The Kpi Institute - Top 25 Customer Service Kpis of 2011-2012

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Top 25

Service KPIs
of 2011-2012

# Speed of answer (SA) % First contact resolution rate % Call transfer rate % Customer complaints due to poor service
or product quality # Time spent on customer relations % Customer satisfaction with service levels % Call completion
rate % Not in good order account applications (NIGO) % Complaints responded to within standard time % Complaints
resolved # Call handling time % Service charges of profits % Customer complaints resolved on the first contact #
Complaints received # Longest call hold # Longest delay in queue % Customer satisfaction with complaints handling %
Interactive voice response (IVR) completion rate # Account opening time # Time from inquiry to response # Time spent
on customer relations related issues # After call work time # Service requests per agent % Calls answered within service
level time % Overdue service requests # Speed of answer (SA) % First contact resolution rate % Call transfer rate %
Customer complaints due to poor service or product quality # Time spent on customer relations % Customer satisfaction
with service levels % Call completion rate % Not in good order account applications (NIGO) % Complaints responded to
within standard time % Complaints resolved # Call handling time % Service charges of profits % Customer complaints
resolved on the first contact # Complaints received # Longest call hold # Longest delay in queue % Customer satisfaction
with complaints handling % Interactive voice response (IVR) completion rate # Account opening time # Time from
inquiry to response # Time spent on customer relations related issues # After call work time # Service requests per agent

Publication date: 01 November 2012 ID number: sK0128091

Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

© 2012 The KPI Institute Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

ID number: sK0128091

This report is the result of primary research conducted by the KPI Institute. It is available in PDF format on the
website. Terms of use available at: (‘Premium content terms’).

An appropriate citation for this report is:

The KPI Institute (2012), Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012, Melbourne, Australia

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The KPI Institute has taken due care in preparing the analysis contained in this report. However, noting that some of the data
used for the analysis has been provided by third parties, The KPI Institute gives no warranty to the accuracy, reliability, fitness
for purpose, or otherwise of the information. The KPI Institute shall have no liability for errors, omissions or inadequacies in the
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For the latest version of the documentation, smartKPIs Premium should be consulted.

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The KPI Institute

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© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Table of Contents
page 2 Executive Summary
3 About Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
4 KPIs ... Naturally
6 Community Profile
8 2011-2012 Functional Areas Taxonomy
9 2011-2012 Industries Taxonomy
10 KPI Documentation Form Explained
12 Customer Service as a Functional Area
13 Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 List
14 # Speed of answer (SA)
16 % First contact resolution rate
18 % Call transfer rate
20 % Customer complaints due to poor service or product quality
22 # Time spent on customer relations
24 % Customer satisfaction with service levels
26 % Call completion rate
28 % Not in good order account applications (NIGO)
30 % Complaints responded to within standard time
32 % Complaints resolved
34 # Call handling time
36 % Service charges of profits
38 % Customer complaints resolved on the first contact
40 # Complaints received
42 # Longest call hold
44 # Longest delay in queue
46 % Customer satisfaction with complaints handling
48 % Interactive voice response (IVR) completion rate
50 # Account opening time
52 # Time from inquiry to response
54 # Tme spent on customer relations related issues
56 # After call work time
58 # Service requests per agent
60 % Calls answered within service level time
62 % Overdue service requests
64 Appendix A: Related reports
66 Appendix B: Training courses
68 Appendix C: Advisory services
70 Appendix D: Technology solutions
72 Appendix E: Glossary of terms

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Executive Summary
Given the economic context and the competitive market nowadays, organizations increasily focus on managing and measuring performance
as a key component in achieving the desired performance results for generating business value. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) represent
a critical element for any performance management strategy in today’s challenging environment and many organizations have diverse
performance management initiatives, including the measurement of results against targets by using KPIs.

To provide a glimpse into the use of KPIs in practice, has launched in March 2011 the first edition of a series of reports
dedicated to analyzing the most popular KPIs across major functional areas and industries. The Top KPIs report series, which has reached
the second edition, are a synthesis of what is all about: they form an overview of how KPIs are used in practice today, by
combining input from the online community with analysis and insights from our research team.

The Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 report compiles the most popular 25 KPIs used by the Customer service function. The
methodology used to conduct the research consisted of ranking the KPI examples published in the Customer Service functional area of, based on their number of views in 2011. The hundreds of thousands of visits to and the thousands of KPIs
visited, bookmarked and rated by members of this online community in 2011 provided a rich data set, which combined with further analysis
from the editorial team, formed the basis of these research reports. Out of the more than 130 Customer service KPIs available on smartKPIs.
com, the 25 most viewed by the members and visitors of were selected and analysed in detail in this report.

Customer Requests Management 8

The top 5 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012
Customer Satisfaction 7 # Speed of answer (SA)

Complaints Management
% First contact resolution rate
% Call transfer rate
Customer Care 2
% Customer complaints due to poor service or
Account Management 2 product quality
# Time spent on customer relations
Customer Service Profitability 1

Notes regarding this report:

Customer Service KPIs are reflective of Customer Service functions, and are grouped into subcategories, such as Customer Requests
Management, Customer Satisfaction, Complaints Management, Customer Care, Account Management and Customer Service Profitability.
From these subcategories Customer Requests Management, Customer Satisfaction and Complaints Management were the most popular of
Customer Service, in 2011.

One of the most important benefits that this report brings is the international perspective it offers on the most popular KPIs for Customer
Service Management. Customer Service KPIs provide quantifiable measurements of factors determined to be important for the successful
implementation of Customer Service strategies. The skill in applying KPIs is in the selection of the optimum number and appropriateness of

While centered around the KPIs that in 2011 received the highest number of visits on, the Top KPIs of 2011-2012 reports
contain in addition to KPI names, a detailed description of each KPI, as documented in smartKPIs Premium (the premium content section of and other relevant content. By discussing the use of KPIs today, presenting the best practice in documenting them and listing
the most popular KPIs of 2011, the Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 report is a valuable resource in promoting the informed use
of KPIs or refreshing the existing performance measurement and management practice in any organization.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

About Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

In many domains of human activity, the use of tools is essential for the achievement of results. Measurement and evaluation make no
exception, being equipped with both conceptual and physical tools. Of the first category, at the core of any performance measurement and
management system are the measures, metrics, indicators or KPIs used.

Both academic and practitioner literature uses interchangeably these terms, oftentimes even within the same organization.

At, we have adopted the following definitions for these terms:

Measure - A number or a quantity that records a directly observable value. All measures are composed of a number and a unit of measure.
The number provides magnitude (how much) for the measure, while the unit gives the number a meaning (what). Examples of unit
measures are: dollars, hours, meters, inches, etc.

Indicator - Indicators are defined in many ways, but the common meaning for all of them is that they refer to specific information. Thus, the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines an indicator as “a qualitative or quantitative factor or variable
that provides a simple and reliable means to measure achievement, to reflect changes connected to an intervention, or to help assess the
performance of a development actor”.1

Metric, Performance Measure or Performance Indicator - A generic term encompassing the quantitative basis by which objectives are
established and performance is assessed. It helps quantify the achievement of a result, the quantifiable component of an organization’s
performance. In the context of measuring and managing performance these terms are used interchangeably.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) - A selected indicator considered key for monitoring the performance of a strategic objective, outcome,
or key result area important to the success of an activity and growth of the organization overall. KPIs make objectives quantifiable,
providing visibility into the performance of individuals, teams, departments and organizations and enabling decision makers to take action
in achieving the desired outcomes. Typically, KPIs are monitored and communicated through dashboards, scorecards and other forms of
performance reports.

While on paper the terms listed above can be differentiated, in practice, the difference between them is blurred and, at some extent,
irrelevant. As long as their purpose and use is clear and understood by members of the organization, whether they are called performance
measures or KPIs is a matter of preference.

At, we assess each example entered in the online database and label it as measure, performance indicator or KPI. It is an
empirical and subjective approach to catalogue each entry based on relevance. Ultimately, all entries in the online database are considered
KPI examples. In addition, to single out the entries that stand out in terms of relevance, we introduced a new label:

smartKPI - A Key Performance Indicator example available on, that is recommended as

being the most relevant and truly “Key” for organizational performance. They are selected by the editorial
team of the website based on criteria such as:

• Listing in academic and practitioner publications that analyse their usefulness;

• Frequency of use by Functional Area / Industry;

• Fulfillment of the criteria of how good KPIs should be defined and used.

1. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2002, Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management, OECD
Publications, Paris, France

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

KPIs … Naturally
Measurement as a human activity is not new. It emerged in early history as a mean for discovery and sense making.
Archaeologists consider the first measurement tool used in human history to be the Lebombo bone, a baboon fibula
containing 29 cut notches. Dated 35,000 BC, this tally stick was discovered in the Lebombo mountains in Swaziland.

Evaluation, as a form of measurement was used as early as the 3rd century AD, when emperors of the Wei Dynasty
rated the performance of the official family members. The biased nature of individual performance evaluation was
noticed by Chinese philosopher Sin Yu, who reportedly criticized a rater employed by the Wei Dynasty with the
following words: “The Imperial Rater of Nine Grade seldom rates men according to their merits, but always according
to his likes and dislikes”.

A major milestone in making the connection between measuring as a human activity and performance was in
1494, when Luca Pacioli published in Venice ‘Summa de arithmetica, geometrica, proportioni et proportionalita’ (‘Everything on arithmetic,
geometry, proportions and proportionality’). It detailed a practice the Venetian sailors had in place to evaluate the performance of their sailing
expeditions, which became the basis of the double-entry accounting system.

In time, the subjective nature of individual performance evaluations and the dominance of financial indicators for evaluating enterprise
performance became stepstones for performance management in human activities.

The industrial revolution added to this combination the “organization as a machine” metaphor that played a major role in driving improvements
in efficiencies and effectiveness. The result was an organizational performance management model based on mechanistic, command-and-
control thinking, driven by subjective individual performance assessments and financial indicators and crowned by pay-for-performance

Did it work? To a certain extent, yes. Many organizations flourished and matured based on this model.

Does it have flaws? Many. And while historical circumstances attenuated them in time, today’s environment amplifies and exposes them at
an accelerated rate.

Is there a better way? Yes, but it is not simple. It requires a change at multiple levels, from the underlying philosophy of performance, to
mentalities and processes. This is not easy.

Over time, the use of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) became synonym to performance measurement and management. KPIs are the
link between the old and the new in performance management. Their use, however, is much richer and rewarding in an environment based
on organic performance architecture principles:

Organizations are echo-systems in their own right. They vary in terms of maturity and the environment in which they operate. As such,
their use of performance management systems should reflect their own “personality”. You can try to build an igloo in Sahara, but it won’t be
sustainable. The performance architecture of each organization needs to be unique and to reflect its internal and external environment.

Systems thinking provides a much richer context for understanding and improving performance. Command-and-control worked
in time for the army, for increasing productivity of unskilled workers during the industrial revolution and for managing large organizations
(such as the public service). Today, knowledge workers form the majority of the workforce in developed economies, operate in a much more
interconnected environment and have to make decisions at an accelerated pace. Understanding the systems in which we operate, analyzing
flow and learning based on data become ever more important today and complement the traditional simplistic managerial approach of
executing orders from above.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

KPIs should be used primarily for learning. The role of KPIs should be the one of providing the required information to assist in navigating
towards the desired results. The same principle is used by ants, who leave pheromone trails to assist each other in navigating towards the
food source. Similarly, the nerve impulses travel through the different points of the nervous system, transmitting information. KPIs results
should travel through the organization, facilitating communication, providing a base for analysis / synthesis and ultimately decision making
across all levels of the organization.

Data accuracy in human administration is an elusive desideratum. Neils Bohr once said: “Accuracy and clarity of statement are mutually
exclusive”. Accuracy is a challenge in exact sciences and even more in human administration. Striving to obtain any KPI data is a challenge
in itself for many organizations and data accuracy is an even bigger ask. The use of KPIs should acknowledge this aspect and be oriented
towards making the most out of existent data, oftentimes by using variance intervals. This approach is used by the human body. If the
temperature drops under a safe limit, we shiver. If the temperature increases, we sweat. Both are performance improvement initiatives of the
body, aimed to regulate its temperature back to safe limits. The KPI here is the temperature. While it is not a constant, its trend is good when
within certain safe limits.

The use of KPIs for rewards and punishment should be limited and driven by self-assessment. Purposeful oriented behavior is a
characteristic of living organisms. For humans and many other species, this behavior is amplified by rewards and punishment. Along with this
amplification, risks are amplified, too. Gaming of results, lack of cooperation, decreased morale and work accidents are some of the undesired
consequences. On the other hand, the majority of nerve impulses in the human body transmit general information. Only in particular situations
pleasure or pain signals. Similarly, the use of KPIs for rewards and punishment should be the exception to the rule, rather than the norm.

Embedding KPIs in organizations through visualization and communication of KPIs results is the key to maximizing their value
added. Variations in the KPIs used by the human body are felt by our senses as their impact is sensory rich. Similarly, KPIs used in
an organizational context should be embedded in everyday use and be a part of the working experience. The most important aspect of
communicating KPI results is their visual representation. This is key, both in terms of optimizing the layout of the data representation and
the presence of visual displays in the working environment. The range of media is diverse today: posters, whiteboards, banners, LED and
LCD monitors should be combined to bring results to life across the organization. KPI results should not be restricted to paper reports and
computer screens anymore.

New philosophy of performance, driven by self-assessment and purposeful achievement as a mean to happiness. While happiness
means many things to many, a common expression of this feeling is the result of the purposeful achievement of a desideratum. Achieving
something we want, while shared with others, is about us and reverberates strongly in our inner self. Transposing this powerful catalyst of
performance in both our personal and organizational life is facilitated by a new paradigm: Happiness is driven by achievement. Achievement
is an expression of performance. If we want to be in control of our happiness, we should be in control of our performance.

Self-assessment of performance results is not easy. However, if more emphasis is placed on building this capability in each employee,
organizations can benefit by creating a rewarding environment conducive to happiness. In this environment, managers can focus on
understanding and improving the working system, while employees can focus on self-assessment of the results’ achievement, learning and
communicating. Purposeful achievement of results in a well-structured working system would bring both individuals and organization much
closer to happiness and fulfilment compared to the payment of bonuses in the current command-and-control driven dominant paradigm.

KPIs are here to stay. The question we have to answer is how do we want to use them: mechanistically or naturally?

Aurel Brudan,
Performance Architect

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 Community Profile

Since its launch in 2009, established itself as the favourite destination of professionals from around the world interested in
high quality documented examples of performance measures. With hundreds of thousands of page views and tens of thousands of visitors
from over 190 countries each month, is one of the most used performance management resources on the Internet.

What sets the community apart is the profile of its members. is a truly global community, with relatively uniformly spread representation in terms of membership around the world. While
the highest number of members comes from English speaking countries, no single country dominates in terms of representation. The
same applies in terms of the size of the organizations to which members belong. While membership is the highest among
companies with 11 to 500 employees, both small and large organizations in terms of headcount are well represented.

Country breakdown


5.76% 7.32%
2.19% 2.21% 2.32% 2.82% 2.93% 3.85%

South Saudi Indonesia Canada United Arab Malaysia United Australia India United Others
Africa Arabia Emirates Kingdom States

Organization size
11-100 employees 20.17%

101-500 employees 19.61%

1001-5000 employees 13.61%

10000+ employees 13.54%

501-1000 employees 9.64%

1-10 employees 9.43%

Self-employed 7.87%

5001-10000 employees 5.34%

Unspecified 0.79%

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Industry affiliation
Food, Beverages & Tobacco 1.78%
Not-for-profit 1.90%
Government - State & Federal 2.00%
Construction / Capital Works 2.32% In terms of industry affiliation, the majority
Energy 2.79% of community members
Banking, Mortgages & Credit 3.19%
Engineering 3.53% operate in the consulting industry. The ICT,
Retail 3.67% manufacturing and education / training
Transportation / Logistics 3.73%
Telecommunications 3.80%
sectors follow in this hierarchy, which also
Finance 3.93% reflects wide interest from both the public
Other professional services
and not-for-profit sectors.
Education / Training 5.23%
Manufacturing 9.24%
Technology 9.90%
Consulting 12.72%
Other 21.36%

Job title
Engineer 2.83%

Student 2.96% The membership of

community is dominated by managers and
C-level Executive 4.38%
consultants, which reflect a high level of
Business Analyst 4.57% professional expertise. The breakdown of
managerial positions by function reflects
Director 6.74%
a higher than the average representation
Consultant 8.05%
from HR, Project and IT managers.

Manager 23.77%

Other 43.70%

Managerial role
QA Manager 0.79%
Product Manager 1.00% Overall, the profile of the
Quality Manager 1.17% community paints the picture of a global,
Marketing Manager 1.20%
diverse and highly qualified membership
Finance Manager 1.47%
base. Tapping into the collective
Operations Manager 1.51%
Sales manager 1.67%
intelligence of this community by analyzing
Senior Manager 1.70% visit trends is a reflection of both trends in
General Manager 2.39% performance management at international
IT Manager 4.45% level across industries / functional areas
Project manager 5.45% and of the relevance of the
HR Manager 6.01%
Manager 19.95%
Other 51.26%

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

2011-2012 Functional Areas Taxonomy

15 Functional Areas with 60 Sub-categories
Accounting (269) • Service Management (222)
• Accounting Systems (35) Knowledge and Innovation (198)
• Cash Management (25) • Innovation (45)
• Control (12) • Knowledge Management (71)
• Cost Analysis (44) • R & D (82)
• Planning and Reporting (65) Management (53)
• Transactions / Accounts Payable / Accounts Receivable (88) Marketing & Communications (192)
Corporate Services (134) • Advertising (34)
• Administration / Office Support (24) • Marketing (127)
• Corporate Travel (27) • Public Relations (31)
• Facilities / Property Management (75) Online Presence - eCommerce (203)
• Legal Services (8) • eCommerce (48)
CSR / Sustainability / Environmental Care (225) • Email Marketing (25)
• Corporate Social Responsibility (54) • Online Advertising (34)
• Environmental Care (171) • Online Publishing - Weblogs (18)
Finance (219) • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) (15)
• Asset / Portfolio management (49) • Web Analytics (63)
• Financial stability (42) Portfolio and Project Management (116)
• Forecasts & Valuation (56) • Benefits Realisation Management (6)
• Liquidity (19) • Portfolio Management (54)
• Profitability (53) • Project Management (56)
Governance, Compliance and Risk (146) Production & Quality Management (200)
• Compliance and Audit Management (52) • Maintenance (34)
• Governance (40) • Production (97)
• Risk Management (54) • Quality Management (69)
Human Resources (476) Sales and Customer Service (314)
• Compensation and Benefits (52) • Customer Service (138)
• Efficiency and Effectiveness (48) • Sales (176)
• Recruitment (71) Supply Chain, Procurement, Distribution (420)
• Retention (29) • Contract Management (50)
• Service Delivery (31) • Inventory Management (85)
• Talent Development (109) • Logistics / Distribution (138)
• Workforce (48) • Procurement / Purchasing (86)
• Working Environment (88) • Supply Chain Management (61)
Information Technology (609)
• Application Development (81)
• Data Center (36)
• Enterprise Architecture (46)
• IT - General (47)
• IT - Security (118)
• Network Management (59)
* The figures in the brackets represent the number of documented KPI examples available on as of 11 November 2012. For up to date
statistics follow the hyperlinks.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

2011-2012 Industries Taxonomy

24 Industries with 89 Sub-categories
Agriculture (297) • General State Administration (84) • Property Management (83)
• Crops (118) • Healthcare (117) • Real Estate Development (67)
• Forestry and Logging (32) • Human / Social Services (32) • Real Estate Transactions (34)
• Livestock, Hunting and Fishing (148) • Law and Justice (111) Resources (442)
Arts and Culture (410) • Military, Security and Defense (21) • Coal and Minerals Mining (327)
• Event Production and Promotion (5) • Resources and Energy (50) • Oil and Gas (62)
• Libraries and Archives (354) • Tourism (76) • Sustainability / Green Energy (56)
• Museums (51) • Transportation and Infrastructure (54) Retail (151)
Construction & Capital Works (76) Healthcare (1445) Sport Management (131)
• Civil Engineering (27) • Emergency Response / Ambulance • Coaching / Training (14)
• Construction of Buildings (69) Services (36) • Sport Club Management (61)
Education & Training (703) • Healthcare Support Services (29) • Sport Event Organisation (41)
• Academic Education (250) • Hospitals (1075) Sports (146)
• Colleges and Universities (145) • Medical Laboratory (18) • American Football (10)
• Primary and Secondary Schools / • Medical Practice (291) • Badminton (10)
K-12 (250) • Preventive Healthcare (32) • Baseball (28)
• Training and Other Education (43) • Veterinary Medicine (7) • Basketball (18)
Financial Institutions (495) Hospitality & Tourism (315) • Cricket (10)
• Banking and Credit (146) • Food and Beverage Service (163) • Football / Soccer (27)
• Insurance (75) • Hotel / Accommodation (137) • Rugby (10)
• Investments (62) • Tour Operator (23) • Tennis (34)
• Mortgages (155) • Travel Agency (24) Telecommunications / Call Center (123)
• Pension Funds (65) Infrastructure Operations (707) • Call Center (81)
Government - Local (814) • Airports (345) • Telecommunications (43)
• Budget and Finance (38) • Ports (283) Transportation (1509)
• Community - Quality of Life (34) • Railways (26) • Airlines (487)
• Culture, Recreation and Entertainment • Roads (68) • Land Transport (Road & Rail) (469)
(40) Manufacturing (97) • Local Public Transport (367)
• Economic & Business Affairs (92) Media (146) • Marine Transport / Shipping (235)
• Environment (112) • Broadcasting (TV and Radio) (60) Utilities (560)
• General Local Administration (60) • Film and Music (45) • Electricity (114)
• Public Safety (123) • Social Media (42) • Natural Gas (331)
• Public Services (174) Non-profit / Non-governmental (513) • Water and Sewage (141)
• Social Services (143) Postal and Courier Services (295)
• Sports (1) Professional Services (388)
Government - State / Federal (824) • Accounting Services (32)
• Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry • Business Consulting (81)
(49) • Engineering (42)
• Education (107) • Legal Practice (273)
• Employment and Workplace Relations • Recruitment / Employment Activities
(92) (51)
• Finance / Treasury (25) Publishing (47)
• Foreign Affairs and Trade (9) Real Estate / Property (181)

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

KPI Documentation Form Template as Used by

Organizational capability or Sub-grouping of the functional Aggregate of organizations operating in a
department that fulfils a specific area or industry. particular field, often named after its principal
business function. product or service.
Functional Areas Sub-categories Industries
N/A Hospitals Healthcare
KPI record Indicator type Unit type
sK41 smartKPI %

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) example unique Classification of performance indicators based Type of measurement unit to reflect results
identification number assigned
Name automatically
Functional Areas on their relevance
Sub-categories and level of analysis. Industries (number, percentage, monetary value).
when entered in the database.
N/A Hospital bed occupancy rate
Hospitals Healthcare
KPI record Indicator type Unit type
Name of the indicator, a brief
sK41 Succinct
smartKPI description of the indicator, % Other versions of the indicator name, as
Definition and variations
representation of its role. clarifying in business terms its name. used in practice.
Measures the percentage
Functional Areas of beds in the hospital that are occupied by patients, from overall number of hospital
Sub-categories beds.
N/A Hospital bed occupancy rate
Hospitals Healthcare
KPI record Indicator type Unit type
% Bed occupancy rate - long-term patients
Definition and variations
% sK41
Bed occupancy rate - short-term patients smartKPI %

Related KPIs
Hospital the
Measures bedpercentage
capacity of beds in the hospital that are occupied by patients, from overall number of hospital beds.
$ Hospital operating profit per bed
% Hospital bed occupancy rate
Hospital Areas rate per 10,000 inhabitants
admission Sub-categories Industries
% N/A
Bed occupancy rate - long-term patients Hospitals Healthcare
Bed andrate
occupancy variations
- short-term patients
record Indicator type Unit type
hospital, occupancy
sK41 smartKPI %
Related KPIs
# Hospital bed capacity
Measures the percentage of beds in the hospital that are occupied by patients, from overall number of hospital beds.
$ Hospital operating profit per bed
Hospital admission rate used
per 10,000 inhabitants
Variations measures for calculation
A % Hospital bed occupancy rate
=Bed occupancy
# Hospital
Tags rate -beds
inpatient long-term patients
% =Bed
B occupancy
# Hospital rate -beds
inpatient short-term patients
hospital, occupancy
Definition and variations
Related KPIs
List of other related indicators in the
# Hospital
bed capacity
either upstream (influenced
Formula type KeywordsTrend
relevant to thewhen
is good indicator, useful for navigating
by this indicator), or downstream
$ Hospital (with
(A/B)*100 influence
operating on bed
profit per this indicator). Rate by thematic clusters of similar examples.
Subordinate the measures
Hospital admission of beds
rate used
per forin
10,000 the hospital that are occupied by patients, from overall number of hospital beds.
Names of the measures TagsA =
used# Hospital inpatient
in calculating
Focus beds occupied
B = # Hospital inpatient beds
the indicator (if applicable).
% Bed occupancy
hospital, occupancyrate - long-term patients
% Bed occupancy rate - short-term patients
To indicate the
Calculation hospital’s efficiency regarding bed management
formula Formula type and its spare capacity. Trend is good when
Related KPIs
BSC perspective Rate
Measurement focus Increasing
Impact stage
# Hospital bed capacity
Subordinate measures used for calculation
Customer Volume Process
$ Hospital operating profit per bed
A Focus
#= # Hospital
rate peroccupied
10,000 inhabitants Measurment type Level
B = # Hospital inpatient beds
Tags Quantitative Strategic
To indicate
hospital, the hospital’s efficiency regarding bed management and its spare capacity.
Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when
Data profile
perspective Measurement focus Impact stage
Calculation Rate Increasing
Customer Volume Process
Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity
as Focus
Expresses the indicator Indicator
a formula linking
Spot focusmeasures used for calculation DailyType of calculation
Measurment type formula, based on the combination
High of Direction in which the results of the indicator
the subordinate measures
A =(if# applicable).
Leading Hospital inpatient beds occupied
Automation fit
subordinate measures (rate, ratio, index, composition).
Strategic need to move for a positive result.
B = # Hospital inpatient beds
To Accurate reporting
indicate the hospital’s efficiency regarding bed management for this
and its spare KPI requires real-time registration of inpatients, so that no lag exists
Explanation of the reason or business
Data profile Classification
between the actualofhospitalization
performance (and
indicators based onofwhat
the occupancy Strength
the bed) and registering it inofthe
indicator based on the stage of
justification for using theBSC perspective
Calculation formula
focus Impact stage
of an activity or result they are measuring.
typesystem. Trend is good when evaluation: input, process, output or outcome.
Data capture period Volume
Standard reporting frequency Process
Data integrity
(A/B)*100 Rate Increasing
Indicator focus Daily
Measurment type High
Focus fit
Automation Quantitative
Limitations Strategic
Recommended Accurate reporting for this KPI requires real-time registration of inpatients, so that no lag exists
Standard Balanced Data profile between the actual hospitalization (and the occupancy of the bed) and registering it in the bed
To indicate the hospital’s efficiency regarding bed management
managementand its spare capacity.
Scorecard perspective
where the indicator BSC perspective
Data capture period Measurement
Standard focusfrequency
reporting Impact
Data stage
fits best. Customer
Spot Volume
Daily Process

Indicator focus
Automation fit Measurment type
Limitations Level
Recommended Quantitative
Accurate reporting for this KPI requires real-timeStrategic
registration of inpatients, so that no lag exists
between the actual hospitalization (and the occupancy of the bed) and registering it in the bed
management system.
Type of indicator based on the emphasis
Data profile of Measurement approach for the KPI Organizational level at which the indicator is
past activity or future performance. (Quantitative or qualitative). measured (strategic or operational).
Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity
Spot Daily High

Automation fit Limitations

© The KPI Institute 2012
10 Recommended Accurate reporting for this KPI requires real-time registration of inpatients, so that no lag exists
between the actual hospitalization (and the occupancy of the bed) and registering it in the bed ID number: sK0128091
management system.
Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when
(A/B)*100 Rate Increasing


Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

To indicate the hospital’s efficiency regarding bed management and its spare capacity.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Customer Volume Process
Period for which the results of thefocus
Indicator indicator Frequency
Measurment of data
type gathering and reporting Level Subjective evaluation of the integrity
have been measured. Leading for the indicator.
Quantitative Strategic characteristics of the data being reported.

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Spot Daily High

Automation fit Limitations

Recommended Accurate reporting for this KPI requires real-time registration of inpatients, so that no lag exists
between the actual hospitalization (and the occupancy of the bed) and registering it in the bed
management system.

Suitability for automated data gathering by importing Other limitations (data or reporting system related) to be
data in the centralized reporting tool. considered during the use of the indicator.

Subjective evaluation of the suitability for benchmarking Additional information related to the Thresholds outlining the limits for positive and
based on indicator reporting standardization in the industry. target setting for this indicator. negative results, as well as the tolerance interval.


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable Given the universality of the measure, it suits benchmarking very well. High levels of bed occupancy
reflect the ability of a hospital to provide safe patient care and indicate an efficient use of a
hospital’s capacity.
Threshold exemple
Red: <70%
Benchmarking fit Yellow: 70-90%
Notes Green: >90%
Suitable Given the universality of the measure, it suits benchmarking very well. High levels of bed occupancy
Benchmarking fit Notes the ability of a hospital to provide safe patient care and indicate an efficient use of a
Analysis and resources
Suitable hospital’s
Given the capacity.
universality of the measure, it suits benchmarking very well. High levels of bed occupancy
reflect the ability of a hospital to provide safe patient care and indicate an efficient use of a
Overall notes
Threshold exemple hospital’s capacity.
<70% rate is used to assess the demandsYellow:
for hospital beds and hence to gauge an appropriate
70-90% balance
Green: >90%between demand for health care and
number of beds
Threshold exempleavailable. Managing the bed occupancy rate can be a difficult task due to the demand that cannot be controlled by postponing (like in
the case of a guest house, for example).
Red: <70% Yellow: 70-90% Green: >90%
Analysis and resources
Additional resources
Overall notesand resources
Bed occupancy rate is used to assess the demands for hospital beds and hence to gauge an appropriate balance between demand for health care and
number notes
of beds available. Managing the bed occupancy rate can be a difficult task due to the demand that cannot be controlled by postponing (like in
Bedcase of a guest
occupancy ratehouse,
is usedfortoexample).
assess the demands for hospital beds and hence to gauge an appropriate balance between demand for health care and
1. Adeyi,ofO.beds
number , Smith,O., Robles,
available. S. & World
Managing Bank
the bed (2007), "Public
occupancy policy
rate can be aand the challenge
difficult task due of
to chronic noncommunicable
the demand that cannot bediseases",
controlledavailable at:
by postponing (like in
Additional resources
the case of a guest house, for example).
2. Health Policy Research Associates & Institute for Health Policy (2007), "Performance Reviews of Provincial and Line Ministry Healthcare Services",
available at:resources
3. Republic
References of the Philippines, Department of Health (2004),
1. Adeyi, O. , Smith,O., Robles, S. & World Bank (2007), "Public policy and the challenge of chronic noncommunicable diseases", available at:
General remarks about the use of the indicator. Other recommended online and offline resources
List of resources reviewed as part of the
Statistics & bookmarking
1. Health
Adeyi, O.Policy Research
, Smith,O., Associates
Robles, & Institute
S. & World Bank for for"Public
(2007), understanding
(2007), and using the
and ofindicator.
the challenge of Provincial
chronic and Line diseases",
noncommunicable documentation
Ministry Healthcare
available process.
available at:
3. Republic
Health Policyof theResearch
Philippines, Department
Associates of Health
& Institute ViewsPolicy (2007), "Performance Reviews of Provincial
for Health Lastand
Line Ministry Healthcare Services",
Average rating of the indicator
(1/5)STATISTICAL REPORT, Total number
available of pageviews for the indicator. 03 February 2011 Date stamp of when
1780 the indicator page was last
community members. 3. Republic of the Philippines, Department of Health (2004), updated.
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Statistics & bookmarking

Rating & bookmarking Views Last updated
Rating (1/5)
Community 1780
Views 03 February
Last updated 2011
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• % Emergency Department visits resulting in hospital admissions
• % Employee turnover


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© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Customer Service as a Functional Area

Customer Service refers to the services provided to existing and potential clients throughout the sale life cycle – before, during and after the
purchase. The service capability is a major driver of customer satisfaction and loyalty and a source of sustainable competitive advantage.
Customer Service stands for an organization’s capability in offering specific services for their customers, at their required qualitative level to
respond to their needs and wants. KPIs refer to the time efficiency responsiveness as perceived by the customers, as well as the quality of
the services and responses offered.


Customer Requests Management - Reflects the efficiency of the Customer Service function in solving different issues that clients have
encountered while using the company’s products or services.

Customer Satisfaction - Indicates to which extent the costumer expectations are fulfilled or surpassed.

Complaints Management - Is monitoring the complaints received from clients and the effectiveness in solving these problems.

Customer Care - Illustrates the organization’s consideration for its customers, the resources spent in order to create and mantain the
relationship with the clients.

Account Management - Assesses the account opening process, in terms of time and account application compliance.

Customer Service Profitability - Refers to the Customer Service function contribution to the overall profit of the organization.


While the emphasis put on customer satisfaction and the adoption of a customer-centric orientation in business organizations is growing,
so is the importance of the Customer Service capability. A critical step in the emergence of the Customer Service practice has been the
establishment of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (based in Geneva, Switzerland) in 1946, which later on developed a
series of international standards on customer service conduct, dispute resolution and handling customer complaints. In addition, there is also
The International Customer Service Standard (TICSS), developed by the International Service Group, one of the largest international bodies
in the field of Customer Service. Further on, the practice of Customer Service has been enhanced by a series of technological developments
(i.e. natural language processing) through automation of several Customer Service processes. Nowadays, large organizations have the
possibility to organize their Customer Service capability as Inbound Call Centers or Contact Centers, whether in-house or outsourced.

Customer Service Professional Associations

Institute of Customer Service

Association of Support Professionals
International Customer Services Association
International Council of Customer Service Organizations (ICCSO)

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 List

Number KPI Name Subcategory

sK6144 % First contact resolution rate Customer Requests Management

sK1017 % Call transfer rate Customer Requests Management
sK165 # Call handling time Customer Requests Management
sK2385 % Interactive voice response (IVR) completion rate Customer Requests Management
sK2352 # Time from inquiry to response Customer Requests Management
sK1081 # After call work time Customer Requests Management
sK1079 # Service requests per agent Customer Requests Management
sK1114 % Calls answered within service level time Customer Requests Management
sK2372 # Longest call hold Customer Satisfaction
sK1113 # Speed of answer (SA) Customer Satisfaction
sK166 % Call completion rate Customer Satisfaction
sK2373 # Longest delay in queue Customer Satisfaction
sK2379 % Customer satisfaction with service levels Customer Satisfaction
sK2399 % Customer satisfaction with complaints handling Customer Satisfaction
sK1001 % Overdue service requests Customer Satisfaction
sK6857 % Complaints responded to within standard time Complaints Management
sK751 # Complaints received Complaints Management
sK621 % Customer complaints due to poor service or product quality Complaints Management
sK2377 % Complaints resolved Complaints Management
sK6357 % Customer complaints resolved on the first contact Complaints Management
sK6780 # Time spent on customer relations Customer Care
sK6354 # Time spent on customer relations related issues Customer Care
sK5887 % Not in good order account applications (NIGO) Account Management
sK5888 # Account opening time Account Management
sK4682 % Service charges of profits Customer Service Profitability

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK1113 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Integerperform

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Telecommunications / Call Center

Call Center

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK1113 Key Performance Indicator #


# Speed of answer (SA)

Definition and variations

Measures the average speed of answering a customer's call by an available agent, after the call is being placed in a queue.

# Average speed to answer a phone call (ASA)
# Time of answer
# Average answer time
# Average time to answer (ATA)

Related KPIs
# Longest delay in queue



Subordinate measures used for calculation

Ai = # Speed to answer call 'i', in seconds, where i=1 to n
n = # Calls

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

(A1+A2...+An)/n Average Increasing


To indicate the call center operators' accessibility and rapidness.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Internal Processes Duration Process

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Day Weekly Medium

Automation fit Limitations

Recommended Accurate reporting requires functional call management systems to feed up-to-date data into the
reporting tool.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK1113 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Integerperform


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable SA should be determined by what is acceptable to the client, taking staffing levels into account. If SA is
very high, the company's customer satisfaction is likely to plummet. However, a very good SA in itself
does not guarantee improved customer satisfaction.

Threshold example
Red: >30 Yellow: 20-30 Green: <20

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
The speed of answering customer calls can impact callers' satisfaction and long term loyalty. In the short term, it can generate high abandonment rates.

One important factor is whether the company is measuring the average / daily / weekly rate, or an interval period. Often the average speed of answer (SA) is
lower during off-peak periods of the day, but is high during busy times.

Additional resources


1. Feinberg, R. A., Kim, I. S., Hokama, L., de Ruyter, K. and Keen, C. (2000), Operational determinants of caller satisfaction in the call center, available at:
2. Information Technology The University of Utah (2010), 2010 Campus help desk business hours, available at:
3. Rumburg, J. and Zbikowski, E. (2012), Part 2: Service desk KPI's, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK6144 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Integerperform

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Telecommunications / Call Center

Call Center

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK6144 smartKPI %


% First contact resolution rate

Definition and variations

Measures the percentage of requests resolved during the first contact with the customer, from overall customer requests.

% Calls resolved without complaint or referral
% First call resolution

Related KPIs
% Call transfer rate

customer satisfaction, call


Subordinate measures used for calculation

A= # Request resolved during first contact with the customer
B= # Customer requests

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

(A/B)*100 Rate Increasing


To indicate the efficiency in resolving customer requests during the first contact with the customer, as this can increase the customer satisfaction level.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Customer Satisfaction Outcome

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Week Weekly Medium

Automation fit Limitations

Recommended Accurate reporting is dependent on a monitoring system able to distinguish between the situations that
can and cannot be resolved at first contact.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK6144 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Integerperform


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable Targets may vary according to the complexity of customer requests and the internal call center solving
Customers who experience issues that are dealt with rapidness and ease have a repurchase intention
rate of 89%, according to the Center for Customer Driven Quality, Purdue University, USA.

Threshold example
Red: <75% Yellow: 75-90% Green: >90%

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
Customers are not concerned with who can do what, yet there are cases in which the support center does not have access to all necessary resources to deal
with customer requests.

Additional resources


1. (2007), Identifying key customer service KPI, available at:
2. Mehrotra, V., Zhou, Y. P. and Ross, K. (2008), Performance-based routing in the presence of heterogeneous servers and call resolution rates, available at:
3. Rumburg, J. and Zbikowski, E. (2012), Part 2: Service desk KPI's, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK1017 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Integerperform

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Telecommunications / Call Center

Call Center

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK1017 Key Performance Indicator %


% Call transfer rate

Definition and variations

Measures the percentage of calls transferred between operators from the total number of calls received.

% Calls transferred
% Transfer rate
% Transferred calls

Related KPIs
% First contact resolution rate

process, calls


Subordinate measures used for calculation

A = # Transferred calls between operators
B = # Calls received

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

(A/B)*100 Rate Decreasing


To assess the call center operation effectiveness and service quality, by indicating what proportion of contacts has to be transferred to another agent or place
to be handled.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Internal Processes Volume Process

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Day Weekly Medium

Automation fit Limitations

Recommended It does not reflect whether calls were actually transferred due to the lack of knowledge of the agent that
took the call or because it was not part of his job description.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK1017 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Integerperform


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable Lower targets are desired as they imply both lower times to handle calls and higher customer
satisfaction, due to rapid resolution of service request.

Threshold example
Red: >30% Yellow: 20-30% Green: <20%

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
Agents that handle and solve high proportion of the service requests without having to transfer the call, are considered to be generalists, as such agents are
capable of solving a wide range of customer issues.

Tracking the call transfer rates helps to fine tune the routing and call handling strategies. It also can help identify any gaps in the staff call handling

Additional resources


1. Accenture (2012), The customer service challenge: Creating the "perfect" customer call, available at:
2. McDermid, L. (2007), Operational metrics, available at:
3. Northern Virginia Community College (2011), Call center performance, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK621 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Integerperform

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Any

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK621 Key Performance Indicator %


% Customer complaints due to poor service or product quality

Definition and variations

Measures the percentage of customer complaints registered by the organization, as a result of poor quality of services or products offered, out of the total
number of complaints received.

% Customer complaints due to poor service quality

Related KPIs
# Customer Custodial Concerns (CCC)

satisfaction, quality


Subordinate measures used for calculation

A = # Customer complaints due to quality of services or products
B = # Customer complaints

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

(A/B)*100 Rate Decreasing


To assess the level of customer dissatisfaction due to poor quality of services and/or products.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Customer Satisfaction Outcome

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Month Monthly Low

Automation fit Limitations

Not recommended Monitoring this indicator requires centralizing the complaints from customers and categorizing them
based on the reason of complaint.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK621 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Integerperform


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable Targets depend on what procedures and strategies are in place not only for delivering the expected
quality to the customers, but also towards the interaction, communication and account management
towards your clients. If higher than 50%, this indicator shows that most customer complaints are due to
poor quality of services. When this happens, causes must be analyzed and eliminated, through specific

Threshold example
Red: >50% Yellow: 30-50% Green: <30%

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
This indicator allows the organization to compare the improvement of services offered to clients, from one period to another. Having quality assurance
standards supports the prevention of dissatisfied clients due to poor quality of services and/or products. Any reason for having customers that are not
satisfied with your organization deserves special attention, in order to assure that your clients will return towards your services, whenever in need of them.

In order for this indicator to be as relevant as possible, it is important to encourage feedback from customers and this information should be gathered in an
organized manner. After the feedback is processed, future action steps should be taken in order to solve the complaint, but also to prevent future similar
situations with the same customers or with others.

Additional resources$FILE/customer+service+action+plan.pdf


1. Kurtus, R. (2007), Dealing with customer complaints, available at:

2. Forbes, S. J. (2012), The effect of service quality and expectations on customer complaints, available at:
3. Hill, M. (2003), Customer complaints can be great or bad for business, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK6780 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Integerperform

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Any

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK6780 Key Performance Indicator #


# Time spent on customer relations

Definition and variations

Measures the total time spent maintaining and improving the relation with the customers by best servicing their needs and tying strong relationships.

# Time spent servicing customers

Related KPIs
# Time spent on customer relations related issues

customer care


Subordinate measures used for calculation

Ai = # Time spent on customer relationships 'i' (in hours), where i= 1 to n
n = # Customers

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

A1+A2...+An Volume Increasing


To monitor the effort put on customer relationships.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Customer Duration Input

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Month Monthly Medium

Automation fit Limitations

Not recommended Reporting on this KPI requires a close record of time invested in each customer relationship. It can be
difficult to track the accurate data regarding each relationship.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK6780 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Integerperform


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable Targets may vary according to number of customers and type of businesses.

Threshold example
Red: <1,000 Yellow: 1,000-3,000 Green: >3,000

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
Customer relationship management (CRM) is a business strategy and a set of tools in order to concentrate on customers. It is believed that it is far more
expensive to acquire a new customer than to obtain repeat business from an existing customer.

Additional resources


1. Sandstrom, P. (2006), 4.1 Customer relations v 2.4, available at:

2. Son, P. (2009), CRM integration - Is this really what companies need?, available at:
3. Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd. (2012), Time tracking, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at:
KPI Institute 2012
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK2379 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Integerperform

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Any

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK2379 smartKPI %


% Customer satisfaction with service levels

Definition and variations

Measures the percentage of customers who are satisfied with the company's overall service levels (before, during and post-sale), out of the total number of
customers surveyed.

% Service levels satisfaction
% Customers satisfied with service levels

Related KPIs
% Passenger satisfaction with public transport quality



Subordinate measures used for calculation

A = # Customers stating they are satisfied with the service levels
B = # Customers surveyed

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

(A/B)*100 Rate Increasing


To indicate whether the company's services correspond to customer expectations, as this impacts future customer behavior (purchases, recommendations,
complaints, etc.).

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Customer Satisfaction Outcome

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Strategic

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Spot Quarterly Low

Automation fit Limitations

Not recommended Measurement is based on customer surveys, thus being susceptible of inaccuracy due to subjectivity of
respondents. This makes it also expensive and time-consuming to monitor.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK2379 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Integerperform


Benchmarking fit Notes

Unsuitable Due to the use of non-standardized methodologies to conduct the surveys, benchmarking is not

Threshold example
Red: <80% Yellow: 80-90% Green: >90%

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
This KPI reflects only a level of general satisfaction, not areas in which dissatisfaction exists or causes for it. Therefore, further root cause analysis is

Usually, survey questions are self-constructed, but general surveys for customer satisfaction available in the marketing knowledge base can be used as
starting points for the development of an appropriate survey to measure satisfaction with the service levels. Extended analysis of the surveys helps evaluate
in what areas of service customers are not satisfied and what ideas for service improvement can be evidenced.

Additional resources!OpenDocument


1. (2009), Two service metrics to watch in 2009, available at:
2. Deutsch, H. (2012), Increasing IT customer satisfaction and IT performance in a difficult economy with tight budgets, available at:
3. Rust, R. T. and Zahork, A. J. (1993), Customer satisfaction, customer retention, and market share. Journal of Retailing, 69(2): 93-215

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK166 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Integerperform

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Telecommunications / Call Center

Call Center

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK166 Key Performance Indicator %


% Call completion rate

Definition and variations

Measures the rate at which calls are successfully initiated, compared to the number of attempted calls.

% Connection rate
% Completion rate

Related KPIs
% Answer accuracy

sales, call, call center


Subordinate measures used for calculation

A = # Calls successfully initiated (per hour or day)
B = # Call attempts (per hour or day)

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

(A/B)*100 Rate Increasing


To provide an indication of the call attempts that resulted in a live conversation or response.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Internal Processes Quality Process

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Day Weekly Low

Automation fit Limitations

Recommended This KPI does not provide any evidence on the customer's waiting duration before the call is
successfully taken by an operator, or on the reasons for calls cancellations.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK166 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Integerperform


Benchmarking fit Notes

Unsuitable A low call completion rate significantly decreases a customer's degree of satisfaction and causes many
related negative impacts, such as a certain amount of chaos, unnecessary occupation of network
resources, increases of the burden on communications equipment, etc.

Threshold example
Red: <70% Yellow: 70-90% Green: >90%

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
The call completion rate is a performance indicator for inbound call center operations, customer service, and Back Office Processes. In a time of decreasing
ARPU, wireless service providers need a comprehensive call completion strategy to ensure the optimal use of existing infrastructure and to maximize
revenues. There are a wide variety of techniques available to help increase both the number and percentage of calls completed, from both the calling party
and called party direction.

A comprehensive call completion strategy should help you retain your existing customers and increase your revenue in the simplest way possible- by
completing more calls.

Additional resources


1. Alabama Government (2012), Proposed long distance tariff, available at

2. Ogley, D. (1998), Improving call-completion rates, available at:
3. Niyomsilpa, S. (2000), The political economy of telecommunications reforms in Thailand. Wiltshire: Cromwell Press

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
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Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK5887 export date: 11 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Acumen Integrat

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Financial Institutions

Banking and Credit

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK5887 Key Performance Indicator %


% Not in good order account applications (NIGO)

Definition and variations

Measures the percentage of account applications that need to be sent back for changes or clarifications from the total number of account applications.

% NIGO percentage rate
% NIGO of new applications
% NIGO of account transfer paper

Related KPIs
# Account opening time

error, accuracy


Subordinate measures used for calculation

A= # Account applications not in good order
B= # Account applications received

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

(A/B)*100 Rate Decreasing


To monitor the quality of account applications received, and indicate the work load which is related to rework.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Customer Volume Process

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Month Monthly High

Automation fit Limitations

Recommended Data collection can be achieved by using an enterprise management system that records the process

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK5887 export date: 11 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Acumen Integrat


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable Targets vary significantly among different industries. According to Powell (2011), 25-30% of the time a
new account application will be rejected due to not in good order. The figure can reach 75-80% in the
insurance industry.

Threshold example
Red: >20% Yellow: 10-20% Green: <10%

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
From the beginning of the account opening process, there are several opportunities to proactively reduce the NIGO rate and additional opportunities through
a strong enterprise data management system for archiving in the back office. Only when NIGO is addressed in the front and back office will straight through
processing of applications and client accounts be a possibility.

Additional resources


1. ICMA Retirement Corporation (2012), Beneficiary account setup and withdrawal packet for 457 and 401 plans, available at:
2. Roth, J. and Nesspor, M. (2009), The broker-dealer of the future: An operations perspective, available at:
3. Adobe Systems Incorporated (2007), Improving account opening processes to increase customer loyalty, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
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Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK6857 export date: 12 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Acumen Integrat

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Any

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK6857 smartKPI %


% Complaints responded to within standard time

Definition and variations

Measures the percentage of complaints responded to within the standard time, from overall complaints addressed by customers.

% Complaints responded to within 3 days
% Complaints responsiveness rate

Related KPIs
# Complaints received



Subordinate measures used for calculation

A = # Complaints responded to within standard time
B = # Complaints addressed by customers

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

(A/B)*100 Rate Increasing


To assess customer service responsiveness to responding to complaints within the standard time established.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Internal Processes Volume Output

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Month Monthly Low

Automation fit Limitations

Recommended Accurate data collection is dependent on having established a standard time for responding to customer
complaints and a monitoring system of the timeliness for each complaint responded.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK6857 export date: 12 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Acumen Integrat


Benchmarking fit Notes

Unsuitable Targets may vary upon the standard time established for solving customer complaints and the customer
service competence, knowledge and commitment to excellent service.

Threshold example
Red: <80% Yellow: 80-90% Green: >90%

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
This KPI is related with '% Complaints resolved' and should be monitored together. However, responding to complaints is different to solving a complaint, as
it may take more stages and steps in order to solve a complaint.

Additional resources


1. Department of Infrastructure and Planning (2009), Complaints management process, available at:
2. London City Hall (2010), Subject: GLA Complaints and Comments Policy Monitoring Report (1 October 2009 - 31 March 2010), available at:
3. Mole Valley District Council (2012), Complaints policy, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK2377 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Integerperform

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Any

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK2377 Key Performance Indicator %


% Complaints resolved
Definition and variations

Measures the percentage of solved complaints from customers, from overall problems raised by customers.

% Complaints resolution rate
% Rate of problems solved
% Resolution excellence

Related KPIs
% Complaints responded to within standard time



Subordinate measures used for calculation

A = # Problems or complaints solved
B = # Problems or complaints raised by customers

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

(A/B)*100 Rate Increasing


To assess both customer satisfaction and staff competence, knowledge and commitment to excellent service.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Internal Processes Volume Output

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Month Monthly Low

Automation fit Limitations

Not recommended For increased relevance of the results, data collection should be based on customer's perception
regarding the resolution of the complaint. Therefore a high degree of subjectivity will be involved.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK2377 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Integerperform


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable It rarely happens for a customer complaint not to be solved or solved in a less satisfactorily manner. For
example, in the case of call centers, the focus is directed more towards improving time, efficiency,
productivity etc. and solving customer requests at their first call.

Threshold example
Red: <80% Yellow: 80-90% Green: >90%

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
For increased relevance, it requires surveying customers on their level of satisfaction with the resolution, either at the end of the call (this extending the
average handling times) or by independent surveys (this being time and resource consuming).

Additional resources


1. Department of Infrastructure and Planning Queensland (2009), Complaints management process, available at:
2. District of Columbia Taxicab Commission (DCTC) (2009), DCTC complaints resolved in FY09, available at:
3. Mole Valley District Council (2012), Complaints policy, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK165 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Integerperform

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Telecommunications / Call Center

Call Center

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK165 smartKPI #


# Call handling time

Definition and variations

Measures the average time needed for one call to be handled, including the talk time itself and the work performed after the call.

# Call handling time
# Average call handle time

Related KPIs
# After call work time



Subordinate measures used for calculation

Ai = # Handling time for call 'i', (in minutes), where i=1 to n
n = # Calls handled

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

(A1+A2...+An)/n Average Decreasing


To indicate the efficiency and capacity in handling calls. As it includes both talk time and after work time, it reflects the total time needed to solve one
customer issue or complete one sale.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Internal Processes Duration Process

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Week Weekly Medium

Automation fit Limitations

Recommended Accurate data gathering and reporting is dependent on a well maintained call management system to
feed data into the reporting tool.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK165 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Integerperform


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable Targets depend on the industry, the product or service, the staff experience, complexity of the problem
An example of targets can be any of those mentioned above for the support for internal desktop PC
The handling time is between 10-19 minutes per call. There are many factors that affect average handle
time, such as:
*Types of software and hardware supported;
*Customer profile;
*Use of knowledge base;
*Professionals' use of screen human harmony;
*Professionals' experience and level of expertise.
High value for this measure indicates a need to improve processes in order to increase call handling

Threshold example
Red: >19 Yellow: 12-19 Green: <12

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
This KPI is interrelated with customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction shouldn't be a function of how much time is spent on each call. Customer
satisfaction is a direct effect of how fast one resolves an issue and how professional one is in dealing with complaints.

Additional resources


1. Evenson, A., Harker, P. T. and Frei, F. X. (1998), Effective call center management, available at:
2. Holman, D., Batt, R. and Holtgrew, U. (2007), The global call center report: International perspectives on management and employment, available at:
3. IBM (2012), Business measures related to insurance process models, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
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Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK4682 export date: 12 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Acumen Integrat

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Any

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK4682 Key Performance Indicator %


% Service charges of profits

Definition and variations

Measures the extent at which the profits come from customer service charges.

% Rate of service charges per profit

Related KPIs
$ Service expense per customer



Subordinate measures used for calculation

A = $ Customer service charges
B = $ Profit

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

(A/B)*100 Rate Decreasing


To indicate the value of the customer service charges contribution for each dollar value obtained as profit.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Financial Money Output

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Lagging Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Month Monthly Medium

Automation fit Limitations

Not recommended Accurate reporting requires sound integration of the customer service management systems and the
accounting systems.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK4682 export date: 12 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Acumen Integrat


Benchmarking fit Notes

Unsuitable Low results indicate that customer service charges add value to company bottom line.

Threshold example
Red: >50% Yellow: 30-50% Green: <30%

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
Customer service expenses are long-term and beneficial investments, as it has been evidenced that customers experiencing good service are likely to
remain loyal and to further on recommend the product or service provided.

Additional resources


1. Blattberg, B. (2012), Calculating retention equity, available at:

2. Fishman, S. (2012), How much should you charge for your services?, available at:
3. Compassion Capital Fund National Resource Center (2012), Understanding fee-for-service models, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK6357 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Integerperform

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Any

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK6357 Key Performance Indicator %


% Customer complaints resolved on the first contact

Definition and variations

Measures the percentage of customer complaints resolved at the first contact, out of the overall customer complaints handled.

% Complaints resolved on the first contact

Related KPIs
% Customer Custodial Concerns (CCC) compliance

complaints, customer


Subordinate measures used for calculation

A = # Customer complaints resolved at first contact
B = # Complaints handled

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

(A/B)*100 Rate Increasing


To assess the efficiency in resolving customer complaints during the first contact with the customer, as this can increase the customer satisfaction level.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Customer Satisfaction Output

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Week Weekly Medium

Automation fit Limitations

Recommended Accurate reporting is dependent on a monitoring system separating the complaints that cannot be
resolved at first contact.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK6357 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Integerperform


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable Targets may vary according to the complexity of customer complaints and the internal call center solving
Customers with complaints that are dealt with rapidness and ease have a repurchase intention rate of
89%, according to the Center for Customer Driven Quality, Purdue University, USA.

Threshold example
Red: <75% Yellow: 75-90% Green: >90%

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
Customers are not concerned with who can do what, yet there are cases in which the support center does not have access to all necessary resources to
resolve reported complaints.

Additional resources


1. Mehrotra, V., Zhou, Y. P. and Ross, K. (2008), Performance-based routing in the presence of heterogeneous servers and call resolution rates, available at:
2. Niven, P. R. (2002), Balanced Scorecard step by step: Maximizing performance and maintaining results. New York: John Wiley and Sons
3. State of West Virginia, Office of the Attorney General (2007), Consumer complaint, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK751 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Integerperform

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Any

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK751 Key Performance Indicator #


# Complaints received
Definition and variations

Measures how often customers complain about their experience and bring their complaint to the organization's attention.

# Complaints received from clients
# Customer complaints
# Patient complaints

Related KPIs
% Complaints responded to within standard time



Subordinate measures used for calculation

A = # Complaints received from customers

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

A Volume Decreasing


It helps assess customer satisfaction, as dissatisfied customers are more likely to complain about their experience.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Customer Satisfaction Output

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Strategic

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Month Monthly Medium

Automation fit Limitations

Not recommended Gathering data requires a well functioning system for registering complaints, such as special forms for
unhappy customers to fill in.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK751 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Integerperform


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable Low indicator levels reflect high customer satisfaction. However, this can be misleading because some
unsatisfied customers may have given up on the company's services rather than submitting a complaint.

Threshold example
Red: >10 Yellow: 5-10 Green: <5

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
It is argued that, on average, a business will never hear from 96% of its unhappy customers. If a dissatisfied customer complains and his complaint is solved,
this is likely to increase his satisfaction and moreover, he will tell other people about this resolution. It is better to receive complaints than not, because this
can help the business address dissatisfaction.

It can be difficult to correlate a complaint with one particular aspect of the organization's activity. For example, in the hotel industry, complaints regarding
quality of service (such as room service delay) are correlated with multiple processes engaged in delivering that service (kitchen activity, room service
person's performance etc.).

Additional resources


1. Hickman, M. J. (2006), Citizen complaints about police use of force, available at:
2. New York State Education Department (2012), Part B: State performance plan (SPP) for 2005-2010, available at:
3. The City of San Diego (2009), City auditor's quarterly fraud hotline report - Qtr 2 fiscal year 2009, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at:2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK2372 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Integerperform

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Telecommunications / Call Center

Call Center

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK2372 Key Performance Indicator #


# Longest call hold

Definition and variations

Measures the longest amount of time a customer waits after being put on hold and before being connected to an agent or hanging up.

# Longest hold time
# Longest call on hold

Related KPIs
# Call completion time



Subordinate measures used for calculation

A = # Longest duration of a customer call that is put on hold

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

A Volume Decreasing


The indicate the amount of time customer wait for service, as this can impact their level of satisfaction.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Internal Processes Duration Process

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Day Weekly Medium

Automation fit Limitations

Recommended Accurate reporting requires well functional call center operating systems.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK2372 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Integerperform


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable Targets are usually expressed in seconds, but minutes are also common.

Threshold example
Red: >40 Yellow: 20-40 Green: <20

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
In order to reduce on hold times, call centers can resort to hiring more agents, especially in high periods or train them to answer more calls in less time. It
usually has impact when reported as a limit that ought not be surpassed.

Additional resources


1. Mehrotra, V., Ross, K., Ryder,G. and Zhou, Y.-P. (2009), Routing to manage resolution and waiting time in call centers with heterogeneous servers,
available at:
2. Northern Arizona University (2009), Unified communications, available at:
3. Elliott, C. (2011),Companies that put you "on hold" the longest, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK2373 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Integerperform

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Telecommunications / Call Center

Call Center

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK2373 Key Performance Indicator #


# Longest delay in queue

Definition and variations

Measures the longest period a customer waited in a queue before being connected to an operator or hanging up.

# Longest stay in queue

Related KPIs
# Speed of answer (SA)



Subordinate measures used for calculation

A = # Longest wait in a queue before being connected to an operator or hanging up, in seconds

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

A Volume Decreasing


It indicates what was the maximum time a customer had to wait when making a call. If compared to the average speed of answer, it can indicate how far was
the longest delay from the average delay.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Internal Processes Duration Process

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Day Weekly Medium

Automation fit Limitations

Recommended Accurate reporting requires well functional call center operating systems to track duration for all
incoming calls.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK2373 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Integerperform


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable If the longest delay of a call in a queue is not very far from the average speed with which calls were
answered, this indicates that all the incoming calls were answered in a rather acceptable time frame
which was very close to the average.

Threshold example
Red: >60 Yellow: 50-60 Green: <50

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
The longest delay in a queue indicates the call with the smallest speed of answer and this can be a good indicator of customer satisfaction and loyalty. It is
influenced by the volume of incoming calls at any point, which are most of the times random and cannot be projected by the call center.

Longest delay in queue or LDQ can be measured for two specific situations. One is the longest delay for a customer whose service request was finally
handled by an agent. The other one is the longest delay for a customer, who finally abandoned the contact.

Additional resources


1. Gans, N., Liu, N., Mandelbaum, A., Shen, H. and Ye, H. (2010), Service times in call centers: Agent heterogeneity and learning with some operational
consequences, available at:
2. Mehrotra, V., Ross, K., Ryder, G. and Zhou, Y.-P. (2009), Routing to manage resolution and waiting time in call centers with heterogeneous servers,
available at:
3. Rouse, M. (2007), Longest delay in queue, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK2399 export date: 12 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Acumen Integrat

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Any

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK2399 Key Performance Indicator %


% Customer satisfaction with complaints handling

Definition and variations

Measures the percentage of customers satisfied with they way their complaints were solved, from overall customers that have made a complaint.

% Customers satisfied with how complaints are handled

Related KPIs



Subordinate measures used for calculation

A = # Customers satisfied with they way their complaints were solved
B = # Customers that have made a complaint

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

(A/B)*100 Rate Increasing


To assess the success in handling customer complaints, as this impacts customer satisfaction and loyalty.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Customer Satisfaction Output

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Strategic

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Month Quarterly Medium

Automation fit Limitations

Recommended It is based on customer surveys which ought to be administered to customers, thus subjectivity can alter
the relevance of the results.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK2399 export date: 12 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Acumen Integrat


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable High results for this indicators are associated with high rates of overall customer satisfaction. It is
argued that a customer that filed a complaint and had it solved in a satisfactorily manner can be even
more satisfied than a customer that never filed a complaint.

Threshold example
Red: <80% Yellow: 80-90% Green: >90%

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
Measurement, meaning the conduction of the survey, can be either directed only to customers that have filled a complaint at a particular moment, or to a
larger group of customers, complaints resolution being only one of the issues in the survey.

Additional resources


1. Audit Commission (2010), Short notice inspection re-lets/voids, complaints and former tenancy arrears, available at:
2. The British Standards Institution (2012), ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction. Complaints Handling, available at:
3. Varela-Neira, C., Vasquez-Casielles, R. and Iglesias, V. (2010), Explaining customer satisfaction with complaint handling, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK2385 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Integerperform

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Any

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK2385 Key Performance Indicator %


% Interactive voice response (IVR) completion rate

Definition and variations

Measures the rate at which calls entered in the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system are completed within the IVR.

% IVR call completion rate

Related KPIs
% Computer telephony integration (CTI)



Subordinate measures used for calculation

A = # Calls completed in the IVR
B = # Calls entered in the IVR

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

(A/B)*100 Rate Increasing


To monitor the success of user interactions with IVR applications.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Internal Processes Volume Output

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Strategic

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Month Monthly High

Automation fit Limitations

Recommended Reporting on this KPI relies on IVR management systems and data collection can be done by regularly
reviewing task completion summary reports.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK2385 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Integerperform


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable Targets may be set for tasks and subtasks that customers aim to complete. Examples of tasks are to
request a rental car and to check on claim status. Examples of subtasks are to enter login information
and to confirm identity.

Threshold example
Red: <60% Yellow: 60-70% Green: >70%

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
Multiple factors can influence the performance of a IVR system, such as:
* Voice user interface (VUI) design;
* Speech grammars;
* Audio quality;
* Speech recognition technology;
* Network quality;
* Personalization;
* Integration with other channels.

Additional resources


1. (2009), 28 hot tips to improve your IVR, available at:
2. Currivan, D. B. (2012), Interactive voice response (IVR), available at:
3. McIntosh and Associates, LLC (2012), Speech IVR design and scripting, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK5888 export date: 12 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Acumen Integrat

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Any

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK5888 Key Performance Indicator #


# Account opening time

Definition and variations

Measures the average timeframe to open a new customer account, from the moment an application is lodged, to the account being operational (ready to

# Time to open an account

Related KPIs
% Not in good order account applications (NIGO)

account, duration, processing


Subordinate measures used for calculation

A= # Time lapse from the moment when the application to open an account is received to when the account is operational for application 'i', where i = 1 to n
n= # Account opening requests received

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

(A1+...+An)/n Average Decreasing


To evaluate the time efficiency of opening a new account.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Internal Processes Duration Process

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Month Monthly Medium

Automation fit Limitations

Recommended Data collection can be achieved by continuous monitoring the account processing status.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK5888 export date: 12 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Acumen Integrat


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable Threshold examples are only for reference. Targets are highly contextual. Type of account and the
procedure of opening an account can significantly influence the duration between account application
and approval.

Threshold example
Red: >20 Yellow: 10-20 Green: <10

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
This indicator should be tracked against processing service level agreements (SLAs) and valued in days.

Additional resources


1. Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. (2012), Application procedures and processing times for banking services, available at:
2. BAFT-IFSA (2010), BAFT-IFSA etablishes industry definitions for open account trade processing and trade finance, available at:
3. Roth, J. and Nesspor, M. (2009), The broker-dealer of the future: An operations perspective, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK2352 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Integerperform

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Any

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK2352 Key Performance Indicator #


# Time from inquiry to response

Definition and variations

Measures how long it takes for a customer's inquiry to receive a response from the service team.

# Average time from customer inquiry to service team response
# Inquiry response time

Related KPIs
# Service time



Subordinate measures used for calculation

Ai = # Total time a customer waits for response to inquiry 'i', in hours, where i=1 to n
n = # Inquiries

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

(A1+A2...+An)/n Average Decreasing


To measure both the productivity and responsiveness of the service team, and customer satisfaction. Customers become dissatisfied if they wait too long for
a response.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Internal Processes Duration Process

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Month Monthly Medium

Automation fit Limitations

Recommended Being an average, it does not reflect how many customers have had to wait for longer periods of time, or
their reaction when they do finally get through to customer service.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK2352 export date: 13 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Integerperform


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable Targets vary greatly from one industry to another and also from one inquiry to another. If customers are
making requests through the call center of a telecommunications company (i.e. broken Internet
connection), the time would be measured in minutes. If the inquiry is about an individual offer or quote,
(such as the desire for a new customized offer), the response could be measured in hours or days.

Threshold example
Red: >4 Yellow: 2-4 Green: <2

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
This indicator is of little relevance on its own. It should be measured alongside the organisation's own standards for customer care and satisfaction with the
final response.

Additional resources


1. Parmenter, D. (2007), Key performance indicators: Developing, implementing,and using winning KPIs, available at:
2. Rouse, M. (2007), Response time, available at:
3. Invenio Marketing Solutions (2010), B2B web inquiry management: Response time, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK6354 export date: 12 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Acumen Integrat

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Any

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK6354 Key Performance Indicator #


# Time spent on customer relations related issues

Definition and variations

Measures the average time spent on customer relations related issues per customer.

# Mean time spent on customer relations

Related KPIs
# Time spent on customer relations



Subordinate measures used for calculation

A = # Time spent with customer relations related issues
B = # Served customers

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

A/B Average Within range


To monitor the efficiency of dealing customer relationship issues, as an indicator of customer relationship management.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Customer Duration Process

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Month Monthly Medium

Automation fit Limitations

Recommended Data collection requires a system that captures the time spent on each customer relation related issues.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK6354 export date: 12 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Acumen Integrat


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable Threshold examples are only for reference. Targets may vary according to categories of issues and the
complexity of resolutions.

Threshold example
Red: <5; >30 Yellow: 5-10; 20-30 Green: 10-20

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
Along with this KPI, other indicators can provide managers with the big picture of customer service quality. Examples are: # Complaints per customer, #
Average service time spent per customer, and $ Cost per service call.

Additional resources


1. Avidian Technologies (2012), CRM integration by Avidian Technologies, available at:
2. Ways2work (2012), Vodafone 2009, available at:
3. Sandstrom, P. (2006), 4.1 Customer relations v 2.4, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK1081 export date: 12 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Acumen Integrat

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Telecommunications / Call Center

Call Center

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK1081 Key Performance Indicator #


# After call work time

Definition and variations

Measures the average amount of time it takes for a customer service representative to complete the service request or for a sales representative to complete
the sale after the call has ended.

# Average after call work time
# After call work

Related KPIs
# Call handling time



Subordinate measures used for calculation

Ai= # After call work time to complete request/sale "i", where i = 1 to n
n= # Calls handled

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

(A1+A2...+An)/n Average Decreasing


To track the amount of time agents spend solving one request or sale, as this impacts the number of requests/sales they can manage.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Internal Processes Duration Process

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Week Weekly Medium

Automation fit Limitations

Recommended It requires each agent to monitor each contact they handle, which can be time consuming and
subjective if no automated monitoring systems are in place.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK1081 export date: 12 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Acumen Integrat


Benchmarking fit Notes

Unsuitable Targets can be set for minutes, hours or days, depending on the type of requests/sales handled.

Threshold example
Red: >50 Yellow: 30-50 Green: <30

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
In order to consider the differences in call patterns, various times of the day or various days of the week should be measured separately.

Additional resources


1. Abdullateef, A. O., Mokhtar, S. S. M. and Yusoff, R. Z. (2010), The impact of CRM dimensions on call center performance, available at:
2. Accountability in Action for the City of Indianapolis (2008), Mayor documents, available at:
3. Chatterley, J. (2005), Health-plan/health-care industry benchmark report: Best-in-class call center performance, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK1079 export date: 18 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Integerperform

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Telecommunications / Call Center

Information Technology Service Management
Call Center

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK1079 Key Performance Indicator #


# Service requests per agent

Definition and variations

Measures the average number of service requests received by each service department or call center employee during a particular period.

# Service request per service desk employee
# Average service request per agent

Related KPIs
# Call volume

service request


Subordinate measures used for calculation

A = # Service requests
B = # Agents (service desk or call center)

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

A/B Average Within range


To indicate how many service requests each department or employee receives. This impacts both the quality of the response (thus customer satisfaction)
and employee satisfaction.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Internal Processes Volume Input

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Day Weekly Medium

Automation fit Limitations

Recommended Accurate reporting requires functional requests handling systems to feed with up-to-date data all service

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK1079 export date: 18 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Integerperform


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable Targets depend on the period of measurement, such as hours, days, weeks or months.

Threshold example
Red: <20; >70 Yellow: 20-40; 50-70 Green: 40-50

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
Measurements at different hours should be used to judge whether the volume of requests is handled efficiently.

Additional resources


1. Kumar, A., Veeraraghavan, K., Wester, B. and Shin, K., Online feedback-based estimation of dynamic page service time, available at:
2. Mehrotra, V., Ross, K., Ryder, G. and Zhou, Y. (2009), Routing to manage resolution and waiting time in call centers with heterogeneous servers, available
3. (2010), Duet Microsoft server sizing guidelines, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories
sK1114 export date: 18 Dec 2012 - Page 1

Member organization: Integerperform

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Telecommunications / Call Center

Call Center

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK1114 Key Performance Indicator %


% Calls answered within service level time

Definition and variations

Measures the percentage of calls answered within a defined time frame out of the total number of answered calls.

% Calls answered within service level time
% Calls answered within a definite time frame
% Ratio of calls answered within set time frame
% Calls answered within set time frame

Related KPIs
# Calls on hold longer than "x" seconds



Subordinate measures used for calculation

A = # Calls answered within the determined time frame
B = # Calls answered

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

(A/B)*100 Rate Increasing


To indicate the call center operators' efficiency in handling incoming calls.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Internal Processes Quality Process

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Day Weekly Medium

Automation fit Limitations

Recommended Well functional call center operating systems are needed to feed data into the reporting tool.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK1114 export date: 18 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Integerperform


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable The higher the results, the higher the premises for customer satisfaction and loyalty. It is difficult to set a
specific time frame within which to answer incoming calls, that would be both satisfactory for clients and
realistic considering the call center's volume of activity.

Threshold example
Red: <70% Yellow: 70-80% Green: >80%

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
Usually, the time to answer incoming calls is part of a service level agreement between the call center and the clients.

Additional resources


1. Five 9, What is a Call Center?, available at:

2. Kjellerup, N. (2000), Customers don't like talking to machines, available at:
3. University of Rochester (2010), "GNAV Pro user's guide, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Functional Areas Sub-categories Industries
sK1001 export date: 18 Dec 2012 - Page 1
Member organization: Integerperform

Sales and Customer Service Customer Service Any

KPI record Indicator type Unit type

sK1001 Key Performance Indicator %


% Overdue service requests

Definition and variations

Measure the percentage of overdue service requests (not closed and not solved within the established time frame) out of the total number of service requests

% Service requests not closed in the established time frame

Related KPIs
# Time for service request fulfillment

service request


Subordinate measures used for calculation

A = # Overdue service requests (not closed and not solved within the established time frame)
B = # Service requests managed

Calculation formula Formula type Trend is good when

(A/B)*100 Rate Decreasing


To assess the effectiveness in handling service request in a timely manner, as this impact customer satisfaction.

BSC perspective Measurement focus Impact stage

Internal Processes Volume Process

Indicator focus Measurment type Level

Leading Quantitative Operational

Data profile

Data capture period Standard reporting frequency Data integrity

Week Weekly Medium

Automation fit Limitations

Not recommended Accurate reporting for this KPI requires a functional system for tracking and monitoring the status of
each service request at any point.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 sK1001 export date: 18 Dec 2012 - Page 2
Member organization: Integerperform


Benchmarking fit Notes

Suitable Targets should be close to zero. The higher the results, the greater the chances for customers to
experience dissatisfaction.

Threshold example
Red: >10% Yellow: 5-10% Green: <5%

Analysis and resources

Overall notes
This is one of the most popular KPIs in customer service management. A variation can be % On-time delivery of customer service requests.

Additional resources


1. City of Durham, North Carolina (2011), Durham strategic plan, available at:
2. District of Columbia (2005), Customer service operations, available at:
3. Thomas, C. (2007), Performance matters, available at:

Additional fields recommended for internal use

Ownership and expertise

Organizational area Measure owner (title) Data custodian (title)

Subject Matter Experts Measure owner (name) Data custodian (name)


Organizational KPI ID number KPI origin Other users of source data

Related objective Priority Reports containing the KPI


Current status (active/inactive) Data source (report or system) Data source area
Activation date Earliest data available as of (date) Timing of data production
Target activation date Latest data available as of (date) Lead time for data availability

KPI evaluation

Reporting effort rating Cost of using the KPI KPI maturity level

The available at: 2012
KPI Institute
sK0128091 © The KPI Institute Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: ('Premium content terms')
Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Appendix A: Related reports

• Extensive collections of the most visited KPIs on, across functional areas and industries;
• Thorough analysis of each KPI according to documentation forms and standards;
• Proof-of-concept of relevant KPIs, documented at best practice standards.

2010 Top KPIs reports

Reports by Functional Area Reports by Industry The editorial coordination for the preparation of this research report was provided by Aurel Brudan, the founder/CEO of eab group and
Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management. An international expert in Performance Management with experience as a practitioner,
consultant and researcher in this discipline, he published a number of forward thinking academic articles on performance management
topics, served clients and presented at academic and practitioner conferences in locations such as Australia, Lebanon, Malaysia, New
Zealand, Romania and Scotland. He has a track record of successful performance management systems implementations using the
Balanced Scorecard, operational dashboards and functional performance scorecards in organizations such as Australia Post, National
Australia Bank, the Australian Federal Administration and the State Government of Victoria. His vision for an integrated approach to
performance management activities and clarity in the use of systems is pursued through doctoral studies at the University of Melbourne
and the operation of eab group’s online portfolio of websites.

Top 25 Top 25 Top 25 Top 25 Top 25 Top 25

At the core of is an online catalogue of over 7,000 KPI examples from 14 business functional areas and 24 industries.
smartKPIs Premium is the premium section of the database, consisting of over 2,000 KPI examples preselected by the eab group’s
research team as the most relevant for practice. Thoroughly documented in over 30 fields, they make smartKPIs Premium the most

Customer Academic
comprehensive and well documented selection of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) examples in the world, the ‘gold standard’ in KPI

Accounting Finance Call Center Restaurant

The community of members also benefits from interactive features such as Questions & Answers, comments and a set of performance
measurement resources, among which over 1,000 examples of performance management reports.

Service Education
KPIs of 2010 KPIs of 2010 KPIs of 2010 KPIs of 2010 KPIs of 2010 contains a free online catalogue illustrating the use of corporate identity elements in practice by organizations

KPIs of 2010
from around the world. Registered users can explore, bookmark and comment on hundreds of referenced online resources that contain
organizational values, mission statements, value drivers and vision statements used in actual business context.

R=110 R=176 is an online platform for integrating performance management knowledge, at strategic, operational and
G=110 G=176

# Berry ratioindividual
# Laborlevels. It reviews the evolution of Performance
ratio #Management as well
% as the key tools,expense
systems and software
# at discipline
B=109 B=176

$ Cost of goods sold (COGS) # Days in accounts receivable % Billing accuracy $ Selling, general and administrative % On-time delivery # Time to rectify defects % Customer complaints due to poor service or product quality # Call multiplier % Capital acquisition Liquidity ratio Management ratio % Attendance rate per course % Drop-out rate # National examination score % Student acceptance rate % Gradu- %Agent utilization $ Revenue per successful call # Call handling time # Hourly sales per agent # Call volume % First $ Revenue per available seat hour (RevPASH) % Canceled reservations # Complaints per restaurant order % Posi-
at each of these levels. It combines the analysis of theory and architecture with insights regarding good practice and key directions, ation rate % Student scholarships per year % Students participating in research activities # Students grades %
expenses (SG&A expenses) $ Working capital per employee $ Working capital $ Fixed assets $ Operating expenses handling time % First contact resolution rate % Complaints resolved # Longest call hold % Customer satisfaction Altman Z-Score (for privately held manufacturing companies) % Sustainable growth rate (SGR) % Return on capital call resolution rate # Longest call hold % Call abandon rate # Longest delay in queue % Customer calls answered tive feedback from guests % Reserved tables # Guests per table # Tables served per waiter $ Revenue per available
enabling visitors to gain comprehensive insights into the nature of Performance Management as an integrating discipline. Students involved in extracurricular activities % Student satisfaction rate # Extracurricular activities per student #
$ Net income after taxes (NIAT) # Breakeven point (BEP) $ Financial expenses % Aging of uncollected bills $ Fixed with service levels % Orders delivered with damaged products % Call abandon rate # Complaints received # Pick-to- employed (ROCE) % Gross profit margin $ Net cash flow $ Free cash flow (FCF) $ EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and in the first minute # Service requests per agent % Calls answered within service level time # Talk time % Blockage # square meter (RevPAM) % Customers satisfied with the time to be served % Restaurants that apply principles of
assets per FTE (Full Time Equivalent) % Invoices under query # Days in accounts payable # Days of purchases paid ship cycle time for customer orders # Longest delay in queue % Customer calls answered in the first minute % Work Taxes) $ Earnings per share (EPS) $ Economic value added (EVATM) # Asset turnover % Return on investment (ROI) Students per class % Students - professor ratio # Students to computer ratio % Entering students through transfer Average speed of answer (ASA) $ Cost per call (CPC) # On-hold time % Call completion rate # After call work time % workplace safety and sanitation % Unavailability of menu items % Restaurants that apply principles of menu plan-
$ Fixed costs % Contribution margin ratio % Financial reports submitted as correct and on time $ Earnings before orders closed within the specified time period % Service charges of profits # Service requests per agent % Calls % Cash-on-cash return (CCR) # Altman Z-Score (for public manufacturing companies) # Price to sales ratio # Acid
Culori $ Academic activity cost per student % Ethnic minority students % Student repetition rate # Teaching experience % Call transfer rate % Agent availability rate # Dials per hour # Web call-backs handled % Repeat calls % Agent sched- ning $ Revenue per table # Time per table turn % Restaurants that apply principles of managing the purchasing pro-
interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) # Sales to general and administrative expenses $ Expenses answered within service level time % Sales invoices issued on time # Talk time % Timeliness of issues resolution % test ratio % Net profit margin # Interest
R=109 R=255
cover % Annual equivalent rate # Benefit cost ratio (BCR) % Total expense Graduate employment rate # Time to graduate % International students % National accreditation study programs # ule adherence %Agent utilization $ Revenue per successful call # Call handling time # Hourly sales per agent # Call cess $ Amount of dining % Food service strike rate % Food loss % Tips from total collected % Food costs from food
# Working capital turnover # Current ratio # Average days past-due invoices $ Cost of goods sold (COGS) # Days in Blockage % Resolution of queries the same day # Orders processed # Average speed of answer (ASA) % On-time ratio (TER) # Berry ratio
# Labor multiplier
% Capital acquisition ratio # Liquidity ratio % Management expense ratio Students enrolled per academic year # Male to female student ratio % Attendance rate per course % Drop-out rate volume % First call resolution rate # Longest call hold % Call abandon rate # Longest delay in queue % Customer sales # New menu items # Guests # Product quality uniformity % Beverage loss % Front of house labor $ Revenue
accounts receivable % Billing accuracy $ Selling, general and administrative expenses (SG&A expenses) $ Working delivery # Time to rectify defects % Customer complaints due to poor service or product quality # Call handling time (MER) # Altman Z-Score B=20
(for privatelyB=0
held manufacturing companies) % Sustainable growth rate (SGR) % Return on # National examination score % Student acceptance rate % Graduation rate % Student scholarships per year % calls answered in the first minute # Service requests per agent % Calls answered within service level time # Talk time per available seat hour (RevPASH) % Canceled reservations # Complaints per restaurant order % Positive feedback is the most comprehensive online resource dedicated to the Balanced Scorecard. It contains a review Students participating in research activities # Students grades % Students involved in extracurricular activities %
capital per employee $ Working capital $ Fixed assets $ Operating expenses $ Net income after taxes (NIAT) # Break- % First contact resolution rate % Complaints resolved # Longest call hold % Customer satisfaction with service capital employed (ROCE) % Gross profit margin $ Net cash flow $ Free cash flow (FCF) $ EBIT (Earnings Before Inter- % Blockage # Average speed of answer (ASA) $ Cost per call (CPC) # On-hold time % Call completion rate # After call from guests % Reserved tables # Guests per table # Tables served per waiter $ Revenue per available square meter
of this popular management concept following its evolution and use around the world in various industries or companies. It presents its Student satisfaction rate # Extracurricular activities per student # Students per class % Students - professor ratio
even point (BEP) $ Financial expenses % Aging of uncollected bills $ Fixed assets per FTE (Full Time Equivalent) levels % Orders delivered with damaged products % Call abandon rate # Complaints received # Pick-to-ship cycle est and Taxes) $ Earnings per share (EPS) $ Economic value added (EVATM) # Asset turnover % Return on invest- work time % Call transfer rate % Agent availability rate # Dials per hour # Web call-backs handled % Repeat calls % (RevPAM) % Customers satisfied with the time to be served % Restaurants that apply principles of workplace safety
various interpretations, compares it to other concepts and explores its impact on organizations as well as the opinions of critics. # Students to computer ratio % Entering students through transfer $ Academic activity cost per student % Ethnic
% Invoices under query # Days in accounts payable # Days of purchases paid $ Fixed costs % Contribution margin time for customer orders # Longest delay in queue % Customer calls answered in the first minute % Work orders ment (ROI) % Cash-on-cash return (CCR) # Altman Z-Score (for public manufacturing companies) # Price to sales Agent schedule adherence %Agent utilization $ Revenue per successful call # Call handling time # Hourly sales per and sanitation % Unavailability of menu items % Restaurants that apply principles of menu planning $ Revenue per
ratio % Financial reports submitted as correct and on time $ Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amorti- closed within the specified time period % Service charges of profits # Service requests per agent % Calls answered ratio # Acid test ratio % Net profit margin # Interest cover % Annual equivalent rate # Benefit cost ratio (BCR) % Total minority students % Student repetition rate # Teaching experience % Graduate employment rate # Time to graduate agent # Call volume % First call resolution rate # Longest call hold % Call abandon rate # Longest delay in queue % table # Time per table turn % Restaurants that apply principles of managing the purchasing process $ Amount of
zation (EBITDA) # Sales to general and administrative expenses $ Expenses # Working capital turnover # Current ra- within service level time % Sales invoices issued on time # Talk time % Timeliness of issues resolution % Blockage expense ratio (TER) # Berry ratio # Labor multiplier % Capital acquisition ratio # Liquidity ratio % Management ex- % International students % National accreditation study programs # Students enrolled per academic year # Male to Customer calls answered in the first minute # Service requests per agent % Calls answered within service level time dining % Food service strike rate % Food loss % Tips from total collected % Food costs from food sales # New menu
female student ratio % Attendance rate per course % Drop-out rate # National examination score % Student acceptan
tio # Average days past-due invoices $ Cost of goods sold (COGS) # Days in accounts receivable % Billing accuracy % Resolution of queries the same day # Orders processed # Average speed of answer (ASA) % On-time delivery pense ratio (MER) #R=0 Altman Z-ScoreR=127 (for privately held manufacturing companies) % Sustainable growth rate (SGR) # Talk time % Blockage # Average speed of answer (ASA) $ Cost per call (CPC) # On-hold time % Call completion rate items # Guests # Product quality uniformity % Beverage loss % Front of house labor $ Revenue per available seat
G=0 G=147

eab group Pty. Ltd.

Publication date: 20 September 2011
B=255 B=255

Publication date: 25 May 2011 Publication date: 10 June 2011 Publication date:
June Suite
2011606, 198 Harbour Esplanade, Melbourne Docklands, VIC 3008 Publication date: 10 March 2011 Publication date: 18 August 2011
eabID number: sK0118021 eabID number: sK0118031 eabID number:T: +61 3 9670 2979, E:
sK0118041 eabID number: sK0118152 eabID number: sK0118161 eabID number: sK0118171

Top 25 Top 25 Top 25 Top 25 Top 25 Top 25

HR Information Knowledge Local State Healthcare
Technology Management Government Government
KPIs of 2010 KPIs of 2010 KPIs of 2010 KPIs of 2010 KPIs of 2010 KPIs of 2010
% Employees turnover # Management-to-staff ratio # Employment brand strength # Average time to fill a vacant % Defects removal efficiency % Schedule adherence in software development % Data network availability % SLAs in # Average age of documents in knowledge repository % Employees that contribute to the knowledge base % Docu- % Citizens satisfied with public service responsiveness # e-Public sector as an active partner in the innovation % Government basic services available online $ Gross National Product (GNP) per capita % Online public procure- % Hospital bed occupancy rate # Average daily census # Hospital-acquired infections % Surgical site infection rate
position # Employee engagement index % Performance appraisals completed on time $ Training investment per full renegotiation # IT policy violations % Bugs found by application developers % Local area network (LAN) server avail- ments in non-enterprise repositories % Documents rarely accessed # Internal knowledge sharing platforms # Pub- system % Maturity of online public service delivery # Building rehabilitation projects # Recruit to hire ratio for job ment # Food production per capita # Highway network length % Tourism employment % Birth rate for unmarried % Inpatient mortality # Hospital bed capacity % Medication error rate % Peri-operative mortality # Average caseload
time equivalent (FTE) $ Bonus payout # Training hours per full time equivalent $ Human Capital Return on Invest- ability # Fixed bugs $ IT spending per employee % Data center availability % Incidents caused by lack of required lications on the corporate intranet % Adjusted time to correct the loss due to mismanagement of data # Knowledge placements % Public authorities’ online presence % e-Authentication across population % Civic participation in the women # Energy consumption $ Total managed expenditure (TME) # Tourists # Sacrifice Ratio $ Value of agricultural per physician # Average length of stay (ALOS) % Blood culture contamination rate # Patient consultation time %
ment (ROI) % Training penetration rate # Rookie ratio # Recruiter to open requisition ratio $ Human capital value support skills $ Cost per trouble report % Time spent on fixing bugs # Frequency of IT physical risk assessments Management briefings facilitated % Adjustment in administrative and operational cost due to KM % Duplicate cus- local area $ Net cost of tax collection # Frequency of public transport services % On-time performance for public exports % Energy dependency # Tourism inquiries % Working age people with disabilities # Exploration permits Unplanned readmission rate % Cases classified as May Not Require Hospitalization (MNRH) % Days variance over/
added # Requisitions handled per recruiter % HR budget spent on training # Average performance appraisal rating % and reviews % Quality of software applications developed # Frequency of independent reviews of IT compliance tomer contact information in the database # Paper documents to electronic format ratio % Procedures reviewed and transport services % People with mental health problems in employment % Crimes against visitors $ Spending per granted $ Tourist spending % Hospitals national accreditation rate # Agricultural mechanization level % Purchas- under expected length of stay % Outpatient surgeries % Patients on the semi-urgent surgery list that waited longer
Employees meeting continuing professional development requirements % Adherence to values and mission # Hours % Utilization of data network # Incidents due to physical security breaches or failures % On time completion of updated % Electronic files backup % Savings due to Knowledge Management initiatives # Knowledge materials dis- head of population on street cleaning % Pedestrian crossings with facilities for people living with disabilities % ing share of public sector spending # Average farm size % Tourists entering through airports % Employment rate than the 90 days government benchmark # Average length of stay in ER % Inpatient revenue % Patient satisfaction
lost due to absenteeism % Direct compensation operating expense rate sK 1859 % Compensation packages with software applications % Security incidents # New features per software version % Web server availability % Cost tributed to employees % Time saved for data gathering % Searches intensification per knowledge repository $ Docu- Unemployment rate % Amusement attractions found in compliance with safety requirements on first inspection # # Criminal history errors corrected % Health insurance coverage % Government basic services available online # Medical ancillary services % Pending patient accounts # Inpatient registrations per shift % Alternate level of care
pay-for-performance arrangements # Technological competence of staff # Average time to promotion # Certifica- adherence in software development % Awareness of information security programs and capabilities % Spending of ment storage costs % Unnecessary data duplicates % Community of Practice meetings involving external experts % Domestic burglaries per 1,000 households % People with mental health problems who have maintained paid employ- $ Gross National Product (GNP) per capita % Online public procurement # Food production per capita # Highway days (ALC) $ Revenue per patient per day % Hospital bed occupancy rate # Average daily census # Hospital-acquired
tions per HR employee % Employees turnover # Management-to-staff ratio # Employment brand strength # Average current technology capital budget % Defects removal efficiency % Schedule adherence in software development % Use of intranet / groupware % Employees trained in Knowledge Management (KM) practices # Community of Prac- ment for more than one year in lifetime $ Government land action cost % Adults in contact with specialist mental network length % Tourism employment % Birth rate for unmarried women # Energy consumption $ Total managed infections % Surgical site infection rate % Inpatient mortality # Hospital bed capacity % Medication error rate %
time to fill a vacant position # Employee engagement index % Performance appraisals completed on time $ Training Data network availability % SLAs in renegotiation # IT policy violations % Bugs found by application developers % tice meetings # Experts to practitioners to novices ratio # Documents entered into knowledge repositories # Average health services who are in paid work % Children on the child protection register who had been visited at least once expenditure (TME) # Tourists # Sacrifice Ratio $ Value of agricultural exports % Energy dependency # Tourism inquir- Peri-operative mortality # Average caseload per physician # Average length of stay (ALOS) % Blood culture contami-
investment per full time equivalent (FTE) $ Bonus payout # Training hours per full time equivalent $ Human Capital Local area network (LAN) server availability # Fixed bugs $ IT spending per employee % Data center availability % In- age of documents in knowledge repository % Employees that contribute to the knowledge base % Documents in every six weeks by their social worker # Response time to structural fires % Adults in contact with specialist mental ies % Working age people with disabilities # Exploration permits granted $ Tourist spending % Hospitals national nation rate # Patient consultation time % Unplanned readmission rate % Cases classified as May Not Require Hos-
Return on Investment (ROI) % Training penetration rate # Rookie ratio # Recruiter to open requisition ratio $ Human cidents caused by lack of required support skills $ Cost per trouble report % Time spent on fixing bugs # Frequency non-enterprise repositories % Documents rarely accessed # Internal knowledge sharing platforms # Publications on health services who report having received help with finding work $ Ratio of reinvestment into the community % Citi- accreditation rate # Agricultural mechanization level % Purchasing share of public sector spending # Average farm pitalization (MNRH) % Days variance over/under expected length of stay % Outpatient surgeries % Patients on the
capital value added # Requisitions handled per recruiter % HR budget spent on training # Average performance ap- of IT physical risk assessments and reviews % Quality of software applications developed # Frequency of independ- the corporate intranet % Adjusted time to correct the loss due to mismanagement of data # Knowledge Management zens satisfied with public service responsiveness # e-Public sector as an active partner in the innovation system % size % Tourists entering through airports % Employment rate # Criminal history errors corrected % Health insurance semi-urgent surgery list that waited longer than the 90 days government benchmark # Average length of stay in ER %
praisal rating % Employees meeting continuing professional development requirements % Adherence to values and ent reviews of IT compliance % Utilization of data network # Incidents due to physical security breaches or failures briefings facilitated % Adjustment in administrative and operational cost due to KM % Duplicate customer contact Maturity of online public service delivery # Building rehabilitation projects # Recruit to hire ratio for job placements coverage % Government basic services available online $ Gross National Product (GNP) per capita % Online public Inpatient revenue % Patient satisfaction # Medical ancillary services % Pending patient accounts # Inpatient registr

Publication date: 10 March 2011 Publication date: 30 March 2011 Publication date: 17 June 2011 Publication date: 30 March 2011 Publication date: 25 August 2011 Publication date: 9 August 2011
eabID number: sK0118051 eabID number: sK0118061 eabID number: sK0118071 eabID number: sK0118181 eabID number: sK0118191 eabID number: sK0118201

Top 25 Top 25 Top 25 Top 25 Top 25 Top 25

Marketing Logistics and Portfolio Insurance Business
Distribution Management Hotel Consulting
KPIs of 2010 KPIs of 2010 KPIs of 2010 KPIs of 2010 KPIs of 2010 KPIs of 2010
%Agent utilization $ Revenue per successful call # Call handling time # Hourly sales per agent # Call volume % First % On-time delivery # Warehouse storage space $ Fuel cost # Transit time % Perfect order delivery rate % Ship- # Projects per project manager % Time spent on new projects development % Project managers to staff ratio # FTEs # Apartment size # Price-to-rent ratio % Capitalization rate # Real estate transactions completed # Days on market % % Realization rate # Labor multiplier % Chargeable ratio % Employee utilization rate $ Cost of services delivered $
call resolution rate # Longest call hold % Call abandon rate # Longest delay in queue % Customer calls answered ment traceability % Damage-free shipments % Transport capacity utilization % On time pick-ups % Order fill rate % assigned per project # Milestones per project plan % Projects prioritized according to business needs % Under- available room (RevPAR) # Guests per employee % Canceled reservations % Positive feedback from guests % Hotel Real estate demand % Variance in the number of properties listed # Properties sold per real estate agent % Real es- Profit per project % Adherence to schedule estimate % Consulting hours generating revenue $ Bill rate % Profitable
in the first minute # Service requests per agent % Calls answered within service level time # Talk time % Blockage # Delivered with complete and accurate documentation # Average fuel consumption $ Freight revenue per ton-mile staffed projects % Projects on time % Projects meeting stakeholder expectations $ Project deviation from planned occupancy $ Revenue per booking % Bookings conversion rate % Room occupancy # Guests by time of day/week/ tate transactions completed successfully $ Value of real estate transactions completed % Transaction discount rate projects $ Delivery overhead costs % Consultants generating revenue $ Backlog of commissioned projects $ Hourly
Average speed of answer (ASA) $ Cost per call (CPC) # On-hold time % Call completion rate # After call work time % # Orders picked per hour % Reverse logistics cost to delivered sales value % Orders with wrong items shipped % budget % Projects with post project review % Projects completed on time and on budget # Average project schedule month $ Average daily room rate (ADR) % Treatment room utilization $ Revenue per available square meter (RevPAM) % Real estate residential sales % Properties sold through organized auctions % Successful auctions # New listings fee % Consultant retention by client # Project assignment or work package duration # Billable hours $ Load costs $
Call transfer rate % Agent availability rate # Dials per hour # Web call-backs handled % Repeat calls % Agent sched- Cross-docking operations # Warehouses operated $ Backorder costs # Loading time per vehicle # Stops per trip % deviation % Projects with a quality assurance provider % Active running projects on time, on budget and compliant % Rooms booked through own reservation channels % No show ratio $ Unrealized potential revenue % Reservation in the pipeline # Visits per real estate sale $ Property transaction value % Listing to sale price ratio % Real estate non Revenue by practice $ Billable fees write-downs $ Net revenue per technical staff $ Blended rate $ Solution revenue
ule adherence %Agent utilization $ Revenue per successful call # Call handling time # Hourly sales per agent # Call Packaging to product rate % Vehicle fill $ Value of damaged goods per shipment % Boomerang return rate % On-time with quality specifications # Project managers experience in the field % Projects with quality assurance review com- channel revenue % Duplicate bookings % Rooms with maintenance problems # Treatment rooms # Average length residential sales $ Value of residential lots sold $ Variance between initially listed price and negotiated price $ Price $ Solution margin $ Net fees % Realization rate # Labor multiplier % Chargeable ratio % Employee utilization rate
volume % First call resolution rate # Longest call hold % Call abandon rate # Longest delay in queue % Customer delivery # Warehouse storage space $ Fuel cost # Transit time % Perfect order delivery rate % Shipment traceability pleted % Projects on budget % Projects with scope changes % Project cost predictability % Projects with at least one of stay in hotel % Perceived hotel cleanliness $ Operating expenses per guest $ Cleaning cost per room $ Gross per square meter sold # Residential lots sold # Rental transactions completed # Properties sold through organized $ Cost of services delivered $ Profit per project % Adherence to schedule estimate % Consulting hours generating
calls answered in the first minute # Service requests per agent % Calls answered within service level time # Talk time % Damage-free shipments % Transport capacity utilization % On time pick-ups % Order fill rate % Delivered with milestone missed % Projects without a business case % Projects completed % Projects rejected $ Average project auctions # Apartment size # Price-to-rent ratio % Capitalization rate # Real estate transactions completed # Days on revenue $ Bill rate % Profitable projects $ Delivery overhead costs % Consultants generating revenue $ Backlog of
% Blockage # Average speed of answer (ASA) $ Cost per call (CPC) # On-hold time % Call completion rate # After call complete and accurate documentation # Average fuel consumption $ Freight revenue per ton-mile # Orders picked budget size # Projects per project manager % Time spent on new projects development % Project managers to staff per employee % Canceled reservations % Positive feedback from guests % Hotel occupancy $ Revenue per booking market % Real estate demand % Variance in the number of properties listed # Properties sold per real estate agent commissioned projects $ Hourly fee % Consultant retention by client # Project assignment or work package duration
work time % Call transfer rate % Agent availability rate # Dials per hour # Web call-backs handled % Repeat calls % per hour % Reverse logistics cost to delivered sales value % Orders with wrong items shipped % Cross-docking ratio # FTEs assigned per project # Milestones per project plan % Projects prioritized according to business needs % Bookings conversion rate % Room occupancy # Guests by time of day/week/month $ Average daily room rate % Real estate transactions completed successfully $ Value of real estate transactions completed % Transaction # Billable hours $ Load costs $ Revenue by practice $ Billable fees write-downs $ Net revenue per technical staff
Agent schedule adherence %Agent utilization $ Revenue per successful call # Call handling time # Hourly sales per operations # Warehouses operated $ Backorder costs # Loading time per vehicle # Stops per trip % Packaging to % Understaffed projects % Projects on time % Projects meeting stakeholder expectations $ Project deviation from (ADR) % Treatment room utilization $ Revenue per available square meter (RevPAM) % Rooms booked through own discount rate % Real estate residential sales % Properties sold through organized auctions % Successful auctions $ Blended rate $ Solution revenue $ Solution margin $ Net fees % Realization rate # Labor multiplier % Chargeable
agent # Call volume % First call resolution rate # Longest call hold % Call abandon rate # Longest delay in queue % product rate % Vehicle fill $ Value of damaged goods per shipment % Boomerang return rate % On-time delivery # planned budget % Projects with post project review % Projects completed on time and on budget # Average project reservation channels % No show ratio $ Unrealized potential revenue % Reservation channel revenue % Duplicate # New listings in the pipeline # Visits per real estate sale $ Property transaction value % Listing to sale price ratio % ratio % Employee utilization rate $ Cost of services delivered $ Profit per project % Adherence to schedule estimate
Customer calls answered in the first minute # Service requests per agent % Calls answered within service level time Warehouse storage space $ Fuel cost # Transit time % Perfect order delivery rate % Shipment traceability % Damage- schedule deviation % Projects with a quality assurance provider % Active running projects on time, on budget and bookings % Rooms with maintenance problems # Treatment rooms # Average length of stay in hotel % Perceived Real estate non residential sales $ Value of residential lots sold $ Variance between initially listed price and negoti- % Consulting hours generating revenue $ Bill rate % Profitable projects $ Delivery overhead costs % Consultants
# Talk time % Blockage # Average speed of answer (ASA) $ Cost per call (CPC) # On-hold time % Call completion free shipments % Transport capacity utilization % On time pick-ups % Order fill rate % Delivered with complete and compliant with quality specifications # Project managers experience in the field % Projects with quality assurance ated price $ Price per square meter sold # Residential lots sold # Rental transactions completed # Properties sold generating revenue $ Backlog of commissioned projects $ Hourly fee % Consultant retention by client # Project assi

Publication date: 15 March 2011 Publication date: 22 June 2011 Publication date: 20 June 2011 Publication date: 5 September 2011 Publication date: 29 August 2011 Publication date: 15 August 2011
eabID number: sK0118081 eabID number: sK0118121 eabID number: sK0118091 eabID number: sK0118211 eabID number: sK0118221 eabID number: sK0118241

Top 25 Top 25 Top 25 Top 25 Top 25 Top 25

Project R&D Sales Property Real Estate Retail
Management Management Transactions
KPIs of 2010 KPIs of 2010 KPIs of 2010 KPIs of 2010 KPIs of 2010 KPIs of 2010
# Earned man-hours % Project resource utilization % Project budget variance at project end % Overdue project tasks $ Research & development costs # Concept approval cycle time $ Development costs per new product # Employees % Sales growth in stores open at least 12 months % All commodity volume (ACV) distribution $ Revenue by prod- % Occupancy rate % Emergency repairs completed on time % Vacancy rate % Current tenants in serious arrears % # Apartment size # Price-to-rent ratio % Capitalization rate # Real estate transactions completed # Days on market % # Inventory to sales ratio (ISR) % Same store sales growth $ Sales per unit area % Sales growth in stores open at
% Project schedule variance $ Estimate at completion (EAC) $ Cost variance # Schedule performance index (CSI) in R&D % R&D projects involving customers # Average time to break-even % R&D budget spent on new innovations uct % Sales quota attainment $ Revenue per successful call % Closing ratio % Up sale rate % Sell-through $ Sales New tenants visited within 6 weeks of tenancy start date % Rent collection rate $ Arrears of tenants % Maintenance Real estate demand % Variance in the number of properties listed # Properties sold per real estate agent % Real es- least 12 months % Perishable items with past due date # Stock rotations % Product shelf-space profitability % Sell-
# Project issues addressed # Cost performance index (CPI) # Conflicts arising during the project % Requirements # Patents % New product success rate % R&D budget allocated to new product development % R&D budget from by department % Sales from repeat customers % Sales growth % Lead conversion rate % Sales discounts % First expenditure as proportion of rent collection # Length of time in rent arrears % Vacant properties $ Average arrears tate transactions completed successfully $ Value of real estate transactions completed % Transaction discount rate through $ Sales by department # Selling opportunities $ Sales revenue per hour % Store conversion rate $ Shoplifting
changed during project execution $ Actual cost of work performed (ACWP) # Project issues identified $ Estimate total budget % R&D projects involving pre-competitive research with competing companies % Market share increase appointment-to-sales proposal ratio $ Sales turnover % Repeat purchase rate $ Sales per customer % Commission per tenant in arrears % Warning letters sent within the targeted time frame after decision on breach of tenancy # % Real estate residential sales % Properties sold through organized auctions % Successful auctions # New listings # Stock keeping units in portfolio % Markdown goods % Store loyalty # Frequency of store visits $ Employee theft #
to complete % Project milestones missed % To complete performance index (TCPI) # To complete schedule perfor- due to R&D % Academic scientific staff % Design cost from revenue # Patents per researcher % R&D staff involved margin % Sales accounts with open and pending status # Selling opportunities $ Sales revenue per hour % Store Tenants under contract % Alleged tenancy breach complaints responded to within 2 weeks # Time to relet $ Rent in the pipeline # Visits per real estate sale $ Property transaction value % Listing to sale price ratio % Real estate non Stores # Time spent in the store $ Size of grocery bill % Store satisfaction while shopping # Volume of purchase %
mance index (TSPI) # Time per project task % Progress reports submitted as planned % Time spent as planned # in customer contacts % Products meeting cost target # Prototypes per new product % New academic research re- conversion rate % Cannibalization rate of new product offering $ Sales force effectiveness # Stock keeping units in lost due to vacant properties # Maintenance requests # Ground-floor retail sales area available for rent # Tenants residential sales $ Value of residential lots sold $ Variance between initially listed price and negotiated price $ Price Sales by product category # Product lines sold per transaction # Inventory to sales ratio (ISR) % Same store sales
Cost schedule index (CSI) # Total project delay $ Budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP) % Overdue project sta- cruits in R&D % Patents rejected # Publications in high impact journals % Patented inventions # Ideas submitted per portfolio % Sales growth in stores open at least 12 months % All commodity volume (ACV) distribution $ Revenue whose leases expire # Properties vacant $ Rent per tenancy % Leases expiring from total annualized rental revenue per square meter sold # Residential lots sold # Rental transactions completed # Properties sold through organized growth $ Sales per unit area % Sales growth in stores open at least 12 months % Perishable items with past due date
tus reports # Earned man-hours % Project resource utilization % Project budget variance at project end % Overdue researcher $ Research & development costs # Concept approval cycle time $ Development costs per new product # by product % Sales quota attainment $ Revenue per successful call % Closing ratio % Up sale rate % Sell-through % Repairs completed on first visit % Unplanned repairs completed on time $ Rental revenue from leases expiring auctions # Apartment size # Price-to-rent ratio % Capitalization rate # Real estate transactions completed # Days on # Stock rotations % Product shelf-space profitability % Sell-through $ Sales by department # Selling opportunities $
project tasks % Project schedule variance $ Estimate at completion (EAC) $ Cost variance # Schedule performance Employees in R&D % R&D projects involving customers # Average time to break-even % R&D budget spent on new $ Sales by department % Sales from repeat customers % Sales growth % Lead conversion rate % Sales discounts % Occupancy rate % Emergency repairs completed on time % Vacancy rate % Current tenants in serious arrears % market % Real estate demand % Variance in the number of properties listed # Properties sold per real estate agent Sales revenue per hour % Store conversion rate $ Shoplifting # Stock keeping units in portfolio % Markdown goods
index (CSI) # Project issues addressed # Cost performance index (CPI) # Conflicts arising during the project % Re- innovations # Patents % New product success rate % R&D budget allocated to new product development % R&D % First appointment-to-sales proposal ratio $ Sales turnover % Repeat purchase rate $ Sales per customer % Com- New tenants visited within 6 weeks of tenancy start date % Rent collection rate $ Arrears of tenants % Maintenance % Real estate transactions completed successfully $ Value of real estate transactions completed % Transaction % Store loyalty # Frequency of store visits $ Employee theft # Stores # Time spent in the store $ Size of grocery bill
quirements changed during project execution $ Actual cost of work performed (ACWP) # Project issues identified $ budget from total budget % R&D projects involving pre-competitive research with competing companies % Market mission margin % Sales accounts with open and pending status # Selling opportunities $ Sales revenue per hour expenditure as proportion of rent collection # Length of time in rent arrears % Vacant properties $ Average arrears discount rate % Real estate residential sales % Properties sold through organized auctions % Successful auctions % Store satisfaction while shopping # Volume of purchase % Sales by product category # Product lines sold per
Estimate to complete % Project milestones missed % To complete performance index (TCPI) # To complete schedule share increase due to R&D % Academic scientific staff % Design cost from revenue # Patents per researcher % R&D % Store conversion rate % Cannibalization rate of new product offering $ Sales force effectiveness # Stock keeping per tenant in arrears % Warning letters sent within the targeted time frame after decision on breach of tenancy # Ten- # New listings in the pipeline # Visits per real estate sale $ Property transaction value % Listing to sale price ratio % transaction # Inventory to sales ratio (ISR) % Same store sales growth $ Sales per unit area % Sales growth in stores
performance index (TSPI) # Time per project task % Progress reports submitted as planned % Time spent as planned staff involved in customer contacts % Products meeting cost target # Prototypes per new product % New academic units in portfolio % Sales growth in stores open at least 12 months % All commodity volume (ACV) distribution $ ants under contract % Alleged tenancy breach complaints responded to within 2 weeks # Time to relet $ Rent lost Real estate non residential sales $ Value of residential lots sold $ Variance between initially listed price and negoti- open at least 12 months % Perishable items with past due date # Stock rotations % Product shelf-space profitability
# Cost schedule index (CSI) # Total project delay $ Budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP) % Overdue project research recruits in R&D % Patents rejected # Publications in high impact journals % Patented inventions # Ideas Revenue by product % Sales quota attainment $ Revenue per successful call % Closing ratio % Up sale rate % Sell- due to vacant properties # Maintenance requests # Ground-floor retail sales area available for rent # Tenants whose ated price $ Price per square meter sold # Residential lots sold # Rental transactions completed # Properties sold % Sell-through $ Sales by department # Selling opportunities $ Sales revenue per hour % Store conversion rate $ Sh

Publication date: 22 June 2011 Publication date: 14 March 2011 Publication date: 21 June 2011 Publication date: 21 March 2011 Publication date: 28 August 2011 Publication date: 29 July 2011
eabID number: sK0118101 eabID number: sK0118131 eabID number: sK0118141 eabID number: sK0118251 eabID number: sK0118261 eabID number: sK0118271
© The KPI Institute 2012
ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Human
Service KPIs

2011-2012 Top KPI reports

Top 25 Top 25 Top 25 Top 25

Risk Management KPIs Human Resources KPIs Retail KPIs Oil and Gas KPIs
of 2011-2012 of 2011-2012 of 2011-2012 of 2011-2012

# Call volume # Call arrival rate # Text-Chat volume % Call transfer rate % Blockage % Call drop rate (CDR) % Calls # Call volume # Call arrival rate # Text-Chat volume % Call transfer rate % Blockage % Call drop rate (CDR) % Calls # Call volume # Call arrival rate # Text-Chat volume % Call transfer rate % Blockage % Call drop rate (CDR) % Calls # Call volume # Call arrival rate # Text-Chat volume % Call transfer rate % Blockage % Call drop rate (CDR) % Calls
answered within service level time # Average speed of answer (ASA) # On-hold time # Longest delay in queue # answered within service level time # Average speed of answer (ASA) # On-hold time # Longest delay in queue # answered within service level time # Average speed of answer (ASA) # On-hold time # Longest delay in queue # answered within service level time # Average speed of answer (ASA) # On-hold time # Longest delay in queue #
Average wait time before abandon % Customer satisfaction with service levels % Call abandon rate # After call Average wait time before abandon % Customer satisfaction with service levels % Call abandon rate # After call Average wait time before abandon % Customer satisfaction with service levels % Call abandon rate # After call Average wait time before abandon % Customer satisfaction with service levels % Call abandon rate # After call
work time # Talk time # Call handling time # Longest call length % Agent utilization # Service requests per agent % work time # Talk time # Call handling time # Longest call length % Agent utilization # Service requests per agent % work time # Talk time # Call handling time # Longest call length % Agent utilization # Service requests per agent % work time # Talk time # Call handling time # Longest call length % Agent utilization # Service requests per agent %
Agent availability rate % Agent schedule adherence % Interactions routed properly % Repeat calls % First contact Agent availability rate % Agent schedule adherence % Interactions routed properly % Repeat calls % First contact Agent availability rate % Agent schedule adherence % Interactions routed properly % Repeat calls % First contact Agent availability rate % Agent schedule adherence % Interactions routed properly % Repeat calls % First contact
resolution rate % Accuracy in completion of records % Customer complaints resolved on the first contact % Customer resolution rate % Accuracy in completion of records % Customer complaints resolved on the first contact % Customer resolution rate % Accuracy in completion of records % Customer complaints resolved on the first contact % Customer resolution rate % Accuracy in completion of records % Customer complaints resolved on the first contact % Customer
satisfaction with complaints handling % Complaints resolved $ Customer care funding per resolved complaint # satisfaction with complaints handling % Complaints resolved $ Customer care funding per resolved complaint # satisfaction with complaints handling % Complaints resolved $ Customer care funding per resolved complaint # satisfaction with complaints handling % Complaints resolved $ Customer care funding per resolved complaint #
Call volume # Call arrival rate # Text-Chat volume % Call transfer rate % Blockage % Call drop rate (CDR) % Calls Call volume # Call arrival rate # Text-Chat volume % Call transfer rate % Blockage % Call drop rate (CDR) % Calls Call volume # Call arrival rate # Text-Chat volume % Call transfer rate % Blockage % Call drop rate (CDR) % Calls Call volume # Call arrival rate # Text-Chat volume % Call transfer rate % Blockage % Call drop rate (CDR) % Calls
answered within service level time # Average speed of answer (ASA) # On-hold time # Longest delay in queue # answered within service level time # Average speed of answer (ASA) # On-hold time # Longest delay in queue # answered within service level time # Average speed of answer (ASA) # On-hold time # Longest delay in queue # answered within service level time # Average speed of answer (ASA) # On-hold time # Longest delay in queue #
Average wait time before abandon % Customer satisfaction with service levels % Call abandon rate # After call Average wait time before abandon % Customer satisfaction with service levels % Call abandon rate # After call Average wait time before abandon % Customer satisfaction with service levels % Call abandon rate # After call Average wait time before abandon % Customer satisfaction with service levels % Call abandon rate # After call
work time # Talk time # Call handling time # Longest call length % Agent utilization # Service requests per agent % work time # Talk time # Call handling time # Longest call length % Agent utilization # Service requests per agent % work time # Talk time # Call handling time # Longest call length % Agent utilization # Service requests per agent % work time # Talk time # Call handling time # Longest call length % Agent utilization # Service requests per agent %
Agent availability rate % Agent schedule adherence % Interactions routed properly % Repeat calls % First contact Agent availability rate % Agent schedule adherence % Interactions routed properly % Repeat calls % First contact Agent availability rate % Agent schedule adherence % Interactions routed properly % Repeat calls % First contact Agent availability rate % Agent schedule adherence % Interactions routed properly % Repeat calls % First contact
resolution rate % Accuracy in completion of records % Customer complaints resolved on the first contact % Customer resolution rate % Accuracy in completion of records % Customer complaints resolved on the first contact % Customer resolution rate % Accuracy in completion of records % Customer complaints resolved on the first contact % Customer resolution rate % Accuracy in completion of records % Customer complaints resolved on the first contact % Customer
satisfaction with complaints handling % Complaints resolved $ Customer care funding per resolved complaint satisfaction with complaints handling % Complaints resolved $ Customer care funding per resolved complaint satisfaction with complaints handling % Complaints resolved $ Customer care funding per resolved complaint satisfaction with complaints handling % Complaints resolved $ Customer care funding per resolved complaint

Publication date: September 2012 ID number: sK0117081 Publication date: September 2012 ID number: sK0117081 Publication date: September 2012 ID number: sK0117081 Publication date: September 2012 ID number: sK0117081

By Functional Area
Top 25 Accounting KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Governance KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Public Relations KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Accounts Payable and Receivable KPIs of 2011- Top 25 Human Resources KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Quality Management KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Advertising KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Information Technology KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 R&D KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Application Development KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Innovation KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Recruitment KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Compensation and Benefits KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Inventory Management KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Retention KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Compliance and Audit Management KPIs of Top 25 IT Security KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Risk Management KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Contract Management KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Knowledge Management KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Sales KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Corporate Travel KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Logistics / Distribution KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Service Delivery KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 CSR KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Maintenance KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Service Management KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Marketing KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Supply Chain Management KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Data Center KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Network Management KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Supply Chain, Procurement, Distribution KPIs
of 2011-2012
Top 25 eCommerce KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Portfolio Management KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Talent Development KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Enterprise Architecture KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Procurement / Purchasing KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Web Analytics KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Environmental Care KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Production KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Finance KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Project Management KPIs of 2011-2012

By Industry
Top 25 Academic Education KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Hotel KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Publishing KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Accounting Services KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Insurance KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Railways KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Airlines KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Investments KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Real Estate Transactions KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Airports KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Land Transport (Road & Rail) KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Employment Services KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Banking and Credit KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Legal Practice KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Restaurant KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Broadcasting (TV and Radio) KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Libraries and Archives KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Retail KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Business Consulting KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Livestock, Hunting and Fishing KPIs of 2011- Top 25 Roads KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Call Center KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Local Government KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Shipping KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Coal and Minerals Mining KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Local Public Transport KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Sport Club Management KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Crops KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Medical Practice KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Sport Event Organisation KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Electricity KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Natural Gas KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 State Government KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Engineering KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 NGO KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Sustainability KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Film and Music KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Oil and Gas KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Water and Sewage KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Forestry and Logging KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Ports KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Telecommunications KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Healthcare KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Postal and Courier Services KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Hospital KPIs of 2011-2012 Top 25 Property Management KPIs of 2011-2012

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0117081
Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Appendix B: Training courses

Open courses of 1-3 days • Participants from over 30 countries attended our programs over the
last 12 months
• Organized in Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Romania, Singapore,
South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, UK and USA
In-house programs • Customized to client needs
of 2-4 days • Delivered at client premises
Performance through systems training catalogue

Measuring and learning with lmplementing and using a Balanced Managing and improving
Key Performance Indicators Scorecard based Performance individual performance
Management System

Man is the measure of all things. Protagoras of Abdera (c. 480 - 410 B.C.) However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results. Winston Churchill Without effectiveness there is no performance, no matter how much intelligence and knowledge goes into the work, no matter
how many hours it takes. Peter Drucker

Topics covered: Topics covered: Topics covered:

• Understanding Performance Management; • Balanced Scorecard (BSC) evolution and current agenda; • Philosophy and theory underpinning Performance Management;
• Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), performance measures and metrics; • Architecture performance management systems; • Performance Management Architecture and Integration across levels;
• Selecting and documenting KPIs; • Desired State of Evolution; • Implementation of an Individual Performance Management System;
• Dashboard design; • Strategy Map; • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) used for measuring individual performance;
• Rules in data visualization; • Performance Scorecard; • Alignment between Performance Management at strategic, operational and individual
• Business analysis techniques; • Key Performance Indicators; level;
• Performance review meetings; • Performance improvement initiatives; • Rewarding performance: pay for performance systems;
• Establishing and implementing improvement initiatives; • BSC performance management systems implementation process; • Cultural and human aspects of performance;
• Pitfalls in performance measurement; • Using the BSC in practice; • Pitfalls and key drivers in managing and improving individual performance.
• Cultural and human aspects of performance; • Linking the BSC to other organizational systems;
• Performance Measurement Maturity Model; • Success factors and pitfals in BSC implementations and usage.
• Insights into implementing and using KPIs smartly.

Supplier Performance Management KPIs, Dashboard & Scorecard for HR KPIs, Dashboard & Scorecard
Maximizing the value added by suppliers for Medical Centers

All good strategy eventually degenerates into work. Peter Drucker We are what we do repeatdly. Excellence is not just a simple act, bu a habit. Aristotel (384 B.C. - 322 B.C.) There is no substitute for knowledge. William Edwards Deming (1900 - 1993)

Topics covered: Topics covered: Topics covered:

• Understanding supplier performance magament; • Understanding Performance Management and Measurement • Understanding Performance Management and
• Introduction to systems thinking and viable systems model; in HR context; Measurement in Medical Centers;
• Supplier performance management systems; • Implementing and using a performance management system • Implementing and using a performance management
• Supplier panels; in the HR department; system in a Medical Center;
• Service Level Agreements; • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for HR; • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Medical Centers;
• Procurement Key Performnce Indicators (KPIs) and metrics; • Development of an HR Dashboard; • Dashboards and Scorecards for monitoring performance in
• Supplier Scorecards; • Selecting and documenting performance improvement initia- Medical Centers;
• Establishing and implementing improvement initiatives; tives in the HR department; • Selecting and documenting performance improvement
• Pitfalls in supplier performance measurement; • Best practice in optimizing the performance in the HR depart- initiatives in Medical Centers;
• Cultural and human aspects of performance; ment. • Insights in optimizing the performance of Medical Centers.
• Supplier Performance Measurement Maturity Model.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Human
Service KPIs

Delivery approach • Highly interactive, numerous exercises, case studies and group discussions
• Experiential learning simulations
All training courses • Six months of free access to the premium content of
include: • Free toolkit of pre-populated templates to assist you with applying the course
• Library of relevant examples from practice
Performance through people training catalogue

Implementing and Optimizing Implementing Succession Integrating Talent

Employee Engagement Programs Management Programs Management Processes

Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers. - Stephen R. Covey It is always wise to look ahead, but difficult to look further than you can see. - Winston Churchill Business and human endeavors are systems…we tend to focus on snapshots of isolated parts of the system.
And wonder why our deepest problems never get solved. - Peter Senge

Topics covered: Topics covered: Topics covered:

• Understanding employee engagement • Understanding succession management • Understanding talent management
• Employee engagement and performance • Talent pipeline • The talent wheel
• Survey design and implementation • Succession metrics • KPIs and Dashboards for HR
• Types of reports and how to use them • High performance and high potentials • Talent acquisition and employer branding
• Numbers vs. behaviors in employee engagement • 9-Box Approach and other tools • On-boarding and retention
• Impact Action Planning – plans and meetings • Talent reviews • Individual performance management systems
• Employee engagement as strategic priority • Career paths • Talent assessments and talent reviews
• Roadmap and calendar for implementations • Measuring employee engagement
• Training and communications plans • Fostering employee engagement
• Well-being • Tips for integration and implementation

Solutions for Managing Change Fish Banks Friday Night at the ER

in Organizations Business Simulation Workshop Business Simulation Workshop

Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. - John F. Kennedy The transition to a sustainable society requires a careful balance between long-term and short-term goals and an emphasis on A system is a network of interdependent components that work together to try to accomplish the aim of the system.
sufficiency, equity, and quality of life. - Denis L. Meadows A system must have an aim. Without an aim, there is no system - W. Edwards Deming. The New Economics

Topics covered: Topics covered: Topics covered:

• Understanding change management • Effective Management - manage your organization and compete with others • Systems Thinking, managing interdependence,
• Reasons why change initiatives fail or succeed • Resource Allocation- understand how to best allocate your resources complexity, delay
• Breaking mental schemas • Sustainability- make decisions based on a long-term plan • Collaboration, shared accountability, coordinated action
• Addressing resistance to change and organizational inertia • Maximizing Resources- effective co-operation and negotiation • Innovation, mental models, openness to redesign
• Building a learning organization • Strategy Design- build strategy using data • Use of Data, system performance data, measurement
• Selecting change management frameworks • Performance- measure and manage performance • Structural Thinking, designing for performance
• Stages of change and how to prepare for them • Collaboration- cooperative learning and group problem solving
• Change management – design and implementation • Conflict Resolution- manage interdependence and scarce resources
• Roles in change management • Systemic Thinking- understand the impact and complexity of actions
• Assessing impact of change efforts • Decision making- systemic analysis and accountability

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0117081
Top 25 Human Resources KPIs of 2011-2012
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Appendix C: Advisory services

The KPI Institute performance improvement architecture

PERFORMANCE is about achieving a desired level of results in a domain of human activity


A coherent strategy is essential in achieving

desired state and continuous improvement


Performance improvement efforts require a mix of people management practices,

process-oriented improvements and innovation


Managing performance through Managing performance through Managing performance through
people focuses on solutions such as: systems relies on utilizing a innovation requires organizational
• workforce planning performance architecture in capabilities in areas such as:
• talent acquisitions alignment with strategic priorities at: • research
• compensation and benefits • organizational level • knowledge management
• learning and development • operational level • design thinking
• employee engagement • team level • innovation management
• organizational culture • individual/employee level • competitive intelligence
• personal level • consumer behavior

Process Management
In building a strong foundation
for performance, organizations Risk Management
should leverage systemic
thinking and excellence in Project Management
managing change, projects,
Change Management
risks and processes
Systems Thinking
© The KPI Institute 2012
68 ©IDThe KPI Institute 2012
number: sK0117081
ID number: sK0128091
Top 25
25 Human
Human Resources
Service KPIs

European office:
office: +40
Australian office:
+40 721
office: +61
721 233
+61 42
233 084
42 456
084 // +40
456 8088
+40 369
8088 // +61
369 801
801 650
+61 33 9670
9670 2979
performance Email:,
Service categories
Consulting Technology
Technology Solutions
aroundthethe Software
Softwareand andhardware
performance integration architecturedeveloped
integration architecture developedby
by operation of successful performance improvement
operation of successful performance improvement
people, initiatives
Performance through
through systems
systems -- advisory
advisory services
services catalogue
planning Operational
•• Facilitation
sessions. Supplier
•• Strategic
planning implementation
competitor services
review). Portfolio
•• Development
Systems •• Identification
Identification of Key Risk Indicators and establishmentofofRisk
of Key Risk Indicators and establishment Risk
Implementations Scorecards
•• Integrated
basedon onthe
the Benefits
Balanced Scorecard.
Balanced Scorecard. •• Development
•• Application
strategic •• Project
level, operational level or individual level.
level, operational level or individual level. Alliances
•• Establishment
Advice •• Development
Development of ServiceLevel
of Service LevelAgreements
•• Overhaul
them Assessment
accordance to organizational strategy andbest
to organizational strategy and bestpractice.
•• Assistance Audit
•• KPI strategic,
KPI documentationsupport
documentation support––customisation
Premium Organizational
Premium templates to reflect organizationalneeds.
templates to reflect organizational needs.
•• Development tools:
customisedKPI KPIcatalogues.
•• Assistance •• Performance
Assistance in identifying reliablebenchmarking
in identifying reliable benchmarkingresources.
•• Performance

Performance through
through people
people -- advisory
advisory services
services catelogue
Planning Talent
•• Succession
managementsystem systemimplementations,
facilitation, •• Audit
workforce needs assessment
workforce needs assessment •• Recruitment
Recruitment processes mappingand
processes mapping andoptimization
•• Talent
values), •• JobJobanalyses
analysesand andcareer
Engagement Compensation
•• Survey
reports •• Review
•• Guidance
implementation •• Pay-for-performance
Development Organizational
•• Guidance
developmentplanplan •• Organizational
•• Integration
with •• Organizational
initiatives •• Change

2012 69
ID number:sK0117081
IDnumber: sK0117081
Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Appendix D: Technology solutions

20,000 KPI examples
7,100 KPIs defined
smartKPIs Key Performance Indicators 2,700 KPIs documented in detail
Online Database 15 Functional areas
24 Industries
3 Contexts
Most Popular
6 months access
12 months access
12 months access
Features Features Features
9 Basic access 9 Explorer benefits plus 9 Premium benefits plus
9 Explore the complete catalogue 9 Export of KPI examples in PDF format 9 Online access to all research reports
9 Use advanced search 9 Edit the number of KPIs listed per page published in The KPI Institute’s Insight
9 View KPI definitions 9 Filter by views, rating and documentation Library
9 Save KPI examples status 9 There are over 25 reports published each
9 Access to all documentation fields year
Numbers Numbers Numbers

9 Browse 7000+ KPI examples 9 Browse 7000+ KPI examples 9 Browse 7000+ KPI examples
9 Access 17 documentation fields 9 Access 17 documentation fields 9 Access 40 documentation fields
9 View 200 documented KPIs 9 View 200 documented KPIs 9 Export 1000 documented KPIs
Research Research Research
One research report: Two research reports: Three generic Excel templates
9 Top 20 KPIs of 2010 9 Top 20 KPIs of 2010 pre-populated with over 70 KPI
9 Top 25 KPIs of 2010 report examples:
of your choice 9 Balanced Scorecard
9 KPI Dashboard
9 Performance Healthogram

On premium content
“Guys we are very thankful of the hard work you do. “Really a very good and useful website, I am excited “Access to all research reports
Your website really guides us on the daily about the content and comprehensiveness of data and advance functionality in searching the online
performance management of our organization.” on your website, and I will recommend it to all catalogue helps my office in facilitating the
professional in the governmental sector in United understanding, selection and usage of KPIs across
Omphile Macheng, Botswana Arab of Emirates, Wish you all the best.” the organization.”

Mahdi El Horchi, United Arab Emirates Andrew Fraser, United Kingdom

On our publications
“The Top 25 Call Center KPIs of 2010 helps in “ provided a simple yet powerful “I was pleasantly surprised of the level of experience
understanding all the performance measures scorecard and dashboard model to start building our and knowledge of the team. The
which should be taken into account to optimize own with our business intelligence tools.” toolkit delivered was what I had anticipated to be.”
Jacob Brown, United States Humberto E Della Torre, El Salvador Alex Giammona, Australia

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs
Human Resources KPIsof
INTEGERPERFORM Business Intelligence Software
Scoreboard and QuickScore by Spider Strategies, ideal anywhere in the world

TRY THE LIVE DEMO TEST BUY Contact: Administrator licence: $99/month
Username: view Communication (edit) licence: $30/month
Password: demo for a 30 days trial of the software View only licence: FREE

9 Intuitive, robust, fully live and interactive
9 Reliable in any economic environment
9 Offers optimal return on investment

9 Real time control of your business
9 Easy monitoring, analysis and reporting of KPis
9 Perfect for Balanced Scorecard automation
9 Fast consolidalion of information

9 Easy to access and to use, fully web-based
9 Possibility of external, in-cloud hosting, as well as on-site
9 Easy to access from any device or location having Internet access

Who uses it?
© The
KPI Institute
Institute 2012
2012 71
ID number: sK0128091
number: sK0117081
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs of 2011-2012

Appendix E: Glossary of Terms

The following list provides an explanation of several popular terms characterizing KPIs:

Rate – A specific type of ratio expressed in many cases as part to whole. Examples of rates are the natality or mortality rate, expressed as the
number of births or deaths per a certain number of population or the currency exchange rate, where the value of one currency is compared
to the value of the other currency.

Ratio – A relation between two measures that might be distinct, but which are part of the same category of elements, such as the ratio of boys
to girls, teachers to students, doctors to patients, revenues to expenditure.

Composition – A composite indicator is formed when individual indicators are compiled into a single index, on the basis of an underlying
model of the multi-dimensional concept that is being measured. It measures multi-dimensional concepts (e.g. competitiveness, e-trade or
environmental quality) which cannot be captured by a single indicator.

Index – A number computed from a specific formula or calculation methodology, used to characterize a complex set of data.

Leading – Drive the performance of the outcome indicators, being predictors of success or failure. Examples of leading indicators are: “%
Employees involved in the innovation process”, “% Conversion rate” or “% Inventory quality ratio (IQR)”.

Lagging – Type of indicators that reflect the success or failure after an event has been consumed. Examples include: “$ Operating profit per
room”, “$ Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)” or “$ Cost avoidance savings”.

Input – Reflects assets and resources invested in or used to generate business results. Examples include: “# Headcount”, “$ Cost per
broadcast hour” and “# Knowledge materials distributed to employees”.

Process – Refers to the efficiency or productivity of a business process. Examples include: “% On time delivery”, “# Conflicts arisen during
the project”, “# Average call handling time” and “# Mean time to repair”.

Output – Measures the financial and nonfinancial deliverables or results of business activities. Examples include: “% Passenger seats sold”,
“# New customers acquired” or “$ Revenue per successful call”.

Outcome – Reflects overall results or impact of the business activity in terms of generated benefits, as a quantification of performance.
Examples include: “% Customer retention”, “% Employee turnover”, “$ Net income after taxes (NIAT)” or “% Brand awareness”.

Qualitative – A descriptive characteristic, an opinion, a property or a trait. The most common ones gauge customer or employee satisfaction
through subjective assessments. Based on a subjective interpretations of a customer’s or employee’s opinions. Oftentimes these type of
indicators are not expressed numerically, but as narrative text. Sometimes a rating is allocated to rank between levels (i.e. Likert scale).

Quantitative – A measurable characteristic, resulted by counting, adding or averaging numbers. Quantitative data is most common in
measurement and therefore forms the backbone of most KPIs. Operational systems that manage inventory, supply chain, purchasing, orders,
accounting, financial systems, all gather quantitative data by means of KPIs. Other examples of quantitative KPIs are “# Employee tenure”,
“# Units per man-hour” or “# Maintenance backlog”.

© The KPI Institute 2012

ID number: sK0128091
Top 25 Customer Service KPIs
Human Resources KPIsof

RT I F I E D Certified KPI Professional
Training Course


• Understand the complexities of working with KPIs and learn how to address them

v 1.0 2012

OFESSIO • Develop a working knowledge of the Key Performance Indicators Management Framework
• Use over 30 performance measurement tools to facilitate the deployment and value added by KPIs.

Getting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) right by using a rigorous KPI management framework

Over the last 3 years, the team at The KPI Institute:

• Documented 7,000+ KPIs from 15 functional areas and 24 industries;
• Reviewed 1,000+ performance reports from 125 countries;
• Referenced 20,000+ resources (books, articles, performance reports) as part of the documentation process;
• Developed over 20 KPI Dashboards and Balanced Scorecards.
With the insights gained we:
• Assisted over 5,000 organisations in finding solutions for their KPI needs;
• Trained over 400 participants in 30 countries on how to work rigorously with KPIs. Upcoming course dates:
Europe, Middle East, Asia and Australia
Aug London
2013 Hilton London
More details at:
KPI Islington Hotel April Istanbul
PRO 2013 Gezi Hotel
KPI Bosphorus
Testimonials from around the world 13-15 Riyadh
/01/13 Oct Mumbai
Marriott 2013 TBA
Great! So glad I found it. Gave me everything I need to do my job properly and with confidence. KPI
Leonne, Australia
Thank you so much for your effort and your contribution to this workshop. I’m very pleased to have you
as facilitator of the topic. Settha Y., Cambodia

It was indeed a great opportunity to be able to participate at the KPI training course. Look forward for
Oct Kuala Lumpur
2013 Istana Hotel
other future programmes with Aurel. Aini, Malaysia
It was a good programme, through which I got a clear idea about modern practices in using KPIs. PRO
Shamima, Bangladesh
23-27 Dubai 30-31/01 Sydney
Good program, well organized. Well experienced trainer. Great job. Definitely recommendable. 12/12 Dusit Thani +01/02
Raech, India Hotel 2013 Karstens
KPI Conference &
I contacted for an in-house training with my team. We found both the material and the KPI PRO Training Centre
way of explaining concepts by doing examples invaluable. I would also say that this is a great value for
money if you want to build the competency within your organization. Fahad, Saudi Arabia

Thank you for the excellent training workshop on KPIs. It was an eye-opening experience and provided
much needed guidance and clarification. The information gained has provided focus and depth.
Parsa, Bahrain

The feedback from the participants was gratifying and positive, and we are glad that we took the time
and effort to develop such a program to meet the need of our staff for extending their knowledge in the
area of KPI and all related. Hanan, Qatar

Aurel is knowledgeable of all KPI aspect and answers all questions. We were never bored. as the course
was very interactive. The course was beyond what expected. Nahla, Abu Dhabi I really learned a lot from the program. As a result, I am more equipped in in-
stalling performance management systems, by being able to integrate the con-
The trainer was excellent. I look forward to attend more sessions with him in the future. My knowledge
in the area has improved significantly. Great job! Neeti, Dubai
cepts of the MBO, Balanced Scorecard, KPI and Competencies into the system.
Thanks so much for the knowledge you shared during our 3 days of training.
I became a lot more knowledgeable about the KPI concept now. Manzuma, Nigeria Tess, Philippines

© The
KPI Institute
Institute 2012
2012 73
ID number: sK0128091
number: sK0117081
Performance Management Toolkit templates
The HR Scorecard is a ready-to-use tool, KPIs for HR Scorecard contains the complete
pre-populated with KPIs grouped by collection of KPIs that pre-populate the
objectives and Balanced Scorecard HR Performance Scorecard, in complete
perspectives. It illustrates the documentation form, ensuring
HR application of the Balanced Scorecard KPIs for a proper and facile use of this core performance
Scorecard concept at operational level and can be HR management tool.
employed as part of the HR department Scorecard
performance management system. As a
Performance Scorecard - Call Center Your
Select logo
period September 2011
Trend * Results
k Increasing ü On or above targets
¬ Constant R Within tolerance limits
m Decreasing û Under target

performance management tool it assists in

Perspective / Goal Standard Previous Period Current Trend * Target % Target Results Comments
Strategic Objectives / KPIs m# reporting Results Results complete

Financial - 2 Strategic Objectives / 5 KPIs

% HR customer satisfaction with service levels # Satisfaction of employees with HR services # Employee complaints
Increase company profitability resolution timeliness % On-time delivery of HR service requests % HR operating expense rate # FTEs per HR de-
% Net profit margin sK467 7% 12% k 17% 68% û Comments Sep 2011

partment FTE $ Cost per hire $ Cost avoidance savings % HR budget variance # Open requisitions # Time to fill a
$ EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) sK190 M 224.548 240.568 k 200.000 120% R Comments Sep 2011

m R
vacant position % Performance appraisals completed on time % HR projects on time, on budget and according to
$ Net cash flow sK67 M 22.903 17.303 24.000 72% Comments Sep 2011
Optimize revenues and expenses
m ü
specifications % HR processes optimised # HR employee engagement index # Ideas for new / improved service from

monitoring the alignment of departmental

$ Cost per call (CPC) sK3977 M 0,26 0,14 0,20 69% Comments Sep 2011
$ Sales-to-date sk2345 Q 39.570 55.274 k 50.000 111% R Comments Sep 2011

HR employees # Certifications per HR employee # Training hours per HR full time equivalent (FTE) % HR employee
Customer- 3 Strategic Objectives / 6 KPIs
Maintain high levels of customer satisfaction
% Net promoter score
% Call abandon rate
Comments Sep 2011
Comments Sep 2011 satisfaction % HR employee turnover % HR customer satisfaction with service levels # Satisfaction of employees
Build and enhance the customer network
# New customers sK188 M 441 368 m 400 92% R Comments Sep 2011 with HR services # Employee complaints resolution timeliness % On-time delivery of HR service requests % HR op-
k û
erating expense rate # FTEs per HR department FTE $ Cost per hire $ Cost avoidance savings % HR budget variance
% Market share sK1282 Q 6% 8% 17% 48% Comments Sep 2011
Increase customer profitability

objectives with KPIs and in tracking their

k R
# Open requisitions # Time to fill a vacant position % Performance appraisals completed on time % HR projects on
$ Revenue per client sK4096 M 383 495 500 99% Comments Sep 2011
$ Average customer acquisition cost sK1367 M 5 22 k 5 440% û Comments Sep 2011
Internal Processes - 2 Strategic Objectives / 4 KPIs
Increase call handling efficiency time, on budget and according to specifications % HR processes optimised # HR employee engagement index #
m ü
Ideas for new / improved service from HR employees # Certifications per HR employee # Training hours per HR full
# Call handling time sK165 M 41 14 15 93% Comments Sep 2011
% Agent schedule adherence sK1384 M 93% 75% m 90% 83% R Comments Sep 2011
Optimize service delivery capability
% Processes optimized sk2284 M 34% 60% k 50% 119% R Comments Sep 2011 time equivalent (FTE) % HR employee satisfaction % HR employee turnover % HR customer satisfaction with service
m R
levels # Satisfaction of employees with HR services # Employee complaints resolution timeliness % On-time delivery
% Active running projects on time, on budget and according to specifications sk2863 M 65% 57% 60% 96% Comments Sep 2011
People, Learning & Growth - 3 Strategic Objectives / 6 KPIs

Build an environment that fosters creativity and innovation
# Employee engagement index sK1836 Q 37 35 m 65 54% û Comments Sep 2011

# Ideas for new / improved service from employees sK4657 M 25 47 k 20 235% ü Comments Sep 2011
Continuously develop skills and competences
m ü
Publication date: 1 March 2011
# Training hours per full time equivalent (FTE) sK7 M 17 16 20 80% Comments Sep 2011
% Employees meeting continuing professional development requirements sk4673 Q 95% 83% m 85% 98% R Comments Sep 2011
Nurture high performing and motivated employees
% Employee satisfaction sk5912 Q 76% 92% k 70% 132% R Comments Sep 2011 ID number: sK0117011
% Employee turnover sK1 M 4% 9% k 7% 135% ü Comments Sep 2011

* Trend = current vs. previous month results ** Figures expressed in thousands of dollars Data not available due to measure being inactive

Helicopter view business statistics Previous Current Trend Other comments

month month
Call Center - Snapshot 21 KPIs tracked in the scorecard with targets
# Employees 61 66  Min 2 KPIs for each objective
# Calls handled 22 22  3 Metrics monitored as statistics
$ Costs 32 37 
Template © eab group Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: (“Template Terms”)

The HR Dashboard is a ready-to-use KPIs for HR Dashboard contains the

instrument for managing and measuring the complete collection of KPIs that pre-populate
contribution of the Human Resources function the HR Performance Dashboard, in complete
to the overall organizational performance. The documentation form, ensuring
HR tool contains a repository of the most relevant KPIs for a proper and facile use of this core performance
Dashboard and widely spread HR KPIs used in order HR management tool.
Organisation logo

to track the HR services effectiveness and

1 of 1

performance at organizational level.
Customer Service - Inbound Call Center Dashboard
Aug 2011

Call Routing Performance Service Responsiveness

# Call volume
% Calls answered within service level time # On-hold time Target
% Blockage Target







27% 30% 28% 49% 58% 59% 41% 43% 48% 51% 50% 47% 45% 58% 43% 45% 10 9 9 9
24% 23% 23% 6 6 8 6 6 7
14% 5 5 5
8% 11% 8% 7%
2% 0%

# Call arrival rate

% Call drop rate (CDR) Target
% Call abandon rate Target # Average speed of answer (ASA) Target
# Employment brand strength % Job offer acceptance rate # Applicant ratio % Staffing rate % New hire failure %
Employee turnover # Employee tenure # Average time to promotion % Accession rate % Succession plans for key
5 5 5
39% 38% 37% 39% 37% 39% 37% 40% 36% 37% 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 30% 31% 34% 33% 3 3
4 4 22% 26%
2 2

positions # Management-to-staff ratio # Certifications per employee $ Human Capital Return on Investment (ROI)
3 3 3 3 18% 14% 20% 17% 13% 17%
1 1 1 11% 1 1
4% 2% 1%
% Call transfer rate

31% 30% 28%

# Text-Chat volume # Longest delay in queue Target # Average wait time before abandon Target
$ Human capital value added $ Overtime expense per full time equivalent (FTE) # Headcount # Compensation sat-
isfaction index $ Bonus payout $ Average hourly compensation rate # Entry level wage to local minimum wage %
15% 15% 16% 1.967 10 15 14
11% 14% 13% 10% 12% 1.4291.6201.4701.5211.2461.5841.6311.4481.306
957 923 1.311 6 7 6 11 10 11 11 10
13 11 10
13 13 12
5 3 3 3 4 5 4
2 2

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Unscheduled absence rate # Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) # Employee engagement index # Employee
satisfaction # Employee advocacy for products and services # Employee advocacy for the organization as an em-
2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011

Customer Satisfaction
ployer % Performance appraisals completed on time % Training penetration rate $ Training investment per full time
% Customer satisfaction with service levels Target
equivalent (FTE) % Training return on investment # Employment brand strength % Job offer acceptance rate # Appli-
cant ratio % Staffing rate % New hire failure % Employee turnover # Employee tenure # Average time to promotion
86% 87% 98% 99% 98%
62% 62% 55% 68% 51% 50% 72% 62%

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
2011 % Accession rate % Succession plans for key positions # Management-to-staff ratio # Certifications per employee $
Call Handling Performance
# After call work time Target
Human Capital Return on Investment (ROI) $ Human capital value added $ Overtime expense per full time equivalent
(FTE) # Headcount # Compensation satisfaction index $ Bonus payout $ Average hourly compensation rate # Entry
# Talk time Target
# Call handling # Longest call length Target
6 6 6 6 6 19time 18 16
5 5 5 14 14 15 15 13 15 15 14 14
4 4 4 4 4 9 11 12 12 10 12 12 10 11 11 20 18 18 18 17
5 6 7 12 15 12 10 12 10 11 11

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
level wage to local minimum wage % Unscheduled absence rate # Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) # Employee
engagement index # Employee satisfaction # Employee advocacy for products and services # Employee advocacy
2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011

Agent Performance for the organization as an employer % Performance appraisals completed on time % Training penetration rate $
Training investment per full time equivalent (FTE) % Training return on investment
% Agent utilization # Service requests per agent % Agent availability rate 95% % Agent schedule adherence
88% 87% 79%
75% 69% 80% 75% 70% 68% 58% 73% 61% 70% 62%
58% 47% 52% 66% 63% 59% 66%
46% 50 56% 55% 50% 98% 82% 86% 94%
38 42 40 37 35 34 72% 62% 65% 65% 68% 79% 90% 70% 79%

Publication date: 1 March 2011

25 30 22 28 26

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug

ID number: sK0117021
2010 2011 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011

Service Quality Customer Complaints Management

% Interactions routed % Customer complaints resolved on the first contact Target % Complaints resolved Target
% First contact resolution rate
56% 56% 55% 55% 92% 82% 98% 90% 99% 78% 87% 74%
31% 33% 42% 44% 38% 51% 53% 36% 38% 96% 79% 87% 81% 85% 96% 64% 85% 72% 58% 61% 66% 92% 55% 69% 83% 67% 71% 88% 52% 68%
65% 70% 52% 55% 84% 72% 57% 88% 51% 69%

$ Customer care funding per resolved complaint Target

% Customer satisfaction with complaints handling Target
% Repeat calls 42 45 49 40 46 37
% Accuracy in completion of records 33 36 36 28
21 22 22
27% 28% 30% 27% 25% 73% 71% 51% 78% 75% 83% 66% 70% 69% 62% 56% 97% 94%
19% 20% 16% 14% 19%
10% 11% 12% 75% 56% 83% 73% 73% 83% 58% 73% 93% 89% 98%89%
50% Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug 2010 2011
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug 2010 2011

Industry specific toolkits

2010 2011 2010 2011

Template © eab group Pty Ltd 2010. Terms of use available at: (“Template Terms”)

The HR Performance Management System

Toolkit is a ready-to-use collection of pre-
populated templates for managing performance
of the HR department and monitoring its 9 Real Estate 9 Medical Practice
HR contribution to the overall organizational
9 Library 9 Recruitment Agency
Management System
Toolkit The toolkit provides the instrumentary needed 9 Call Center 9 Restaurant
to put in place a sound and comprehensive HR
9 Retail 9 Sports Club
Performance Management System Architecture

performance management and measurement

Desired State of
Strategy Map Risk Log


Current State
Portfolio of Initiatives Performance Report

Environmental Scan Initiative Description KPI Description

Project Status Report KPI Trend Analysis



KPI Description

KPI Trend Analysis

Other publications from The KPI Institute

Individual Performance Plans pre-populated template. Developed for demonstration purposed only. To be customised as per the environment in which each organisation operates.

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