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Longos, Sancho Dominik ENG198

Permites, Junaide


1. Cross-Cultural Analysis of Advertising Discourse: A Comparative Study of American and Filipino Food Advertisements

Year of Title of the Author/Authors Publisher/Name of the Area of Study/ Approach Research Findings/Results
Publica-tion Article/Book Journal Research Design Questions/Objective
04/11/2014 Advertisement Noureldin Australian International ● Qualitative ● Social- Analyzing two The product aims to
Analysis: A Mohamed Academic Centre Research Constructionism advertisements in challenge the fashion
Comparative Abdelaal/Amal Design ● Interpretivism terms of content and industry's narrow beauty
Critical Study Saleh Sase Fairclough's looking deeply into standards with various skin
framework, the the language types and body shapes.
CDA framework. employed in the The language used in their
discourse of ad is propagandistic,
advertising, the seeking to influence
verbal sign, and the viewers' attitudes toward
nonverbal sign, that changing beauty
is, to identify the stereotypes. Through the
purpose, message, confidence-building
and implication of programs and inclusive
power behind the messaging, the ad conveys
advertisement. the product’s commitment
to real women's beauty.
(“Advertisement Analysis:
A Comparative Critical
Study,” 2014)
2009 Comparative Yi Lin Electronic Theses and ● Qualitative ● Social- Examines how The findings reveal no
Analysis of Dissertations Research Constructionism western culture has significant difference in
Advertising Design ● Interpretivism influenced Chinese individualistic and
Value Appeals ● Descriptiv cultural values contemporary ideals
Reflected in U.S. e Design related to modernity, between the print ads in
Longos, Sancho Dominik ENG198
Permites, Junaide

and Chinese Comparative tradition, women's fashion

Women 's Analysis individualism, and magazines from both
Fashion Print collectivism, as well countries.
Advertisements. as the use of
western fashion
models and
language, by
analyzing 549
found in women's
fashion magazines
in China and the
United States.
1. Is there a
presence of
ads within
Chinese and
Is there a
difference in
between U.S.
and Chinese
print ads and
Longos, Sancho Dominik ENG198
Permites, Junaide

How primary
is the value
in personal
use products
in Chinese
fashion print
04/11/2014 Comparative Bijina. C. K World Wide Journal of ● Quantitativ ● Positivism Understanding the All forms of advertisement
Study of Multidisciplinary e different advertising have various functions,
Effectiveness of Research and Research mediums and their address different demands,
Various Development Design objectives is crucial and have diverse sets of
Mediums of for effective target audiences. After
Advertising utilization. Analyzing analyzing the demands of
the suitability of the business, the
mediums for specific aforementioned
products and information can be utilized
evaluating to determine which
effectiveness is also medium of advertising is
important for ideal for any business.
Considering these
factors, businesses
can create impactful
campaigns that
Longos, Sancho Dominik ENG198
Permites, Junaide

reach their target

audience and
achieve their goals.
● Where are
my target
● What is the
best medium
to reach
● Which
medium can
allow us
reach in the

2. A Discourse Analysis: Representation of Feminism Characterizations in the Movie Enola Holmes 1-2

Year of Title of the Author/Authors Publisher/Name of Area of Study/ Approach Research Findings/Results
Publica-tion Article/Book Journal Research Design Questions/Objectives

2021 An analysis of Rachmi Herdini Commicast Vol. 2, No. ● Qualitative ● Interpretivis The objective of this The study concluded that
feminism in the Fabianti, 2 Research ● Critical study is to determine the feminism depicted in
movie “The Fajar Dwi Putra Design Paradigm the depiction of the film is liberal feminism.
Hunting Case Study ● Postmoderni feminism in the film Liberal feminism is found
Longos, Sancho Dominik ENG198
Permites, Junaide

Ground” sm "The Hunting through the actions and

reviewed from Ground" using John attitudes by the characters
the semiotics of Fiske's semiotics. found in the movie. Liberal
John Viske The Codes of feminism is one of the
Television theory is earliest varieties of
used to analyze the feminism, claiming that
cases of feminism in women's secondary
this film. It aims to standing in society is
discover how women founded on unequal
are depicted in the opportunities and
movie while viewing segregation from men.
it in the feminist
2019 Feminism Menggala National Seminar of ● Descriptive ● Interpretivism The objective of this The results of the study
Analysis on Aninda, PBI (2019) Qualitative ● Critical study is to show how concluded that there are
Meridas Damayanti Research Paradigm feminism is shown in different standards that
Character on Nadia, Salsabila Design ● Postmoderni the characterization people push into the main
“Brave: The Dewi sm of Merida throughout character.
Movie” the duration of the 1. The standard of
movie. Throughout beauty that Merida
the 1 hr and 33 mins should possess.
span of the movie, 2. Her lack of personal
perception about choice in regards to
women was her future.
depicted, considering 3. The rules she must
how the main lead is follow as a woman.
a woman who seeks These results shows how
independence and Merida fought for her own
freedom. identity. How she wants to
break free, wanting to
highlight how she’s not just
Longos, Sancho Dominik ENG198
Permites, Junaide

a woman, She is a woman.

2014 Animating Juliana James Madison ● Qualitative ● Social This article aims The article concluded with
Gender Roles: Garabedian Undergraduate Research Constructivis shows the progress the explanation that woman
How Disney is Research Journal Design m that Disney had should not just be viewed
Redefining the undergone to into as someone who wants
Modern Princess identifying the and needs to be saved,
strengths of women. instead, modern princesses
Classic Disney shows how they can handle
princesses are their own when times of
deemed as dainty crisis. Modern princesses
and innocent while are now perceived as more
modern princesses independent, brave, and
are sought to be heroic (Garabedian, 2014).
more expressive and Disney promotes gender
free when it comes to equality and aids in the
revealing their universal acceptance of the
thoughts. The concept of identifying
objective of this oneself not by how one is
article is to highlight born, but by one's own
how Disney deeds.
progresses from one
ideology to another.

3. An Analysis of Internet Trolling Discourse: A Case Study

Year of Title of the Author/Authors Publisher/Name of Area of Study/ Approach Research Findings/Results
Publica-tion Article/Book Journal Research Design Questions/Objectives
2017 Identifying the Horne, Army Research ● Qualitative ● Positivism How can the it is possible to predict the
social signals Benjamin & Laboratory Research ● Interpretivism researchers predict score of comments, even
that drive online Adali, Sibel & Design ● Postmoderni which comments and when communities are
Longos, Sancho Dominik ENG198
Permites, Junaide

discussions: A Sikdar, Sujoy ● Quantitative sm what content gets the unstructured, loosely
case study of Research highest attention in moderated and noisy.
Reddit Design an online Interestingly, the
communities ● Descriptive discussion? How importance of features can
Design does this content vary vastly across
Comparative differ from communities. Despite this,
Analysis, Case community to we show some globally
Study community? important features, such as
relevance and emotion of
comments and discuss
potential reasons for the
differences. Further, the
researcher shows that
user flairs can be an
excellent predictor of highly
popular comments,
especially if those flairs are
strictly controlled by
2019 Reddit as an Anna M. White Information Literacy ● Qualitative ● Social How the social news Librarians may choose
Analogy for Commons Research Constructivis site Reddit can be simply to use Reddit as an
Scholarly Design m used as an example example when discussing
Publishing and ● Postmoderni of the ACRL how authority is
the Constructed, sm Framework for constructed and contextual
Contextual Information Literacy in information literacy
Nature of for Higher Education classrooms.
Authority threshold concept
“Authority is The threshold concept
Constructed and “Authority is Constructed
Contextual.” and Contextual” remains as
true for the students who
Longos, Sancho Dominik ENG198
Permites, Junaide

go on to become
recognized experts in their
fields as it is for those who
use information only to
make practical life
decisions; the participatory
web, as coined by Dietering
and Groening (2011), is
therefore both. Reddit may
be a controversial or
surprising environment to
serve as a threshold into
lifelong information literacy,
but librarians who work
closely and carefully with
students in a variety of
disciplines can help them
transfer skills from one
domain to another.
06/22/2022 Online Troll Al-Adhaileh, Applied Bionics and ● Mixed- ● Positivism The objective of the The result of the study
Reviewer Mosleh & Biomechanics Method ● Social study is to compare concluded that both
Detection Using Aldhyani, (Qualitative- Constructivis two (2) experiments methods (experiments)
Deep Learning Theyazn & Quantitative m and to identify which provide good results in
Techniques Alghamdi, Ans. Research Design) ● Postmoderni method provided identifying/ detecting Online
sm better results in troll activities. However,
detecting trolls found The first method which is
online. The two Text Data achieved a 97%
experiments are the accuracy. While the second
ff. method which is using
1. Text Data Numerical Data achieved a
(Sentiment perfect rating (100%).
Longos, Sancho Dominik ENG198
Permites, Junaide

Analysis) Overall, the data result

2. Numerical showed how these two
Data methods can be used in
reviewing online trolls.
Their only difference is their
accuracy percentage.

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