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What’s In Your Pockets?

A Definitive Kender Items Table

By Eddie Gioffre

A D100 based table of random items kender

might pull from their pockets and pouches.
What’s In Your Pockets?
Production, Design, and Layout by Eddie Gioffre
Proofreading and Editing by Patty Gioffre
Distributed by

Artwork used:
This cover has been designed using assets from,, and images in the public domain

Interior illustration: Larry Elmore

Coloring: Eddie Gioffre

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide,
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All other original material in this work is Copyright 2022 by Eddie Gioffre and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

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s the group of heroes made their way through
the ancient ruins, they came across an old well.
Derwin Brokenlock ran over to the well full of
excitement, his topknot dancing on his head.
On tippy-toes, he peered down the well before
turning back to his friends, “It’s pretty deep, I
wonder how far down it goes?”
The kender starting climbing on top of the well to jump in when
his good friend Kiara spoke, “Derwin, maybe we should test
how far down it is before you jump?”
Derwin scrunched his face and climbed down. He smiled,
“I have just the thing!” as he rummaged through his various
pockets and pouches. The first thing he pulled out was a feather.
“No, this was my uncle’s, I need to save it for him.” Derwin
tucked the feather back in a different pocket. Next he drew out a
pickle, “that reminds me, I’m hungry.” He took a bite and tossed
the rest down the well.
Everyone listened in silence for a long time before it made a
soft, distant splash.
“Wow, that’s really far down! Are you sure I can’t jump in?”.

Kender Pockets
Kender are known to have all manner of objects on their person,
from magical to mundane. The following d100 table, in the spirit
of the Kender Pockets rules as presented in the original Drag-
onlance Adventures sourcebook for AD&D first edition, offers
players and DMs a ready-made list of items that kender could
randomly pull from their various pouches and pockets.
The items on the table, include the follow:
• Twenty blank spaces for players or DMs to add items the Alternately, players could build their own Kender Pockets
kender is equipped with or picks up during the course of table from scratch with the included blank table. If players are
their adventures. maintaining and using their own Pockets table, they might
• Five low level magic items (any one of which could be want to leave spaces for “DM surprise” and when they roll one
swapped for a potion of healing with the DM’s permission). of these entries, the DM consults their own private table to see
• Eight items that spellcasters could use as material com- what is recovered.
ponents for various spells (for DMs and players who don’t
track material components, replace two of these listings For Dungeon Masters
with a free component pouch while the other six spaces Dungeon Masters can make use of the table for use with kender
could be blank or something else). NPCs. Many of the items could also be used as things found on
• Seven items that could spark adventure quests. a body, or the result of a successful pickpocketing attempt.
• Thirty items that are non-magical, but possibly useful. The included blank table allows DMs to create their own
• And thirty items that are also non-magical, but probably not Pockets table and leveraging their own creativity along with
useful. any number of various published trinket tables or random item
Care should be taken so that kender pockets allow for and en- Also you can increase the likelihood of finding a particular
courage roleplaying. If the kender is in combat, or under a time item by including it across multiple numbers. Instead of assign-
constraint, they should be allowed to flawless retrieve a known ing “One steel coin” to a single space (#5), you can include it
item, or randomly pull the most useful item from the list. Other- across several numbers (#5 through #10) for greater frequency.
wise, roll randomly once or twice and have fun with the results.
I hope you get plenty of use from this table, and a lot of great
Using the Tables roleplaying fun. If you use this table, let me know how it works
out for your table or character by leaving a comment on
For Players DMs Guild, twitter @dmfumbl, or YouTube (
Players can use the pre-built Kender Pockets table with your,
Dungeon Master’s approval for their next kender character. The and please consider some of my other offerings on DMs Guild
table includes 20 blank spaces for items they already have or (
pick up along the way.

What's In Your Pockets? 1

Kender Pockets (d100)
d100 Item d100 Item

1 A servant bell 26 A piece of chocolate (with tiny nibbles on it, see #6)

2 A small traveling Khas board and an incomplete set of pieces 27

(Khas is similar to real-world chess)

3 28 Dirty shirt

29 A half eaten hunk of smelly cheese

4 A cork to a bottle (a piece of cork can be used as a material spell
30 Hunk of Chalk (white)
component for water walk)
31 Bottle (magic item, bottled breath)*
5 A white lace wind fan
32 A spork (spoon-fork) created by the gnomish culinary and
6 A sleeping mouse
weapons guild
7 Single sock
33 A feather (depending on the type or color it could be used as
8 the material componet for enhance ability, fear, feather fall, fly,
foresight, identify, Tasha's hideous laughter, or wind wall)

9 A letter from one nobleman threatening another. 34

Did either of these people die under mysterious circumstances?
Could it cause political problems if it became public? Is some-
35 Hunk of soap covered in lint
one looking for it? (Possible adventure seed)
36 Part of a recipe, with ingredients such as, honey, garlic, bat
10 Broken animal call whistle (kender thinks it's magically silent,
wings, three drops of human blood. What is this for? (Possible
but it isn't)
adventure seed)
11 A pickle
37 Vial containing unknow plant seeds
12 A hunk of glass (kender thinks it's a gem)
38 Hand mill
39 A twig (depending on the origin or shape it could be used as
the material componet for hallucinatory terrain, locate object,
14 Vial of liquid (magic item, potion of animal friendship)* witch bolt)

15 Fancy stick pin. Who does it belong to? Does it reference a 40

secret society or cult? (Possible adventure seed)

16 A black rose 41 A wanted poster. What did the person do? Is the bounty still ac-
tive? Does the kender have a personal connection to the wanted
person? (Possible adventure seed)

42 The molt (shed skin) of a snake

18 A dead grasshopper (the grasshopper’s hind leg can be used as
the material componet for jump) 43 A large quill with a broken tip

19 Signet Ring (who does it originally belong to?) 44

20 A non-magical dagger
45 Three juggling balls
21 Flint and Steel
46 A small doll with the tag “Is No Fun, Is No Blinsky!”
47 A metal ring typically worn on the horn by minotaur pirates

23 Ball of yarn 48 Metal flask (empty)

24 First place ribbon in an arm wrestling competition 49 Single sock

25 Ticket stub to a opera from several months ago in Palanthas, 50

“Huma Triumphant”

* DM may choose to substitue a Potion of Healing for one of the included magic items.

2 What's In Your Pockets?

d100 Item d100 Item

51 Pouch with 10 marbles 76 A charcoal sketch of a female kender (friend, sister, mother?)

52 A sewing needle 77 Token (magic item, feather token [tree])*

53 An animal tooth 78

54 Sling bullets (3)

79 A small chapbook - an epic poem about the split between the
Silvanesti and the Qualanesti Elves

80 A bit of bat fur (it could be used as the material componet for
56 A treasure map. It lacks enough detail to know the actual
arcane eye, darkness, enhance ability, lightning bolt)
locations shown in the map. Who can help decode the map’s
locations? What is its ‘treasure’ (Possible adventure seed) 81 Hair brush

57 Palm size chunk of broken mirror (functions as a mirror as well 82 A quill. Actually a feather from a Kyrie (a bird-like humanoid race
as an improvised weapon) similar to Aarakocra)

58 A balloon filled with water 83

59 A scrap of paper with the words, “Never look directly at a --”

84 A broken wooden mug
85 A spindle of sewing thread

61 Whetstone 86 A boot lace

62 A small wrapped present, addressed to one of the kender's 87 A fancy key in the shape of a dragon with the tail being the key’s
friends blade. Where is the lock that this key goes to? What is inside?
(Possible adventure seed)
63 A pair of glasses, missing lenses

89 Candle (white, non-magical)

65 Collapsible top hat
90 Part of an octopus tentacle (might be useable as an improvised
66 Glowworm (can be used as the material componet for dancing
material spell component for darkness granting only a 5 min
duration instead of the normal 10 min)
67 Paper bird (magic item)*
91 Bent lockpick
92 A handful of roasted peanuts from a recent town festival

69 A textbook about extinct creatures. Are they truly gone? Is there
a quest to find the last of their kind? (Possible adventure seed)
94 A small garnet (worth 10 stl)
70 A rock that looks like a small petrified skull (isn’t, or is it?)
95 Lock (for practice)
71 Ear plugs
96 A toy sailboat (actually floats)
72 A pair of finger cymbals (zills)

98 A recent broadsheet (newspaper) of the Solanthas Times (any

74 Several pinches of salt wrapped up in wax paper (pinch of salt
interesting articles?)
can be used as the material componet for comprehend languag-
es or gentle repose. Salt water is used for clone) 99 Arrowhead (could be an improvised weapon or refashioned into
an arrow, might have special, non-magical properties)
75 Plain belt buckle
100 Candle, blue and white swirled (magic item, candle of the

What's In Your Pockets? 3

Blank Kender Pockets Table
d100 Item d100 Item

1 26

2 27

3 28

4 29

5 30

6 31

7 32

8 33

9 34

10 35

11 36

12 37

13 38

14 39

15 40

16 41

17 42

18 43

19 44

20 45

21 46

22 47

23 48

24 49

25 50

4 What's In Your Pockets?

d100 Item d100 Item

51 76

52 77

53 78

54 79

55 80

56 81

57 82

58 83

59 84

60 85

61 86

62 87

63 88

64 89

65 90

66 91

67 92

68 93

69 94

70 95

71 96

72 97

73 98

74 99

75 100

What's In Your Pockets? 5

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