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12 ABM 2

To my fellow Filipinos,

Having a clear national identity is important and unites all citizens into one in-group. Especially in a
diverse society, where members of many different cultural, ethnic, socio-economic, and language
groups are all citizens; a clear national identity is needed to unite all citizens.

As a sign of respect, all persons shall stand at attention and face the Philippine flag, if there is one
displayed, and if there is none, they shall face the band or the conductor. At the first note, all persons
shall execute a salute by placing their right palms over their left chests. Those in military, scouting,
citizen’s military training and security guard uniforms shall give the salute prescribed by their
regulations. The salute shall be completed upon the last note of the anthem.

My fellow Filipinos, we should know the importance of revisiting the history of the flag and be reminded
of how our heroes fought for our independence. The flag reminds us that we must uphold their values
and continue their legacy.

Lastly, we should also know the symbols of our flag for us to know how we obtained the freedom we are
now enjoying. It is also a reminder of how we can be good and responsible Filipinos in the future.

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