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Human-made noise pollution in the Earth’s oceans and seas is becoming a serious threat to marine
wildlife. Scientists report that there is hardly an underwater place left where marine mammals can live in
peace and quiet. Dozens of species of whale, dolphin, turtle and other creatures rely on sound to
communicate, find mates and hunt for food. Their increasingly noisy environment is making it more and
more difficult to lead a normal life. This is according to a report from the International Fund for Animal
Welfare (IFAW), called "Ocean Noise: Turn it Down”. The environmental group says noise from shipping,
military sonar, oil and gas surveys, offshore construction and marine sports has reached dangerous levels
for sea life.
The IFAW says the distance over which blue whales can communicate is down by 90 per cent. It
also reports that in the past decade, many whales have become beached after being disorientated
because of loud noise. The group also warns that noise pollution is only going to get worse. It highlighted
the use of seismic surveys as one example of the extent of the problem. These generate incredibly loud
sounds every ten seconds that can travel 3,000 km. There are 90 survey ships active in the oceans today.
In addition, the number of ships sailing the seas will double by 2025. Mark Simmonds, a conservation
spokesman, said, "man-made noise is already triggering a kind of acoustic fog,” and called for a “response
to noise pollution in the underwater world”.

TRUE / FALSE: Look at the article’s headline and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false
a. The humans’ noise is threatening creatures living in the oceans. T/F
b. There are very few quiet places left in the oceans. T/F
c. Turtles use sound to hunt for food and look for a mate. T/F
d. An environmental group said noise from shopping upset whales. T/F
e. The distance over which blue whales can communicate has increased. T/F
f. Noise pollution can mean whales lose their way and die on beaches. T/F
g. The number of ships on the seas will triple in the next 20 years. T/F
h. An environmental spokesman said it’s very foggy in the oceans. T/F
SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article:
1. threat a. starting
2 marine b. live
3. rely c. answer
4. lead d. aquatic
5. levels e. confused
6. distance f. danger
7. disorientated g. scale
8. extent h. amounts
9. triggering i. length
10. response j. depend

Grammar Focus
Elliptical Constructions adalah proses penggabungan dua kalimat yang berbeda subject, namun
memiliki kata kerja (verb) dan pelengkap (complement) yang sama. Elliptical construction bisa juga
diartikan dengan suatu kalimat yang dibentuk dengan cara menghilangkan beberapa bagian kalimat yang
sama. Tujuan dari dari penghilangan beberapa kalimat tersebut adalah agar kalimat tersebut lebih
pendek dan lebih efektif.
Pada penerapan atau contoh penggunaan Elliptical Construction terdapat tiga jenis yang umum
digunakan. Positive elliptical construction (too dan so), negative elliptical construction (neither dan either)
dan contrary elliptical construction (but/while).

1. Positive Elliptical Construction Too dan So

Too dan So digunakan untuk menyederhanakan kalimat positif. Keduanya memiliki arti “juga” dalam
bahasa indonesia.

Rumus dari positive elliptical construction (adalah sebagai berikut :

S + V/Tobe + O + and + S + Auxiliary + Too

S + V/Tobe + O + and + So + auxiliary + S

Contoh penggunaan So dan Too dalam kalimat:

✓ I eat fried chicken and she does too. (Aku makan ayam goreng dan dia juga.)
✓ I like this song and you do too. (Aku suka lagu ini dan kamu juga.)
✓ My big brother like to listen music and so do I. (Kakakku suka mendengarkan musik dan aku
✓ I want to eat fried rice and so does she. (Aku ingin makan nasi goreng dan dia juga.)

2. Negative Elliptical Construction (Either dan Neither)

Either dan neither juga bisa diartikan dengan “juga” dan digunakan dalam bentuk kalimat negative.

Rumus negative elliptical construction (Either dan Neither):

Kalimat negative + and + S + negative + either

kalimat negative + and + neither + positive + subject

Contoh penggunaan Elliptical Construction bentuk negative (Either dan Neither)

✓ I can’t come to your birthday party and Randu can’t come either. (Aku tidak dapat datang ke
pesta ulang tahunmi dan Randubtidak dapat juga.)
✓ I didn’t watch the film and you did not either. (Aku tidak menonton film dan kamu juga.)
✓ They don’t finish the homework and neither do we. (Mereka tidak menyelesaikan PR nya dan
begitu juga kami.)
✓ I did’nt go to office yeserday, and neither did she. (Aku tidak berangkat kerja kemarin, dan dia

3. Contrary Elliptical Construction (But)

But merupakan elliptical construction yang digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat yang
berlawanan dalam bahasa inggris atau contrary elliptical construction.

Contoh kalimat penggunaan contrary (but):

✓ I can come to your house, but Murni can not. (Aku bisa datang kerumah mu tetapi Murni tidak
✓ It will rain but I do not bring an umbrella. (Ini akan hujan tetapi aku tidak membawa payung.)
✓ Yura can come to her party but I can not. (Yura bisa datang ke pestamu tetapi aku tidak bisa.)

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