EQ and SQ-R Questionnaire - Results

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EQ-28-ENG Groen, Fuermaier, Den Heijer, Tucha, Althaus, 2015

Empathy Quotient (EQ)

Below is a list of statements. Please read each statement very carefully and rate how
strongly you agree or disagree with it by colouring the circle of your answer. There are
no right or wrong answers, or trick questions. In order for the scale to be valid, you must
answer every question.





1. I can easily tell if someone else wants to O O O O
enter a conversation.

2. I try to keep up with the current trends and O O O O


3. I find it difficult to explain to others things O O O O

that I understand easily, when they don't
understand it first time.

4. I dream most nights. O O O O

5. I really enjoy caring for other people. O O O O

6. I find it hard to know what to do in a social O O O O


7. I am at my best first thing in the morning. O O O O

8. Friendships and relationships are just too O O O O

difficult, so I tend not to bother with them.

9. I would never break a law, no matter how O O O O


10. I often find it difficult to judge if something is O O O O

rude or polite.

11. I live for today rather for the future. O O O O

12. I can pick up quickly if someone says one O O O O

thing but means another.
EQ-28-ENG Groen, Fuermaier, Den Heijer, Tucha, Althaus, 2015

13. I tend to have very strong opinions about O O O O


14. It is hard for me to see why some things O O O O

upset people so much.

15. I find it easy to put myself in somebody else's O O O O


16. I think that good manners are the most O O O O

important thing a parent can teach their

17. I am good at predicting how someone will O O O O


18. I am quick to spot when someone in a group O O O O

is feeling awkward or uncomfortable.

19. If I say something that someone else is O O O O

offended by, I think that that's their problem,
not mine.

20. I can't always see why someone should have O O O O

felt offended by a remark.

21. People often tell me that I am very O O O O


22. Seeing people cry doesn't really upset me. O O O O

23. I enjoy having discussions about politics. O O O O

24. I don’t tend to find social situations O O O O


25. Other people tell me I am good at O O O O

understanding how they are feeling and what
they are thinking.

26. I can't relax until I have done everything I had O O O O

planned to do that day.

27. I can easily tell if someone else is interested O O O O

or bored with what I am saying.

28. I get upset if I see people suffering on news O O O O


29. Friends usually talk to me about their O O O O

EQ-28-ENG Groen, Fuermaier, Den Heijer, Tucha, Althaus, 2015

problems as they say that I am very


30. I can sense if I am intruding, even if the other O O O O

person doesn't tell me.

31. I often start new hobbies but quickly become O O O O

bored with them and move on to something

32. I would be too nervous to go on a big O O O O


33. Other people often say that I am insensitive, O O O O

though I don’t always see why.

34. I usually stay emotionally detached when O O O O

watching a film.

35. I like to be very organised in day to day life O O O O

and often make lists of the chores I have to

36. I can tune into how someone else feels O O O O

rapidly and intuitively.

37. I can easily work out what another person O O O O

might want to talk about.

38. I can tell if someone is masking their true O O O O


39. Before making a decision I always weigh up O O O O

the pros and cons.

40. I don't consciously work out the rules of O O O O

social situations.

41. I am good at predicting what someone will O O O O


42. I tend to get emotionally involved with a O O O O

friend's problems.

Till so far the EQ. Please continue with the SQ-R.

SQ-R-ENG Groen, Fuermaier, Den Heijer, Tucha, Althaus, 2015

Systemizing Quotient (SQ-R)

Below is a list of statements. Please read each statement very carefully and rate how
strongly you agree or disagree with it by colouring the circle of your answer. There are
no right or wrong answers, or trick questions. In order for the scale to be valid, you must
answer every question.





1. I find it very easy to use train timetables, O O O O
even if this involves several connections.

2. I like music or book shops because they are O O O O

clearly organised.

3. I would not enjoy organising events e.g. O O O O

fundraising evenings, fetes, conferences.

4. When I read something, I always notice O O O O

whether it is grammatically correct.

5. I find myself categorising people into types O O O O

(in my own mind).

6. I find it difficult to read and understand O O O O


7. When I look at a mountain, I think about how O O O O

precisely it was formed.

8. I am not interested in the details of exchange O O O O

rates, interest rates, stocks and shares.

9. If I were buying a car, I would want to obtain O O O O

specific information about its engine

10. I find it difficult to learn how to programme O O O O

video recorders.

11. When I like something I like to collect a lot of O O O O

SQ-R-ENG Groen, Fuermaier, Den Heijer, Tucha, Althaus, 2015

different examples of that type of object, so I

can see how they differ from each other.

12. When I learn a language, I become intrigued O O O O

by its grammatical rules.

13. I like to know how committees are structured O O O O

in terms of who the different committee
members represent or what their functions

14. If I had a collection (e.g. CDs, coins, stamps), O O O O

it would be highly organised.

15. I find it difficult to understand instruction O O O O

manuals for putting appliances together.

16. When I look at a building, I am curious about O O O O

the precise way it was constructed.

17. I am not interested in understanding how O O O O

wireless communication works (e.g. mobile

18. When travelling by train, I often wonder O O O O

exactly how the rail networks are

19. I enjoy looking through catalogues of O O O O

products to see the details of each product
and how it compares to others.

20. Whenever I run out of something at home, I O O O O

always add it to a shopping list.

21. I know, with reasonable accuracy, how much O O O O

money has come in and gone out of my bank
account this month.

22. When I was young I did not enjoy collecting O O O O

sets of things e.g. stickers, football cards etc.

23. I am interested in my family tree and in O O O O

understanding how everyone is related to
each other in the family.
SQ-R-ENG Groen, Fuermaier, Den Heijer, Tucha, Althaus, 2015

24. When I learn about historical events, I do not O O O O

focus on exact dates.

25. I find it easy to grasp exactly how odds work O O O O

in betting.

26. I do not enjoy games that involve a high O O O O

degree of strategy (e.g. chess, Risk, Games

27. When I learn about a new category I like to O O O O

go into detail to understand the small
differences between different members of
that category.

28. I do not find it distressing if people who live O O O O

with me upset my routines.

29. When I look at an animal, I like to know the O O O O

precise species it belongs to.

30. I can remember large amounts of information O O O O

about a topic that interests me e.g. flags of
the world, airline logos.

31. At home, I do not carefully file all important O O O O

documents e.g. guarantees, insurance

32. I am fascinated by how machines work. O O O O

33. When I look at a piece of furniture, I do not O O O O

notice the details of how it was constructed.

34. I know very little about the different stages of O O O O

the legislation process in my country.

35. I do not tend to watch science documentaries O O O O

on television or read articles about science
and nature.

36. If someone stops to ask me the way, I'd be O O O O

able to give directions to any part of my
home town.
SQ-R-ENG Groen, Fuermaier, Den Heijer, Tucha, Althaus, 2015

37. When I look at a painting, I do not usually O O O O

think about the technique involved in making

38. I prefer social interactions that are structured O O O O

around a clear activity, e.g. a hobby.

39. I do not always check off receipts etc. against O O O O

my bank statement.

40. I am not interested in how the government is O O O O

organised into different ministries and

41. I am interested in knowing the path a river O O O O

takes from its source to the sea.

42. I have a large collection e.g. of books, CDs, O O O O

videos etc.

43. If there was a problem with the electrical O O O O

wiring in my home, I’d be able to fix it myself.

44. My clothes are not carefully organised into O O O O

different types in my wardrobe.

45. I rarely read articles or webpages about new O O O O


46. I can easily visualise how the motorways in O O O O

my region link up.

47. When an election is being held, I am not O O O O

interested in the results for each

48. I do not particularly enjoy learning about O O O O

facts and figures in history.

49. I do not tend to remember people's birthdays O O O O

(in terms of which day and month this falls).

50. When I am walking in the country, I am O O O O

curious about how the various kinds of trees
SQ-R-ENG Groen, Fuermaier, Den Heijer, Tucha, Althaus, 2015


51. I find it difficult to understand information O O O O

the bank sends me on different investment
and saving systems.

52. If I were buying a camera, I would not look O O O O

carefully into the quality of the lens.

53. If I were buying a computer, I would want to O O O O

know exact details about its hard drive
capacity and processor speed.

54. I do not read legal documents very carefully. O O O O

55. When I get to the checkout at a supermarket O O O O

I pack different categories of goods into
separate bags.

56. I do not follow any particular system when O O O O

I'm cleaning at home.

57. I do not enjoy in-depth political discussions. O O O O

58. I am not very meticulous when I carry out O O O O

D.I.Y or home improvements.

59. I would not enjoy planning a business from O O O O

scratch to completion.

60. If I were buying a stereo, I would want to O O O O

know about its precise technical features.

61. I tend to keep things that other people might O O O O

throw away, in case they might be useful for
something in the future.

62. I avoid situations which I can not control. O O O O

63. I do not care to know the names of the plants O O O O

I see.

64. When I hear the weather forecast, I am not O O O O

very interested in the meteorological
SQ-R-ENG Groen, Fuermaier, Den Heijer, Tucha, Althaus, 2015

65. It does not bother me if things in the house O O O O

are not in their proper place.

66. In maths, I am intrigued by the rules and O O O O

patterns governing numbers.

67. I find it difficult to learn my way around a O O O O

new city.

68. I could list my favourite 10 books, recalling O O O O

titles and authors' names from memory.
69. When I read the newspaper, I am drawn to O O O O
tables of information, such as football league
scores or stock market indices.

70. When I’m in a plane, I do not think about the O O O O


71. I do not keep careful records of my O O O O

household bills.

72. When I have a lot of shopping to do, I like to O O O O

plan which shops I am going to visit and in
what order.

73. When I cook, I do not think about exactly O O O O

how different methods and ingredients
contribute to the final product.

74. When I listen to a piece of music, I always O O O O

notice the way it’s structured.

75. I could generate a list of my favourite 10 O O O O

songs from memory, including the title and
the artist's name who performed each song.

Thank you very much for completing this questionnaire.

Now continue scoring.
Scoring and norms of the EQ28-ENG en SQ-R-ENG Groen, Fuermaier, Den Heijer, Tucha, Althaus, 2015

Scoring key of the 28-item EQ

Positive items: Negative items:
Strongly agree = 2 Strongly disagree = 2
Slightly agree = 1 Slightly disagree = 1
Both disagree options = 0 Both agree options = 0
CE(p) EE(p) SS(p) CE(n) EE(n) SS(n)
1 3
2 2
5 6
2 2
12 8
2 1
15 10
2 2
17 15
18 14
2 2
24 19
2 1
25 20
1 2
27 22
2 0
28 33
0 2
29 34
1 2
Sum 20 Sum 6 Sum 3 Sum Sum 9 Sum 7
CE(p) EE(p) SS(p) CE(n) EE(n) SS(n)
Note: CE = Cognitive empathy, EE= Emotional empathy, SS = Social Skills, (p) = positive items, (n)
= negative items
Scoring and norms of the EQ28-ENG en SQ-R-ENG Groen, Fuermaier, Den Heijer, Tucha, Althaus, 2015

Scoring key of the 75-item SQ-R

Positive items: Negative items:

Strongly agree = 2 Strongly disagree = 2
Slightly agree = 1 Slightly disagree = 1
Both disagree options = 0 Both agree options = 0
1 3
2 0
2 6
2 1
4 8
2 2
5 10
1 2
7 15
1 2
9 17
2 1
11 22
1 1
12 24
0 0
13 26
0 2
14 28
1 1
16 31
1 1
18 33
1 1
19 34
1 0
20 35
0 2
21 37
2 1
23 39
1 0
25 40
0 0
27 44
1 0
29 45
0 1
30 47
1 0
32 48
1 2
36 49
0 2
Scoring and norms of the EQ28-ENG en SQ-R-ENG Groen, Fuermaier, Den Heijer, Tucha, Althaus, 2015

38 51
0 2
41 52
0 2
42 54
1 2
43 56
2 0
46 57
1 0
50 58
1 1
53 59
2 2
55 63
0 1
60 64
2 1
61 65
1 0
62 67
0 1
66 70
0 1
68 71
1 1
69 73
2 1
SQ-R(p) SQ-R(n) SQ-R total =
Sum 38 37 75

Note: (p) = positive items, (n) = negative items

Scoring and norms of the EQ28-ENG en SQ-R-ENG Groen, Fuermaier, Den Heijer, Tucha, Althaus, 2015

Scale Calculation Score

EQ total CE(p) + EE(p) + SS(p) + 45
CE(n) + EE(n) + SS(n)
EQ CE CE(p) + CE(n)
EQ EE EE(p) + EE(n)
EQ SS SS(p) + SS(n)
SQ-R total SQ-R(p)+SQ-R(n) 75

Calculation of brain type (D):

E = [EQ total:_______________ 0.2125
– 33.1] / 56 = _______________________________

S = [SQ-R total:_____________ 0.137
– 54.4] / 150 =________________________________

D = [S: _______________– E: _______________) / 2 =____________________________

For questions and remarks about this questionnaire or its scoring you may contact:
Yvonne Groen, PhD
Associate Professor
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences
Department of Clinical and Developmental Neuropsychology
Email: y.groen@rug.nl
Website: http://www.rug.nl/staff/y.groen/
Scoring and norms of the EQ28-ENG en SQ-R-ENG Groen, Fuermaier, Den Heijer, Tucha, Althaus, 2015

Dutch norms of the EQ28 en SQ-R

Norm table 28-item EQ

Females Very Low Below average Average Above average High Very high
Perc≤2.5 2.5<Perc≤10 10<Perc≤30 30<Perc≤70 70<Perc≤90 90<Perc≤97.5 Perc>97.5
Total ≤18 19-25 26-31 32-41 42-47 48-51 >51

Cognitive <4 4-8 9-11 12-17 18-21 22 -

Emotional <8 8-10 11-14 15-18 19-21 22 -
Social Skills <2 2-4 5-6 7-9 10 11-12 -

Males Very Low Below average Average Above average High Very high
Perc≤2.5 2.5<Perc≤10 10<Perc≤30 30<Perc≤70 70<Perc≤90 90<Perc≤97.5 Perc>97.5
Total <6 6-16 17-24 25-34 35-41 42-48 >48

Cognitive <2 2-6 7-10 11-14 15-19 20-21 >21

Emotional <2 2-6 7-9 10-14 15-17 18-22 -
Social Skills <2 2-3 4-5 6-8 9-10 11-12 -

Norm table 75-item SQ-R total

Very Low Below average Average Above average High Very high
Perc≤2.5 2.5<Perc≤10 10<Perc≤30 30<Perc≤70 70<Perc≤90 90<Perc≤97.5 Perc>97.5
Females <24 24-32 33-41 42-55 56-69 70-89 >89

Males <33 33-38 39-53 54-71 72-84 85-99 >99

Norm table brain type (D)

Very low Low Average High Very high

Extreme E E B S Extreme S

Perc≤2.5 2.5<Perc≤35 35<Perc≤65 65<Perc≤97.5 Perc>97.5

Females <-0.206 -0.207 - -0.078 -0.079 - -0.007 -0.008 – 0.145 >0.145

Males <-0.119 -0.120 – 0.017 0.018 – 0.095 0.096 – 0.366 >0.366

Note: E = Empathising brain type, B = Balanced brain type, S = Systemising brain type
Scoring and norms of the EQ28-ENG en SQ-R-ENG Groen, Fuermaier, Den Heijer, Tucha, Althaus, 2015

Explanation of the different brain types (or in other words cognitive styles)

Extreme Empathizing (Extreme type E)

A small minority of the males and about 4% of the females posses this cognitive style and is called the ‘extreme empathizing brain type’. Males
very rarely possess the Extreme Empathizing brain type. In daily living, the thoughts and feelings of others are VERY important for you. You feel
very comfortable in social situations. You consider other people’s feelings and thoughts to the extreme. Some people like this but others may
find you too sensitive and empathic. In difficult situations you are inclined to consider the emotional side of the problem and other people’s
opinions about the problem. When facing difficult situations it is VERY difficult to look at the situation in a logical and systematic way and to
keep your head cool. This is because you are not inclined to analyse (the rules of) systems and to construct or built systems, for which one
needs a rational view on things.

Empathizing (type E)

About half of the females and 15% of the males possess this cognitive style, which is called the ‘empathizing brain type’. In daily living, the
thoughts and feelings of others are important for you. You feel comfortable in social situations. You consider other people’s thoughts and
feelings and this is also why people like to come to you. You feel comfortable in social situations. In difficult situations you are inclined to
consider the emotional side of the problem and other people’s opinions about the problem. When facing difficult situations it is difficult to look
at the situation in a logical and systematic way and to keep your head cool. This is because you are not inclined to analyse (the rules of) systems
and to construct or built systems, for which one needs a rational view on things.

Balanced Empathizing-Systemizing (type B)

About one third of the males and one third of the females possess this cognitive style, which is called the ‘balanced brain type’. You possess
about as much empathic as systematic traits. This means that in daily living, the thoughts and feelings of others are important for you.
However, logical systems are also important for you and you are inclined to find out how systems are built up and work (such as machines,
computers, the weather, topography, electrical devices, but also social networks such as political parties or sports teams). You like to structure
things in your environment in a logical and systematic way or to built systems (for example categorizing books and cd’s, building constructions,
categorizing information). When facing difficult situations, you will be inclined to look at the situation in a logical and systematic way and to
keep your head cool. However, you will also consider other people’s thoughts and feelings about the situation. People come to you to talk
about logical systems and rational solutions, as well as feelings.

Systemizing (Type S)

About half of the males and 20% of the females possess this cognitive style, which is called the ‘systemizing brain type’. In daily living, logical
systems are important for you and you are inclined to find out how systems are built up and work (such as machines, computers, the weather,
topography, electrical devices, but also social networks such as political parties or sports teams). Furthermore, you like to structure things in
your environment in a logical and systematic way or to built systems (for example categorizing books and cd’s, building constructions,
categorizing information). When facing difficult situations you will be inclined to look at the situation in a logical and systematic way and to
keep your head cool. This is because you are not inclined to consider the emotional side of the problem and other people’s opinions about the
problem. You may feel uncomfortable in social situations. People would rather come to you to talk about systems and rational solutions than
about emotional topics.

Extreme Systemizing (Extreme type S)

A small minority of the females and about 15% of the males possess this cognitive style, which is called the ‘extreme systemizing brain type’. In
daily living, logical systems are VERY important for you and you are inclined to find out how systems are built up and work (such as machines,
computers, the weather, topography, electrical devices, but also social networks such as political parties or sports teams). Furthermore, you
like to structure things in your environment in a logical and systematic way or to built systems (for example categorizing books and cd’s,
building constructions, categorizing information). When facing difficult situations you will be inclined to look at the situation in an extremely
logical and systematic way and to keep your head cool. This is because you are not inclined to consider the emotional side of the problem and
other people’s opinions about the problem. You often feel uncomfortable in social situations. People come to you to talk about systems and
rational solutions, but not to talk about emotional topics.

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