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Computer Science Department


Software Requirements Specification

Version <1.0>

Banda W, 32814976
Legodi P.S,35818026
Khosa N.C 33691797
Madutung bf 33547726
Hlatswayo S 34590919

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of

CMPG 224, Software Engineering
Computer Science Department

September 2021
(Xxxxname) Project Version: <x.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <xx/09/2022>

Revision History
Date Version Description Author
<09/2022> <1.0> SRS 1.0 GROUP 1
<xx/xx/xx> <2.0> SRS 2.0
<xx/xx/xx> <3.0> SRS 3.0

CMPG224 Software Engineering Project

(Xxxxname) Project Version: <x.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <xx/09/2022>

Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION 1.0....................................................................................................................................................6
PURPOSE OF THE SYSTEM 1.1..........................................................................................................................................6
SCOPE OF THE SYSTEM 1.2.............................................................................................................................................6
OBJECTIVES AND SUCCESS CRITERIA OF THE PROJECT 1.3............................................................................................6
DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS 1.4..................................................................................................................................6
TECHNOLOGIES AND TOOLS 1.5.....................................................................................................................................6
OVERVIEW 1.6................................................................................................................................................................6

PROPOSED SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 2.0.................................................................................................................7

OVERVIEW 2.1................................................................................................................................................................7
SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT 2.2............................................................................................................................................8

REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION 3.0...................................................................................................................#

FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1....................................................................................................................................#
NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS 3.2...........................................................................................................................#
Usability 3.2.1.........................................................................................................................................................#
Performance 3.2.2...................................................................................................................................................#
Security 3.2.3...........................................................................................................................................................#
Implementation 3.2.4...............................................................................................................................................#
Others 3.2.5.............................................................................................................................................................#

SYSTEM MODELS 4.0.................................................................................................................................................#

ACTORS AND ROLES 4.1..................................................................................................................................................#
USE CASE MODEL 4.2.....................................................................................................................................................#
USE CASE DESCRIPTION 4.3.............................................................................................................................................#
CLASS AND OBJECT MODELS 4.4....................................................................................................................................#
DYNAMIC MODEL 4.5......................................................................................................................................................#

CMPG224 Software Engineering Project

(Xxxxname) Project Version: <x.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <xx/09/2022>

List of Figures
FIGURE 1.0......................................................................................................................................................7
FIGURE 2.0......................................................................................................................................................7
FIGURE 3.0......................................................................................................................................................8
FIGURE 4.0......................................................................................................................................................#
FIGURE 5.0......................................................................................................................................................#
FIGURE X.0.....................................................................................................................................................#
FIGURE X.0.....................................................................................................................................................#

List of Tables
TABLE 1.0....................................................................................................................................FEARURE 1
TABLE 2.0....................................................................................................................................FEARURE 2
TABLE 3.0....................................................................................................................................FEARURE 3
TABLE 4.0....................................................................................................................................FEARURE 4
TABLE 5.0....................................................................................................................................FEARURE 5
TABLE 6.0....................................................................................................................................FEARURE 6
TABLE X.0......................................................................................................................................................#

CMPG224 Software Engineering Project

(Xxxxname) Project Version: <x.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <xx/09/2022>


1.1 Purpose of the system

This document describes in detail the Online Banking System software. It explains the
features and other aspects of the system, including the use case, the function, the scope, and
many more. The document will be readily available to all stakeholders and developers
affiliated with this project.
1.2 Scope of the System
The system is an online banking system for many individuals mainly students as the target
market. The software will be able to efficiently open many accounts at no extra cost. The
system efficiently organizes and sorts of client data for easy maintenance. The system will let
users send and receive funds at no extra cost.
1.3 Objectives and Success criteria of the project
Time – The project will begin early to deliver the final product on time.
Budget – A fixed budget of R100 000,00 will be allocated budget and efficiency is key to
ensure the project is completed with the above-mentioned budget.
Quality – Ensuring the project is with minimal bugs, the customer satisfaction will be superb.
1.4 Definitions and Acronyms
USER – The customer who will be using the service.
Admin – In charge of the system and has high level access to the system.
GL – Group Leader
Doc – The text document the system will be based on.
1.5 Technologies and Tools
Diagram Designs – Wondershare EdrawMax
Word Documents – Microsoft Word
Database Application – Microsoft Access
Software Development – Intelli J IDEA
Meetings - Zoom
1.6 Overview
The project is a system to help many individuals save money efficiently and quickly.
Security will be a priority to ensure users’ funds are safe and secured.


M. Keup. (2021). Understanding Project Management Success Criteria.
Date Access: 19 September 2022

CMPG224 Software Engineering Project

(Xxxxname) Project Version: <x.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <xx/09/2022>

Proposed System Description

2.1 System Overview

The description about how our system will perform has been explained. In this document we are
explaining about how the system environment will works, the use code model and other figures
that will present a better view of our system.

Figure 1: Data model


CMPG224 Software Engineering Project

(Xxxxname) Project Version: <x.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <xx/09/2022>

2.2 System Environment (you need to use the context model to explain this)


GeeksforGeek (2021).Data Flow Diagram for Online Banking System - GeeksforGeeks. [online] Available
at: [Accessed 19 Sep.

Requirements Specifications

3.1 Functional Requirements

Feature 1# - Login
Table x: FR for login
Req. #Login FR
Rx The management system will allow for user and admin login

CMPG224 Software Engineering Project

(Xxxxname) Project Version: <x.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <xx/09/2022>

3.1.1 Restriction of user to login with admin template and for admin to login with user
3.1.2 The logon screen will ask for username or admin username
3.1.3 Incorrect details will send a pop-up message to enter the correct details stored in
3.1.4 Forgot username or password will take the user or admin to password recovery
3.1.5 System will request contact details confirmation to detect if it is the correct user
making changes
3.1.6 Correct login details will let the user or admin have access to the system resources

Feature 2# - User access

Table x: FR for Users
Id #feature FR
Rx The system will allow the user to download a free tutorial guide on how to use the
management system to modify and make changes to account profiles
3.1.7 The system will allow the user to add profile, edit profile and configure profile
3.1.8 The system will also allow the user to make transactions of funds by depositing and
3.1.9 Users can also send money to other users with accounts in the banking management
3.1.10 System allows the user to check account statement and select from a range of date
3.1.11 System permits the user to delete profile without permission from the admin
3.1.12 System also allows the user to search for their profile(s) or profile of another user

Feature 3# - Admin access

Table x: FR for Administrators
Id #feature FR
3.1.13 The system allows the admin to have full access and maintain the system
3.1.14 System allows the admin to assist users if they are facing any difficulties
3.1.15 System updates admin(s) of any profiles which remain unused for a month
3.1.16 System can access user profiles only if the user gives them authority to access their
account in a case of assistance
3.1.17 System allows the admin to grant access to the user if they wish to delete their profile
3.1.18 System allows the admin search for their profile using binary search (0 and 1)
3.1.19 System allows the admin to check if the payment method is correct and works for
every account that exists within the management system

Feature 4# pay bills

CMPG224 Software Engineering Project

(Xxxxname) Project Version: <x.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <xx/09/2022>

Table x: FR for user

Id #feature FR
Rx The user can use the online pay bill service to pay bills using the debiting method
3.1.20 The customer must be logged into the banking site to get access to this service
3.1.21 The feature will allow the user to Make payments to cooperation such as insurance
and telecommunication.
3.1.22 The customer or user should register the payee cooperation with the internet banking
3.1.23 Payments will be allowed to be c made immediately or at the date desired by the user
in agreement with the cooperation
3.1.24 The customer will have to key in their password each time they make a payment
3.1.25 The system will allow the user to remove a registered payment from their site or

Feature 5# -transfer funds

Table x: FR for user
Id #feature FR
Rx Transfer funds allows the customer to transfer funds between authorized accounts
3.1.26 The system will allow the customer to make immediate transfers between their
different accounts given that they are registered
3.1.27 The system will allow the user to view history of transfers they have done.
3.1.28 The system will allow the user to select and set the desired amount they want to
3.1.29 The feature will allow the user to also send funds to users that are not registered with
the banking system.
3.1.30 The system will allow the user to make move from their main account into a holder
account to prevent the money from being withdrawn from the ATM directly
3.1.31 To get access to this feature the user will have to login successfully.

Feature 6# - view account

Table x: FR for user
Id #feature FR
Rx The system will allow the user to view their up-to-date balance
3.1.31 The balance information will be on deposit, credit card and so on.
3.1.32 The feature will allow the user to view their transaction history with
a retention period of up to three months
3.1.33 The feature will allow the user to make changes in their account
3.1.34 The system will allow the user to click on different accounts to view
more details about that account.
3.1.35 The system will allow the user to view their account and see all the

CMPG224 Software Engineering Project

(Xxxxname) Project Version: <x.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <xx/09/2022>

accounts and all the money that has been received and debited from
their account

3.3 Non-Functional Requirements

3.2.1 Usability
°The system shall provide an efficient look in order for people who use it to understand and be
able to browse throughout and use its resources
°The system shall provide use of icons to indicate functions for certain features
°The system shall perform calculations of transaction and show the balance of current amount

3.2.2 Performance

The system must allow the user to have access to the banking system 24 hours every day of the
year. While keeping the down time at a minimum for backup and maintenance to increase
customer satisfaction. The banking system will expand product offering and expand and capture
their customers asset base. The system will also allow banks to showcase their new services and
products in the systems home page. The system will also focus on reducing overall costs by
reducing the cost of processing a transaction and reducing branches needed to service a certain
number of times.
3.2.3 Security
User account and password protection will occur at the primary level of the banking system. To
get access to the system the user will have to input the account ID and password, without these
access to the banking system will be denied. The system may require the user to characters such
as @#*&^% and passwords of a certain length to improve security the system may require users
to change their passwords after a certain period. In addition to the password security to improve
security the latest techniques of data encryption will be used. Data encryption refers to the
translation of data into something that one cannot understand unless translated back with a
deciphering mechanism.
.2.4 Implementation
°The system shall be web based and can be used online with internet connection available
°The web-based system shall use MySQL to store the database of the management system
°The system shall be compatible with other computers having windows 8 and above or Mac
operating system

3.2.5 Others
The system shall run efficiently when there is excellent internet connection and should deliver performance that will

CMPG224 Software Engineering Project

(Xxxxname) Project Version: <x.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <xx/09/2022>

satisfy the people who will be using it

System Models

4.1. Actors and Roles

CMPG224 Software Engineering Project

(Xxxxname) Project Version: <x.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <xx/09/2022>

Table 1: Actor roles

CUSTOMER Cashier Bank Admin System Admin

Login the online banking View account Register/view customer Create s account
system Print account statement Add/view account View staff account
Create/view balance

CMPG224 Software Engineering Project

(Xxxxname) Project Version: <x.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <xx/09/2022>

4.2. Use Case Mode

FIGURE 2. system use case diagram

4.3. Use case Description

Xx (Detailed Functional Requirements)

Table 2: Use case description table for Login

Use case name Login

Actors Customer, system admin
Preconditions 1. the online banking is operational
2. the customer has login details to insert
Flow of events 1.The customer enters their login details
2.The system verifies that the login details are valid banking

CMPG224 Software Engineering Project

(Xxxxname) Project Version: <x.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <xx/09/2022>

Post Conditions

Table 3: Use case description table for Validation

Use case name Validation

Actors System admin, cashier, customer
Preconditions 1. the online banking is operational
2. the customer has login details to insert
Flow of events 1.The system requests a PIN code.
2.The customer enters their PIN code.
3.The system validates the login details against the PIN code.
Post Conditions

Table 4: Use case description table for transaction

Use case name Transaction

Actors System admin, customer, admin
Preconditions 1. the online banking is operational
2. the customer has login details to insert
Flow of events 1The system presents service options including “transfer funds”.
2.The customer chooses “transfer funds”.
3.The system verifies sufficient funds in the customer’s bank
Post Conditions

Table 5: Use case description table for enter amount

Use case name Enter amount

Preconditions 1. the online banking is operational
2. the customer has login details to insert
Flow of events The system presents options for amounts.
10.The customer selects an amount or enters an amount.
Post Conditions

CMPG224 Software Engineering Project

(Xxxxname) Project Version: <x.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <xx/09/2022>

Table 6: Use case description table for transaction verification

Use case name Transaction verification

Actors Cashier, system admin
1. the online banking is operational
2. the customer has login details to insert
Flow of events 1. the system verifies that the customer is below transfer

-The system verifies that it has enough cash in its hopper.

-The system debits the customer’s bank account.
-The system returns the customer’s confirmation.
-The system issues the customer’s money transfer.
-The customer receives a confirmation of the money transferred.
-Use case ends.
Post Conditions 1.The bank customer has received their money transfer receipt.
2.The bank has debited the customer’s bank account and recorded
details of the transaction.

CMPG224 Software Engineering Project

(Xxxxname) Project Version: <x.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <xx/09/2022>

4.4. Class and Object Model

4.5. Dynamic Model

Xx (sequence diagram)

CMPG224 Software Engineering Project

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