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TOPIC/LESSON NAME Lesson 1- Starting points for understanding of culture, society, and politics

CONTENT STANDARDS The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

1. Human cultural variation, social differences, social change, and political identities
2. The significance of studying culture, society, and politics
3. The rationale for studying anthropology, political science, and sociology
PERFORMANCE The learners:
STANDARDS 1. Acknowledge human cultural variation, social differences, social change, and political identities
2. Adopt an open and critical attitude toward different social, political, and cultural phenomena through observation and reflection
3. Appreciates the value of disciplines of anthropology, sociology, and political science as social sciences
LEARNING COMPETENCIES 1. Discusses the nature, goals and perspectives in/of anthropology, sociology and political science.
2. Analyze the concept, aspects and changes in/of culture and society.
3. Explain the importance of cultural relativism in attaining cultural understanding.

SPECIFIC LEARNING At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
OUTCOMES a. Identify the anthropology, social science and political science;
b. Discuss different cultural, political, social issues in the Philippines;
c. Create a role play by sharing various cultural, social and political behavioral patterns that they observed and experienced in their
society ;

Understanding Culture Society and Politics

Lesson Outline:
1. Introduction: Questioning
2. Motivation: Word Puzzle
3. Instruction and Delivery: Interactive discussion about the Starting points for understanding of culture, society, and politics
4. Practice: Role playing
5. Enrichment: Venn Diagram
6. Evaluation: Essay

RESOURCES Curriculum Guide, UCSP book first edition,

MATERIALS Laptop, Manila paper, Marker,

INTRODUCTION (15 minutes) Skills Used:

 Greetings  Verbal Communication

 Building Connections (Tapping
Question; Schema)

“What issues and events in our society/ country that concerns you today?

Teaching Tip:

Develop the student responses and

connect them to the lesson objective.

MOTIVATION (20 minutes)

Arrange Me. Students will arrange the following scrabbled words.
Social Science
Political Science
Culture consists of the beliefs, behaviors, objects, and other characteristics common to the members of a particular group or society.
Through culture, people and groups define themselves, conform to society's shared values, and contribute to society. Thus, culture
Teacher Tips:
includes many societal aspects: language, customs, values, norms, mores, rules, tools, technologies, products, organizations, and

institutions. Solicit ideas from students.

Sociologists define society as the people who interact in such a way as to share a common culture. The cultural bond may be Ensure participation of each
ethnic or racial, based on gender, or due to shared beliefs, values, and activities. The term society can also have students.
a geographic meaning and refer to people who share a common culture in a particular location. 

Sociology is a branch of social science that deals with the study of society, groups, norms, (laws, practices, patterns of
behavior; a belief of what is acceptable; unwritten rules on how to behave), organizations.
In short, Sociology is the study of human society and social problems.
Society is a term used by sociologist to refer to group of people who share a culture and territory (Henslin, 2003). It is
important to study society because social forces these affect our lives; and in turn, our collective behavior define social

Anthropology is the systematic study of humankind. It is from the words: Anthopos which means man and logos mean
word/study. It deals with the scientific study of man, his works, his body, his behavior and values in time and space.

Anthropology is the scientific study of the physical, social and cultural development and behavior of human beings since
their appearance on earth. It studies man`s works and achievements in the arts, sciences, technology, literature, music,
inventions, architecture and sculpture. It is the biological foundations, physical similarities & differences, evolution, his
behavior, in politics, religion, social life, religion and health.
Anthropology has four key sub-disciplines: 1. Physical anthropology; 2. Archaeology; 3. Linguistics and 4. Cultural

It is important to study sociology and anthropology so we can understand society and people`s culture better that
will help us find ways on how to address social issues and improve our social relationship to one another.

To Bluntsehli, Political Science is the science of State. According to French writer Paul Janet Political science is
the branch of social science which treats the foundations of the state and principle of government.

For Maurice Duverger, “The state is an organized power in the society. It is both the instrument by which certain
groups dominate others, an instrument used in the interest of the rulers and to the disadvantage of the ruled,- and
also a mean of ensuring a particular social order, of achieving some integration of the individual and the collectivity
for the general good…”

The 4 elements of the state:

Government is the political organization through which the collective will of the people is formulated, expressed and
executed. Government is also an organization that possesses the legitimate means of coercion in a society.
It is important to study political science because as citizens we have specific roles and responsibilities towards the state.

The state has also a duty to uphold the rights of the citizens.

PRACTICE (30 minutes) Skills Used:

Students will be sharing various cultural, social and political behavioral patterns that they observed and experienced in  Interpersonal skills
their society.  Verbal Communication
 Collaborative skills

ENRICHMENT(15 minutes) Skills Used:

Venn Diagram  Verbal Communication

 Critical Thinking
Using the list of issues, , they will classify the issues according to the discipline that these can be studied. Write the issue  Collaboration
within the circle on the appropriate disciple.
For the issues that can be studied under two disciplines, write them on spaces A, B or C. For items be studied under all
three disciplines, write them on the space D.



Skills Used:

EVALUATION (10 minutes)  Written Communication

 Analyzing
Essay  Critical thinking

1. Why is it we need to study anthropology, social science and political science?

2. As a 21st century student how will you promote your culture to other persons?
3. How can you describe the political system of the Philippine government?

Prepared by: Teacher SKY CANADA APOSTOL

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