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 A push or pull is called force.
 Effects of force are:
1. Force can cause motion in a stationary object.
2. Force can stop a moving object.
3. Force can change the direction of motion of moving object.
4. Force can change the speed of a moving object.
5. Force can change the shape and size of an object.
 The SI unit of force is newton.It is denoted by the letter N.
 One kilogram force: The force required to lift an object of
mass 1kg vertically upwards is called one kilogram force.It is
denoted as kg f .
 1 kg f= 9.8N (approx.10N)
 1 kg f = 1000gf
 The total force applied on the heavy box is called the
‘resultant force’.
 We conclude that when two equal forces act on an object in
the opposite directions,the resultant force becomes zero and
the object does not move.
 We conclude that when two unequal forces act in opposite
directions on an object the resultant force force is found to
be the difference between two moves the object in
the direction of the larger force.
 Contact forces are forces which act only when object are in
physical contact with each other and bring changes.
 The resulting due to the action of muscles is known as
muscular force.
 The force exerted by a machine to do some work is called
mechanical force.
 The force acting along the two surfaces in contact which
opposes the motion of one object over the other is called
force of friction.
 Non contant forces are forces which can act even when
objects are not in physical contact with each other and bring
about changes.
 Magetic force
 The force exerted by a charged object on another charged or
uncharged object is known as electro static force.
 The force with which two objects attract each other is called
force of gravitation.
 The force is due to the attraction between the earth and
object is called the force of gravity.
 This force of attraction exerted by the Earth on any object is
called the force of gravity or Gravity.
 The physical quantity which measures effect of force per unit
is called pressure.
 The effects of the applied force depends on the following
 1. The magnitude of force applied the greater the force ,the
greater is its effect.
 2. The area over which the force is applied the smaller the
area of contact the greater is its effect.
 The standard unit of measuring pressure is Newton per
square metre (N/m2).which is also called pascal (Pa)
 The layer of air surrounding our earth is called atmosphere.
 The pressure exerted by the air due to its own weight is
known as atmospheric pressure.
 Applications of atmospheric pressure are drinking straw
syringe rubber suction pad.

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