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The Qualitative Research effect using modern technology in the Academic

performance of Grade 11 Gas students of Our Mother Perpetual Succor


Today, one of the hot issues in technology is about technological devices.
Broadly speaking,all cellular phones, laptop and computers belong to
technological devices. There’s no denyingthat this technological devices has
become a significant part of students’ everyday lives. But thequestion is,
how are these devices affect the student’ learning? We are witnesses to
sick on howthe students learning affects by technological devices. Until
now we can read in the newspapersabout the good and the bad effects the
technological devices may give to the learning of thestudents.
Technology has always flourished for the gain of mankind. The major
achievements oftechnology have left man spell-bound and every part of
the world today is enjoying the comforts provided by technology. Thanks to
technology, all the countries are interlinked and we are nowliving in a
global village. Modern technology has greatly improved people's lives
throughdifferent fields such as medicine, work, education and industry,
especially education. However,we cannot say that technology is all good in
itself. It is a two-edged sword and we have to see towhat extent it has
really helped improved people's standard of living. There are many
possibleeffects on using it. And it depends only on the way the users used
it. They have to know how touse it for their benefit and should not abuse
its use. It should be properly used rather than rely onit totally.These
problems inspired the researcher to conduct a study about technological
devices. Theresearcher focused on how students should interact to those
technological devices in order toattain learning with the help of it.
This study aimed to know the impacts of modern educational devices in the
academic learningand lifestyle of Grade 11 Gas students in Our Mother
Perpetual Succor Academy. Specifically, it attempts toanswer the following

1.What are the negative impacts of modern technology to the academic

learning andlifestyle of Grade 11Gas students?

2.What are the positive impacts of some modern technology to the

academic learning andlifestyle of Grade 11 Gas students?

3.Is there a significant relationship between using modern technology and

the academiclearning and lifestyle of Grade 11 Gas ?

There is no significant relationship between using modern technology and
the academic learningand lifestyle of Grade 12 student.


This study is about the impacts of modern technology on the learning
performance of Grade 11 Gas students for this school year 2017-2018 .This
will benefit the Grade 11 Gas students for they will be more aware on using
modern technology to enhancetheir learning performance and not to abuse
of using it.This study was also used for the sake of their task and
responsibilities they may encounter intheir future when they are also
raising their own family. Through this study modern technologymay gain
insights on how to enhance the learner in using it. It may also be a great
help to them inimproving their skills. Most the studies deal with modern
technology in the school facilities. Thisstudy also benefited the professors
who also considered this study, for they will be more aware tothe
importance of these technological devices to enhance their performance in
teaching.To the future generation of students in the field of Information
Technology, motivate them howto use modern technological devices to fully
determined and reached their own skills and tocontribute to the world of
Information Technology.Lastly, to the future researcher, this paper will
surely contribute to our rich bulk of literature and body of knowledge.
Future researchers especially those who will conduct study on the same
orsimilar framework will gain insights from the substance of this


This study is limited on the impacts of educational devices in the academic
learning and lifestyleof Grade 12 students in NSU Campus. This study
focuses only to 30 Grade 12 students of NavalState University who are
using modern technological devices, are the subject of theinvestigation.
Each student will be given same set of questionnaire.This is also limited to
the objectives of the study since the researcher only wanted to
determinethe impacts of using modern technological devices to the
academic learning and lifestyle of theGrade 12 students. The attainment of
this study is dependent to the answers of the respondents.The respondents
are composed of students in different strand, in Naval State University.
Thestudy will be conducted in this school year 2017-2018. Any changes or
progress in details andupdated information beyond the said point are not
covered by the framework of this study

Listed below are terms taken from this thesis, which the researcher believe,
have to be defined.This is necessary to enable the future readers of this
thesis to easily understand the contents ofthis research.
Cellular phone refers to a mobile technology that allows you to
communicate with others.
Computer refers to a device that helps student to do their school works
and as for entertainment.
refers to portable computer devices that helps student, dotheir school
work and as for entertainment anywhere they want.
Multimedia refers to combined use of media, such as videos, movies,
music, games, presentation, print papers, and the Internet, as for
education or entertainment. Also, it isinteractive.
Negative Effects of Technological Devices
refers to the factors that the researcher believes,technological devices
degrade the learning performance of the students.
Positive Effects of Technological Devices
refers to the factors that the researcher believes,technological devices
improves and enhance the learning performance of the students.
Technological device refers to any device that helps you to do school
work as and as forentertainment. It is technology that allows those tasks to
be performed via cellular phone, PDA,vehicles, laptops, and computer

This parts deal with the theories and concepts related to the study.
According to Austin (2009),he explains the bases of Cognitive Theory of
Multimedia Learning (CTML) is based on threecognitive science principles
of learning: the human information processing system includes
dualchannels for visual/pictorial and auditory/verbal processing (i.e., dual-
channels assumption);each channel has limited capacity for processing
(i.e., limited capacity assumption); and activelearning entails carrying out a
coordinated set of cognitive processes during learning (forexample, active
processing assumption). The cognitive theory of multimedia learning
specifiesfive cognitive processes in multimedia learning: selecting relevant
words from the presented textor narration, selecting relevant images from
the presented illustrations, organizing the selectedwords into a coherent
verbal representation, organizing selected images into a coherent
pictorialrepresentation, and integrating the pictorial and verbal
representations and prior knowledge.Mayer (2010), the three cognitive
principles of learning, the CTML outlines seven factors ofmultimedia design,
multimedia principle (people learn better from words and pictures than
fromwords alone); spatial contiguity principle (people learn better when
related words and picturesare in close proximity); temporal contiguity
principle (people learn better when related wordsand pictures are close
together in time); coherence principle (people learn better when
irrelevantwords, pictures, and sounds are eliminated from the
presentation); modality principle (peoplelearn better from narration and
animation than from text and animation); redundancy principle(people
learn better from narration and animation compared to animation,
narration, and text);and individual differences principle (individuals with
low prior content knowledge andindividuals with high spatial skills benefit
most from animation and narration-presented), andevaluated these
principles based on transfer.Based on Osman (2008) - Transfer Theory.
The effect perspective: Positive vs. Negative transfer.Given that the
purpose of the current study focused on transfer, it is important to note
howtransfer can elicit both positive as well as negative outcomes. Positive
transfer is the primarygoal of education. What is learned in one context
helps enhance learning in a different context. Incontrast, negative transfer
is a type of error in learning where a previously learned contextinterferes
with the acquisition of an adaptive response to a new context that is similar
to the first(Cree & Macaulay, 2000). Negative interpretations prevent
relevant skill knowledge from beingapplied to practiced and unpracticed
goals which leads to negative transfer, whereas positiveassessments will
enable the transfer of relevant skilled knowledge to different goals.

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