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(NT 0501/0901 Fifth Semester 3 Years LL.B/IX Semester B.A. LL.B/B.B.A. LL.B. (5 Years) Duration : 3 Hours Instructions: 1. Examination, December 2014 CPC & LIMITATION ACT questions. Max. Marks : 100 Answer question No. 9 and any five (5) of the remaining 2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each. 3. Answer should be written either in English or Kannada completely. Rawr: 1, 28 9a) ewdos, arto ered cingemaidn ach seen wgon Q.No. 1. Q. No. 2. Q.No. 3. Q.No. 4. Q.No. 5. 2, 38.94 20 woe arin wed Bs Szp 16 woerte, o “Every suit shall be Instituted in the court of lowest grade competent to try it”. Comment. "aackood moalaiay u8 dnd eOmcaing mainvaiao, BawBwsed”. wesear. Explain the general and other rules of pleading. OHS BC mine, wore asd Aodsanvay adox. Explain the consequences of appearance and non-appearance of parties in a suit. Tsiobd, Sede coum’ sds) fPoeawoosctood eros Zormasnda), O0%. Whatis injunction ? State the grounds and procedure for issuing a order of temporary injunction. Sdodnes aoddeadd 2 wsyO8 Bdoinedoday srdareo eawRoremd wGed se) gods, SPR, State the purpose for which receiver can be appointed. What are the powers and function of receiver and when they can be removed ? oxeatot way Seabed ands endear, 892, OATS CORT sos) erento oinaa) mone axd Secbmodaday wer Srichmvwwon> 7 5 engdnday, Hoxprran achtartsd, eps Baece, wsondd, P.T.O. 0501/0901 Q.No. 6. Q.No. 7. Q.No. 8. Q.No. 9. (ANE rovided under 2 What are appeals ? State the classes of appeal P| CPC. enecignve cinaide acd s¥iday engoro. Q.No. 1. Q.No. 2. Q. No. 3, Q. No. 4, Q. No. 5. 5) B83. 9¥ 20 woert aoro wed sériert de016 wosrieh 8) engorivay doaroramn sontarsO, wai xadO, wdom9. Discuss the rules in C.P.C. relating to transfer of suits. Marks : many smrsrit doses Ome Gioin AobsobOnds Rodabrya, 22320, Briefly describe the different parts of a plaint. Marks : wo aa3 wpa, ASHEN Bese AO. Explain the different modes of service of summons. Marks : Aabatay morovasd 20q O~naivey ORONO. What are the different modes of executing a decree ina money suit ? Marks = Dremrd Boda sadporieems 293 Nqnane oinas)? e What Is a commission ? What are the circumstances in which a commission may be appointed ? Marks : voieenssodenh? cans AOBtIE ND, sodeensk Robaweorbsd ? Max. Marks : 100 16 16 P.T.O. 0501/0901 2 (a0 Q. No. 6. What is revision ? How does it differ from an appeal ? Maree WBSOPaIF Doddead? wed aoeqacdrod seri ye=eNd ? Q. No. 7. Whatis an acknowledgement of debt ? What is its effect on Marks : 16 limitation ? DHHS AYCBS DOWSeRd? Toy WONwod ses wad Dorms? Q. No. 8. Write notes on any two of the following : Marks : 2x8=16 (a) Bar on jurisdiction (b) Set off and counter claim (c) Condonation of delay. SB BNSANEO, oinayce AAR HOB Was wIowd: (a) WA Mgecrod Bes ZIwow (b) sheaits, abv) sat (c) avowsaD SQAE. Q. No. 9. Answer any two of the following : Marks : 2x10=20 BIMNSANS olmaAce avsay ovgoro: (a) Ramesh is a permanent resident of Belagavi and Ashok is a permanent resident of Dharwad. Ramesh has taken a loan from Ashok at Belagavi. He has not repaid the loan till today. Ashok has instituted a suit for the recovery of the said loan, against Ramesh at Dharwad. Ramesh has raised objection as to the jurisdiction. Decide. Oxoedad tivmnod mys NerrACUNNG exacts madmad neg AmArcnNMs. Osea exartnod BYMm2bO moni? > adores es smdne & MOD sdwbms3 nae, etart mdmed ARCRYOHAQ, dsoess dds wD Mod BocomessmohA mpdateods DLADd as. osoevad ARMROeddrosa, BOs wb earBada ages QBFOrO, {no Ut a 3. 0501/0901 (b) Mahesh had sued Anirudh for defamation. The suit was decided in favour of Mahesh. Anirudh has preferred an appeal against the judgement of trial court. Mahesh died during the pendency of appeal. LRs of Mahesh have applied for being impleaded as respondents. Decide. Rbaieda eadAxs cde Snsmomn coiodsy, BRAG. S moto Sass com ayeraohsy. M,GROCDA SBWS OF wacdAad soegnooday, SnamDs. Seyanad BBBFMMS orsoixe sada NGrsoodays. shaw MALN FAQS Beagnys FAQNI, DDI oMoToWo RBrSiaywedom evr obey Ava. QGFOXO. (c) Ketan is a tenant in the house of Sameer for last 30 years. Sameer is now in need of the house for his own occupation. He has filed a petition for eviction against Ketan. Ketan contends that he has become owner by adverse possession. Decide. desiad 880 30 Sar rived Sods ahSobY wwarimdmoAas. Bs Raoedart By Aes SVAN G shSad eax sokootswoNnd. eam seed OG, dads spdarwo earavs, Brands. sess ms Tsvno sooo sad ecdodrmondsonn HORS APFORO. OCU 000 00 Fifth Semester 3 Year LL.B/Ninth Semester 5 Year B.A.,LL.B./ Duration : 3 Hours B.B.A., LL.B. Examination, December 2016 CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE AND LIMITATION ACT Instructions: 1. Answer Q. No.9 and any five of the remaining. 2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each. 3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. Ravdrvd: 0. 389 ave werd, cinaieacd Bevan ewzgOx0 Q.No. 1. Q.No. 2. Q. No. 3. Q. No. 4. 2, B¥ 94 20 eodriv> morte wwe Zeteri sep 16 wosried 2. engoriday Aompror aonachrar sd, emmAAwad woodeice. Discuss the provisions of CPC relating to place of suing. Marks : TED BLATo AVHS2 ¥Os) OMA Fsorw FobsoHgs estvognvny iF 80. What is a written statement ? What should it contain ? Marks Bimd wssodde? wad day wetrosdrsed ? What is an ex-parte decree ? What are the remedies available against an ex-parte decree ? Marks = OBIE B§ DodeR? DBE BgoaD HOD Qos Tomadrvend? Whatare issues ? Explain how they are framed, amended and struck off. Marks : Dmomoownsonded. 2 eanyan Ben duvomgyd, Ss areemmgs ane sichmsenregc acwaay AXOxO. 0501/0901 Max. Marks : 100 16 216 P.T.O. 0501/0901 Q.No. 5. Q.No. 6. Q. No. 7. Q.No. 8. Q. No.9. N00 Who are the parties to a suit ? Discuss joinder of parties and effect of non-joinder. tomb masta sieeddh aime? axed Aces a8 AGE ATODNAD DOraonieay, wes 20. 2. Marks : 16 Whatis the procedure for institution of suit by an indigent person? Marks : 16 AGES Again arsiaay eoder eadtortiennd Esjovuevese) DBORO. Explain the provisions of the Limitation Act in respect of condonation of delay. Marks : 16 Deoudsiad SHQHHGS Hod mDoWons SQAowdaos eMBLOGNES, OSOXO. Write notes on any two of the following : Marks : 2x8= 16 a) Stay of suits b) Interlocutory applications c) Prescription. Bi BeNsaNd cingae adaay HOB ested woo: a) trio soto Aaibsd b) adbgosdedened C) Oesir moe elneroOsov. Answer any two of the following : Marks : 2x10=20 ragmadde add, egox: a) Subhash is a permanent resident of Ballary and Anandis a permanent resident of Kolar. Subhash has made an agreement with Anand at Ballary for supply of certain quantity of paper every month. The parties to the agreement have agreed that if any dispute arises between them, the same shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Civil Court at Tumkur. Decide the validity of the agreement. (NO 0 a + b) Cc RowoRtad wey dad DBS AMWACHANEA. SSoNad Foceods DYES NVWAUHNATN, GS Yori wom dora, Ganev BONTAY PILVoon AyWA SHocaooOi wreSadd, ROD. wHessay ANBWOBAR. Quo Bos atngyae sod WRONG Std Sdedeoos Oma QAIpvahs ayodngecrog weltesees Dowd Si Lond WRC wLAPS. St wsoss MABE SSOHAY OOF ORO. Mahesh has sued Anirudh for defamation. Mahesh died during the pendency of the suit. LRs (Legal heirs) of Mahesh have made an application for being impleaded as plaintiffs. Decide. WSs CdHGS Oda AvsTMAMNA tod cosorday, BBS. 3s essa os BBE SONIS Howes" seieda> Agnsinoom, WIewss moaoe) was BHAOMed Bayo St Tosobo, spongod ACIAABOYO VRFOH BVA. DEIFONAO. Ramesh has taken a loan of Rs. 50,000 from Ashok on 20-10-2010. He has not repaid the loan till today. Ashok has instituted a suit against Ramesh for the recovery of the said loan, on 15-9-2015. Ramesh has not raised any objection regarding limitation, in his written statement. Can the Court hear and decide the suit ? Oshedad 20-10-2010 cord exoesdod AOSD Ae. 50,000 TD, DSRBOBMS, sir esd eda, hdmss sna, v MOG BHOTON Ssaesa TsdewS NWF, 15-9-2015 dowd 0501/0901 Lom mach Boamp, chew sf GIs sco, MOTON.IAHN Bos) NA|Te UBeWBabAy Snag, MRL) oy mrBovay, RMBs VOB Ororatorwwdsde 2 IANO 0 0 0501/0901 V Semester 3 Year LL.B. / IX Semester 5 Year B.A.LLB/B.B.A. LL.B. Examination, June/July 2016 CPC AND LIMITATION ACT Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Instructions: 1. Answer Q. No.9 andany five (5) of the remaining questions. 2. Q. No.9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each. . Answer should be written either in English/Kannada completely. Ravens: i ay, 9 a son Sone MIBANID arABmDade 5 Benen OVBOAO. 2, B¥.9 420 eoered sive ered Bs SEN 16 woeiivd. 3. wogdnday omotor aonwcheaPdY, / exsaA, wdome. o Q. No. 1. What is Suit ? Write about the suits of civil nature with examples. Toss LOUISE? Nae A,GaTs Tosiny wos wwmoBTrseoON wow. Q.No. 2. Discuss about the fundamental rules of pleading. OS aaowrdes Qodsond vod wer Aro. Q. No.3. Discuss the CPC provisions relating to the Appeals. SACOM BOT Osos GEowD Aokso MswoRneay, 2esEA0. Q. No. 4. Explain the suits of particular cases with special reference to the suits by or against the government. AFCO ems Amro abss manent Qvex wayentsos Dba Oesors casin¥ #Os) DVONO, P.T.O. 0501/0901 Q_No.5. 2 Explain the CPC provisions relating to the feed injunctions. . Whatis legal disability ? Discuss the provisions in Limitation Act affording protection under such ee Q.No.9. (c) Indigent Person. aErae Solve any two of the following : Marks :2x10=20 Magnea SCZORO: (a) ‘A residing in Delhi publishes in Calcutta statements of defamatory to B. The news paper is circulated in Bombay, Madras and Raipur. B wants to file a suit against A. Where he can sue ? Advise him. Szocnd Sats Nos BE ot WUT MTA > 0501/0901 (d) ‘A enters into an agreement jointly with B and C to sell 100 tins of oll, A thereatter refuses to deliver the goods, ‘B) and ‘© together want to file @ suit for damages against ‘A’. Can they do so ? Advise them, WOARED 100 OH TYR SAWedSan ‘8’ SQ AN Kod aged Raskehae OSS, STR Ssat Bako AHVDHA SARS RNB’ WS ‘Cako 'A'S QS, Bowtadwade TRS mR LADD oskh at Sacwradde? sow Qa (c) Awants to file a suit against B. As the court was closed due to the holiday and that being the last day of the limitation; he could not file the suit. Mr. A seeks extension of limitation period — will he succeed ? ‘Aod> ‘Bad QHG cad ws Eadeo naboaa sas saxdoks Ray vim asks ade shyt SQ Sse asses VS EH Edad OQsRe snd ade Hass Hdsdo Fit MS RFs sik mom Sood RAS WOQ wad QYTRTHA seodsier A > nobis ? (ANU A 0501/0901 Fifth Semester 3 Year LL.B/Ninth Semester 5 Year B.A.,LL.B./ B.B.A., LL.B. Examination, December 2016 CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE AND LIMITATION ACT Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Instructions: 1. Answer Q. No.9 and any five of the remaining. 2. Q.No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each. 3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. datkired: 0. B89 ade evediinve, cinaniened gyrively evgOoro. 5. BB 9% 20 eosne zone wea xgpen geo 16 CoEne. “7% * a. engoriday, Ropar aN soneaso, epmeacd, endodoe3ed). Q. No. 1. Discuss the provisions of CPC relating to place of suing. Marks : 16 Ta Beaton Avda, 203 AD Ds cin FoksoHOs enmwomndar we3F 20. Q. No.2. Whatis a written statement ? What should it contain ? Marks : 16 gsmd BE Sondex> 9 ea ada, wPRooBdses ? Q.No. 3. Whatis an ex-parte decree ? What are the remedies available against an ex-parte decree 2) Marks : 16. nb8nr B83 aocidend? OBpF Bsora tod rads BomTrvead 7 Q.No. 4. Whatare issues ? Explain how they are framed, amended and struck off. Marks : 16 perce 2 vanvay Berk cusemgyd, saowva enrog carte Srichaadenrogs dowdy abx0, P.T.O. 0501/0901 Q. No. 5. Q. No. 6. Q. No. 7. Q. No. 8. Q. No, 9. i jn 0 001 Who are the parties to a suit ? Discuss joinder of parties and Marks : 16 effect of non-joinder. word Epalaty seymUdh snd? aixodd Aer s aa ReBFALODA#Ox Sormanysy esr 0. Whatis the procedure for institution of suit by an indigent Marks : 16 person ? ARES Agoseeygs cocioway alode easxoxeicaocd Hg oxv0H 8), DBOVO. Explain the provisions of the Limitation Act in respect of Marks : 16 condonation of delay. Ovoumich sbarbgad dos mesons egrowadd eusvoresy, DBORO, Write notes on any two of the following : Marks : 2x8= 16 a) Stay of suits b) Interlocutory applications c) Prescription. & BENSINVE ctmAGe aves Hos Used wdowo: a) cesot Sov Nob b) sdgtosd entrnid Cc) Om@Prmoed dormond. Answer any two of the following : Marks : 2x10=20 GaBmcdie avag ewgor: @) Subhash is a permanent resident of Ballary and Anandis a permanent resident of Kolar. Subhash has made an agreement with Anand at Ballary for supply of certain quantity of paper every month. The parties to the agreement have agreed that if any dispute arises between them, the same shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Civil Court at Tumkur, Decide the validity of the agreement. b) c) s+ Abia weRdAH) mo¥3 Nenratnnang. edocs éaeends} nes Aaprcsonms, 2 sori cots aora, Banco ricky Ragabgion xyoskb edoctooort “930009, hom toc anatnoam” aus dads cangiete arncs WAPAGO ect Habkood Ommd modnecd ayosinpecres weneatiess aomd & wads aed named. o wads Mawr ssoay ror avr0. Mahesh has sued Anirudh for defamation. Mahesh died during the pendency of the suit. LRs (Legal heirs) of Mahesh have made an application for being impleaded as plaintiffs. Decide. DMBewa wags aodq ansmamn word cosiowsy, BRAS. 1 mossow gs.Gravms Sooovode haews APeaodoA. ahaleds mated Aas Beagrie sake wi triobd, Ono Ardarseyoo evrabm Sans. DLIFONAO. Ramesh has taken a loan of Rs. 50,000 from Ashok on 20-10-2010. He has not repaid the loan till today. Ashok has instituted a suit against Ramesh for the recovery of the said loan, on 15-9-2015. Ramesh has not raised any objection regarding limitation, in his written statement. Can the Court hear and decide the suit ? Cetoegad 20-10-2010 dort extartned musHN da. 50,000 rive stécbtecamms. ssid ext ect) sichendis inay, 9 mod ateomn ederds debes Oebo 15-9-2015 docb noch crdabat, meamy. debrdt 3s samc aya, momoaosavm2 wow anAde vtsaiobay Aray, AACRLADS) si soba Amar ana Dror caortoabete 9 0501/0901 An 8 0501/0901 V Semester 3 Years LL.B./IX Semester 5 Year B.A. LL.B./B.B.A. LL.B. Duration : 3 Hours Examination, June/July 2017 CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE AND LIMITATION ACT Max. Marks : 100 Instructions: 1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five (5) of the remaining questions. 2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions. carry 16 marks each. 3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. Aadddrds: 1. 389s ego arto edad, dnaendda 6 Sener Q.No. 1 Q_No. 2. Q. No, 3. Q. No, 4. epgoro. ; B59 20 code adap med ga sep 16 cotrb. . uganda domprorsnn soheatsd, og seco, wot. er Explain the different kinds of the Jurisdictions of the Civil Court: Marks : 16 Omid moinecbid avg Sede AA, URHRONIA QSOAO. Explain the provisions of CPC relating to the parties to the suit, theirjoinder, misjoinder and non-joinder. Marks : 16. mob we modo, esd Aeaira, 8a) Aes Hono Hee eowasnd HORG Osos Byodw Aobsow enswomnday SOKO, ‘ Define the terms judgement and decree and state the difference between the judgement and decree. Marks : 16 seg aod) a8, ccinvay sagan carte waidiad seksi Q0es AeAnday Bevo. Explain briefly the general principles of execution of decree. Marks : 16 sod eadend Brome Maing, BTWvay AosgeDN AOR. P.T.0. 0501/0901 Q.No. 5. Q. No. 6. Q.No. 7. Q.No. 8, Q.No. 9. NU 0 008 2 Explain the provisions of C.P.C. relating to the discovery, inspection and production of documents. Cimeeeony Aodacds, does aoe) vad sOxboe Home Omoed BIOIn AotoSor woaiwomnsy, DBORO. Marks : 16 Explain the kinds of issues and state the provisions of CPC relating to the framing of issues. Deotmwy wrodrvsy astono ade Daocnounivay, onams BOsoNcS Oswrd agokn Aossow evmwognves, BO) DEVO. Marks : 16 Discuss the provisions of Limitation Act relating to the exclusion of time in legal proceedings. Marks : 16 BAAD gad uddirdaon monosoda Goodaawoer OWRD BONDS CHQODWA enmwopndsy, 2323 F-A0. Write short note on any two of the following : Marks : 8x2=16 BENE TVO, ied adaé, oxo ums wdowo: (a) Commission Bosnen: (b) Foreign judgement DBD SeOyr (c) Disability in limitation. MOMSOHY, AAS (NHS). Solve any two of the following problems : Marks ; 10x2=20 BenaAnvd, 2 Beda TGA. TOBON: (a) ‘A’ sues ‘B’ in a foreign Court. The suit is dismissed. Thereafter, ‘A’ wants to file the same suit against ‘B’ in India on the same cause of action. Whether he can institute a suit — Decide. ‘N aoundao 'B’ dad Ade McRvohBO roms aos Baws, o mack senrterygd. sadodd ‘A’ ot erie ae, tg, 'B! ch Ady ynosd motnechdo, mei Baden WORDS, Saad mort Bnawade 2 Hear own, (ON A * 0501/0901 (b) ‘A’ files suit against ‘B’ to recover money on a_pronote. ‘B’ contends that the said pronote was obtained from him by undue influence. Can ‘B’ succeed in his contention. Decide. MMS BS sGodspowd shed Bea Sawdmen ‘A’ obo ‘B! 3 O0G Be Hed ms coached, ss me asaah oa, BoeG eas Heme wed wdowasageond sod ‘B’ ot SROATIS. SACO, 'B’ coy wodemade? NGFOA. (c) At the time when the cause of action arose, Mr. X was: full of age and sound mind. But the fact that he shortly afterwards becomes insane. Can this fact affect the running of time of limitation. Decide. Rw, MIP NGHAG Aadobagy, X acumsso Herre sonsnebe aoe 2 AR DWiaPswNncae wi Bab. “eas Foe dard acedcd exis abauabrmorband, ved ot abaxiabeo AonIed) TON30d Labgan, WOPMDIALYIGSe 7? AGFOR. aa 0501/0901 V Semester 3 Year LL.B.X Semester 5 year B.A., LL.B/B.B.A., LL.B. Examination, December 2017 CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE AND LIMITATION ACT Max. Marks : 100 Duration ; 3 Hours Instructions: 1. Answer Q. No.9 and any five of the remaining questions. 2. Q.No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each. 3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada Completely. Hattie: 1. 38 9 ma wed seve ainda any nugo40. Q.No, 1. Q.No. 2. Q.No. 3. > Q.No. 4. 2, G8 99 20 woo aie werd super sem 16 woonth 3 ogee, HoGolaF D1) SOM eWHODD CRD ELIT, 2100000, Explain the provisions of Civil Procedure Code, 1908 in respect of transfer of suits. Marks : 16 mode amraréh RowoHrdos ado Omotd Bsodn Hobs, 19080 ensiwominga, DBONO, Describe briefly the different parts of a plaint. Marks : 16 MBDsBPIS DAZ ope, Rossa Beorno. Explain ‘Revision’. What are the conditions for exercise of Marks ; 16 revisional jurisdiction ? ‘@por awe cay ABOLO, Badrasros ehed my,2j0d02 BROIL BO. “aidzondes 7 What is the procedure for institution of suits by or against partnership firms constituted under the Partnership Act ? Marks ; 16 MomDoM eHAcwdBG Bord, ceuneDNd.s meds Ronee adam waa DodmoN msinvay Bade drs 405 ox 2 P.T.O. 0501/0901 Q.No. 5. Q.No. 7. Q.No. 8. Q.No. 9. 2 Discuss about ‘arrest before judgement’. Marks : 16 'SeBFS Bosr DANO! os Boog) wrsr AO. . Whatare the different modes of execution of a decree ? Marks : 16 Akod Eademdob DHF Soares? Discuss acknowledgement of debt under the Limitation Act. Marks : 16 MTOM wVONodatsd wBoi”, mw rego HOS w3F HO. Write short notes on any two of the following : Marks : 2x8=16 6 (a) Set-off (b) Substantive and Procedural Laws (c) Adverse Possession. Bs BeNdande, conade adda dod oF '3a3P3 w50000. (@) ses0s339, (9) Moyes (2skoss38) soe Deodnge mxmsorivo (8) B2keo A, Hes. Answerany two of the following with reasons : Marks : 2x10=20 (a) Anil has instituted a suit against Suresh for the recovery of a loan alleged to be advanced by him to Suresh. Suresh has appeared in the suit, but has not presented his written statement. Anil contends that not presenting written statement amounts to implied admission of all facts in the plaint. Decide. wavs sox Adedan Aradesos. Sed mod oman Adds AG cosioinois named. OD, Ud mdr, Udoa Fame aay aeadie Bao MOW,TO, Beyoos AY, SRne ene wonewoderondosrors SORTS. Dede CORD. oe mbed v miodd, mumicde 33 a abaad 0 0 0 0 0 a (b) Ramesh has instituted a suit against Keshav for recovery (c of loan. While instituting the suit he claimed only the principal amount, omitting the interest by over sight. Now he wants to claim the interest. Advise him. Babe edad Oc mod adds Eten Beam”. aosoday Baran ena eto eaony ang, de eisapomen udobes eve sbdsead eri ese nAcdess seven woken extant Roa deo. Santosh has taken a loan of Rs. 50,000 from City Bank on 10-5-2013. He had a fixed deposit of Rs. 75,000 in the same branch of City Bank, which matured on 16-10-2017. The Bank deposited the proceeds of the fixed deposit in the SB account of Santosh, after deducting the loan amount and interest thereon. Santosh wants to recover the amount so adjusted by the Bank. Advise him. Rosmeas 10-5-2013d0m) A2%3 w,08D00 Op. 50,000n¢ Mose BBOGWS. vad © Ay dots ede sosdobe, Gn. 75, door? ack Bededosay, BaodGed. 16-10: -2017d0R ead vag aomodmmond. eds Spshod xosmenad Aeaiend mod dagaey wa, sade 8a3 ane wed Broa w,08 Aesatis ervscoh shes war Awad. 8 008 8a3 dnad steady sind Snden dogneiso wobrans. exer sos 280. 0501/0901 V Semester 3 Year LL.B/IX Semester 5 year B.A., LL.B/B.B.A., LL.B. Duration : 3 Hours Examination, December 2017 CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE AND LIMITATION ACT Instructions: 1. Answer Q. No.9 and any five of the remaining questions. 2. Q.No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each. 3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada Completely. Ravin: 1. BF 9 aby wwe FAW. awaice aay wyora Q.No. 1. Q.No. 2. Q.No. 3. Q.No. 4. by BF 98 20 woes DH wea HAnert sen 16 woenka 3. cugorie TOPO DN SON EDNODD CPD FIO 2x08 Explain the provisions of Civil Procedure Code, 1908 in respect of transfer of suits. Marks : Tan? SmrSe HowoHrdos ads Omord agokn Aots, 19080 ensiwogineay 280x0. Describe briefly the different parts of a plaint. Marks : apcdeiggpodd Daq) worinday XosgewN SedrA0. Explain ‘Revision’. What are the conditions for exercise of revisional jurisdiction ? Marks : ‘WRAP cay ABOAS. Baorawrob eord aR. gobay, werommer adds "adeorides 2 What is the procedure for institution of suits by or against partnership firms constituted under the Partnership Act ? Marks : MWMWOM SHAD wBobd, cusemAws meomodm owed BoA eR aodgeN cosines, BnBeo ads Bgos OS 2 0501/0901 Max. Marks : 100 16 16 P.T.O. 0501/0901 Q.No. 5. Q.No. 6. Q.No. 7. Q.No. 8. Q.No. 9. 0 a Discuss about ‘arrest before judgement’. VaornS 'SeLFS TPBe BZN od BOs wesr20. What are the different modes of execution of a decree ? Marks : 16 Bob wmend0b DOG DQapansedd? Marks : 16 Discuss acknowledgement of debt under the Limitation Act. OTN EOREbadS vBoid, mo 26980) Os WHF AO. Write short notes on any two of the following : Marks : 2x8=16 (a) Set-off (b) Substantive and Procedural Laws (c) Adverse Possession. Bs Wayne, ainwde acday wos oso aed 2080008. (©) Sessst0, (2) ROWS (2xose38) os BRodNgs DaLaoned (¢-)) DSO W,OT. Answer any two of the following with reasons : Marks : 2x10=20 (a) Anil has instituted a suit against Suresh for the recovery of a loan alleged to be advanced by him to Suresh. Suresh has appeared in the suit, but has not presented his written statement. Anil contends that not presenting written statement amounts to implied admission of all facts in the plaint. Decide. wpom som modewart acadedom) Bed MoT obmasmn Ads Oda coicieoda, Rew. msde & cracbd, muokdde 33 simdagaa AeaY, UB MTL, dvd BIG avstay oecddie acdacd aa modzcO Beds ao Bn vay onesadaaNcsosoc> HANTS, Nor COORD. fe | 0 (b) (c) Ramesh has instituted a suit against Keshav for recovery of loan. While instituting the suit he claimed only the principal amount, omitting the interest by over sight. Now he wants to claim the interest. Advise him. Dadeda sevas Oddo moa adddmsIn aoicdinoday, BABS. Goalctey Bandar vans sao exe, Ans, Bew BReDomDN wofgosdats, seven sbdsans. sn “end WRodAD devo woxsicns. exon dos aed. Santosh has taken a loan of Rs. 50,000 from City Bank on 10-5-2013. He had a fixed deposit of Rs. 75,000 in the same branch of City Bank, which matured on 16-10-2017. The Bank deposited the proceeds of the fixed deposit in the SB account of Santosh, after deducting the loan amount and interest thereon. Santosh wants to recover the amount so adjusted by the Bank. Advise him. Roses 10-5-2013d0m 263 7.08000) Or, 50,0008 MOB, WeOmdS. Sid. AL e088 ede soso, die. 75,000n¢ ackbs deaedabay, ZaodGed, 16-10-2017d003) Bd eRQ sozIcdso0%8. “ead SngOod) Roses Reatiemd med dngaiay wa, Asdes tas ans wed BrIway, we, 08 Rosnens wesc snsr wan ana. Bs O03 “a3 anac Bsa, SAO Brew. Dosoeaad wobam~”. esa JOB HeB0. 0501/0901 AQT 0501/0901 V Semester 3 Year. LL.B./IX Semester 5 Year. B.A.LL.B./B.B.A. LL.B. Examination, June/July 2018 CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE AND LIMITATION ACT Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : 1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining questions. 2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each. 3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. Haudie: 1. 38 xo} 9 abe neceyvO, cindimade ecb geen Q.No. 1. Q. No. 2. Q. No. 3. Q. No, 4. gor. 2. B. X0.98 20 soared aos) evedaynien geo 16 wens. 3. eugonyay, Roxprorasan, on, EBaD 2aB9, 2dCndo, Explain the general rules of pleading. Marks : 16 MBH, Ne MARS, Sabarivay S6A0. Describe the provisions relating to institution of suit. Marks : 16 Bose AQzDased Hosa aca enoxvominieaD, DAHOWALLO. What is Res judicata ? Explain the conditions to constitute of Res judicata. Marks : 16 Oxf ep, @¥ebs aoddead 2 roc Qwdsial, Gy ao, B83 Dory Bones. Qdos aosonvay, BOX. Whether death of a party to a suit abate the legal proceedings ? Explain applying rules under order XXII of CPC 1908. Marks : 16 TRAD DWN addres m,0v8 w8,odorivb Bnsitovygcione 2 19086 Om Bsob Xobesc> writs 22098 Aodadrivey, won DBO. P.T.O. HnnoM 0501/0901 im m Q.No. 5. Q. No. 6. Q. No. 7. Q.No. 8. Q. No. 9. side What is exparte decree ? Explain the grounds for setting a: the exparte decree. 8 Dyeod wces gorda 2 si Oswseod odes, oles emund aed Dey Reeswasab nous), 280%. Marks : 16 Explain the factors to be considered by the court before granting Mee of temporary injunction. . winds dicintias ees ancbs dete IOS Bonedxabod Zorsrivay, aor. “Once the time has began to run, no subsequent disability or a inability can stop it’. Discuss. Marks : 16 “tak TO TOMS agdowsdd sdsosd enossoross Aderens eG exsherdoinnd measodan, SdobearbsOe’. wwe 2. Write short notes on any two of the following : Marks : 2x8=16 Anarosce aoe, od sass 2930090 : (a) Adjournment. QW soodew.Ds. (b) Inter-pleader suit. eoso° Ges. (c) Legal disability under limitation act. MO DOD3 MoMG SRobd, mM,cds Aderns. Solve any two of the following problems: Marks : 2x10=20 shane, clngrmade acay Tomogss evgd won : (a) ‘A’ filed suit for partition against his brothers ‘B’ and ‘C’. The court has passed the preliminary decree and final decree in the matter. Being aggrieved by the decree of the court ‘A’ preferred appeal against final decree and raised question about correctness of the preliminary decree. Whether appeal maintainable 2 Acs 89 err00d B bay C dds oy Atha map Heard, 3 Dd, MOIROOIS) HPN 8, ads eos Asoday eciedack 3 odes Bgad Dds Acco SAew AQATH, SAUDod: BGO Bkod smucsobda Tomas so: Sac Ammarce 2 ‘AN & (b) Ramesh has borrowed some money from Dinesh and failed (Cc) to repay it. Dinesh wants to file suit against Ramesh for recovery of money advanced. The last day of limitation was sunday. Therefore he filed suit on immediate next monday and claims for extension of limitation as the last day of limitation was sunday being holiday to the court. Can he succeed ? Dsoesa Osa Moses Hom), sodas Aneoo OFoMNMS, dabeds DUG, OSS maw Base syAcd, RO WOMo80h Fesod ad wmmsocaogood SIE LOO BwOs Anesband moa FORMER, HY WON Beso as mycdROOdE, yoadaoTG Tes amnood mo 302230089, ORCS MoInooay, devderend vais Apommroabde 7 The suit filed by ‘X’ is posted for cross examination of the plaintiff. Defendant files application for adjournment on the ground that his counsel is suffering from illness. Rejecting the application, court directs him (defendant) to change the counsel and proceed with cross examination. Whether order of the court is sustainable ? Xo HORG owes. svOow Toke saodrvowo RnoodeBoHsy. Devers Omvosdoms Tsmedox 33. Ssewor emdrerimoados xdrosay avoocawddos deed eer AQReQs. 8 esr oday 80505032 MR, CdDOODH) Semon ved sseodsy, Sess BnBseow make Amo. Rwomsomsos Aer SIG. S41 Sess) AGF adcobse 2 0501/0901 A 00 0501/0901/2062 3 Year LL.B. V Semester / 5 Year B.A. LL.B/ B.B.A. LL.B. IX Semester / Duration : 3 Hours 5 Year B.A. LL.B. (Maj. — Min.) IX Semester (Old/New) Examination, December 2018 CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE AND LIMITATION ACT Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : 1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining Q.No. 1. Q.No. 2 Q_No. 3. Q.No. 4. questions. 2. Q.No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each. 3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. Discuss the provisions pertaining to “place of suits” under Civil Procedure Code. Marks :16 dents B3odw Acks Bod, “‘maob avg)” sonoHad eslwownesy 2308720. Briefly explain the different parts of a plaint. Marks :16 mdagd Dag mprinday soe DIOR. What is temporary injunction ? Explain the grounds and principles for granting temporary injunction. Marks :16 Awe ogee Oday AeseD demon UTS BEB Awromeeds, aoddexd 2 Boy ae 33,7idsh DI0R0. What is interpleader suit ? Explain the conditions and procedure relating to an interpleader suit. Marks :16 eogdmne cass acddeay 7 Vosdand Gesirt AowoHaD adZyrAy adsy aigotorida SS0x0. P.T.0. 0501/0901/2062 <2 Q.No. 5. Q.No. 6. Q. No. 7. Q. No. 8. Q. No. 9 00010000 108 What are the pre-conditions and procedure to be followed in ee he of suits by or against the Government ? Explain. g Ox AGmUOeE wim Ades Sdodann maids aacdanit UxrdoneScend RABE KOSTso adey Zs oiorted cna) 7 as0%0. What is review ? What are the conditions for exercise of revisional : jurisdiction ? Explain. Marks :16 PsISekoews sowderd 7 BSS Oso ay,20c8), BeDonDvOd Qs ROSA OVOAD. Explain the circumstances in which the delay will be condoned under the Limitation Act. Marks :16 WOBOMS EHAwmGACdO ms Bowed DYowmDTIR)TS ons AOBIENES, aD, areearbacouday DBORO. Write short notes on any two of the following : Marks : 2x8=16 BIND Angmade aos, Opd ees WOO : a) Set-off Bedi wu b) Kinds of issues ASWMDOING Hoon c) Admissions Larring, Solve any two of the following problems. Marks :2x10=20 BWARANVY cinsmddn acad Ashaiiay SowoAd, a) Sunil is a permanent resident of Davanagere and Prakash is a permanent resident of Shivamogga. Sunil has taken a loan from Prakash at Davanagere. He has not repaid the loan till today. Prakash has instituted a suit for the recovery of the said loan, against Sunil at Shivamogga. Sunil has raised objection as to the jurisdiction. Decide. (AONE UNTU0 T 0 * 0501/0901/2062 b) c) Racomd msroridad mys NHAC, Brows diaete Des AmDACIDAGS. AOcosd Bedzed rmnartob), TOBAD, Bors. Bd. sistre EB MOD DHMss SBE. ‘Bsa “oasan? AYAROOHAE AaAcos NG, OB dddDssr—ONn epaoe), zones 3s. spaced ay cengedeosta) Dos SeaBObAN: 2s0e8. ageon0. ‘A’ sues ‘B’ in a foreign court. The suit is dismissed. Thereafter ‘A’ wants to file the same suit against ‘B’ in India on the same cause of action. Whether he can institute a suit ? Decide. ‘A’ Qowwaiad ‘B’ 8 AHA, Ded ay, cdnockad,word ms Baadeas. S Tasso Serio 3s. sdsodd ‘A’ odo Ee Sa,% TOdEDY, ‘BY OD abd, TREE wD, ctneoboe Ta BaBen wows. eas aor dake? > QLF ODAO. Right to sue arises to ‘P’ during his minority. ‘P’ dies one day after attaining majority. He is succeeded by his son ‘K’ who is a minor. Determine the effect on the period of limitation. ‘Pd emg dobymNdaon ssar mach Br, wwdarbga. 'P’ =X Bosbasec eon} O80 dos abo Baocdaas. esd emus Sosy Dries ‘K’ cdo gs Ms DOHROURMTS. ODS 30d beds Somsa) AaBFOAO. (QT 0 We 0501/0901 V Semester 3 Year. LL.B./IX Semester 5 Year. B.A.LL.B./B.B.A. LL.B. Examination, June/July 2018 CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE AND LIMITATION ACT Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : 1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining questions. 2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each. 3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. Rawsinsd: 1, coal, 9 abs) medaytvo, oimaimcide ecb gue Q. No. 1. Q. No. 2. Q. No. 3. Q. No. 4. gor. 2. xB. Xo. 98 20 wosrtt absy NPRM soo 16 wosre. 3 eogonva, RoxPrTaaN vor Bao sqRa0, WSO. Explain the general rules of pleading. Marks : 16 ada, mostnd, dodsarvty, ast0N0. Describe the provisions relating to institution of suit. Marks : 16 Tamm AOsaAsaD HOsN suds evswogrivey Ads Sev. What is Res judicata ? Explain the conditions to constitute of Res judicata. Marks : 16 Gif m2, B83 QocdeadD 2 Loch aundaiay, Gx! ay, A¥eb3 Doad DONS Qos aoBrWvay AVON. Whether death of a party to a suit abate the legal proceedings ? Explain applying rules under order XXII of CPC 1908. Marks : 16 TRED BGS shomOors m,0to8 Hsodrich searordsciowe 2 19086 Om w 80% Aoksad ses 22098 doddadrivey wor BON, P.T.O. 0501/0901 Q.No. 5. Q_No. 6. Q. No. 7. Q_No. 8. Q. No. 9. 2 {8 What is exparte decree ? Explain the grounds for setting aside the exparte decree. Marks : 16 OB seo sas nodded 2 s Oswsead Sey aes SHoIns shed Sabrevawaoa> aowsay, DBOR. Explain the factors to be considered by the court before granting of temporary injunction. Marks : 16 BSQOT Stcdvaegosd SSes, ars sede. mm, roads) soritss) ooo FONSI x08. “Once the time has began to run, no subsequent disability or inability can stop it’. Discuss. Marks : 16 “way MO TOMS aodoysmad sasoss woes adores SGx SADPrsainno ROMSAday_ SBobmaMHjOg””. 23IF2. Write short notes on any two of the following : Marks : 2x8=16 Anymaao QaE oxo $5383 298006 : (a) Adjournment. QNHTES S0ALDODs. (b) Inter-pleader suit. Sogo Gos. (c) Legal disability under limitation act. RY TOMS mood ewodY, mows Adder ets. Solve any two of the following problems: Marks : 2x10=20 BPNSANYY, inajrmdde avay Tommy sd wdowo: (a) ‘A’ filed suit for partition against his brothers ‘B’ and ‘C’. The court has passed the preliminary decree and final decree in the matter. Being aggrieved by the decree of the court ‘A’ preferred appeal against final decree and raised question about correctness of the preliminary decree. Whether appeal maintainable ? Ach 33 eracQaad B sb C dads oR Sekai mew rach, mosroas FHPNW Bs, ads wosab Bdobad sdedad & Coded Biod Dcho Ack waco AAC, Eciddode mBRQOv Bsa debucoba) Hobans Bi OLD AMMMB Ese 7 | 3. (b) (c) Ramesh has borrowed some money from Dinesh and failed to repay it. Dinesh wants to file suit against Ramesh for recovery of money advanced. The last day of limitation was sunday. Therefore he filed suit on immediate next monday and claims for extension of limitation as the last day of limitation was sunday being holiday to the court. Can he succeed ? Osetia OXsd0d Moda SBOm,, shows Bree APODNRM®, dabess dood Oded Ma Bowe arsncs, MO WOOo8od sadobh OF ymamdmoGqood ssred ShdOS Amrsdsd me AOA, TO TOMod soso OS manos yoadmdd del amhdood mo Bonosewsy, QFOASS ModMocaO, sevderdspal caked Amora 2 The suit filed by ‘x’ is posted for cross examination of the plaintiff. Defendant files application for adjournment on the ground that his counsel is suffering from illness. Rejecting the application, court directs him (defendant) to change the counsel and proceed with cross examination. Whether order of the court is sustainable ? Xa FORD, madobsa mda sole Aavdrvons Bornsoysy. Nwoorsw Amovsom TFssodov 33, Sworn vmderismnogood Hedroiay aoomacdsos Reed wtr ROmss BH exrobwy sxOmsy m,cdnoods) RImon wed Dseoda scds anaseow mobs Bevoed Snorbsomsos Aderdmsd. G1 Sdesy) APraeadse ? 0501/0901 (UE 3 Year LL.B. V Semester / 5 Year B.A. 0501/0901/2062 LL.B/ B.B.A. LL.B. IX Semester / 5 Year B.A. LL.B. (Maj. ~ Min.) IX Semester (Old/New) Examination, December 2018 CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE AND LIMITATION ACT Max. Marks : 100 Duration : 3 Hours Instructions : 1. Answ questions. Q. No. 1. Q. No. 2. Q. No. 3 Q. No. 4 er Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining 2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each. 3. Answers should be written either in En completely. glish or Kannada Discuss the provisions pertaining to “place of suits” under Civil Procedure Code. wou Aobs eaobd, “mstad x3)" Howohras mswognda Marks :16 Omoes whsr ro, Briefly explain the different parts of a plaint. Marks :16 moeC O93 won| Xosgopl QOL, What is temporary injunction ? Explain the grounds and principles for granting temporary injunction. Marks :16 wRee Aurogayl_eoddes) 2 BRO AuorogRd_qbah arwsoo tema eqns wba) sy rivety OetOn0. What is interpleader sult ? Explain the conditions and procedure relating to an interpleader suit Marks :16 eoddmd cd onder) ? verdad mat Xowogad gidsorivad sbs> ebatorivet, oon ee P.T.O. 0501/0901/2062 +2 anu 1 Q. No. 5. What are the pre-conditions and procedure to be followed In institution Of sults by or against the Government ? Explain. Marks :16 AOMSHOS eam AXomed Odo mmiinias wads esrnoxend SHUP WOdyrivd shay aigatorivd conga) 7 OLORO, Q. No. 6. What is review ? What are the conditions for exercise of revisional jurisdiction ? Explain, Marks :16 DRORUWevS oonderd 2 WAoe’’ word mR, wosrey, wernodoney Qos a ROS Nea OBONO, | Q. No. 7. Explain the circumstances in which the delay will be condoned e under the Limitation Act. Marks :16 MOWOHS SONGATBOY ms Bower ovoumsornsycay ans ROBERTO Rm, Snaworydourday, QBOAO. Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any two of the following : Marks : 2x8=16 BYNS CaRrmoadcde aoa, Od wed eon : a) Set-off Brat, b) Kinds of issues demmovry Brody © c) Admissions werrinyo, Q. No. 9. Solve any two of the following problems. Marks :2x10=20 tyNAANVvO onxmode acad REA TWSD, BOBOAO, a) Sunil is a permanent resident of Davanagere and Prakash is a permanent resident of Shivamogga. Sunil has taken a loan from Prakash at Davanagere. He has not repaid the loan till today. Prakash has instituted a suit for the recovery of the said loan, against Sunil al Shivamogga. Sunil has raised objection as to the jurisdiction. Decide. (00 QU A Fay 0501/0901/2062 b) c) Raromd msreridod mvs AACAWNGL, Bees) d38anG DES AsWACNTDS. ACOA Zrvsaod crsireridowg, MOB, BBO eaao ssdne ve MOD SodoImMss DAY, Brea sasano mMWRoobdd oewd DG? MoD dddmmssmmN MsodD GLAS. Abdeomd my, caMgsodrasay B03 iad 230% a. NGF OAO. ‘A’ sues ‘B’ in a foreign court. The suit is dismissed. Thereafter ‘A’ wants to file the same suit against ‘B’ in India on the same cause of action. Whether he can institute a suit ? Decide. ‘A’ ose ‘B'S AdA, Oe m,roodad word Ts BOB’ tasodo aweriesysa. sddoss ‘A’ oc Ge mn ty, DEG, ‘BY OD DOG, trosdan cinoobad ms Beaded qwosdabegs. each cori aiecdace? QEOFODAO. Right to sue arises to ‘P’ during his minority. ‘P’ dies one day after attaining majority. He is succeeded by his son ‘K’ who is a minor. Determine the effect on the period of limitation. 'P’ d emg SobAsondann san Taso By, WANES. ‘P’ Be BobAaed won Oadrosdabdn BoobRs. vad emg Sadg srimd ‘K’ oD ed mgoQroan7bsos. MOMS ERHAd sheds Boradaad_ ABFOAO. NI 0501/0901/2062 V Semester 3 Year LL.B. / IX Semester 5 Year B.A. LL.B. /B.B.A. LL.B. / IX Semester 5 Yr. B.A. LL.B. (Maj.-Min.) Examination, December 2019 Duration : 3 Hours CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE & LIMITATION ACT (Old / New) Instructions : 1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining questions. 2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each. 3. Answers should be in English or Kannada completely. nawsiivd :1. Be Has, 9 adap erect, cinaise cb gave Q_No. 1. Q. No. 2. Q. No. 3. GVZOAO. 2. BY Boa 9 ¥ 20 wo#ned ade euenanen geo 16 eosre. 3. mpgondas soxprorann wor wai UGmD sAadOobe wdodsAad, 3 Discuss the provisions of CPC in respect of place of suing. tan Beato Ava HO Omd Tgctn BobsobOs mBwomneay, Bsr Ao. Explain the rules of CPC relating to award of interest in civil suits. Oma manve, waoday acas w0s adds Aatoabriley, DBOAO. What is the special procedure to be followed in suits by or against minors ? vosonnd Beas are vad ddd Rows caine, emdAoAems OYen Dsosoiread 2 Max. Marks : 100 Marks : 16 Marks : 16 Marks : 16 P.T.O. 0501/0901/2062 -2e 1000 10 0 Q.No. 4. Whois a “receiver” ? What are his powers and functions ? Marks : 16 “Ag S=NO” Sots ORD 2 eas Omak ada mode Tied ? Q.No. 5. Discuss about reference under CPC. Marae ORO BFA Aob’sob wwobd, moddesdaday, BOS WFO. Q.No. 6. Explain the different modes of execution of decrees. Marks : 16 Bsne esbenpod Dag QMTAYAY DVO. Q. No. 7. Explain condonation of delay under the Limitation Act. Marks : 16 a BOTOMS SHdcHAG Rabo dSvowsid shoada, DBORO, Q. No. 8. Write short note on any two of the following : Marks : 2x8=16 Bi BUNSANVO late Adway Os oxo Lees wdOO: (a) Foreign Judgements ABE Sewers (b) Issues Demomowned (c) Prescription. OBrRoD wWoemhsd. € Q. No.9. Solve any two of the following problems : Marks : 2x10=20 & BUNA, nae aves AadA dso BOO: (a) Rajesh has instituted a suit against Shekhar for recovery of Rs. 1 lakh, in the Court of Senior Civil Judge. The suit is tried by the court and at the stage of arguments Shekhar contends that the court has no jurisdiction to decide the case. Decide. Tees sess DoE &00H Awd MAROobS de.1 086 Bxndmen Tssooa), BBS. Manoabse), a cso 88a mod Zosdedscor Beda. oe Tasotay, Agron moinoads, ABAD, Qo TDOWBWS. NGFOAO. | 0 3 0501/0901/2062 (b) In a suit the defendant refused to accept the summons which was issued to him. The process server left the summons on a table in the defendant's house. Is the service valid ? wom meaiobd, H8ma gdh Acad sAadahy a,dosed ABONEDS. en weedeat ev Ama TSmo0H0d DSsohHOwWS toms sews shed ae», Beerdsgs s ABDAP wodos nuwesse 7 (c) Chetan has taken a loan from Ganesh. He has given an acknowledgment to Ganesh before the expiry of limitation stating that, “I owe you Rs. 50,000. But | refuse to pay the same.” Examine the validity of the acknowledgement. wessa Mseddod Moss, BsoOmA. edd mowod3s Sones sedde eid rom ac38 ayaa wie “Spm Axo de. 50,000 sewriemond. edd mad eda, BaBeD ATIOASES” om) Beoas. H Mo res aga RUBE SEODA TOBCORO. | 0 0501/2062/0901 V Semester 3 Year LL.B./IX Semester 5 Year B.A. LL.B/B.B.A. LL.B./ IX Semester 5 Year B.A. LL.B. (Maj.-Min.-System) Examination, June/July 2019 Duration : CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE AND LIMITATION ACT (Old and New) 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : 1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining questions. 2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each. 3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. Hause: 1. BY sod, 9 adap wodairiva cinaise oo Jenvsy, BORO. 2. Bg, Ross, 9 8,20 eomnvs sox edaynen geo 16 wound. & egoneay, Homprraen vowed ema #aRddoie eadors3ga. What is a “Suit” ? Describe different stages of a suit. Marks : 16 Q_No. 1. Q.No. 2. Q. No. 3. Q. No, 4. “Tos” DBE 7 Dososioodd 2B Bossy, BesrX0. What are “Costs” ? Explain the different types of costs awarded in civil cases. “38” Donded) 2? Omd Hedeonvd, aewenms HoA BRonv: safide astox0. Marks : 16 What is the special procedure to be followed in a suit by or against partnership firms ? memo Aozv Baas sts) egny dbo Bewbs cine, eabnoniderod Ducal ag civosvea ? Marks : 16 What is a “Commission” ? What are the different purposes for which a commission may be appointed ? Marks : 16 “solemn” gorideds ? ods OO edesreron sodmenaiay Sedona 7 P.T.O. 0501/2062/0901 Q. No. 5. Q. No. 6. Q. No. 7. Q.No. 8. Q.No. 9. 2 a 0 eT What are “Appeals” ? Discuss the different classes of appeals provided under C.P.C. Marstale) Nabegss” Sonde? Oma sgoin xoksad vBadd, abs OOR snend sbegnanivay, 89035 ewrsE20. What is meant by “executing court” ? What are its powers ? Marks : 16 “ee WV” oder? ead eOdrdesd ? “Limitation extinguishes remedy, but not right”. Explain. Marks : 16 “mowoansoin Bomdaa) muroenagd BAGO”. DOr. Write short notes on any two of the following : Marks : 2x8=16 (a) Pecuniary jurisdiction (b) Caveat petition (c) Effect of fraud on period of limitation. Bi SENSA NGO, atnsyse adta BOs) om Lass WENO: (a) D8eod mcdngedeo (b) denosoes eae (c) oMBODSEx shed Boews Torosd. Solve any two of the following problems : Marks : 2x10=20 8 sANsANGD cdnade adad Aaba day BOBOAO : (a) Anil who is resident of Bellary publishes a newspaper containing statements defamatory of Basant. The newspaper is circulated in Bidar, Bellary, Kalaburgi and Raichur. Basant desires to institute suit against Anil. Where can he institute the suit ? WIPO HRCING VHOSD toc BsBS¥oday Tess eddy, wnosar BRAarrodaoioanads Bersaay, Band. & Hgwssodo wes’, wwy0, BowNr ads Mokxdecoride, Bronuimrbycs, uxode edes Sco aadamaran mstorday Bowe wodAmDN esa od, casosba, BaBwmad? (A 0 0 3 0501/2062/0901 (b) Ramesh has instituted a suit against Santosh, seeking Possession of a house on the ground that he has purchased the same from Santosh. Now he wants to amend the plaint to the effect that he is entitled to the possession of the house as a tenant. Can he succeed ? Babes sodas awd, maiciectia, Bee BD RodweaNod Doedadesioad Rebs sosaioocid ReQeasabay, BeemS. Sirk was sab 6 sob eparcndaoncy.o mde abdod AD, OTE, CBF ADNdSedord mwdass says nee. wobec. eas oxbsa, odareosocse 2 (c) Keshav is a tenant in Sunil’s house since last 35 years. Now Sunil wants the house for his own use. He has filed an eviction petition against Keshav. Keshav contends that he has become owner of the house by adverse possession. Decide. edt Aacwd addadd Ws 35 dared marmdaancaed. Bin MwA & soot 508 enwoswmerteyN enone. eae 8e8ss DG y addobay sd snwey ersrotsay ZONE. Sedat mab afSdow 7,OsO0d & stood e.dacbaoncsesiond DADS. NGFOLO. NU 0 0501/0901/2062 V Semester 3 Year LL.B. / 1X Semester 5 Year B.A. LL.B. /B.B.A. LL.B. / IX Semester 5 Yr. B.A. LL.B. (Maj.-Min.) Examination, December 2019 Duration : CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE & LIMITATION ACT (Old / New) Max. Marks ; 100 3 Hours Instructions : 1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining questions. 2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each. 3. Answers should be in English or Kannada completely. Ravddnied:1. Z¥ sosl 9 addy evecisindO, inalae acd sada Q. No. 1. Q. No. 2. Q. No. 3. evgoro. 2, Bs Reg, 9% 20 woe a3) mgaayynen sea 16 eosin. 3. evgonva, Aoxproraon Yor wal EGao sAwagode wdobs3ao, 73 Discuss the provisions of CPC in respect of place of suing. Tar Beato Ada Hos Oma Teoww RomeSOHOS MBVOGNEAD, wesF AO. Explain the rules of CPC relating to award of interest in civil suits. Oma cdinge, wRodAay Arabs Hos adds dodadrvay 2B0X0, What is the special procedure to be followed in suits by or against minors ? seeped secs mre esd add Baws manvo, emmorderd d¥exd Biobobe 7 Marks : 16 Marks : 16 Marks : 16 P.T.O. 0501/0901/2062 “2. (ml Q. No. 4. Q.No. 5. Q.No. 6. Q_No. 7. Q.No. 8. Q.No. 9. Who is a “receiver” ? What are his powers and functions ? “RESO” Sood cont 2 eas eORUrkS ahd moderied 2 Discuss about reference under CPC. Marks : 16 Omd Pgoin Aobsab vacdd eogesdataty 03 zits Explain the different modes of execution of decrees. Marks : 16 Bend eabeypod Oa; dear acor0. Explain condonation of delay under the Limitation Act. Marks : 16 BOOMS EHAob=add SBobg ddowsity sama, DBORO. Write short note on any two of the following : Marks : 2x8=16 i BINSANO, odmaycie aves BOs) OF HAPS WIND: (a) Foreign Judgements NBS Seendd (b) Issues DQaomDVOTTe (c) Prescription. OPEwWOD woes. Solve any two of the following problems : Marks : 2x10=20 31 BuNIINGO, einai ade Aakxirddy coaono: (a) Rajesh has instituted a suit against Shekhar for recovery of Rs. 1 lakh, in the Court of Senior Civil Judge. The suit is tried by the court and at the stage of arguments Shekhar contends that the court has no jurisdiction to decide the case. Decide. Twa sds A &O0d Amd RARoobag, da. 183 SAedmon cpio, Baars. Rotnoowdd, 8 mob adn) mcd Zosciocsenn “se ua es Laprslovese) Agr One AA CdROADS, AYZLOWY Dom OWRD. IGFO*O. (OO UO 1 3 0501/0901/2062 (b) In a suit the defendant refused to accept the summons which was issued to him. The process server left the summons on a table in the defendant's house. Is the service valid ? wom malobd, B8mO sax dead Aadsh aceon Aootormd. un weds wv Amdsh semdod aSabOcds work shesd shed ai, Secregs. & ADAP wooo mewe sae 7 (c) Chetan has taken a loan from Ganesh. He has given an acknowledgment to Ganesh before the expiry of limitation stating that, “I owe you Rs. 50,000. But | refuse to pay the same.” Examine the validity of the acknowledgement. Uda neswdod Moss TeOoos. 688 MHOTON3 aoonaind stacks vated ocd ace agai ndcb “sped Amdt de. 50,000 geariernd. ead sab eda, Baden AMOS” ord Hevdagd. s Mo aces B3d nawresobay TOSeOX0. {ANETTA 0501/2062/0901 V Semester of 3 Year LL.B/IX Semester of 5 Year B.A. LL.B/B.B.A., LL.B./ B.A. LL.B. (Maj.-Min. System) Examination, Nov/Dec. 2020 CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE AND LIMITATION ACT (Old & New Batch) Duration ; 3 Hours Instructions : 1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining questions. 2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each. 3. Answer should be written either in English or Kannada completely. Rausnv: 1. BY 9 abe eves a¥vo ainaidie ade egoro. Q.No. 1. Q.No. 2. Q. No. 3. Q. No. 4. 2. BB 9% 20 vce dd wed deren geo 16 woaned. 3 mogonvay Nomproraan von tral ema Fasdgode wdonD8. Explain the doctrine of res subjudice. Marks MCADOO eAsa ATHOSHaY ATOAO. Briefly describe the various stages of a suit. Marks : cmdoinond one sodrivty Hotgiaen airdea0, Discuss the provisions of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908 in respect of appeals against decrees. Marks : ar Std abextd alocbs aod Ommed xhoin robs, 1908 0 Auoriivty #3rA0. What is the special procedure for institution of suits by or against governments and public servants in their official capacity ? Marks : ACRONY aoe) MBPRN Naw gy ORCS ABraMod AOOWF OO ms Baas mre vad O05, minds, Baws wr ads QBex god NN) 2 Max. Marks : 100 716 16 P.T.0. 0501/2062/0901 -2- Q.No. 5. Q.No. 6. Q.No. 7. Q.No. 8. Q.No. 9. 00 LT A Explain the provisions of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908 for Marks : 16 granting temporary injunction. ‘ HAO? Nwromeoday aeads Hos Omord Bai sobs, 1908 ¢ Anodes, 020, Explain the procedure for attachment and sale of immovable Property for execution of a decree. Ager esdeOTEN AG Exot tz, sos srroo¥ss q¥atoodsy 28080. Marks : 16 “Limitation bars the remedy, but does not extinguish the tight”. Explain with exceptions, if any. “memoarson womodaay xuoQdsdabe Bade BERL mUtarmRaQY,” — 205, odacie eameod9, ecdnonn a weesobaD OSORNO, Marks : 16 Write short notes on any two of the following : Marks : 8x2=16 (a) Foreign Judgement (b) Caveat Petition (c) Effect of Fraud or Mistake on Limitation. 3: denasynve, cinalde addxy Od oxi tele) wdod0. (a) Bed SeQr (b) Fede? ee (c) ReWoaosod aes Hes ema Bq) Noto Word. Answer any two of the following with reasons : Marks : 10x2=20 i thd AnAmade aves sovrorMooon wgoa: (a) Rajan has instituted a suit against his wife Rajani in the Civil Court at Dharwad. Rajani is residing at Tumakuru with her parents. She has no income of her own and therefore, she is finding it difficult to travel to Dharwad frequently to attend the proceedings. Advise her. ura By Hs who Odd mdmas Oaned mcsnvedAs, Taoiaods) Beams, Bedcd» 2320080, 36 DOsdooon, saDaEDN, exer SaGe eB STROHDY, ‘kemmn xen ade ace mosey Tossonsd), THMOOTOD serach taxdoAG. exert sod aeao. (WU UCU TNE 3 0501/2062/0901 (b) Ramesh has published books under the banner “Oxford and Cambridge University Press”. Oxford University and Cambridge University have instituted a joint suit against Ramesh. Is the joinder of plaintiffs valid 2 Osdesad Sexpstr ss Feoysl A amAvodNY BoGmoock’ ow asxose), BREA YssrTs. oripirr aba geowat ogy omvabdre ess odq) BoA Moiab Boas si mone Awrs nase? (c) Gopal has taken a loan from Rajeev on 10-2-2014. He has given a written acknowledgement of loan to Rajeev on 15-4-2017: Rajeev has instituted a suit for recovery of the loan against Gopal on 10-8-2017. Is the suit within limitation ? Ramos cowsesdos 10-2-2014 dos += moda BBOMA. S MOT wayloday esa oowesari 15-4-2017 ToD ARMS, Maid v MOD oAnOmMN Rocmos Qooy, mesobay 10-8-2017 doc wnBm”s. & moscow WOWONSOH weri ariowde ?

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