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Telephone Scenario:

Receptionist : Good afternoon, Helix Incorporated. This is Sarah Abigail speaking.

How may I help you?
Alex Smith : Hello, Good afternoon, Ms. Sarah. Can I speak to Ms. Anna Thomson,
Receptionist : Ok, Sir, may I know your name?
Alex Smith : Smith. My name is Alex Smith.
Receptionist : Alright, Mr. Smith. Would you please wait for a minute? I’ll check
with Ms. Anna.
Alex Smith : Sure, thank you.
Receptionist : Hello, Ms. Thomson.
Anna Thomson : Yes, Sarah?
Receptionist : Mr. Alex Smith wants to talk to you. Can I put you through?
Anna Thomson : Yes, sure, please. Thank you.
Receptionist : Anytime.
Receptionist : Sorry for keeping you wait, Mr. Smith. Yes, sure I will put your
through to her.
Alex Smith : Thank you so much, Ms. Abigail.
Receptionist : You are very welcome, Sir.
Anna Thomson : Hello, Good afternoon, Mr. Alex.
Alex Smith : Good afternoon, Ms. Anna. I am sorry that I call you on your office’s
number because I couldn’t reach you on your number.
Anna Thomson : Oh I am sorry, my phone is inactive. What can I help you, Sir?
Alex Smith : I would like to discuss about our business that we have planned
previously. Would you be available to have lunch meeting on this
Friday at 12.30?
Anna Thomson : Oh I see. Sure, we can meet on Friday for lunch to discuss about it.
Alex Smith : Okay, what about we meet at Paul’s Bistro?
Anna Thomson : Perfect. Okay, see you on Friday.
Alex Smith : See you, Ms. Have a good day.
Anna Thomson : Yeah, you too. Bye
Alex Smith : Bye.

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