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A Review on Engineered Cementitious Composite

Brati Basu1, Partha Saha2, Arpita Marik3, Dr. Biman Mukherjee4

M.Tech Student of Structural Engineeing , Narula Institute of Technology, India
Professor of Civil Engieering Dept., Narula Institute of Technology, India


As we all know concrete is the major construction material in construction industry, but the main problem
with the conventional concrete is that it has low tensile strength, brittleness and heavy weight compared to its
strength. To overcome these drawbacks of conventional concrete, new and unique concrete has been
introduced named as Engineered Cementitious Composite or strain hardening cement-based composites or
bendable concrete or flexible concrete.It is popularly known as Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC).

ECC is ultra-ductile fiber reinforced cementitious composite, characterized by its high ductility and tight
crack width control. Microfibers are added to the ECC to eliminate Coarse Aggregate and reinforcement and
impart tensile strength in order to enhance flexibility. The microfibers of ECC acts as ligaments to bond with
concrete more tightly. Strain capacity of ECC is the range of 3%-7% compared to 0.01% for ordinary
concrete. In this paper tensile strength, compressive strength and flexural strength of ECC concrete are
discussed by using different composite material.

ECC has some special quality such as self healing, lightweight, ductility, cost effectiveness, energy harvesting.
Due to its unique characteristics, it has numerous applications in buildings and bridge decks and many more
structures in several cities of Japan, Korea, USA etc. are being done and also used in repair and
rehabilitation projects.

KEYWORDS: Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC), Bendable Concrete, Flexural Strength, Compressive
Strength, Self-Healing, Microfibers, Microcracks


Concrete used as a binding material since hundred and fifty years. Because it is always low in price and has high
strength characteristics. But concrete has always been a brittle and rigid material which fail under tensile loading.
Conventional concrete is almost unbendable and have a strain capacity of only 0.1% makes them highly brittle and
rigid. To overcome this problem, researchers have introduced a special type of concrete i.e., ECC,which is more
ductile in nature and more likely to undergo large flexural deformation even without reinforcement.It was developed
by the Prof. Victor Li at the university of Michigan. The lack of bend ability is the major cause of strain and has
been a key factor in the development of a new elegant material. ECC uses short, discontinuous fibers, typically at
2% by volume which leads to improvement of tensile strain of 3% to 7% for ECC.

ECC flaxes without fracturing due to interaction between fibers and other ingredients of concrete, working in a
matrix form to bind everything together. Reinforcing the concrete with fibers, act as a ligament to bond it more
tightly. Due to this, instead of fracturing, the material undergoes a process called microcracking wherein the energy
of the tensile strain defused into a number of tiny cracks of extremely small size, averaging less than 60 µm in width
roughly half the width of a human hair (Kalepalli, 2006).

Furthermore, it’s outstanding energy absorption makes bendable concrete appropriate for use as critical elements for
seismic zone or microstructure. This type of technology has been used in construction of Mihara bridge in
Hokkaido, Mitaka Dam Japan. ECC is used for repair and construction of transportation infrastructure along with
pavement and overlays. ECC can reduce reflective crack. ECC has antispalling behavior and better durability against
weathering and other attacks. A sixty storied RCC building in Osaka, Japan which is exposed to varied temperature,
humidity and rainfall uses ECC for coupling beams. ECC coupling beams are expected to undergo large shear
deformation in a ductile mode with high energy absorption capability.

The major disadvantage of this construction is that cost of construction of ECC structures is higher than
conventional concrete and it also requires skilled supervision.


ECC is an eco-friendly material. As it is made of several industrial byproducts to reduce the use of cement.
Unfortunately, cement production industry is the major source of CO2 emission in the environment, a major
contributor of green house effect and global warming. So, it is essential to replace cement by some other products to
the maximum possible extent, which would lead to global sustain development and lowest possible environmental

Further, this technology is being advanced by Iron Ore Tailings (IOTS) to develop greener Engineered Cementitious
Composite (ECC). Due to the high cement usage in ECC limits the material greenness and increases the material
cost compared with normal concrete. The replacement of cement with IOTS results in 10%-32% reduction in energy
consumption and 29%-63% reduction in CO2 emission in green ECC compared with typical ECC (Xiaoyan et al).

Additionally, solid waste disposal has been one of the biggest global environment problems for a very long time. So,
use of solid waste product of ductile nature is also a advantageous way of getting rid of this problem.


The self-healing process generally takes advantage of pre-existing materials. Even in ordinary concrete a significant
percentage of the cement grains stay behind unused and inactive because they are never hydrated. The unhydrated
grains chemically with water and carbon dioxide in the air to form a strong compound known as calcium carbonates.
The fractures in conventional concrete are generally so large that even when calcium carbonates do form, they
provide virtually no benefit. However, when the cracks are small, not more than 50 μm, these compounds can
accumulate in such a way as to fill the cracks, thus repairing the concrete and leave behind nothing but a scar. the
self-healing concrete repairs its properties, counting its ductility, its stiffness, and its ability to withstand the
intrusion of such corrosive agents as water and road salt.



Point of difference Normal concrete Engineered Cementitious

Durability The normal concrete structures are The bendable concrete structure is
less durable. more durable.
Earthquake resistance The structure made with normal As the bendable concrete does not
concrete are vulnerable to break easily by the earthquake
earthquake, they generally form motion. So, the structure made
cracks or may collapse during with flexible concrete are more
earthquake. earthquake resistant.
Self healing property The normal concrete does not have The bendable concrete has a very
any self-healing property as long as good self healing property as it
same is not introduced during design can heal the micro cracks itself.
Repair and maintenance The repair and maintenance cost of The repair and maintenance cost
concrete structure is high of bendable concrete is less as it
ascracksand other defects are very does not develop that much
common. cracks.
Self weight The self-weight of conventional The bendable concrete is 30%-
concrete is more. 40% lighter than the conventional
Reinforcement The steel bar reinforcement is The fiber reinforcement can
required for taking the tensile load. provide tensile strength to some
extentin the concrete.
Curing time The concrete structure generally The bendable concrete requires
requires more curing time around 28 less curing time, generally 7 days.
Labour It requires less skilled labour. It requires more skilled labour.
Cost The cost of construction is less as it The initial cost of construction is
consists of common material. more.


ECC is the modified form of fiber reinforced concrete.

1. In a fiber reinforced concrete, various fibers are used to provide ductility to sustain under tensile loads. But
ECC has the capacity to form microcracks, these microcracks are tiny (60 µm) and are held tight which
makes bendable concrete to withstand large deflections without losing its strength.
2. The major advantage of ECC over conventional fiber reinforced concrete is that crack width is very less in
3. Tensile properties of ECC are superior to fiber reinforced concrete as ECC is made with microfibers and
these fibers create many microcracks instead of creating few large cracks. These microcracking behavior
leads to superior corrosion resistance as well as self healing property.
4. ECC is different from FRC because after cracking ECC strain hardens while FRC does not exhibit such
5. ECC has very low permeability coefficient and it has higher resistance to steel corrosion.



1. The new concrete looks like conventional concrete but 500 times more resistant to cracking and 40%
lighter in weight as tiny fibers are used instead of coarse aggregate and reinforcement and 50 times more
2. The material itself are designed for maximum flexibility. So, it consists of special type of materials that it
can take bending stresses. When overloaded, the lubricated fibers began to slip instead of fracturing. The
result is a concrete, that bends but will not break.
3. Bendable concrete has self healing property which helps to fill the microcracks.
4. Strain capacity of ECC is 300 times more than conventional concrete.
5. It has more durability, more ductility, high strength and last longer than conventional concrete.
6. ECC reduces the use of reinforcement in concrete and also other ingredients which helps to emitting
harmful gases in environment through manufacturing process.
7. ECC is a green construction material as it incorporates different industrial wastes, i.e.,fly ash, slags, waste
tire rubber etc.
8. ECC is 37% a smaller amount exclusive, consumes 40% less energy and produce 39% less CO2 than
regular concrete.


1. It has a high initial cost as compared to conventional concrete.

2. It required skilled labour for its construction.
3. It needs some special type of materials which can be difficult to find in some areas.
4. Its quality depends upon the material used and the condition under which it is made.
5. Its compressive
ressive strength can be lesser than the conventional concrete.



ECC has great impact on the region of high seismic activity that it does not breakdown due to vibration
caused by the earthquake. In Japan a 60 floor is under construction which uses this concrete. ECC is good
design choice in skyscrapers.

The concrete canvas can also be made with the bendable concrete. The concrete canvas is stronger and
durable than the normal canvas. It can be used in the military area.


It can be used in roads and bridges. With the use of bendable concrete in roads and bridges there is no need
of joint such as expansion and contraction joints as the concrete itself have the ability to change its shape.
Moreover, the bridges and roads are more durable and has low repair cost.
ECC have been used in a number of large
large-scale applications, these include:

1. The Mitaka Dam near Hiroshima was repaired usingECC in 2003. The surface of the then 60-year-old
60 dam
wasstrictly damaged, showing evidence of cracks, spalling, and some water leakage. A 20 mm-thick
mm layer
of ECC wasapplied by spraying over the 600 m2 Surface area.

2. Also in 2003, an earth retain wall in Gifu, Japan, wasrepaired using ECC. Ordinary Portland cement
possiblywill not be worn due to the severity of the cracking in theoriginal structure, which would have
caused reflectivecracking. ECC was intended to reduce this danger; afterone year only micro cracks of
tolerable width were observed.

3. The 95m (GlorioRoppongi high

high-get higher apartment buildings in Tokyo contain a total of 54 ECC
couplingbeams (two per story) intended to moderate earthquakedamage. The propert
ies of ECC (high break
tolerance, highenergy absorption, and ability to deform under shear) giveit superior properties in seismic
resistance applicationswhen measure up to ordinary Portland cement. Relatedstructures include the 41-story
Nabeaure Yokohama Towerower (four coupling beams per floor)

4. The 1 km (0.62 mi) long Mihara Bridge in Hokkaido, Japan was open to traffic in 2005. The steel-
reinforcedroad bed contains virtually 800 m3 of ECC material. Thetensile ductility and tight crack direct
behaviour of ECC led to a 40% reduction in weight and 50% reduction in cost.
5. Similarly, a 225-mmmm thick ECC bridge deck on interstate94 in Michigan was completed in 2005. 30 m3 of
materialwas worn, delivered on on-site in standard mixing trucks.Due to the exclusivee mechanical properties
of ECC, thisdeck also used less material than a proposed deck made ofordinary Portland cement. Mutually
the University ofMichigan and the Michigan Department of Transportationare monitoring the bridge in an
effort to verify thetheoretical
etical superior durability of ECC; after four years ofmonitoring, concert remained


1. OPC
2. Portland Limestone Cement
3. PPC
Cement can be partially replaced by mineral admixtures such as fly ash, GGBS,
S, metakaoline.

1. Sand

1. Polyvinyl Alcohol Fiber
2. Polypropylene fibers
3. Crumb rubber or powdered rubber
4. Silica fibers
5. Steel fibers
6. Asbestos fibers
7. Alkali resistance Glass fibers
8. Alkali resistance recron 3S fiber
9. Jute Fiber
10. Nylon fiber
11. Polyester
12. Piezoelectric polymers

1. Super plasticizer (Supercon
2. Super plasticizer (Polycarboxylate)
3. Super plasticizer (Conmix SP 1030)

Material used- Cement, Fine aggregate, Water & Foaming agent.
The experiment was based on three different types of tests i.e. compressive test of cube, tensile strength of cube
and flexural test of slab using normal and fiber concrete. Then a comparative study on strength on the basis of
test results has been made. Neeladharan C, Muralidharan Anbarasan, P. Sathish (November 2018)1

Material used- Cement, Fly ash, Fine aggregate, Micro fibers, Fiber mesh 150 & Super plasticizer.
The experiment showed the various strength and failure point on the basis of proportion of the materials of
concrete. Shane M. Palmquist (2007)2

Material used-OPC, Sand, coarse aggregate, Alkali resistant Glass Fiber. The experiment was made on
ECC with different partially replaced sample test on different shape (cubes, beams and cylinders) concrete mix.
Experiments showed concrete made by partial replacement of cement with fiber at 2.0 % is more effective.
Siddharth Pastariya, Shantanu Mehta, Ashish Bhargava, Anant Bharadwaj Gajendra Verma (May 2020)3

The experimental investigation has been made on bendable concrete concludes that Incorporation SL into
matrix and The Polycarboxylate based super plasticizer mortar mixes give more workability and can effectively
increase compressive strength at all ages which is directly related to the Flexural strength and inversely related to
deflection but Compressive strength decreases with the increase in the cementitious material. By adjusting
mixing sequence increases the tensile strain capacity and ultimate tensile strength of ECC but Increasing the
specimen size and exposure. Sagar Gadhiya, T N Patel, Dinesh Shah (2015)4

The experiment on two cementitious composite mixes were prepared with ordinary Portland cement &
Portland limestone cement and both mixes were reinforced with Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA ) fiber for determining
the properties of both composite concretes. The result shows bendable concrete using Portland limestone cement
is possible and offers reasonable compressive and flexural results and lower drying shrinkage behavior than
Ordinary Portland cement. Ikram F Al-Mulla, Ammar S Al-Rihimy, Maitham S Abd alameer (2020)5

Material used- crumb rubber (CR) or powdered rubber (PR). The experimental investigation on the use of
rubber obtained from the waste tire in the form of crumb rubber (CR) or powdered rubber (PR) as a construction
material by incorporating it in cementitious composites. The use of CR/PR in ECC is found to be beneficial in
ECC due to the enhancement of the strain-hardening property that the ECC is known for. But that comes at the
cost of the mechanical strength of the composite. The authors are presently working on research aimed at
recovering the mechanical strength loss using a nano-material. Isyaka Abdulkadir, Bashar S. Mohammed, M.
S. Liew, Mohamed Mubarak Bin Abdul Wahab, Noor Amila, Wan Abdullah Zawawi, SholihinAs'ad (May

The experiment results following conclusions,

1.The compressive strength of the concrete was found to be maximum when cement/sand ratio was 1:0.6. As the
sand content was increased to 1:0.8 there was about 7% drop in compressive strength.
2.The flexural strength of the concrete was found to be maximum for specimen of 10mm depth at fiber content
of 1.5%. From the Flexural strength test results it can be concluded that for length:breadth:depth ratio of 70:15:1
and fiber content= 1.5% the flexural strength is maximum.
3.Flexural strength of the concrete decreases as we increase the depth of the concrete specimen. For fiber content
= 1.5% as the depth was increased from 10mm to 20mm, there was about 40% reduction in flexural strength.
4.Cost of 1m3 ECC is found to be4 times when compared to the cost of 1m3 of conventional concrete.
IzhanKazi, Suhail Khot, Ramish Majid, Prof. Fauwaz Parkar (2018)7

The result concludes that the ductility of structures, in turn, depends on the ductility of individual
components and structural configuration, including relative strength of different components and redundancy. A
ductile concrete, with substantially higher tensile ductility compared to normal concrete, can contribute to higher
structural resiliency and environmental sustainability, the latter by virtue of the need for less frequent repairs.
The innovation of Ductile ultra-high performance, fiber reinforced concrete (“UHPFRC”) is a revolutionary
material that offers superior strength, durability, ductility and aesthetic design flexibility.
By the introduction of UHPFRC there is almost no carbonation or penetration of chlorides and sulphides. The
material has almost no shrinkage or creep, making it suitable for prestressed applications. Inclusion of Polyvinyl
alcohol (PVA) in volume fraction of fibers from 1 to 2 %, increases splitting tensile strength with age. Inclusion
of 5 to 10 % Metakaolin (MK) caused 16.5 % and 24 % increase in splitting tensile strength at age of 28 days as
compared to control.
5% MK together with PVA fibers has higher splitting tensile strength with PVA fibers having aspect ratio 45,
60, and 90 with 2% volume fraction.
Improving the Ductility of Concrete as a whole, rather than providing reinforcement at critical locations, will
address the problem in more rational way. Out of the four types of concrete/materials discussed above, it can be
understood that Nano Technology is a promising field for producing novel properties in concrete such as high
compressive strength, High Flexural strength, High Ductility and Toughness. M.C.Raghucharan,
Dr.M.L.V.Prasad (May 2015)8

Material used- random fibers with Strain capacity in the range of 3–7%, compared to 0.01% for ordinary
Portland cement (OPC) paste, mortar or concrete.
The experimental investigation on a special type of reinforced concrete with mentioned materials shows an
increase in flexural strength with the usage of PVA and PP fibers. Three specimen of each type were cast and
tested for compressive strength and flexural strength. The average is taken in each case. Compressive strength
and flexural strength of specimens were calculated and the results are tabulated. Results show an increase of
flexural strength by 33% in PVA and by 49% in PP as compared to normal concrete beam. Mareena George,
DhanyaSathyan, K.M. Mini (January 2021)9

Material used-
1. Cement
2. Coarse aggregates
3. Fine Aggregates
5. Fibers
1. Polypropylene fiber
2. Polyester fiber (Recron 3s)
3. Steel fiber
4. Glass
• Slump Cone test
• Compression Strength test
• Flexural strength test
• Split Tensile Test
An experimental result on ECC using slag partially incorporated with cement as cementitious materials and
micro fibers such as polypropylene, glass, hooked steel, polyester as reinforcement.
From the investigations, it is concluded that the flexible
concrete with the mix FC(0.4) has the best result and
stated as best mixes when compared to CC.
2. Fracture controlled failure is exhibited by the ECC under
Flexural loading, and a bend is obtained because of crack
controlling nature.
3. Workability aspect of polypropylene fiber, recon fiber,
steel fiber and glass is an appreciable issue as satisfactory
workability is obtained.
4. The compressive strength of ECC with 0.4% content of fiber is greater than ECC with 0.2 % of fiber content.
5. The flexural strength of Flexible concrete which is having
0.4% volume of fiber is greater when compared with
0.2% volume of fiber.
6. The tensile strength of Flexible concrete with 0.4% of
volume is greater than bendable concrete with 0.2%
volume of fiber.
7. The partial replacement of cement with GGBS gave
effective results regarding strength and cracking . Hence
replacement of cement more than 10 % can also be
8. The adoption of volume of fiber can be increased in order
to get better results regarding strength, cracking,
ductility etc.
9. The strength of Flexible concrete in all aspects is more
than Conventional concrete.
10. The synthetic fibers are cheaply available and hence can
be used in flexible concrete and the fibers may be altered
in order to reduce the cost. AKHILA PALERU, CHEBROLU RAJESH (August 2020)10

Material used-
1. Cement
2. Fly ash
3. Fine Aggregates
4. Jute and Coir Fiber
5. Water
The experimental result on ECC.
Tests on cement
 Fineness test
 Specific Gravity of Cement 3.14
 Determination of Normal Consistency of Cement
the experimental investigations carried out the following conclusions are made:
 The significant properties of bendable concrete are ductility, durability, compressive strength and self-
 Although the cost procured for designing of ECC is normally higher than that of the normal concrete but it has
numerous potential applications.
 In this project the compression, split tensile and flexural strength measurements of bendable concrete are
done. The values are compared with
conventional cubes, cylinders and prisms.
Therefore, it is proved that the bendable concrete has more strength than conventional concrete.
 Due to the flexibility nature, bendable concrete is more resistant to the cracks and acts with more efficiency in
seismic regions.
 It was found that the addition of both jute and coir (1.5%) has improved the flexural behavior of ECC
 On comparing the 7 days, 14 days and 28 days tests, better results were obtained in the 28 days strength.
 The cost incurred on the jute and coir fibers is less when compared to other artificial fibers,
 The good workability of concrete is achieved. Yadavalli Sandeep, Bandaru Ambika (Dec 2019)11
The experimental result on ECC for harvesting energy. Lead zirconate titanate (PZT) and Polyvinylidene
Difluoride (PVDF) is the most popular commercial flexible piezoelectric
polymer material because it has high ductility remarkable mechanical propertie
s, and excellent piezoelectric
performance. The energy harvesting structural material system using PVDF
PVDF-ECCECC for converting large
deformations into electricity has been proposed in this study. The preliminary experiment has been conducted for
assessing the feasibility and potential of the PVDF
PVDF-ECC system. The influence of two different lengths of PVDF
on voltage output was investigated. Energy harvesting efficiency of various loading rates of four-point
four bending
test was also studied and discussed. The peak oof output on the voltage-displacement
displacement figure shows that PVDF
film sensor have high sensitive to detect the propagation of cracking on the covered area. This mean the flexible
PVDF film have the potential on application of structural health monitoring especi
ally for measure the crack in
some critical part of structures such as beam column joint etc. Yen-Fang Su, Romika Roshan Kotian, Na
Luna Lugave12

To implement new techniques to improve ductility of concrete, ECC is a great option, as there is better bond
between cementitious paste and micro fibers. This technology mainly focuses on the flexural strength on the
concrete. With standard mixing, by proper fiber distribution the tensile strain capacity will increase. Weakness of the
tensile properties of concrete have led to the adoption of ECC with uniqu
uniquee and distinctive properties like self-healing
and good ductility. Fracture controlled failure is exhibited by the bendable concrete under flexural loading and bend
is obtained due to crack controlling nature.
Due to its huge potential the future scope of ECC is greater,

1. As ECC is light weight, it can be used in skyscrapers and tall buildings. Also can be used in Earthquake
resistant structures and joint less bridges.
2. More investigations and research to be made to compute the shear resistance of ECC to test the application
of concrete in earthquake resistance structures.
3. In India it is new and unexplored composite material and requires more research for its use.


1. C.Neeladharan., A.Muralidaharan, P.Sathish, ,Experimental Investigation on Bendable Concrete by

Using Admixtures , Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research , · November 2018

2. Shane M. Palmquist, Project-Based Learning: Developing Ductile Concrete

3. Siddharth Pastariya, Shantanu Mehta, Ashish Bhargava , Anant Bharadwaj, Gajendra Verma,

4. Sagar Gadhiya, T N Patel, Dinesh Shah, BENDABLE CONCRETE: A REVIEW, International Journal of
Structural and Civil Engineering Research, February 2015

5. Ikram F Al-Mulla, , Ammar S Al-Rihimy, Maitham S Abd alameer, Properties of engineered cementitious
composite concrete (bendable concrete) produced using Portland limestone cement, IOP Conf. Series:
Materials Science and Engineering, 2020

6. Isyaka Abdulkadir, Bashar Mohammed, M. M. A. Wahab, SholihinAs'ad, A review of the effect of waste
tire rubber on the properties of ECC, International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, May 2020

7. Mohammed Ahmed Jalgaonker, IzhanKazi, Suhail Khot, Ramish Majid, Experimental Study On Bendable

8. M.C.Raghucharan, Dr.M.L.V.Prasad , How to Make Concrete More Ductile - A State Of Art, International
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9. Mareena George, DhanyaSathyan, K.M. Mini, Investigations on effect of different fibers on the properties
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Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Aug 2020.

11. Yadavalli Sandeep, Bandaru Ambika,Experimental Investigation on Bendable Concrete,International

Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Dec 2019.

12. Yen-Fang Su, Romika Roshan Kotian, Na (Luna) Lu, Energy Harvesting Potential of Bendable Concrete
using Polymer Based Piezoelectric Generator, Composites Part B, July 2018.

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