,
like eight tons of unmarked cargo passed and Tymora. The clergy wield significant influence as many
through the city? It's Waterdeep. Pay the cus- of them are the most senior and respected of their faith in
toms and you can ship severed orphan heads all of the Sword Coast. Any one of these three groups (no-
through here.” bles, merchants, and clergy) stands a serious chance of
—Robyn Hood staging a successful coup against the masked lords if they
could be convinced to attempt one. All three together would
The trade capital of the entire Sword Coast, one of the be virtually guaranteed.
greatest concentrations of wealth in all of Faerun, and from
centuries ago until only very recently the most powerful na- Waterdeep's City Watch protects it within and its City Guard
tion 'till as far away as Amn or Cormyr (and this despite be- protects it from threats without, but perhaps its greatest
ing a citystate), Waterdeep is one of the most famous, ac- military asset is the steady stream of adventurers who con-
complished, and influential cities in the world. gregate there to receive jobs from various powers in the city.
Chief among these are the Grey Hands, a band of powerful
Waterdeep is run by the masked lords and a single open adventurers dedicated to the defense of the city, although
lord, currently Laeral Silverhand. Laeral is personally dedi- their power is dwarfed by the sheer nu mber of other adven-
cated to the Lord's Alliance and thus, although Waterdeep's turers who come to and from the city every day.
influence over that coalition is waning somewhat in the face
of the rising wealth and prominence of Baldur's Gate, Water- Also of note are the Red Sashes, a vigilante group dedicated
deep can be counted on to remain a com mitted me mber of to removing criminals when the City Watch won't. While these
the Lord's Alliance for so long as it continues to exist and are too weak to pose a threat to the masked lords, they
Laeral is running the city. might be built up into such a force should an ambitious
would-be ruler manage to take control of the organization,
Laeral does not rule alone, however. The open lord and all and they could also serve as kingmakers in a civil war.
twenty masked lords come to agreements in secret councils,
the results of which are then announced by the open lord. Seizing Waterdeep is no easy task. Their ground forces, while
The im mediate thing to notice here is that an enterprising incredibly numerous, lack the skill of Silverymoon's Knights
young autocrat needs only the cooperation of the open lord in Silver or Baldur's Gate's Flaming Fists. Their greatest mil-
to take over the city, as the masked lords can all be killed itary asset is their adventurers, who can be bought into
and replaced without anyone in the city knowing that the leaving the conflict or switching sides if Waterdeep attacked
assassinations were political. Only the lords' un masked secret by an enemy wealthy enough to outspend them. Waterdeep's
identities would be reported dead. Of course, the masked navy is unmatched in power throughout the Sword Coast, but
lords are well aware of this and make themselves as hard to Silverymoon in particular has little reason to care, and Bal-
assassinate as they possibly can. The Shadow Thieves of Amn dur's Gate has plenty of land trade routes to keep itself
certainly take a stab at violent political realignment from supplied. Even so, the city is surrounded by quite a bit of
time to time, and at one point the open lord Kerrigan the friendly territory. Attacks from Silverymoon would have to
Arcanist did indeed manage to kill nearly half the masked hack their way through Triboar and Dessarin Valley, and at-
lords before his plot was discovered and he was killed by a tacks from Baldur's Gate would first have to seize Dagger-
rival in the streets of Waterdeep. ford. The only local allies against Waterdeep available are
those found in Kryptgarden Forest, the Sword Mountains, and

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Sphere of Influence 19
Undermountain, and all the inhabitants of these areas are Ever moors, where they lived until the giants started pushing
either very difficult to control or relatively weak when com- the m out fro m there, and have also staged two separate in-
pared against the powerful walls and sheer nu mber of sol- vasions of Waterdeep, neither of which succeeded. The orcs'
diers Waterdeep has at their disposal. unity was shattered by this pair of defeats, as each tribe
sought to assign bla me to the others for the failure of the
Waterdeep's greatest protection against invasion from their invasion and they descended into infighting.
neighbors is their economic significance. The more dangerous
Waterdeep is, the fewer merchants want to go there, and the Centuries later, that is still the current state of affairs, with
more Waterdeep ceases to be a nexus of trade for half the the orcs fighting each other m ore than anyone else. They do
continent, the weaker that half of the continent's economy frequently raid the High Road between Neverwinter and Wa-
gets. terdeep, but never m uster up enough force to pillage settled
lands in the Dessarin Valley, let alone attack Waterdeep itself.
Given this, anyone who wants to seize Waterdeep without
damaging the juggernaut economy that makes it so valuable Kryptgarden is ho me to goblinoids and dark fey, as well as a
in the first place would be best advised to do so by either powerful, ancient green dragon Claugiyliya matar, known as Old
internal coup (and very quickly, before it blossoms into civil Gnawbones to people who hate trying to re me m ber dragon
war) or a stealth usurpation by successfully doing what Ker- na mes. The goblinoids are led by the Zartruss hobgoblin clan.
rigan the Arcanist attempted: Becoming open lord and then The Cult of the Dragon has m a de alliance with Claugiyliya-
killing all the masked lords to replace them with friends and m atar, who rules over the Zartruss clan and their goblinoid
cronies. minions, but they haven't been able to secure the allegiance
of the dark fey, who could prove a crucial ally in the fight to
Further Reading wrest Kryptgarden fro m the powerful dragon.

Waterdeep went through quite a few changes in the 15th cen- Kryptgarden and the Tyranny of Dragons
tury, and thus while the most complete guide to the city is
3.5e's City of Splendors: Waterdeep, that book is tragically If you're one of the lucky few to play in the epic quest for Tyranny of
rather out of date and has not been replaced except in the Dragons, you may distinctly recall that Old Gnawbones was already de-
space dedicated to it in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. feated and possibly killed, the Cult of the Dragon driven from the for-
Nevertheless, the book's information on specific noble fami- est, and the dark fey of Kryptgarden have already been set at odds with
lies, guilds, and other important factions remains relevant, the Zartruss Clan of hobgoblins. If your group wants to accept as canon
even if most of the individuals named are no longer alive or the outcome of either the official Tyranny of Dragons epic quest or
have retired from their posts. Most of the dungeons and ad- your local iteration of it, feel free to do so. However, since a relatively
very small number of people were able to attend these events and be-
venture hooks provided also remain valid, and could prove
cause we want as much published material (including the Tyranny of
excellent springboards for a party attempting to curry favor Dragons hardbacks and Adventurer's League pdfs) to be compatible
with one faction or another within Waterdeep. While the with a sphere of influence campaign as possible, this document makes
events of any given game of Lords of Waterdeep are non- the assumption that the Tyranny of Dragons hasn't happened yet. The
canon (and the Knights of the Shield are no longer active in Cult of the Dragon still controls Parnast and Castle Naerytar, they're
the city anyway, since they were routed from it some time still raiding the Greenfields for treasure, and so on. Feel free to use the
ago), a playthrough of that game does provide a good look at Tyranny of Dragons hardback as a launching point for sphere of influ-
how the masked lords of Waterdeep interact with one anoth- ence quests set in the Sword Coast. The exception to this is the re-
er when the going gets rough. Waterdeep has also featured in placement of Lord Neverember as open lord of Waterdeep by Laeral
too many novels to be listed here. Silverhand, since that is not a result of any player actions in the hard-
back and more neatly divides the Neverwinter and Waterdeep spheres
of influence.
The Sword Mountains and Kryptgarden
The Sword Mountains and Kryptgarden Forest have little eco-
Forest no mic value, but the strategic location of the for mer over-
looking the High Road and the latter bordering the Dessarin
The Sword Mountains are, and if you've been reading this Valley, as well as their close proxi mity to Waterdeep, m eans
docu ment sequentially you m ay find this a bit of a rerun, that controlling these areas is absolutely vital for anyone
overrun by orcs. These orc ar mies have periodically attacked looking to control the Waterdeep sphere of influence. While
nearby kingdo ms, m ost notably the kingdo m of Phalor m that the inhabitants are too weak to overco me Waterdeep's m assive
once stood where the Mere of Dead Men is now. The orcish in- ar my, organized raiding or blockading of Waterdeep's northern
vasion was set to successfully overrun the kingdo m when trade and breadbasket could do serious da mage to the city's
Iniarv flooded the entire land out of spite. Since then, the econo my and the forests and m o untains provide plentiful op-
orcs have fought pri marily with the trolls who once lived portunities for a m bush, chokepoints, and other co m bat situa-
there until the orcs successfully drove the m out and into the tions in which Waterdeep's superior nu m bers would co me to

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Sphere of Influence 20
naught. This m eans that the inhabitants of this region cannot defended than m ost of Dessarin Valley, situated as they are at
attack Waterdeep, but nor can Waterdeep attack the m, leaving its frontier. This is particularly true of Triboar, which was of-
the m to raid and pillage Waterdeep's m ost valuable hinterland ten used to m eet orcish invasions fro m the Sword Mountains.
with impunity. Conversely, towns deep within the valley like like Red Larch
are badly under manned.
The dark fey have little desire to engage in such raiding. This
m eans a party working to protect Waterdeep could achieve The entire region is plagued by pri mordial unrest caused by
this indefinitely by defeating the Zartruss clan and their dra- the hidden cults of Ele mental Evil. These cults (knowingly or
conic m aster, while a party working to attack Waterdeep not) seek to reduce the entire world to a churning, ele mental
would want to lead the Zartruss clan in an uprising against chaos of pure fire, earth, water, and air, constantly clashing
Old Gnawbones and the Cult of the Dragon. As they are seek- against each other and never settling or co m bining. As this
ing to su m m o n a world-ending kaiju, the Cult of the Dragon state of affairs would be inhospitable to say the least, aligning
m a ke poor allies for anyone seeking to rule over a non - de- with Ele mental Evil is not really an option for any sphere of
stroyed world, so one way or another a party seeking to con- influence. However, anyone who can provide Dessarin Valley
trol Kryptgarden will have to deal with Old Gnawbones. protection fro m Ele mental Evil m ay be able to peel the m away
fro m Waterdeep's sphere of influence, or at least pull the m
The Sword Mountains are m u ch m ore straightforward: Pick fro m the center to the periphery, particularly if they can
your favorite orc tribe and crush the others. Alternatively, get provide si milar protection against the Sword Mountain orcs
the m all to m eet up and agree to spend their forces attacking (and the Kryptgarden goblinoids, if they ever start doing any-
Waterdeep again, and when this inevitably fails, crush every thing).
orc tribe in the after math using a friendly military (prefer-
ably an ally fro m Kryptgarden, due to its proxi mity). Even a Dessarin also has a s mall population of Uthgardt barbarians
party working for Waterdeep might want to take this route. If who might be used to seize Dessarin fro m the locals, or the
Waterdeep knows when and where the invasion is co ming, they Sword Mountain orcs or Zartruss clan fro m Kryptgarden. The
can m eet it before the orcs do any serious da m age to trouble with this approach is that any attack on the Dessarin
Dessarin Valley. On the other hand, if Waterdeep doesn't know Valley is undoubtedly going to be treated as an attack on Wa-
when and where it's co ming, the invasion would do serious terdeep, which m eans seizing the valley would inevitably lead
da m age to Dessarin Valley (though it would stand no chance to a full blown war against a m ajor power on the Sword Coast.
of capturing Waterdeep itself), which would weaken the Water- A sphere of influence not ready for that would find all their
deep econo my. gains in the region reversed as soon as Waterdeep's Guard re-
clai med the region.
Further Reading
Another option is to m a ke alliance with nobles in A m phail who
These regions are pitifully underdescribed. Outside of DDEP1: have been on the losing end of Waterdhavian politics and then
Corruption in Kryptgarden, they have not appeared in any re-establish their political sway in the city to the point where
m ajor m o dules, novels, sourcebooks, or video ga mes (techni- they can prevent retaliation by the Waterdeep Guard against
cally they do m a ke an appearance in Waterdeep: City of anyone trying to take over the Dessarin Valley. The only way
Splendors, but only as historical notes, not fully described). they could possibly convince the m asked lords to keep the
Corruption in Kryptgarden covers only Kryptgarden, not the Waterdeep Guard at ho me, however, is if the valley continues
Sword Mountains, and m ore importantly is not publicly avail- to supply Waterdeep with food, which m eans the valley cannot
able. You can find su m m aries of the adventure's results at be peeled all the way out of Waterdeep's sphere of influence
various cons and a (possibly illegal) pdf of an unfinished draft using this m ethod. Still, having Dessarin Valley on the party's
online, but that's it. side would be very helpful to political m a neuvering in Water-
deep itself, and could be useful for a strategy of overthrowing
the m asked lords fro m within the city.
Dessarin Valley
Further Reading
Dessarin Valley is just to the northeast of Waterdeep, a fertile
far mland surrounding the Dessarin River. The valley is Water-
Dessarin Valley features quite pro minently in Princes of the
deep's breadbasket, supplying the city with m ost of its food,
Apocalypse, which could be used as the basis for bringing the
and it is also a sparsely settled, underdefended region depen-
region into a sphere of influence, though you might want to
dent upon Waterdeep's ar my and adventurer econo my for de-
cut it down a bit if you intend it to be one s mall part of a
fense. The m ajor towns all lie along the Long Road to Luruar
sphere of influence ca m paign, as Dessarin Valley would not be
and the Savage Frontier ( most notably the Neverwinter pe-
secured until around level 15 if used as-written.
riphery). A m phail is a playground for Waterdhavian nobles
where they carry out their squabbles and intrigue fro m within
their su m m er ho mes. Yartar and Triboar are m ore heavily

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Sphere of Influence 21
Sword Coast. By default, Morwen assu mes the throne of Dag-
Daggerford gerford peacefully during the course of these adventures, and
this is how Daggerford is presented in the Sword Coast Adven-
Daggerford is the geographic southern most point of Water- turer's Guide.
deep's direct sphere of influence (i.e. not counting the greater
Lord's Alliance sphere of influence), a fortified town that
m arks the border between the civilized land of the Waterdeep The Western Isles
region and the wilderness that stands between the m and Bal-
dur's Gate. Daggerford is prosperous due to its location along A nu m ber of island kingdo ms lie off the Sword Coast. Most
the Trade Way, but also under constant threat fro m the Lizard pro minent a m ong these is the Moonshae Archipelago. Riven by
Marsh and the High Moor. war between the native ffolk and the northlanders, neither
side has yet gained a decisive advantage. Although the inva-
The Lizard Marsh is inhabited by lizardfolk who usually keep sion of the northlanders has been te mporarily stalled, the
to the mselves, but are extre mely hostile towards any who en- ffolk were too exhausted by the fight to capitalize on the ad-
ter the m arsh and so meti mes raid caravans on the Trade Way. vantage and it appears as though both sides will si mply re-
The High Moor is not adjacent to Daggerford and the Misty group, likely for the span of a generation, before resu ming
Forest absorbs m ost of its aggression, but due to the wealth the war again. There are three notable exceptions to this
of the Trade Way and Daggerford, the High Moor's raiders general state of affairs. The island of Snowdown labors under
so meti mes m a ke the trip around Misty Forest to raid the the brutal occupation of A m n, who have repeatedly put down
Daggerford hinterlands, and so meti mes even atte m pt to sack revolts and stripped the island of m ost of its resources,
the city itself. These raids are largely co m prised of orcs, gob- O m an's Isle has been occupied by fo morian giants, and Moray
linoids, trolls, and ogres, although all m a nner of m o nsters live is overrun by lycanthropes of the People of the Black Blood.
in the vast reaches of the m o or.
The other islands of m ajor note off the Sword Coast are Or-
Daggerford is an independent duchy, but while the duke is in lu mbor and Mintarn. Ruled over by the ancient red dragon
charge of foreign affairs, local m atters are usually deferred to Hoondarrh who de m ands regular tribute fro m the inhabitants,
the council of guilds. For a sphere of influence, this m eans Mintarn had a brief period of prosperity when Lord Nevere m -
that the duke is the ruler whose opinion m atters even though ber used the m to replace his navy, shattered after a failed
the council of guilds m a nages m ost actual govern ment func- war with the northlanders. The influx of gold led Hoondarrh to
tions. The duke collects taxes and directs the military, so for de mand m ore tribute, the econo my collapsed due to lack of
the m ost part he is the one you care about even if he al most currency, and the shipbuilding industry folded. Nothing m a kes
never writes or adjudicates any laws. a dragon stupid like the pro mise of gold.

The current duke is Maldwyn Daggerford, who inherited the Orlu m bor is an island of shipwrights and the key to Water-
position in accordance with the tradition of m ale pri mogeni- deep's world-class navy. Any attack on the m would m ost cer-
ture despite the popularity of his elder sister Morwen. This tainly be treated as an attack on Waterdeep.
isn't headed towards a succession dispute on its own, however
interested parties might be able to escalate it into one if they There are other islands in the region, but none of the m ca me
could convince the council of guilds (who support Morwen) to out of the Spellplague in particularly good shape except the
take m ore drastic actions to pressure Maldwyn into ceding the Nelanther Isles, and those did well because they're full of pi-
throne. With luck, this concession might even happen without rates of every race and description imaginable. Lintan blew up
a civil war. In the event of war, Daggerford's ar my is barely a and then phased into an alternate world ruled by dragons for
hundred soldiers and a high-level party could easily provide a century, and while they've recently returned, they're very
the power a guild militia needs to m atch Daggerford's profes- m uch worse for wear. Ni mbral was so reclusive in the first
sional soldiers. Whether defending Maldwyn's clai m or pushing place that people barely noticed when it was transported to
Morwen's, a party working against Waterdeep could provoke a Abeir for the duration of the Spellplague.
succession crisis to push a treaty onto Daggerford that would
see the m in the party's preferred sphere of influence. A party The important islands here are firstly the Moonshaes, because
working for Waterdeep will want the m ore capable Morwen on they're potentially valuable naval bases that can be used to
the throne of their allied city state (not that Daggerford can strike against or interdict trade to al most anywhere on the
really be called a city, but they're self-governing), although Sword Coast, including the Lands of Intrigue, which m eans
they'll want the transition to be m u ch m ore peaceful. anyone who controls both the Moonshae Isles and a powerful
enough navy to resist anyone who wants to take the m has
Further Reading control over the entire Sword Coast, full stop.

Daggerford plays a starring role in the D &D Next playtest ad- This brings us to the second important group of islands, Or-
ventures Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle and Scourge of the lu mbor and Mintarn, both of which have a de monstrable ca-

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Sphere of Influence 22
pability to produce a navy worthy of Waterdeep, the greatest the pirates fro m the Nelanther Isles fairly easily. Pirates nev-
naval power on the Sword Coast (not including the Lands of er fare well against organized navies, as they are both disor-
Intrigue, as Cali mshan does have a co m parable and perhaps ganized, having no unified co m m and above the rank of cap-
even superior navy). Controlling only one of these islands tain (and occasionally co m m odores of s mall fleets) and poorly
m eans that a rival m ay control the other, so the best thing disciplined, abandoning ship whenever the tide of battle is
to do would be to control both of the m. If you are not Water- against the m. Pirates are in it for the cash, not king and
deep, this is going to be difficult. Even if you are Waterdeep, country. Even so, the pirates of the Nelanther Isles are not
you still have to kill an ancient red dragon in order to secure likely to be a high priority target. While victory is virtually
the loyalty and long ter m econo mic viability of Mintarn. guaranteed, whatever navy fights the war against the m will be
entangled for several years and weakened for a decade or
If you are not Waterdeep, you m ust additionally find so me way m ore afterwards. With the northlanders on one side and Cal-
to secure the loyalty of Orlu m bor, which is fir mly in the Wa- imshan on the other, even Waterdeep would be foolish to
terdeep sphere of influence since their entire econo my is weaken the mselves like this (especially after it's only just re-
building ships for the Waterdeep Navy. Any effort to take con- covered fro m their losses to the northlander navy under the
trol of the island (even non - violently) would be tanta mount rulership of Lord Nevere mber).
to a declaration of war on Waterdeep itself.
Further Reading
As for the Moonshaes, the obvious route to power is to draw
out so me concessions for naval bases fro m either the north- The islands of the Sword Coast have a reasonably sized sub-
landers or the ffolk in exchange for resolving the current section (seven pages) in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.
stale mate in their favor. The northlanders have a powerful The Moonshaes in particular have appeared in quite a few
navy of their own and thus it would be wise to side against novels as well, including an entire trilogy dedicated to the m.
the m si mply because defeating the m m eans one less co m peti-
tor navy on the Sword Coast. That said, defeating the north-
landers in a naval/a m phibious war for an island chain is no
m ean feat, so particularly if your party needs im mediate
control of the Moonshae Islands in order to project naval
force against another ene my (perhaps Baldur's Gate or Never-
winter or especially Waterdeep, in which case having the pow-
erful northlander navy on your side is the only thing that will
m a ke you co m petitive against the Sword Coast's naval super-
power), siding with the northlanders m ay be a defensible

Either way, O m an's Isle, Moray, and Snowdown are largely in-
consequential. O m an's Isle would not be especially difficult for
a veteran adventurer party to reclai m, nor would assisting the
ffolk in their resistance against A m n's tyranny (although in
the latter case it is important to do so subtly, as a war with
mighty A m n would be unwise for al most any sphere of influ-
ence on the Sword Coast), and this would help to solidify
control over the region. After all, any island you don't control Misty Forest
is a potential naval base for an ene my. Moray might be hard- “Kelemvor should send more missionaries. Every-
er, depending on just how m u ch a taste you have for hunting one here has resigned their entire race to the
down lycanthropes, but its position on the western end of the inevitability of oblivion. They are convinced
archipelago m eans that the only navy that can reach it with- that accepting their fate absolves them of re-
out being interdicted by a Shae moor-based fleet is one based sponsibility for it.”
in Ever meet or Maztica. Neither is especially likely to be a —Arvensis Cotula
m ajor concern, but if you have a taste for hunting the
hunters, it can't hurt to be thorough. One of the weaker spheres of influence in the Sword Coast
region, the Misty Forest is the heart of the region's elven
The Nelanther Isles could be a target, but if you don't mind co m m u nity, which is a mish - m ash of the Misty Forest's
quite a bit of pillaging in ene my territory, they could also be sphere of influence with several re mote elven co m m u nities in
used as a m ercenary ar my. So me pirates might resist having other spheres of influence, m ost notably the Moonwood elves
even one nation's shipping taken off the potential list of tar- and the Neverwinter Wood elves. These elven co m m u nities in
gets, but dealing with the m will only prove your might to the other regions are arguably a part of the Misty Forest's sphere
others. If you already have a powerful navy, you can flush out of influence, not Neverwinter or Silvery moon's, because if it

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Sphere of Influence 23
ca me to a fight between one of the m and Misty Forest, the the High Moor in order to secure it against the possibility of
elven co m m u nities would likely defect to Misty Forest's side, ene mies using the m o nsters therein as a proxy.
or at least declare neutrality. Since all three are m e m bers of
the Lord's Alliance and have not engaged in even minor skir- Further Reading
mishes with one another within living m e m ory, this has not
yet co me up. Rise of Tia mat pays a visit to the Misty Forest in one of its
adventures, and in addition they are represented on the
The Misty Forest itself is a s mall but powerful wood elf king- council that m eets m ultiple times throughout the entire Rise
do m that is perpetually at war with the orcs, goblinoids, and of Tia mat ca m paign. This gives so me look into both what an
other m o nsters of the High Moor to their im m ediate east. The average patch of the forest is like (both a wood elf village
edges of the forest are only loosely controlled by the elves of (albeit raided) and a wilderness hideout of evil doers are de-
the Misty Forest, and m o nsters regularly pass through to raid picted) as well as their political relations with the rest of the
the Trade Way. So meti mes the Misty Forest elves intercept Lord's Alliance, relations which m ay well be shaped by player
the m, and so meti mes they don't. Only the interior of the for- involve ment.
est, where the elves m a ke their ho me, is reliably clear of orcs
and goblinoids.

To declare war on Misty Forest is to declare war on every elf The High Forest
nation in the Sword Coast. This is true whether you declare
war directly or m ore prudently use the High Moor as your lo- The High Forest was for merly the capital of the grand elven
cal proxy, although if the connection between you and your e m pire of Aryvandaar. After the Crown Wars, largely caused by
proxy is not discovered, it will at the very least only be your Aryvandaar, resulted in the e m pire's destruction, the entire
proxy who is at odds with all elves in the region. This is, in forest collapsed into anarchy. Thousands of years later, it re-
any case, not the sa me deterrent that such alliances usually m ains in m uch the sa me state, although the initial bloodbath
present. The pri mary m e m bers of the Misty Forest sphere of of civilization's collapse has given way to the inter mittent vi-
influence are the Moonwood and Neverwinter Wood elves, both olence of tribal societies. The forest is post-post-apocalyptic,
too distant and with too m a ny hostile wildernesses or un- with the ancient ruins of Aryvandaar (and its successor
friendly nations in the way to provide significant help, the states) still scattered around the forest where tribes long past
High Forest, which is too disorganized to project force even the point of caring about the faded e m pire live. Although
though they have great nu m bers, and Evereska, which shares Aryvandaar was a high elf kingdo m (and later e m pire), the
the Moonwood and Neverwinter Wood's distance proble m even m ajority of the tribes in the High Forest are wood elf tribes,
before getting into the fact that they're isolationists who want although even a few s mall dark elf tribes ( mostly followers of
no part in the world beyond their borders. Eilistraee) exist in the wood. Aryvandaar re mains in the occa-
sional ruin, but the wilderness has swallowed up m ost of its
Thus, although an attack on the Misty Forest im m ediately works and the culture has evaporated entirely.
m a kes m a ny nations unfriendly, they aren't very likely to
send reinforce ments. The Misty Forest is a m e m ber of the In addition to the elves, various fey live in the forest, m ost
Lord's Alliance and nearby Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate will notably centaurs, whose tribe has grown so great that it m ay
send extre mely capable ar mies (in the latter case, quite pos- soon split into several. In addition to this are several s mall
sibly the m ost powerful land ar my in all the Sword Coast) to packs of satyrs, treants, unicorns, pegasi, and other generally
relieve any siege on their ally. The Misty Forest is quite ho- good m agical creatures and races. The ghosttree tribe of the
m ogenous and stable m a king an internal coup unlikely and Uthgardt barbarians also m a kes their ho me in the wood. The
they have neither trade dependencies nor im m ediate threats Star Mounts within the forest are the ancestral ho me of the
that can be exploited to force the current govern ment into aaracockra, and m agic winds prevent any but they (and those
signing treaties or otherwise joining a sphere of influence. strong enough to fly against a stor m) fro m landing there.

This leaves two routes to gaining power of the m. First, dis- None of these races are especially warlike or violent, but nev-
m a ntle the Lord's Alliance (at the very least get Waterdeep ertheless there is sporadic conflict between the m at times.
and Baldur's Gate to back out of it or be too reduced in Morgwais, an elf of the High Forest, is seeking to unite the elf
strength to m eaningfully supply reinforce ments as part of it) tribes into a unified entity. While she has united a handful of
and then attack Misty Forest directly or using the High Moor the tribes at the eastern end of the wood, the vast m ajority
as proxy. Second, gain control of the Lord's Alliance without of the forest re mains co m mitted to isolationis m. Were Morg-
causing it to disintegrate (by gaining control of Baldur's Gate, wais to succeed, she would co m m a nd a kingdo m that would
Waterdeep, or preferably both without conquering/razing any rival Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate for influence on the m erit
m e m bers of the Alliance), thus auto matically gaining control of its vast size, the potential bounty of the woodland if culti-
of a sphere of influence which already includes the Misty For- vated, and the mineral wealth inside the Star Mounts, yet to
est. In the latter case, it would be wise to then expand into take full advantage of these natural resources would require

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Sphere of Influence 24
convincing the native elves to co m pletely reverse their atti- and the site of an ancient evil when the elven empire of
tude towards the forest, and even Morgwais herself is unlikely Aryvandaar wiped out their rivals Miyeritar with such ex-
to endorse such exploitation, to say nothing of the fact that treme prejudice that the forest was reduced to a swamp that
it would m a ke the other tribes even m ore hostile to unifying eventually regrew into equal parts peat bog and grazing land.
with hers.
The easiest place to ambush caravans on the Trade Way is
The easiest way (though it is undeniably still difficult) to while they pass through the edges of the Misty Forest, where
bring the forest into a sphere of influence would be to help the trees can disguise the approach of the bandits. This lu-
Morgwais unite the elves in exchange for an alliance with the crative raiding territory is controlled, of course, by the elves
newly for med state. Convincing the elves to unite would then of the Misty Forest, so the High Moor and the Misty Forest
require providing the m with enough support against whatever are in perpetual low-grade warfare for control of the Misty
troubles they face ( most of which probably lurk in ruins of Forest's periphery, with occasional retaliatory strikes by the
Aryvandaar or perhaps Netheril) to de m onstrate the value of elves into the Moor in order to disrupt the monsters.
ongoing outside support.
At the northwestern edge of the Moor is the town of Sec-
Conquering the High Forest fro m the outside would be an omber. This town is the eastern edge of the Waterdeep
enor mous undertaking. There are at least a dozen m ajor sphere of influence and lies along the trade route between
tribes in the forest, including the Uthgardt and centaurs, and Waterdeep and the Moonsea running through the Anauroch
they are m ostly spread out and no m adic. There are a few lo- Desert, and the proximity of the High Moor to Secomber is
cations that can be used as strongholds to patrol a region, only the start of that route's dangers. Secomber is often
but m ost strongholds would have to be constructed fro m used as a base for forays into the Moor, and is often raided
scratch while in hostile territory. It would be an enor mous in return by the Moor's inhabitants.
invest ment of military resources, and would also im m ediately
earn the ire of every other elven nation in the Sword Coast. If Just like the High Forest, the High Moor has its fair share of
Neverwinter Wood and the Moonwood re main a part of the ruins, although these ones favor the Netherese over those of
spheres of influence of Neverwinter and Silvery moon (respec- Miyeritar, mostly because of just how thoroughly Miyeritar
tively), they m ay be able to convince their allies to intervene was obliterated. One such ruin is Orogoth, a Netherese family
on the High Forest's behalf, especially Silvery moon, which is villa home to a noble family that attempted to capture
located not far fro m the forest. Although significantly harder, dragons and somehow steal their power. Unsurprisingly, the
this path also has the benefit of putting the entire resources stone walls of the estate are partly melted by dragon fire
of the forest's great bounty at the disposal of the victor. The and are still home to a malevolent dracolich. This dracolich
High Moor's m o nstrous inhabitants might m a ke for a good is thankfully quite content to keep to himself in Orogoth
proxy ar my if given the training and discipline needed for a rather than laying waste to the countryside, but it would
ca m paign of this scale, one which requires so m u ch m ore nevertheless be wise to remove him at soonest convenience,
guarding of castles than stor ming the m, but the best option lest he decide to take action against anyone operating in the
would be to clai m another sphere of influence (Silvery moon is area.
quite close) and use their ar my as the garrison, perhaps while
using the High Moor's forces as cannon fodder to strike and The most famous ruin of the High Moor is Dragonspear Cas-
scatter tribes before m oving in the m ain force to build (or tle, which has changed hands innumerable times and thus
rebuild) a fortress to garrison the area. has remnants of undead, fiends, and evil elementals lurking
about its halls currently. Both a necromancer and a Red
Further Reading Wizard (possibly a necromancer Red Wizard) have been ru-
mored to have taken up residence in the castle currently.
The High Forest has changed little fro m the 14 th century to
the 15th. Volo's Guide to the North, the Savage Frontier source As with most places infested with orcs or similar, the easiest
book, and the 3e Forgotten Real ms Ca m paign Setting source path to power in the High Moor is to align with one orc tribe
book are all good sources of infor mation. The Sword Coast and then beat the others into submission. After the infight-
Adventurer's Guide also gives the region a respectable write- ing required to unite the monsters of the region, the result-
up. ing military is usually too weak to be a huge threat to m uch
of anything on its own, but the High Moor is different. Its
sheer size means that even a weakened force of its inhabi-
The High Moor tants could be a serious threat to neighbors, particularly
Misty Forest. While the forces of the Moor couldn't threaten
The High Moor is a dark reflection of the High Forest. Filled Waterdeep or Baldur's Gate on their own, they could certain-
with savage orcs, goblinoids, and trolls who fight constantly ly do serious damage to these mighty cities' hinterland be-
with one another and regularly raid the area nearby, espe- fore being caught and destroyed by their army, and if sup-
cially the Trade Way between Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate, plemented with forces from other regions could also form

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Sphere of Influence 25
the foundation for an army that could challenge even titans ery other source. It's not always clear whether this is an in-
like Baldur's Gate and Silverymoon. tentional difference due to the advance of time, an official
retcon, or a mistake. Normally when this happens I rely on
Further Reading the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide as the most recent and
reliable source, but Ardeep Forest does not appear in that
Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle deals primarily with Daggerford guide. So what I'm saying here is that you're on your own
and its surrounding areas, but the final adventure of that with this one.
book does take place in the eponymous Dragonspear Castle
at the Moor's edge. The Moor is also fairly unchanged since
the 14th century, so the 3e Forgotten Realms Campaign Set-
ting still applies, and as usual the Sword Coast Adventurer's
Guide does go over the Moor in some detail.

Ardeep Forest
Ardeep Forest was once a part of Phalor m before that nation
was overrun by orcs fro m the Sword Mountains and subse-
quently destroyed when its last re m nant was swept out to see
by the for mation of the Mere of Dead Men. The last of the
elves retreated fro m the forest out to the sea so me time ago,
leaving behind only construct guardians m a de of tree and
vines as well as a powerful m ythal that prevents any creature
who intends ill to the forest fro m entering (though creatures
of sufficient willpower can m uscle through, and the m ythal
can be overwhel med if too m a ny ill-intentioned creatures at-
te mpt to enter at once). A s mall elf colony has resettled the
forest during the recent resurgence of the elves on the m ain-
land. Ardeep is a close ally of the Misty Forest.

Cells of the Eldreth Veluuthra, elven supre macists who despise

all other races, are active in Ardeep Forest. They resent the
forest's participation in the m ulti-racial kingdo m of Phalor m
and have vowed to keep Ardeep for elves and elves only. They
also actively hunt down dark elves of Eilistraee who seek to
help resettle the wood.

The Eldreth Veluuthra present an obvious proble m for any

sphere of influence that includes any non - elves (especially in
the party itself). Thus, getting rid of the m is probably going
to be necessary. However, it m ay be better to first feed the m
until they grow large enough to pose a serious threat, espe-
cially to the Eilistraee dark elves of Ardeep. Under this kind The Eastern Mountains
of pressure, the dark elves might be convinced to for mally
secede fro m Ardeep's m ain govern ment or even stage a coup, The Greypeak Mountains stand at the eastern edge of the
and to join the new state with a helpful sphere of influence in High Forest and High Moor, not far from the Anauroch
doing so. Because this is all resulting fro m an internal con- Desert. They are sparsely inhabited primarily by stone giants,
flict, this would not even provoke retaliation fro m the rest of although a few hu manoid settlements do exist in the area,
the Misty Forest's sphere of influence (including Neverwinter almost entirely along the trade route from Waterdeep to the
Wood and the Moonwood). Moonsea.

Further Reading Near the mountains lies the Far Forest, home to Hellgate
Keep, a castle given by the native elves to Netherese
Ardeep is a bottomless pit of realmslore. I don't even know if refugees and eventually taken over by an evil Netherese wiz-
my sum mary here is even the most up-to-date lore, be- ard. Although the Harpers defeated the wizard and gave the
cause it gets tons of lore, but it's all a few paragraphs here castle over to the care of the treant Turlang and his light
and there and usually at least a little bit different from ev- fey, the Far Forest remains the site of ongoing guerilla war

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Sphere of Influence 26
between them and the fiendish creatures and twisted magical of the 14th century. What effects of the m ythal re main blanket
creations (most notably owlbears and giant spiders) that the kingdo m in perpetual mist or light rain and otherwise
spewed forth from Hellgate for centuries. provide no protection at all. Fortunately for Evereska, their
own military was m ore than capable of fending off Netherese
Turlang and his allies are steadily winning that war, however, attacks, which happened sporadically throughout the next
pushing the monsters inch-by-inch into the Lonely Moor. century until the collapse of Netherese military power after
The Moor is otherwise inhabited primarily by gnolls, who pe- their war with Cor myr and Cor manthor.
riodically raid into the nearby forests and along the trade
route passing through the Greypeaks. Evereska wants nothing to do with the outside world, and dis-
turbing their isolationist peace would be a grave offense to
Turlang is only very distantly allied to the rest of the elven the rest of the elven co m m u nity of the Sword Coast and the
sphere of influence. His primary allegiance is with the Heartlands alike (as well as any other regions, if word actually
Harpers, who have spies everywhere but direct influence al- gets that far, which would take quite a bit of time). Generally
most nowhere, so siding with the Hellgate remnants against speaking the kingdo m is probably not worth bothering with,
him has very few consequences. On the other hand, it would except that they m ay prove to have a vital strategic position
not be too difficult to convince him to join a sphere of in- against the Netherese, given that they are a well-fortified lo-
fluence in exchange for helping him clean up the Hellgate cation right on the edge of Anauroch.
Further Reading
The stone giants of the Greypeak Mountains are not defend-
ing any particularly valuable resources, nor do they hold any Evereska is featured pro minently in Richard Baker's novel
particularly important strategic locations, nor are they es- Forsaken House, whose protagonist is fro m Evereska. It is not
pecially hostile, so there is very little reason to bother with depicted m uch in adventures or ga mes. Isolationis m has that
them at all. The Dragon Cult does control the village of Par- effect.
nast, which anyone who likes the world undestroyed will
probably want to do something about.
Further Reading “So we all agree that it's okay to stab these
people in the face?”
The Greypeak Mountains, and particularly the village of Par- —Robyn Hood
nast, make an appearance in both Hoard of the Dragon
Queen and several Adventurer's League quests in Season Five: Ss'khanaja is the m ostly underground capital of the serpent
Storm King's Thunder. The 2e Hellgate Keep adventure also kingdo m of Najara. The city is located in the Serpent Hills,
provides information on the keep's layout (useful for anyone the heart of the kingdo m, which are densely populated by
planning to side against Turlang) as well as the creatures yuan - ti and naga. Jarount, the spirit naga king of Najara,
that lurked within it. keeps his court in Ss'khanaja along with dozens of other
courtiers, m ost notably the young green dragon E mikaiwufeg,
one of m a ny chro matic dragons ( mostly young, so me adult)
Evereska living in the Serpent Hills, seeking to use an alliance with
Jarount to establish herself as pre-e minent in the region.
Evereska is an isolationist elf kingdo m intended to be the last
refuge of elves on the continent of Faerun. What with the The Serpent Hills are linked together by underground pas-
Misty Forest, the High Forest, Ardeep Forest, Neverwinter sageways that for m a network of roads between the m a ny
Wood, the Moonwood, the Quivering Forest, Cor manthor, and caverns of the yuan - ti. The yuan - ti care very little for what
others besides, it's a little bit redundant these days. Even so, travel goes on over the hills, but are quick to slaughter or
Evereska re mains co m mitted to its ideals of peace through abduct anyone who sets foot in any of the caves. It's anyone's
isolation. It is a well-defended enclave, with hel med horrors guess how long this bizarre approach to m aintaining a border
and other constructs guarding the town in addition to elite will last, particularly since Najara's only neighbor of note, El-
elven warriors whose ar mor is enchanted with the power of turgard, is in a state of cold war with the m.
flight. Indeed, Evereska m ay well be ho me to the m ost power-
ful ar my of all the elven lands of the Sword Coast, though Najara is deep yuan - ti territory, and none of the co m peting
their willingness to set foot outside their valley ho me is lim- factions of Jarount's court (there are several pro minent
ited to only the m ost dire of circu mstances. courtiers detailed in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide) are
at all willing to cede Najara's sovereignty to any outsiders.
Evereska stands on the border of the Anauroch Desert and They have no less than four potentially hostile neighbors,
their protective m ythal was essentially ruined by an attack however. While the Zhentari m of Darkhold have been happy to
fro m the Netherese when they first returned at the very end engage in the slave trade with Najara, they're Zhentari m and

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Sphere of Influence 27
would undoubtedly be just as happy to switch sides if a better lizardfolk would think nothing of realigning to the new power
offer ca me along. Elturgard has all but declared war already in the region, and they might also be persuaded to rise up
and it would take only a little convincing to get the m to against their serpent overlords. The m arsh is also ho me to a
co m mit to it co m pletely. The lizardfolk of the Marsh of Che- relatively s mall population of bullywugs, who do not get along
limber are vassals of the serpent kingdo m, but so me or all of with the lizardfolk and could potentially be used as proxies in
the m could be persuaded to rise up by a sufficiently skilled a fight against the lizardfolk.
diplo mat. Finally, while Najara rules over the eastern fringe of
the High Moor, m ost of it is overrun by orcs and trolls who Further Reading
would be all too happy to plunder a wealthy kingdo m if a
would-be dark lord can ha m m er the m all into one ar my to The Marsh was visited in the 14 th century in Baldur's Gate:
do it. Dark Alliance II (which is a decent-ish ga me that is not to be
confused with the proper Baldur's Gate series, which are high
Further Reading water m arks for the entire co mputer RPG genre).

A visit is paid to the Serpent Hills in Rise of Tia mat, and the
idea of yuan - ti nations in general is thoroughly explored in
Forest of Wyrms
the 3e sourcebook Serpent Kingdo ms. As an added bonus, this
sourcebook also contains one of the vital ingredients of Pun - The Forest of Wyr ms is full of giant snakes, for reasons which
Pun. no one is entirely sure of. On the bright side, this is one for-
est that is extre mely unlikely to ever have a giant spider
proble m. At the north end of the forest are the ruins of
Ss'thar'tiss'ssun, a holy site for the yuan - ti where they m a ke
regular pilgri mages, and nearby is the citadel Thlohtzin, a hub
for the yuan - ti slave trade, especially with the Zhentari m in
Darkhold. The southern half of the forest is ruled by the an-
cient green dragon Ralionate, who is not aligned with Najara.

Driving the snakes out of the Forest of Wyr ms would be a

m o nu m ental task, but because there is not m uch valuable in
it, there's also little point in trying. The forest's strongholds,
particularly Thlohtzin, do hold great strategic value, however,
as they co m m a nd the road between Ss'khanaja and both
Darkhold and Elturel. Control of Thlohtzin could be used to
interdict or collect the profits of Najara's slave trade, and
would also provide a staging area for an attack on the Ser-
pent Hills. Capture of this citadel, as well as of
Ss'thar'tiss'ssun for both strategic and sy m bolic purposes,
would be a key first step to leading Darkhold, Elturel, or both
to victory over Najara. Unfortunately, there are not any in-
ternal factions to turn against one another, so using one or
both of these outside forces is necessary.

Getting rid of powerful dragons lurking on your border is a

good idea in general, if you have the prowess to m a ke it hap-

Further Reading
Marsh of Chelimber While Serpent Kingdo ms is reco m m ended reading for all of
Najara, it m e ntions the Forest of Wyr ms in particular.
The Marsh of Chelimber is inhabited by lizardfolk tribes living
a mongst the ruins of a shattered kingdo m fro m centuries ago.
These tribes have, through bribery or intimidation, all sworn Baldur's Gate
fealty to Jarount and his serpent kingdo m of Najara, however “You need only two things to rule the world:
the m arsh has changed hands several times within the past Numbers and ruthlessness.”
century or so, fro m va m pires to the Zhentari m and now to —Arvensis Cotula
Najara. If Ss'khanaja were to fall to an outside power, the

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Sphere of Influence 28
Baldur's Gate is the single m ost influential city in all of As such, the best way to take over Baldur's Gate is probably
Faerun. Having beco me the m ore pro minent trading port than to get elected. You need to control at least twenty-six m e m -
Waterdeep in the 15th century, Baldur's Gate is a nexus of bers of the parlia ment, but you don't need the m to pass your
trade going east to Cor myr and Se m bia, north as far as Nev- policies, you just need the m to elect you and at least two of
erwinter, south to Calimshan and A m n, and out west to the your friends to be three of the Four Dukes and then you have
islands of the Sea of Swords and beyond. Their Fla ming Fists total control over the city's actual legislature. If one of you
(no minally still a m ercenary co m pany free to fight in any war beco mes leader of the Fla ming Fists, that so meone gets to be
so long as they don't side against Baldur's Gate, but effec- one of the dukes auto matically, without any votes fro m par-
tively the city's military) for m what is potentially the m ost lia ment at all. You also control the city's military, which
powerful land military in all of the Sword Coast, and their m eans that if you and at least one other duke (the leader of
navy is not far behind that of Waterdeep. the Fla ming Fists breaks ties) revoke parlia ment's authority
to impeach dukes and m a ke your positions lifelong, nobody
Baldur's Gate is run by a council of four dukes, one of which can force you to back down even if the parlia ment or the
is always the leader of the Fla ming Fists and the others of other dukes would like to. It wouldn't even be illegal.
which are elected by the Baldurian Parlia ment, co m prised of
fifty peers about one quarter of which are taken fro m the Further Reading
poor and middle class of the Lower City (including the new
m o ney m erchants who seek to e m ulate, but are ulti mately not The first installment of the inestimable Baldur's Gate series
accepted by the Upper City) and the rest fro m the wealthy takes place in and around the eponymous city. It is strongly
psuedo- noble old m o neyed m erchant fa milies of the Upper recom mended on its merits alone, and also gives a good look
City. at not only the city itself, but the surrounding area, includ-
ing most of Baldur's Gate's sphere of influence. Like most
Baldur's Gate is also ho me to the Guild, a cri minal syndicate Forgotten Realms material, the game does take place in the
that reaches into every aspect of the underworld. S m uggling, 14th century, however, and in particular the entire Outer City
thievery, assassination, and m ore are the purview of this is not present and the barriers to becoming a me mber of
cri minal superpower, and it deals regularly with the ene mies the city's upper class in the Upper City were not as strong.
of the city, especially A m n. The Guild doesn't seek to rule the
city but is m ore than happy to profit fro m it changing hands.
This m a kes the m natural allies of any foreign sphere of influ- Troll Country
ence willing to m a ke the m filthy rich in exchange for effect-
ing political change. The Troll Hills and nearby Troll Forest are split between
m ultiple competing troll kingdoms, raiders from which occa-
Unfortunately, Baldur's Gate is very nearly a de mocracy, sionally raid the Trade Way from Baldur's Gate to Waterdeep.
which m a kes overthrowing it fro m the shadows actually quite Trollish dynasties contend with one another and rarely last
hard. You need to control at least twenty-six seats on the more than a few generations before being conquered by their
parlia ment before you can take over, not just one or two im- neighbors or deposed by an ambitious vassal.
portant posts. The assassination ca m paign required to position
your cronies to control parlia ment would be extre mely diffi- Not too far to the south are the Fields of the Dead, where
cult to keep secret, especially since everyone knows who all the trolls of this land often fight with mostly Baldurian
the peers of the parlia ment are. If the secret gets out, you're homesteaders, pushing the frontier of civilization northwards.
guaranteed not to get any m ore seats on parlia ment, because The fields are so named because they were a com mon bat-
obviously no govern ment would appoint new m e m bers fro m a tlefield for control of the Sword Coast in the days before
faction who is trying to destroy that govern ment. Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate rose to prominence. It's easy to
see why, as the fields are where the Baldur's Gate military
Baldur's Gate has a vast trade network, so controlling enough would meet any attacker from the north, and Baldur's Gate
of that network to m a ke the m econo mically dependent will is a natural location for a port. If Baldur's Gate should ever
not be easy (you'd have to have Cor myr on your side, and go to war with Najara (or the Misty Forest, Waterdeep, or El-
they aren't even included in this docu ment). They have a turgard, none of which are as likely), the fields would be
powerful military, so even if you've dis mantled the Lord's Al- covered in fresh dead.
liance by targeting its other m e m bers, Baldur's Gate can repel
even very large invasions on their own. The only city on the There's plenty of old dead to go around. Plowing new fields
Sword Coast who can m atch their military might is Silvery- often turns up humanoid bones, and barrows nearby are of-
m oon, on the other side of the region, who would have diffi- ten broken open from without by tomb raiders or from
culty m aintaining the supply lines needed for such a war (the within when some unfortunate twist of the Weave awakens
sa me would be true in reverse, but a stale mate is not a vic- the bones within.

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Sphere of Influence 29
In addition to the trolls and the undead, these lands are some other fey within the forest, but the werewolves are the
plagued by werewolves from the Wood of Sharp Teeth, who only ones who leave and menace the surrounding country-
hunt cattle and farmers alike for food before returning to side, so they get the forest named after them. This wood
the shelter of the wood. forms the eastern barrier to Baldur's Gate's sphere of influ-
ence, and also as a buffer between them and Elturgard (al-
Despite this abundance of threats, the homesteaders in this though relations between the two are currently quite friend-
region have seen no small amount of success and are ly).
steadily pushing back the frontier. They have become a
breadbasket for Baldur's Gate in much the same way as the Just west of the wood is the town of Beregost and the nearby
Dessarin Valley has long been for Waterdeep, and indeed, be- scholar's fortress of Candlekeep, and just to its south is the
ing able to reliably feed themselves with nothing but the mining town of Nashkel. These towns are all dependent upon
nearby fields is a major reason for the rise to prominence of Baldur's Gate for trade. Even though Nashkel is technically a
Baldur's Gate in the past century. part of Amn. Nashkel's mines are vital to the regional econ-
omy (except for Baldur's Gate, which has too many other
The homesteaders of the Fields of the Dead are dependent trade connections to care), and Candlekeep is the greatest
upon Baldur's Gate for finished goods, but they can create repository of lore in all of Faerun, but neither of them (nor
all vital goods for themselves. Thus, while it is generally true Beregost) has much strategic value, if only because Baldur's
that as goes the city, so goes the hinterland, the people of Gate is so damnably difficult to isolate economically that the
the fields could break with Baldur's Gate if they wanted to. capture of Nashkel means so little.
They cannot, however, fend off a troll invasion without help
from the Flaming Fists, so if the people of the Fields of the Nashkel in particular is vulnerable to the ogres, hill giants,
Dead should prove uncooperative to a new authority in Bal- and gnolls living in the Cloud Peaks to the south. Anyone
dur's Gate, uniting the trolls of the north into an army with who could offer them more reliable defense than they al-
which to pillage the fields would be an effective approach, ready have would exercise a great deal of influence there.
although it would provide a significant (if temporary) blow to Beregost and Candlekeep both would have little choice but to
the Baldurian economy. For the same reason, using the trolls be swayed to whatever side Baldur's Gate takes, due to their
the pillage the fields would be a decent opening move trade dependence. The entire region would become signifi-
against Baldur's Gate, although it is difficult to imagine what cantly more prosperous if anyone could sort out the were-
the follow-up could possibly be unless you plan on open war, wolf problem in the Wood of Sharp Teeth.
since Baldur's Gate has too many trade partners for the loss
of any one component of its economy to force it into making Further Reading
any concessions at all.
This region is the main setting of the Baldur's Gate video
In order to secure the Trade Way properly, the trolls will game (except for the sections that take place in the city it-
have to at some point be either united under a friendly troll self). While things have changed a fair bit in Baldur's Gate
dynasty or completely eliminated. The latter would require over the past century, they are still mostly the same as
the construction of fortresses to keep the Troll Hills and they've always been in the area in and around the Wood of
Troll Bark Forest patrolled to prevent them from regrouping. Sharp Teeth.

Further Reading
The Cyclopedia of the Realms contains the only write-up the
Fields of the Dead seems to have ever gotten. The area is “Whenever the innocent pray for help, I shall
technically the subject of a chapter of Hoard of the Dragon be the answer.”
Queen, but the emphasis there is on traveling along the —Thaemin
Trade Way, not detouring into troll country just off the
route. Still, the encounters in that chapter give a good look The capital city of Elturgard, Elturel is a powerful city de-
at all the unfortunate things that anyone profiting off of the fended by an impressive force of paladins and bathed in the
Trade Way (i.e. anyone who controls either Waterdeep or Bal- constant light of a m assive glowing orb which har ms any un-
dur's Gate) would want to happen m uch less often than they dead who strays within its rays. It also m a kes getting to sleep
currently do. at night m uch harder than nor mal. People there have thick
The Wood of Sharp Teeth Elturgard's Co m panions, powerful paladin defenders, are the
m atch of any Fla ming Fist veteran or Knight in Silver, but
The Wood of Sharp Teeth, also known as the Werewood, is full their limited nu m bers m a ke the m a lesser military force than
of werewolves. There are additionally dryads, satyrs, and Baldur's Gate or Silvery moon, even supple mented as they are

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by the Hellrider cavalry and the Elturel Guard infantry. Even sign favorable treaties in exchange for defense against the
so, their might is sufficient to defend Elturgard fro m her nu- gnolls.
m erous surrounding ene mies: The yuan - ti of Najara just to
the north, the lycanthropes of the Wood of Sharp Teeth to the Further Reading
west, gnolls fro m the Reaching Woods nestled on the east, and
the ogres and m ore gnolls in the Sunset Mountains slightly There's basically nothing written about this fringe area out-
further east. side of all-inclusive source books. The Trielta Hills in partic-
ular are specifically called out as not having any particular
Elturel is a theocracy run by the High Overseer of Tor m. This ancient kingdoms, lost wizard towers, or other points of in-
m a kes toppling it fro m within very difficult, as getting pro- terest in it. It does have those gold mines, though.
m oted up through the Tor m theocracy isn't so mething you
can have a crony do in a couple of m o nths. Elturgard has no
significant internal rifts and their pri mary trading partners The Sunset Mountains
are the im mensely powerful Baldur's Gate and si milarly stable
and titanic Cor myr. As such, finding a military proxy with The Sunset Mountains are inhabited atop by ogres and gnolls
which to conquer Elturgard is easily the best option for and down below by dwarves and drow, with an adult white
adding it to the sphere of influence. An alliance between the dragon m a king its lair a mongst the peaks. These s mall and
gnolls, ogres, and lycanthropes would have a fair chance if divided tribes and clans are drastically overshadowed by the
organized by effective leaders. An alliance of convenience with power of Darkhold, the Zhentari m capital. Although drastically
Najara isn't out of the question, for while Najara would never reduced in power and influence in Faerun since the loss of
accept non - snake sovereignty over their territory, they might al most the entirety of their sphere of influence in the Moon-
be convinced to help non - snakes capture Elturgard si mply to sea to the Netherese, the Zhentari m re main a local power in
get rid of Elturgard as a potential threat. their one re maining stronghold here in the Sunset Mountains.
The Zhentari m of Darkhold are m ercenaries and slavers, not
Further Reading as vicious as they were in the 14th century but certainly
ruthless and willing to side with whoever will grow their power
A brief visit is m a de to Elturel in Hoard of the Dragon Queen, and wealth.
but m ore importantly, Elturgard is a psuedo-capital of the
Order of the Gauntlet, which m eans any m aterial on said Or- As such, seizing the Sunset Mountains m eans bringing the
der can be applied m ore or less to Elturgard. Zhentari m to heel so mehow. The easiest way would be to si m -
ply e m ploy the m reliably. If the pay is good enough, Zhent
loyalty will not waver, and there are plenty of nearby ene mies
against which the might of the Zhentish m ercenaries would be
The Reaching Wood useful: Elturgard, Najara, Cor myr, the gnolls of the Reaching
Wood, the other inhabitants of the Sunset Mountains.
In decades past, the Reaching Wood was inhabited by m ultiple
forest dwelling creatures and races, but the gnolls have co m - Also lurking nearby the Sunset Mountains is the Well of Drag-
pletely exter minated all co m petitors. Elturgard is in a state of ons, the stronghold of the Cult of the Dragon, which seeks to
low-grade war with the m due to their raising shrines and su m m on Tia mat to destroy the world (they imagine they will
te mples to their de monic patron Yeenoghu within the depths rule over what rises fro m the ashes). Particularly after the
of the wood. The gnolls raid in Elturgard and Elturel returns Draakhorn is e m ployed to su m m o n ar mies of chro matic drag-
the favor. ons, the Cult of the Dragon represents a m ajor military power
in the area. Their power is particularly concerning because
Just on the other side of the Reaching Wood are the Trielta they are a s mall nu m ber of very durable m o nsters. If a single
Hills, a land allied to Elturgard and inhabited by halflings and dragon fights a cavalry squadron, and half the squadron is
gno mes. Like Elturgard, the Trielta Hills are constantly fend- killed and the dragon is halfway killed and both break off,
ing off raids fro m the gnolls. Their m ain source of wealth are that might be a stale mate im mediately, but within a few days
the s mall but not insignificant veins of silver and gold in the the dragon will be healed. The cavalry squadron will still be
hills. half-dead, unless they're willing to pay thousands of gold to
get their fallen co mrades raised, so mething which no ar my
The Reaching Wood are a concentration of military power but can keep up for very long. Indeed, once they have the
have little econo mic value. The Trielta Hills, on the other Draakhorn's ar mies on their side, the Cult is a greater mili-
hand, have valuable mines which any sphere of influence tary force than even Baldur's Gate or Silvery moon.
would do well to bring under their control. The gnolls of the
Reaching Wood would m a ke a good proxy with which to take While they stand no chance against the united forces of the
over Trielta, or alternatively Trielta might be convinced to Lord's Alliance, the Well of Dragons is quite a defensible
fortress, and stor ming it quickly would be m uch m ore difficult

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than laying siege to it for m o nths until the Cult is starved
out and forced to fight in the open, where their breath
weapons are less effective and the Alliance nu m erical advan-
tage is m ore easily brought to bear. The upshot of all this
being that the Cult is a significant military threat to the
Sword Coast who would be extre mely difficult to dislodge fro m
their fortress.

Just south of the Sunset Mountains is Iriaebor, a city state

that stands between Elturgard and Cor myr. Although indepen-
dent, Iriaebor m aintains a close alliance with Elturel. Their
econo my is wholly dependent upon trade going fro m Cor myr
to Elturgard, as a city state they have little production of
their own and can't survive trading with only one of the two
partners, which m eans anyone who controls either of the two
nations would exert significant influence over the m. So meone
who controls both Elturgard and Cor myr would have Iriaebor
at their m ercy.

Further Reading

The Well of Dragons is fully detailed in the Rise of Tiamat,

and Darkhold is detailed in the 3e source book Lords of
Darkness. This source book is out of date, as the Zhentarim
have undergone a serious shift in vision and operating pro-
cedure since their near-annihilation at the hands of the
Netherese, but much of the details of Darkhold's construc-
tion and defenses remains accurate.

The Greenfields
The Greenfields are a bounteous far mland that for m the
breadbasket of Elturgard and also ship significant a mounts of
food west to Baldur's Gate and the region near the Wood of
Sharp Teeth. The entire region is usually quite peaceful, but
recently has been plagued by raids by the Cult of the Dragon.
These raids have even gone so far as to threaten Greenest, a
large-ish m arket town that serves as a sort-of capital of the
area (if only because al most everywhere else is either spread
out ho mesteads or tiny ha mlets). As the Cult's raids on the
Greenfields grow, the concessions its inhabitants would be
willing to m a ke in exchange for protection go up along with

Further Reading

Greenest and the Cult of the Dragon's nearby hideout are de-
tailed in the first several chapters of Hoard of the Dragon
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