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 Active voice merupakan sebuah kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris di mana subjek
melakukan suatu aksi atau tindakan terhadap objek, sedangkan ;
 passive voice adalah kalimat di mana subjek menerima sebuah aksi atau tindakan.

1. Simple present tense

rumus :

Active voice: Subject + V1 (s/es) + object

Passive voice: Subject + is/am/are + verb 3 + object

Contoh active dan passive voice pada kalimat simple present tense:

Active voice:

 Mony reads a lot of books.

(Mony membaca banyak buku.)
 Lolita paints beach and mountain every day.
(Lolita melukis pantai dan gunung setiap hari.)
 Bobby drinks coffee every Friday because he has to work overtime.
(Bobby minum kopi setiap hari Jumat karena dia harus bekerja lembur.)

Passive voice:

 The barista is serving the last customer.

(Barista itu sedang melayani pelanggan terakhir.)
 The book is read by her in the library.
(Buku dibaca olehnya di perpustakaan.)
 The new car is bought by my parents this morning.
(Mobil baru dibeli orang tuaku pagi ini.)

2. Present continuous tense

gunakan rumus berikut ini.

Active voice: Subject + is/am/are + V-ing + object

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Passive voice: Subject + is/am/are being + verb 3 + object
Contoh kalimat :

Active voice:

 I am reading a novel. (Saya sedang membaca sebuah novel.)

 Dior is studying math. (Dior sedang belajar matematika.)
 My mom washing our cloths. (Ibuku mencuci pakaian kami.)

Passive voice:

 Novel is being read by me. (Novel sedang dibaca oleh saya.)

 A snack is being shoot to die by Dior. (Camilan sedang ditembak mati oleh Dior.)
 Our clothes are being by my mother. (Pakaian kami sedang oleh ibu saya.)

3. Present perfect tense

Rumus :
Active voice: Subject + have/has + verb 3 + object
Passive voice: Subject + have/has been + verb 3 + object
Contoh kalimat :

Active voice:

 I have eaten sushi for two days. (Saya sudah makan sushi selama dua hari.)
 I have swept the floor. (Saya telah menyapu lantai.)
 She has lived here since 1997. (Dia tinggal di sini sejak 1997.)

Passive voice:

 The floor has been swept by me. (Lantai telah disapu oleh saya.)
 Sushi has been eaten by me for two days.
(Sushi telah dimakan oleh saya selama dua hari.)
 Since 1997 she's been living here. (Sejak 1997 dia telah tinggal di sini.)

4. Present perfect continuous tense

Rumus :

Active voice: Subject + have/has been + v-ing + object

Passive voice: Subject + have/has been being + Verb 3 + object

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Contoh kalimat :
Active voice:
 Juli has been reading that book for three hours.
(Juli telah membaca buku itu selama tiga jam.)
 She has been watching TV. (Dia telah menonton TV.)
 We just have been cleaning this dirty class room.
(Kami baru saja membersihkan ruang kelas yang kotor ini.)
Passive voice:
 That book has beening read for three hours by Juli.
(Buku itu telah dibaca selama tiga jam oleh Juli.)
 So many cookies have been being brought by us for him.
(Begitu banyak kue yang telah kami bawakan untuknya.)
 This dirty class room just have been being cleaned by us.
(Ruang kelas yang kotor ini baru saja dibersihkan oleh kami.)

5. Simple past tense

Rumus ;

Active voice: Subject + verb 2 + object

Passive voice : Subject + was/were + verb 3 + object

Contoh kalimat :

Active voice:

 I visited the zoo yesterday.

(Saya mengunjungi kebun binatang kemarin.)
 My brother sent the letter to my father last week.
(Adik saya mengirim surat kepada ayah saya minggu lalu.)
 The zoo was visited by me yesterday.
(Kebun binatang itu dikunjungi oleh saya kemarin.)

Passive voice:

 Edi helped Mrs. Rani yesterday. (Roni membantu Ibu Rani kemarin.)
 The letter was sent by my borther to my father last week.

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(Surat dikirim oleh adik saya kepada ayah saya minggu lalu.)
 Mrs. Rani was helped by Edi yesterday. (Bu Rani dibantu oleh Edi kemarin.)

6. Past continuous tense

Rumus :
Active voice: Subject + was/were + v-ing + object
Passive voice: Subject + was/were being + verb 3 + object
Contoh kalimat:

Active voice:

 Della and Deni were attending a meeting two days ago.

(Della dan Deni menghadiri pertemuan dua hari yang lalu.)
 Susi was cooking the rice yesterday. (Susi sedang memasak nasi kemarin.)

Passive voice:

 The meeting was being attended by Della and Deni two days ago.
(Pertemuan itu dihadiri Della dan Deni dua hari lalu.)
 The rice was being cooked by Susi yesterday. (Nasi sedang dimasak oleh Susi

7. Past perfect tense

Rumus sebagai berikut :

Active voice: Subject + had + verb 3 + O
Passive voice: Subject + had been + verb 3 + O
Contoh kalimat :

Active voice:

 The soldiers had used poisonous gas to kill hundreds of others.

(Para prajurit telah menggunakan gas beracun untuk membunuh ratusan lainnya.)
 We had saved your money. (Kami telah menghemat uang kamu.)
 Rena had canceled the meeting soon last night.
(Rena telah membatalkan rapat segera tadi malam.)

Passive voice:

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 Poisonous gas had been used to kill hundreds of others.
(Gas beracun telah digunakan untuk membunuh ratusan orang lainnya.)
 Your money had been saved by us. (Uang kamu telah disimpan oleh kami.)
 The meeting had been cancelled by Luna soon last night.
(Pertemuan telah dibatalkan oleh Luna segera tadi malam.)

8. Past perfect continuous tense

Rumus :
Active voice: Subejct + had been + v-ing + O
Passive voice: Subject + had been being + verb-3 + O
Contoh kalimatnya:

Active voice:

 Mina had been buying some pie cakes for her.

(Mina telah membeli beberapa kue pie untuknya.)
 Akbar had been meeting them. (Akbar telah bertemu mereka.)
 He had been buying me a ring. (Dia telah membelikanku cincin.)

Passive voice:

 Some pies had been being bought by Mina for her.

(Beberapa kue pie telah dibeli oleh Mina untuknya.)
 They had been being met by Akbar. (Mereka telah bertemu dengan Akbar.)
 The ring hasd been being bought for me by him.
(Cincin itu telah dibeli untukku olehnya.)

9. Simple future tense

Rumus :
Active voice: Subject + will + verb 1 + object
Passive voice: Subject + wll be + verb 3 + Object
Contoh kalimatnya:

Active voice:

 Tata will buy a new sneakers. (Tata akan membeli sepatu kets baru.)
 We will watch an action movie this evening.

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(Kami akan menonton film laga malam ini.)
 I will visit my father tomorrow morning. (Aku akan mengunjungi ayahku besok pagi.)

Passive voice:

 The new sneakers will be bought by Tata. (Sepatu kets baru itu akan dibeli Tata.)
 An action movie will be watched this evening. (Film laga akan ditonton malam ini.)
 My father will be visited by me tomorrow morning.
(Ayahku akan dikunjungi olehku besok pagi.)

10. Future continuous tense

Rumus :
Active voice: Subject + will be + v-ing + object
Passive voice: Subject + will be being + verb 3 + object
Contoh kalimatnya:

Active voice:

 Qisthi will be singing a sad song for the next few weeks.
(Qisthi akan menyanyikan lagu sedih selama beberapa minggu ke depan.)
 My father will be buying me a new motorbike tomorrow.
(Ayahku akan membelikan aku motor baru besok.)
 Father will be drinking the coffee ice. (Ayah akan minum es kopi.)

Passive voice:

 A sad song will be being sung by Qisthi for the next few weeks.
(Lagu sedih akan dinyanyikan oleh Qisthi selama beberapa minggu ke depan.)
 A new motorbike will be bought for me by my father tomorrow.
(Sepeda motor baru akan dibelikan untukku oleh ayahku besok.)
 The coffee ice will be being drunk by father. (Es kopi akan diminum oleh ayah.)

11. Future perfect tense

Rumus :
Active voice: Subject + will have + verb 3 + object
Passive voice: Subject + will have been + verb 3 + object
Contoh kalimatnya:

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Active voice:

 My mother will have bought a few avocado at the market.

(Ibuku akan membeli beberapa buah alpukat di pasar.)
 I will have completed my study by the end of this month.
(Aku akan menyelesaikan sekolahku pada akhir bulan ini).
 My sister will have borrowed my dictionary.
(Kakakku akan meminjam kamusku.)

Passive voice:

 A few avocados will have been bought by my mother in the market.

(Beberapa buah alpukat akan dibeli oleh ibuku di pasar.)
 My study will have been completed by me by the end of this month.
(Sekolahku akan diselesaikan olehku pada akhir bulan ini).
 My dictionary will have been borrowed by my sister.
(Kamusku akan telah dipinjam oleh kakakku.)

12. Future perfect continuous tense

Rumus :
Active voice: S + will have + been + v-ing + O
Passive voice: S + will have been being + V3 + O
Contoh kalimat:

Active voice:

 My mother will have been cooking fried rice for breakfast.

(Ibuku akan memasak nasi goreng untuk sarapan.)
 Jimmy will have been listening to the music. (Jimmy akan mendengarkan musik.)
 I will have been writing news. (Aku akan menulis berita.)

Passive voice:

 Fried rice will have been being cooked by my mother for breakfast.
 (Nasi goreng akan dimasak oleh ibuku untuk sarapan.)
 The music will have been being listened by Jimmy.
(Musik akan didengarkan oleh Jimmy.)

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 The news will have been being written by me. (Berita itu akan ditulis olehku.)

13. Simple past future

Rumus :

Active voice: Subject + would + verb 1 + object

Passive voice: Subject + would be + verb 3 + object
Contoh kalimat:

Active voice:

 Risa would paint his house in 2 hours.

(Risa akan mengecat rumahnya dalam dua jam.)
 Lia would give two beautiful scarves to her friend.
(Lia akan memberikan dua syal cantik untuk temannya.)
 She would finish the task in an hour.
(Dia akan menyelesaikan tugas tersebut dalam satu jam.)

Passive voice:

 The house would be painted by Risa in 2 hours.

(Rumah itu akan dicat oleh Risa dalam dua jam.)
 The two beautiful scarves were given by Lia to her friend.
(Dua syal cantik itu diberikan oleh Lia untuk temannya.)
 The task would be finished by her in an hour.
(Tugas itu akan diselesaikan by her dalam satu jam.)

14. Past future continuous tense

Rumus :
Active voice: Subject + would be + v-ing + O
Passive voice: Subject + would be being + verb-3 + O
Contoh kalimat:

Active voice:

 Shavira would be writing the novel. (Shavira akan menulis novel.)

 He would be playing the piano. (Dia akan bermain piano.)
 Kari would be wearing the jacket. (Kari akan memakai jaket.)

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Passive voice:

 The novel would be being written by Shavira. (Novek akan ditulis oleh Shavira.)
 The piano would be being played by him. (Piano akan dimainkan oleh dia.)
 The jacket would be being wore by Kari. (Jaket itu akan dipakai oleh Kari.)

15. Past future perfect tense

Rumus :
Active voice: Subject + would have + verb-3 + object
Passive voice: Subject + would have been + verb-3 + object
Contoh kalimat:

Active voice:

 Rere would have saved money for shopping.

(Rere akan menyimpan uang untuk berbelanja.)
 Erica would have bought the books last month.
(Erica akan membeli buku-buku itu bulan lalu.)
He would have been bought a new bag.
(Dia akan membeli tas baru.)

Passive voice:

 Money would have been saved by Rere for shopping.

(Uang akan disimpan oleh Rere untuk berbelanja.)
 The books would have been bought by Erica last month.
(Buku-buku itu akan dibeli oleh Erica bulan lalu.)
 The new bag would have been bought by him.
(Tas baru akan dibeli olehnya.)

16. Past future perfect continuous tense

Rumus :

Active voice: Subject + would have been + v-ing + object

Passive voice: Subject + would have been being + verb-3 + object
Contoh kalimatnya:

Active voice:

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 I would have been studying Math for a semester by the end of this month.
(Aku akan belajar Matematika selama satu semester pada bulan ini.
 He would have been changing the leaky car tire.
(Dia akan mengganti ban mobil yang bocor.)
 We would have been loving him. (Kami akan mencintainya.)

Passive voice:

 Math would have been being studied by me for a semester by the end of this month.
(Matematikan akan aku pelajari selama satu semester pada bulan ini.)
 The leaky car tire would have been being changed by him.
(Ban mobil yang bocor akan diganti olehnya.)
 He would have been being loved by us. (Dia akan dicintai oleh kita.)

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