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Project Supervisor: TS. RAMONA BINTI RAMLI








The undersigned certify that the above candidate has fulfilled the condition of the Final

Year Project in partial fulfilment for the Bachelor of Computer Science (Software

Engineering) (Hons.)


Signature: _______________________

Name: Ts. Ramona Binti Ramli

Date: _______________________

I hereby declare that this report, submitted to Universiti Tenaga Nasional as a partial

fulfilment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Computer Science (Software

Engineering) (Hons.) has not been submitted as an exercise for a bachelor at any other

university. I also certify that the work described here is entirely my own except for

excerpts and summaries whose sources are appropriately cited in the references.

This report may be made available within the university library and may be photocopied

or loaned to other libraries for the purposes of consultation.

Date 9/12/2022


Syahmi Najhan Bin Saiful Azlan



Final Year Project (FYP) is a project where all bachelor students need to come out with

a project idea and do their own research and planning to execute the development in

FYP 2. One of the challenges is the method of doing the FYP report is different from

another supervisor to other supervisor. The current method does not give a standard

guideline to the student. This will give impact toward the student in term of their quality

of the project. The other challenges are the supervisor cannot monitor the student

efficiently. They do not have a standard platform for document sharing and meeting.

This can affect the communication between the supervisor and the student. In this

document, a review of current systems and a survey are being undertaken as one of the

research methods to address and overcome all those difficulties. Research is conducted

on the current system to determine what features are present and what new features may

be added to increase system reliability. Regarding the survey approach, it is used to find

out what other difficulties students encounter when completing the FYP and to get their

feedback on the features that the new system should include. Therefore, the goal of this

project is to develop a web-based application that will assist students in completing their

FYPs by establishing a set of standard guidelines that they can adhere to. Providing a

central platform for document sharing and meeting with the supervisor is also a main

objective of this project. This document also covers the system development

methodology that will be used which is Agile method. Based on the analyzed results, a

Use-Case diagram, Entity-Relational Diagram, and interface design are constructed to

be used as a reference for the development of the web application. The features of the

application are also based on the analyzed results. This web application will be limit to
the FYP student, supervisor, and coordinator of Software Engineering UNITEN. The

intended result of this project is the Digital FYP Management and Tracking. The

application will contain features that will help the supervisor and student in doing their



I want to show my thankfulness and gratitude to everyone who gave me the chance to

complete this Final Year Project (FYP). I would especially want to express my gratitude

to my supervisor, Madam Ramona Binti Ramli, for her assistance and guidance at every

level of this project. I also would like to also extend my gratitude to everyone who

helped me either directly or indirect helped me in writing this document. Additionally, I

would like to thank Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), my university, for giving

me a priceless set of skills and experiences that have tremendously aided me in finishing

my documentation for my final year project (FYP). Moreover, I would like to express

my gratitude to my peers, and my family for helping and supporting me with this project

by giving comments and their opinions in improving this document.


1.1 Project Background 14
1.2 Problem Statements 16
1.3 Project Objectives 16
1.4 Project Scopes 16

2.1 Review on Existing Systems 18


2.1.2 Sistem Pengurusan Projek Akhir (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) 9

2.1.3 Final Year Project Management System v2.0 (Universiti Malaysia Sarawak)
2.2 Finding and Analysis 24

3.1 Requirements Elicitation 29
3.1.1 Web Study 29

3.1.2 Survey 30

3.2 Results and Discussion 30
3.3 Requirement Specifications 38

4.1 System Design 43
4.2 System architecture 43
4.3 Interface Design 45
4.4 Database Design 76

4.5 Data Dictionary 77

5.1 Conclusion 81



Table No .................................................................................................................. Page

Table 2.1 System Comparison ...................................................................................23

Table 3.1 Features of the Application ........................................................................38

Table 4.1 Project Table ............................................................................................. 75

Table 4.2 Document Table ........................................................................................ 76

Table 4.3 Enroll Table ............................................................................................... 76

Table 4.4 Notification Table ..................................................................................... 76

Table 4.5 Guideline Table ......................................................................................... 76

Table 4.6 Meeting Table ........................................................................................... 76

Table 4.7 Sign In Table ............................................................................................. 77

Table 4.8 Student Table ............................................................................................. 77

Table 4.9 Supervisor Table ........................................................................................ 77

Table 4.10 Coordinator Table .................................................................................... 78


Figure No ................................................................................................................ Page

Figure 2.1 Screenshot of Sistem Pemantauan Keamajuan Projek Tahun Akhir.............18

Figure 2.2 Screenshot of Sistem Pemantauan Keamajuan Projek Tahun Akhir.............18

Figure 2.3 Screenshot of Sistem Pemantauan Keamajuan Projek Tahun Akhir ……....19

Figure 2.4 Screenshot of Sistem Pengurusan Projek Akhir UKM…………….…….....20

Figure 2.5 Screenshot of Sistem Pengurusan Projek Akhir UKM…………….…..…...21

Figure 2.6 Screenshot of Sistem Pengurusan Projek Akhir UKM……………...……...21

Figure 2.4 Screenshot of UNIMAS System………………………….….…...………...22

Figure 3.1 Results of Survey 1 ...................................................................................... 29

Figure 3.2 Results of Survey 2 ...................................................................................... 29

Figure 3.3 Results of Survey 3 ...................................................................................... 30

Figure 3.4 Results of Survey 4 ...................................................................................... 31

Figure 3.5 Results of Survey 5 ...................................................................................... 31

Figure 3.6 Results of Survey 6 ...................................................................................... 32

Figure 3.7 Results of Survey 7 ...................................................................................... 33

Figure 3.8 Results of Survey 8 ...................................................................................... 33

Figure 3.9 Results of Survey 9 ...................................................................................... 34

Figure 3.10 Results of Survey 10 .................................................................................. 34

Figure 3.10 Results of Survey 11 .................................................................................. 36

Figure 3.10 Results of Survey 12 ................................................................................... 36

Figure 3.13 Use Case Diagram ...................................................................................... 37

Figure 4.1 System Architecture...................................................................................... 42

Figure 4.2 Homepage……………................................................................................. 45

Figure 4.3 Role Selection ............................................................................................. 46

Figure 4.4 Main Log In Page ....................................................................................... 46

Figure 4.5 Notification................................................................................................. 47

Figure 4.6(a) Create Folder ..........................................................................................48

Figure 4.6(b) Create Folder ..........................................................................................48

Figure 4.7(a) Edit Project…………............................................................................. 49

Figure 4.7(b) Edit Project…………............................................................................. 49

Figure 4.8(a) Delete Project ........................................................................................ 50

Figure 4.8(b) Delete Project ........................................................................................ 50

Figure 4.9(a) Log Out .................................................................................................. 51

Figure 4.9(b) Log Out .................................................................................................. 51

Figure 4.10 View Documents ...................................................................................... 52

Figure 4.11(a) Add Documents ................................................................................... 52

Figure 4.11(b) Add Documents ................................................................................... 53

Figure 4.12(a) Edit Document Name .......................................................................... 53

Figure 4.12(b) Edit Document Name .......................................................................... 54

Figure 4.13(a) Delete Documents ................................................................................ 54

Figure 4.13(b) Delete Documents ................................................................................ 55

Figure 4.14 Guideline Interface..................................................................................... 55

Figure 4.15(a) Supervisor List ...................................................................................... 56

Figure 4.15(b) Supervisor List ...................................................................................... 56

Figure 4.16 Meeting Link ............................................................................................. 57

Figure 4.17(a) Supervisor Interface .............................................................................. 57

Figure 4.17(b) Supervisor Interface .............................................................................. 58

Figure 4.18(a) Add Document Supervisor ................................................................... 58

Figure 4.18(b) Add Document Supervisor ................................................................... 59

Figure 4.19(a) View Student ........................................................................................ 59

Figure 4.19(b) View Student ........................................................................................ 60

Figure 4.20 Successfully Enrolled................................................................................. 60

Figure 4.21(a) Remove Student .....................................................................................61

Figure 4.21(a) Remove Student .....................................................................................61

Figure 4.22(a) Meeting Link Supervisor........................................................................62

Figure 4.22(b) Meeting Link Supervisor........................................................................62

Figure 4.23(a) Edit Meeting Details ..............................................................................63

Figure 4.23(a) Edit Meeting Details ..............................................................................63

Figure 4.24(a) Delete Meeting .......................................................................................64

Figure 4.24(b) Delete Meeting .......................................................................................64

Figure 4.24(c) Delete Meeting .......................................................................................64

Figure 4.25(a) Coordinator Project Gate Review Interface .......................................... 65

Figure 4.25(b) Coordinator Project Gate Review Interface .......................................... 65

Figure 4.26 Edit Existing Guideline File....................................................................... 66

Figure 4.27(a) Delete Guideline Folder ........................................................................ 66

Figure 4.27(b) Delete Guideline Folder ........................................................................ 67

Figure 4.28 Add Documents………………....................................................................67

Figure 4.29 Supervisor List…….................................................................................... 68

Figure 4.30 Add New Supervisor…............................................................................... 68

Figure 4.31(a) Edit Supervisor Details .......................................................................... 69

Figure 4.31(b) Edit Supervisor Details .......................................................................... 69

Figure 4.32(a) Delete Supervisors ................................................................................. 70

Figure 4.32(b) Delete Supervisors ................................................................................. 70

Figure 4.33 ERD of the application ............................................................................... 71


FYP Final Year Project

UKM System Development Life Cycle
UnisZa Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
UNIMAS Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
UNITEN Universiti Tenaga Nasional
ERD Entity Relationship Diagram
CCI College of Computing and Informatics
COE College of Engineering
COBA College of Business Management and Accounting
CES College of Energy Economics and Social Sciences



1.1 Project Background

A project is a piece of planned work or an activity that is finished over a period and

intended to achieve a particular purpose. Every student needs to do a project called

FYP to complete their degree. Project Management and Tracking are very

important to produce a great project outcome. However, there are no uniform

guidelines or standards that the student needs to adhere to do the project.

Additionally, it is difficult to track the project because the project team is not

promptly informed when the documentation is updated. Furthermore, all the

documentation that was done by one student is compile in one place that only

student can access. Unless the supervisor or project team members request a copy

of the documents for review. Usually, it will be done by sending the documents

through WhatsApp, Telegram or Email. However, because of no guidelines and

central place for all the documentation, there will be steps or requirements that the

student might forget or not do it properly. Additionally, since all of the

documentation is not accessible to everyone, updating the project team and

supervisor will be more difficult and out of sync. To counteract this, a web

application that helps to plan, manage, and track the project is needed.

Digital Project Management and Tracking is a web application that help student to

plan, manage and track the project that they do. The communication and tracking

by the supervisor are both aided by this web application. Students will benefit from

this web application's setup of a Project Gate Review. This to ensure

standardization and quality across all FYP project. Students also can plan their

project using a project management that will be integrate with the application. All

the related documents will be store within the application database and this can be

access by authorize user such as the student and supervisor. Supervisor also can

monitor the progress did by the student and also have an online meeting together

with the student.

1.2 Problem Statements

1. Inefficient way to ensure standardization across all Final Year Project

(FYP). This happen when different supervisor has different approach on how to

complete the project and write the thesis.

2. Documents update by sending through multiple platforms is an

inefficient way to keep track of it. There is no standard platform where students

can send or keep their documents for future reference and for the supervisor.

1.3 Project Objectives

1. To gather requirements for features that are needed for this


2. To design a standardize guidelines or framework for student in

developing a quality project

3. To develop a web application for planning, managing, and

tracking projects from beginning and until completion.

1.4 Project Scopes

The users of the system are: -

1. FYP Software Engineering student at College of Computing and

Informatics UNITEN.

2. Software Engineering FYP Supervisor of College of Computing and

Informatics UNITEN.

3. Software Engineering FYP Coordinator of College of Computing and

Informatics UNITEN.

1.5 System Scope

This system will be equipped with the following features:

1. Project Planning

2. Project Tracking

3. Update Notification

4. Uploading Documents

5. Online Meeting

1.6 Limitations

The purpose of this system development if for the usage of UNITEN Final Year

Project students, specific to College of Computing, Software Engineering students.



2.1 Review on Existing Systems

Reviews of Digital Final Year Project Management System are conducted by analyzing

these systems and its features. The purpose of the review is to examine what type of

features are required to develop a final year project management system.

2.1.1 Sistem Pemantauan kamajuan Projek Tahun Akhir (Universiti Sultan Zainal

Abidin) [1]

Sistem Pemantauan Kemajuan Projek Tahun Akhir is a Web-Based Application that

was built by a student in Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UnisZA). The aim of this
system is to ease the process of the Final Year Project for both the students and
supervisor. The main feature of this system is to ease the communication between
students and supervisor from the registration of the title until the project completion.
This system allowed student to register their chosen title that been agreed with the

supervisor and later will be finalized by the Head of Department (HoD) as shown in
figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1 Screenshot of Sistem Pemantauan Kemajuan Projek Tahun Akhir

Other than that, the supervisor or any person in charge can assign tasks or due date for

student to complete the task given. As we can see in figure 2.2, there are features where

the supervisor can update the type of task, date, time, and location.

Figure 2.2 Screenshot of Sistem Pemantauan Kemajuan Projek Tahun Akhir

This feature in Figure 2.2 above is to ensure the student comply with the timeline given

to complete the project on time.

However, referring to the Figure 2.2 above, supervisor is the only one who will upload

and assign task to student. Since there is no specific instruction on how to do the task,

this won't standardize the results of the student's Final Year Project. This implies that

every supervisor will adopt an approach on their own on how to do the tasks. A

different level of project quality will result from this.

2.1.2 Sistem Pengurusan Projek Akhir (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) [2]

Sistem Pengurusan Projek Akhir is a final year project management system that consist

of 5 module which are Appointment module, Student and lecturer profile module,

Schedule module, Logbook module and Administrator module.

As we can refer to Figure 2.3 below, one of the features is that supervisor can track all

the progress did by the student by using the Project Management Interface.

Figure 2.3 Screenshot Sistem Pengurusan Projek Akhir UKM

Other than that, same as previous system, where supervisor can assign and manage their

tasks which we can see on Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4 Screenshot Sistem Pengurusan Projek Akhir UKM

All the task is shown on its performance in color coding. This make the supervisor can
see immediately if the student is on track or not. The system also has a feature where

students can communicate the supervisor directly by using the coment function, as seen

in Figure 2.5 below.

Figure 2.5 Screenshot Sistem Pengurusan Projek Akhir UKM

However, this system does not have a registration feature where student can see the list

of available supervisors. Without integration of all process or requirement need to do by

the Final Year Project student such as accessing available supervisors list and having a

standard guideline under one platform. As result, this will reduce the efficiency of the

project flow.

2.1.3 Final Year Project Management System v2.0 (Universiti Malaysia Sarawak)


Final Year Project Management System v2.0 is a project management system that

created to facilitate the student in submitting their FYP-related tasks and reports and a

medium for sharing essential FYP information such as useful tips on how to write

content in each chapter and submission date.

One of its features is to allow student to track their own progress by using the Logbook

function, as seen in Figure 2.6 below.

Figure 2.6 Screenshot of UNIMAS System

Student also are allowed to upload their documents in the system to allow tracking by

the supervisor.

However, this system does not offer an interface where supervisor can track the student

progress chapter by chapter. Instead, the supervisor won't be aware of the status until

the student uploads the completed work, chapter by chapter. Other than that, there are

no central dashboard where student can see their given tasks, dateline, and status.

2.2 Finding and Analysis

As a summary of all the systems, we can see that they all lack a few key components

that, if added, would make them excellent systems. Based on the reviews, all the

systems are a web-based application. Comparing all the three-system side by sides, the

Sistem Pemantauan Kemajuan Projek Tahun Akhir (Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin)

and Sistem Pengurusan Projek Akhir (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) have the most

features which are project planning, task monitoring, documents sharing and storing. As

a result, those 2 systems, make them stands out better compared to the Final Year

Project Management System v2.0 (Universiti Malaysia Sarawak) which only have

documents sharing and storing features. The system’s features in 1.5 System Scope act

as a benchmark for all the 3 systems.

The features are compared and simplify as shown in Table 2.1 below.

Table 1.1 System Comparison

System Sistem Pemantauan Sistem Pengurusan Final Year Project

kamajuan Projek Projek Akhir Management System

Tahun Akhir (Universiti v2.0 (Universiti

(Universiti Sultan Kebangsaan Malaysia Sarawak)

Zainal Abidin) Malaysia)

Type Web-Based Web Application Web Application


Standard Guidelines No No No

(Project Gate


Project Planning Yes Yes No

Task Monitoring Yes Yes No

Documents Sharing Yes Yes Yes

Documents Storing Yes Yes Yes

Update Notification No No No

Online Meeting No No No

2.4 Features for The Proposed System

From the reviews conducted, the following features are proposed to be implemented in

the system:

1. Project Gate Review

Project Gate Review is a feature that student needs to adhere in order to proceed

to next phase. There will be guideline for each chapter or milestones that student

need to do and approve by the supervisor before proceeding to next chapter. This

to ensure quality and standardization throughout the project.

2. Project Planning

Project planning is feature for the student to plan their project and come out with

milestones for them to follow to make sure the project is on track. This feature

also allows the supervisor to give task and dateline for student according to the

guidelines or Project Gate Review given

3. Project Tracking

Project tracking is a feature for the supervisor to keep track on the student

progress for each chapter. This will be done by documents review and update

given by the student.

4. Update Notification

Update Notification is a feature that allow supervisor or student to get instant

reminder or notification regarding the tasks or project.

5. Upload and Storing Documents

Upload and Storing Documents is a feature that allow the student to upload all

the document related to the project in one platform. It can help the supervisor in

managing all the document sent to them without them asking every time for the


6. Integrated Online Meeting

This feature will be integrated together with a 3rd party meeting application that

allows both parties have a regular meet up to discuss and align on progress.



This section will provide information about the techniques that are used to gather requirement

specification to produce a Software Requirement Specification (SRS) for this project. The

purpose of this chapter is to document the system requirements.

3.1 Requirements Elicitation

Techniques that are used to elicit project’s requirements are web study, survey and interview.

3.1.1 Web Study

Internet studies is an interdisciplinary field studying the social, psychological, political,

technical, cultural and other dimensions of the Internet and associated information and

communication technologies[4]. Web study is using the Internet to find and analyze

information to understand the scope of the proposed application which is location-based

reminder. Also, this technique is used to identify the components and features that are

implemented in making a final year project management system. Moreover, similar existing

applications to the proposed system are analyzed to identify the features that should be
implemented for the project management system.

3.1.2 Survey

Survey is a method that involves handing out a set of questions either digitally or physically

to multiple individuals to gather information about how they manage and track their final

year project [5]. For this project, the survey will be conducted online using the Google Forms

by sharing the link to the targeted people to answer those questions. This technique is

conducted to analyze how they keep track of their project, manage the tasks and how they

communicate with their supervisor.

3.2 Results and Discussion

3.2.1 Web Study

The result of Web Study is similar as discussed in 2.2 Review of Similar System

3.2.2 Survey

The survey that has been conducted has received 38 respondents in total. Figure 3.1 to

Figure 3.11 shows the results of the survey.

Figure 3.1 Results of Survey 1

Figure 3.1 shows the level of education qualification of all the respondents. 77.4% of the

respondents are taking degree which is most of the respondents. 12.9% of the respondents are

taking foundation while the lowest percentage is respondents who are taking diploma which

is 9.7%.

Figure 3.2 Results of Survey 2

Figure 3.2 shows the percentage of respondents based on their faculty. 71% of the

respondents comes from College of Computing and Informatics (CCI). 19.4% of the

respondents are from College of Engineering (COE). 9.7% of the respondents comes from

College of Business Management & Accounting (COBA) and no respondent from College of

Energy Economics & Social Sciences (CES).

Figure 3.3 Results of Survey 3

Figure 3.3 shows the age of the respondents. About 25.8% of the respondents age are

between 18-20 years old. 64.5% of the respondents age are between 21-22 years old and

9.7% of the respondents age are between 23-24 years old.

Figure 3.4 Results of Survey 4

Figure 3.4 shows the way of the respondents communicate with their team or supervisor

when doing final year project or any project. Most of them which is 93.5% prefer using

WhatsApp or Telegram as a communication platform. 51.6% of the respondents prefer using

Online Meeting platform to communicate with other members. 41.9% use email to

communicate with other team members. Physical Meeting is the least method used as a

communication platform which is only 3.2%.

Figure 3.5 Results of Survey 5

Figure 3.5 shows the respondents opinion if they have any trouble keeping the teammate

informed regarding the project’s progress. Most of them which is 51.6% have trouble when

keeping everyone inform regarding the progress. 32.3% have no trouble keeping others

informed. While 16.1% answered maybe.

Figure 3.6 Results of Survey 6

Figure 3.6 tells the opinion of the respondent regarding the necessity of guidelines or

framework when doing a project. A total of 96.8% of the respondent agree that we need a

standard guidelines or frameworks when doing a project.

Figure 3.7 Results of Survey 7

Figure 3.7 is a follow up question from figure 3.6. In figure 3.6, shows the opinion of the

respondent where if guidelines will give a positive impact when doing a project.

Figure 3.8 Results of Survey 8

Figure 3.8 shows the level of importance of certain features that need in a project

management and tracking application. As we can see, most of the respondent voted for ‘it is a
must’ and ‘very useful’ for all the features.

Figure 3.9 Results of Survey 9

Here in figure 3.9, we can see some of the suggestion from the respondent regarding other

components or features need in a project management and tracking application. We can see

the respondent suggest a collaboration features and a feedback area where supervisor can

give some feedback regarding the project progress.

Figure 3.10 Results of Survey 10

In figure 3.10, there are a list of features that need to be vote by the respondent to see which
one they like the most to have in the new system. We can see the highest, which is 24

respondents voted for the guideline features. For upload documents and notification update

features have the same number of voters which are 23 respondents. 22 respondents voted for

the feedback features and lastly build in meeting feature have 18 voters. As a highlight,

respondent can choose multiple features for this question.

Figure 3.11 Results of Survey 11

In figure 3.11, respondent can give some recommendation on what other features can be add

into the system. As we can see, the respondent suggested a deadline, git good and emoji for

reaction as a feature.
Figure 3.12 Results of Survey 12

In figure 3.12, the aim for this question is to know what the main purpose of this system is.

The majority which is 38.7% of the respondents choose ‘Communication among student and

supervisor’ as the main purpose of this system. Second highest is 35.5% of the respondents

choose ‘To ensure a quality final year project’ as the main purpose of the system. The rest

which is 25.8% of the respondents choose ‘Help to schedule and arrange the FYP’ as the

main purpose.

In conclusion, most of the respondents feels that there is a need of a project management and

tracking system to help them in managing, tracking, and doing the final year project. The

feedback, recommendation and suggestion given by the respondent will be use as a guide

during the development of the system.

3.3 Requirement Specifications

Referring to Figure 3.13 below is the use case of the system:

Figure 3.13 Use Case Diagram
Based on the use case diagram above, the web application will have 3 user which are the

student, supervisor, and coordinator. The student can create a project within the web

application, and they can view, edit, add, and delete the project details. The supervisor able to

enroll the student under their team after the student have selected their respective supervisor.

The student and supervisor can view the documents list within the system. Both can add, edit,

and delete the documents that they upload within the system. The student and supervisor also

can get and view the notifications when there is an update have been done within the project.

Other than that, both can do an online meeting within the application.

Other than that, the coordinator can create the guidelines that will be use by the student when

doing a project. The coordinator can add, edit, or delete the guidelines that have been made.

All three of them can view the guidelines that have been add within the application.

Below are the features of the application.

Table 3.1 features of the application.

Feature Feature Description Roles


F01 Start project The web application shall allow user to Student
create a project.
F02 View Project The web application shall allow user to Student
view the project.
F03 Add Project The web application shall allow user to Student
add more project if necessary.
F04 Edit project The web application shall allow user to Student
edit project information.
F05 Delete Project The web application shall allow user to Student
delete existing project
F06 View documents The web application shall display list Student,
of documents add by user
list supervisor

F07 Add documents The web application shall allow user to Student,
add documents.

F08 Edit documents The web application shall allow user to Student,
edit the documents information.

F09 Delete documents The web application shall allow user to Student,
delete the documents added.

F10 Update The web application shall send an Student,

update notification to the user if there
notifications are any changes. supervisor

F11 View notification The web application shall allow user to Student,
view notification list.

F12 Online meeting The web application shall allow user to Student,
have online meeting.

F13 View student The web application shall allow user to Supervisor
view list of students that registered for
F14 Delete student The web application shall allow user to Supervisor
delete the student
F15 Add student The web application allow user to add Supervisor
student into their team.
F16 View Project Gate The web application shall display the Student,
guidelines related to project.
Review supervisor,


F17 Create Project The web application shall allow user to Coordinator
create a new guideline.
Gate Review
F18 Add Project Gate The web application shall allow user to Coordinator
add new guidelines.

F19 Edit Project Gate The web application shall allow user to Coordinator
edit current guidelines.

F20 Delete Project The web application shall allow user to Coordinator
delete existing guidelines.
Gate Review

F21 View supervisor The web application shall allow the Student,
users to view the existing list of
supervisors. coordinator

F22 Create supervisor The web application shall allow user to Coordinator
create a supervisor list.
F23 Add supervisor The web application shall allow user to Coordinator
add supervisor into the existing list.
F24 Edit supervisor The web application shall allow user to Coordinator
edit the current list of supervisors.
F25 Delete supervisor The web application shall allow user to Coordinator
delete the supervisor’s name in the list.
F26 Sign In The web application shall allow user to Student,
sign in.



4.1 System Design

The purpose of this chapter is to document the system specifications and system design

for the web-application. The system design is divided into three parts which are

system architecture, interface design and database design. Interface design is included

to explain the flow of the application and the database design with its data dictionary.

4.2 System architecture

System architecture is a diagram that represents the components and the subcomponents of a

system. Below is Figure 4.1, the system architecture to show the relationship between

different components.
Figure 4.1 System Architecture

Figure 4.1 above shows the system architecture that represents the component of the system

and the relationship between these components. The components of this system

architecture is the user, the hardware, the mobile application, the server and the


This application only has three type of user which are Student, Supervisor, and FYP

Coordinator. The user will access the application by using a hardware which is their desktop

or laptop.
Each of these actions requires the interaction between the application, the server and

the database. Whenever the user performs an action, the application will send a request

to the server. Then, the server will perform queries to execute the request from the

application to extract, insert or update the data in the MySQL database.

4.3 Interface Design

This section describes the interface of the web application.

Figure 4.2 Homepage

Figure 4.2 (Homepage) is the landing page when user click on the Digital Final Year

Project Management and Tracking. They will see the sign in button where it will be

redirect to the second page of the website which refer to Figure 4.3.
Figure 4.3 Role Selection

Figure 4.3 shows a page where user need to choose their own role or type of user

before can continue to the main log in page which referring to Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4 Main Log In page

Figure 4.4 is referring to the main log in page and it is the same for the other 2 roles
which are the Supervisor and Coordinator. The different is just the logo at top right

corner. It will be following the logo that the user chooses at figure 4.3. Also, the

word ‘Your Student ID’ will be different for supervisor and coordinator. It will be

‘Your Staff ID.

Figure 4.5 Notification

Figure 4.5 shows the notification interface. This is where the student and

supervisor will get notify to any changes that have been made between them and

the coordinator. Both the student and the supervisor can click on the notifications

to be directed to the relevant update.

Figure 4.6(a) Create Folder

Figure 4.6(b) Create Folder

Figure 4.6(a) is the landing page after user have signed in. The Figure 4.6(a)

above is specific for student where they could add multiple projects if they

needed, by clicking on the ‘Add’ icon on the left side of the interface. As we can

see in Figure 4.6(b), if the student clicks on the add button, the system will show

a pop-up where student can input their new project name and add the project.
Figure 4.7(a) Edit Project

Figure 4.7(b) Edit Project

Figure 4.7(a) shows us the interface where student can edit the name of the

project that they have created at the first place. They can do it by clicking the

‘Edit’ button on the left side and a pop up will show. In Figure 4.7(b), they can

input the new name and update or cancel.

Figure 4.8(a) Delete Project

Figure 4.8(b) Delete Project

Figure 4.8(a) is the interface where student can delete their existing project by

clicking on the ‘Delete’ icon on the left side. The system will prompt a confirmation

message since it will be permanently deleted after they click ‘YES’ as shown in

Figure 4.8(b).
Figure 4.9(a) Log Out

Figure 4.9(b) Log Out

Figure 4.9(a) is the interface when user click the log out button. It will redirect to

the log in interface with a message ‘Successfully Logged Out’ as shown in

Figure 4.9(b).
Figure 4.10 View Documents

Figure 4.10 is the interface where student can see the documents that they have been

uploaded. As we can see in Figure 4.10, there is already one document uploaded

name ‘Document 1’. Student also can navigate their interface by clicking the three

lines on the top right. There will be a list that they can choose to navigate to.

Figure 4.11(a) Add Documents

Figure 4.11(b) Add Documents

Figure 4.11(a) shows the interface for student to add the documents into the

system. Student can click the ‘Add’ button on the left screen to add documents.

A pop-up screen will appear, and student can drag their document there to

upload or by clicking the ‘Browse Document’ button to browse documents

inside the device. Figure 4.11(b) shows the result when student have added the

documents into the pop-up window. After that, student can click ‘Add’ button to

add the document.

Figure 4.12(a) Edit Document Name

Figure 4.12(b) Edit Document Name

Figure 4.12(a) shows a simple feature where student can edit the name of the

document that they have been uploaded by clicking on the ‘Edit’ button on the

left side of the screen. Then the student can click the document that they need to

change. Figure 4.12(b) shows the result when student have changed the name.

Figure 4.13(a) Delete Documents

Figure 4.13(b) Delete Documents

Figure 4.13(a) shows a way for the student to delete the document that exist in

their interface. They can click the ‘Delete’ icon on the left of the screen and then

a list of existing documents will pop up together with and ‘X’ symbols indicate

the delete button. After the student click the ‘X’ icon, a confirmation message

will pop up to ensure they really want to delete it, as we can see in Figure


Figure 4.14 Guideline Interface

Figure 4.14 shows the interface where student can access the existing guidelines

or milestone that have been uploaded by the coordinator.

Figure 4.15(a) Supervisor List

Figure 4.15(b) Supervisor List

Figure 4.15(a) shows a list of supervisors for that semester when user click on the

‘Supervisor’ icon on the pop up on the right side of the screen, as seen in Figure

Figure 4.16 Meeting Link

Figure 4.16 is when student click on the ‘Meeting’ icon on the pop-up interface,

they will be redirect to the Meeting Interface. They can see the meeting link that

have been uploaded by their respective supervisor.

Figure 4.17(a) Supervisor Interface

Figure 4.17(b) Supervisor Interface

Figure 4.17(a) shows us the interface when supervisor logged in. The above part is

the landing page, which are the same as the student. It will land on the project page

first. Supervisor can click on the respective student to see the file that already exist

in the student account. The supervisor also can access the folder to see the document

that their supervisee has uploaded, as seen in Figure 4.17(b).

Figure 4.18(a) Add Document Supervisor

Figure 4.18(b) Add Document Supervisor

Figure 4.18(a) shows the same feature that supervisor has same as the student. But the
supervisor can add the document into the student interface and the student can see it. As seen
in Figure 4.18(b), that is the result when supervisor upload a document. The supervisor needs
to click ‘Add’ button to confirm if they want to upload the document.

Figure 4.19(a) View Student

Figure 4.19(a) View Student

Figure 4.19(a) shows us the interface where the supervisor can view their existing supervisee
or student and add the student into their team. They can click on the ‘Add Student’ icon and
the system will pop an area where the supervisor can enter the student ID and click enroll, as
seen in Figure 4.19(b). If the student ID does not exist, it will dispay ‘Student Not Exist’.

Figure 4.20 Successfully Enrolled

Figure 4.20 shows when they successfully enroll a student.

Figure 4.21(a) Remove Student.

Figure 4.21(b) Remove Student.

Figure 4.21(a) is the interface where the supervisor can remove the student. They can click
the remove student icon as shown in Figure 4.19(a) previously. Then a pop-up will appear
shows that they need to enter the student id that they want to remove as shown in Figure
4.21(a). A confirmation will pop-up if the system found the id, as seen in Figure 4.21(b).
Figure 4.22(a) Meeting Link Supervisor

Figure 4.22(b) Meeting Link Supervisor

Figure 4.22(a) shows us the interface where supervisor can see the existing meeting link.
Also, the supervisor can add more link by clicking the ‘Add’ icon on the left side of the
screen. A new pop-up will appear and ask the supervisor to fill in the meeting link and
meeting name, as seen in figure 4.22(b). Then they can click add.
Figure 4.23(a) Edit Meeting Details

Figure 4.23(b) Edit Meeting Details

Figure 4.23(a) shows the way how the supervisor can change the meeting details. They can
click the ‘Edit’ icon and then a check box above the meeting icon will appear. The supervisor
then need to click which meeting details they want to change and then a new pop-up will
appear as shown in Figure 4.23(b). They enter the new details and then click update.
Figure 4.24(a) Delete Meeting

Figure 4.24(b) Delete Meeting

Figure 4.24(c) Delete Meeting

As shown in figure 4.24(a), supervisor can delete the meeting link by clicking the ‘Delete’
icon on the left of the screen. The supervisor then need to click which meeting they want to
delete and then a new pop-up will appear as shown in Figure 4.24(b). A confirmation will be
shown as shown in Figure 4.24(c).

Figure 4.25(a) Coordinator Project Gate Review Interface

Figure 4.25(b) Coordinator Project Gate Review Interface

As shown in figure 4.25(a), coordinator can add more milestone file or Project Gate Review
files by clicking ‘Add’ icon. A pop-up will show as seen in Figure 4.25(b). The coordinator
can input the new milestone file’s name and then click ‘Add’ to confirm.
Figure 4.26 Edit Existing Guideline File

Referring to Figure 4.26, coordinator can edit the name of the file that they have created at
first place by clicking the ‘Edit’ icon. Then the coordinator need to click which file they want
to edit and the file name will turn blue. It indicates that the coordinator can start changing the
name of the file.

Figure 4.27(a) Delete Guideline Folder

Figure 4.26(a) Delete Guideline Folder

Figure 4.27(a) shows on the ability of the coordinator to delete the existing guideline files.
The coordinator need to click on the ‘Delete’ icon and then a pop-up will appear. The
coordinator need to select which folder they want to delete. A confirmation message will
appear and they need to click ‘Yes’ if want to permanently delete those file, as seen in Figure

Figure 4.28 Add Documents

Referring to the Figure 4.28, coordinator can easily add new milestones document by
dragging it to the blue bar. It is quite similar to the way when student or supervisor need to
upload a documents
Figure 4.29 Supervisor List

Figure 4.29 shows the list of supervisor that can be access by the coordinator.

Figure 4.30 Add New Supervisor

The coordinator can add new supervisor as we can see in the Figure 4.30. Coordinator can
input the new details of the supervisor and click ‘add’ icon. The coordinator can input the
details of the new supervisor in the pop-up that appeared.
Figure 4.31(a) Edit Supervisor Details

Figure 4.31(b) Edit Supervisor Details

Referring to the figure 4.31(a), coordinator can edit all the supervior’s detail. They can click
the ‘Edit’ icon and then click on the check box near the supervisor’s name that they want to
edit. As shown in Figure 4.31(b), a pop-up will appear and then they can input the new details
and click ‘Update’.
Figure 4.32(a) Delete Supervisors

Figure 4.32(b) Delete Supervisors

As shown in Figure 4.32(a), coordinator can delete the superviors.The coordinator can click
the ‘Delete’ button and then a check box will appear at the side of each of the supervisor’s
name. A confirmation message will appear to double check if they really want to delete that
particular supervisor, as seen in Figure 4.32(b).
4.4 Database Design

This section explains how the data are stored, organized and the relationship between them.
An Entity Relational Diagram (ERD) is used to represent the entities in the application. Also,
the data dictionary of the database is included.

4.4.1 Data Modelling Diagram

Figure 4.33 ERD of the application

Figure 4.32 shows the database design for the application and its entities, data, and
relationships between the entities in the application.
4.5 Data Dictionary

1. Project Table
Table 4.1 Project Table

Column Type Null Default

Project_ID Int No

Project_Name Varchar No

Date_Created Timestamp No

2. Document Table
Table 4.2 Document Table

Column Type Null Default

Document_ID Int No

Document_Name BLOB No

Document_Date Timestamp No

Document_Image BLOB No

3. Add Student Table

Table 4.3 Enroll Table

Column Type Null Default

AddStudent_ID Int No
4. Notification Table

Table 4.4 Notification Table

Column Type Null Default

Notification_ID Int No

Notification_Name Varchar No

Notification_Content Varchar No

Notification_Time Timestamp No

5. Guidelines Table

Table 4.5 Guideline Table

Column Type Null Default

Guidelines_ID Int No

Guidelines_Name Varchar No

Guidelines_Image BLOB No

Guidelines_Doc BLOB No
6. Meeting Table

Table 4.6 Meeting Table

Column Type Null Default

Meeting_ID Int No

Meeting_Name Varchar No

Meeting_Link Varchar No

7. Sign In Table

Table 4.7 Sign In Table

Column Type Null Default

SignIn_ID Int No

Password Varchar No

8. Student Table

Table 4.8 Student Table

Column Type Null Default

Student_ID Int No

Student_Name Varchar No

Student_Email Varchar No

Student_Course Varchar No
9. Supervisor Table

Table 4.9 Supervisor Table

Column Type Null Default

Supervisor_ID Int No

Supervisor_Name Varchar No

Supervisor_Email Varchar No

Supervisor_Phone Int No

10. Coordinator Table

Table 4.10 Coordinator Table

Column Type Null Default

Coordinator_ID Int No

Coordinator_Name Varchar No

Coordinator_Email Varchar No


In conclusion, as we can see, the main objective is to create a system that can help the FYP
student to manage, track and help them to produce a quality project. This system also will
allow student to share documents directly to their supervisor under one platform. This system
will be developed as a web application. Based on the data that have been collected using the
survey, we can see that most of student agree that we need a standard guideline for them to
follow. Since we know there are many supervisors, and all those supervisors have different
approach. This can make them confuse on how to do it. Because at the end, they will discuss
also with their friends regarding the way to do the project. Besides that, comparison of
existing system also has been done. This is to ensure that the future system will have an extra
feature that will benefit the users. Through all of that, a list of new and additional features
that can provide users with additional benefits are suggested.

Other than that, the design, structure, and architecture of the system are shown
diagrammatically with labels and corresponding assumption has been considered. In a
nutshell, the data and information needed for the development of the system has been 52
gathered and the design interface has been drafted as guideline to develop the system. This
will be useful for the future development of the system to meet the requirements.
As for the future in developing the system in FYP2, a software development life cycle will be
chosen to be implement during the development of this system. As an early choice, agile will
be the best software development lifecycle candidate to be use in developing the system. As
we all know, agile method welcomes new requirements. Even though the requirement comes
late at the end of the development process. Other than that, the system will be develop using
Laravel. Laravel is a framework that help in developing a web application [.]. As for the
database, the chosen system is MySQL since it is an open-source relational database



3. chrome-
.pdf (UnisZa) [1]

4. chrome-
enakshi%20Kannan%20-%2024%20pgs.pdf (UKM and UNIMAS) [2] [3]

5. [4]

survey-research/ [5]

Software Requirements

[Digital Final Year Project

Management and Tracking]

Prepared by [Syahmi Najhan Bin Saiful Azlan]

[December 9 , 2022]
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Project Scope and Product Features ........................................................................................... 1
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations................................................................................ 4
1.4 References .................................................................................................................................. 4
1.5 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 4

2. OVERALL DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Product Perspective .................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Product Functions ...................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics................................................................................................ 8
2.4 Constraints ................................................................................................................................. 9
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies ................................................................................................ 9
2.6 Apportioning of Requirements .................................................................................................. 9

3. SYSTEM FEATURES ............................................................................................................... 9

4. Other Nonfunctional Requirements ............................................................................... 35

Revision History
Name Date Reason for Changes Version

Syahmi Najhan Bin Saiful Azlan 20/11/2022 Initial Draft 1.0

Software Requirements Specification for Digital Final Year Project Management and Tracking Page 1

1. Introduction
This section explains the overview of the System Requirement Specification (SRS) of

the proposed web application, Final Year Project Management and Tracking, which

contains purpose, scope, definitions, acronyms, abbreviations, references and the

overview of the SRS.

1.1. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to give a detailed description of the requirements for the

proposed application, Final Year Project Management and Tracking. This document will

elaborate on the features of the application, interfaces of the application, what it can do

and its constraints.

This document is primarily intended for my supervisor of Final Year Project, Madam

Ramona Binti Ramli for the project evaluation.

1.2. Project Scope and Product Features

Final Year Project Management and Tracking is a web application to help the student in
managing and tracking their final year project. This application will help in terms of
communication with their supervisor and producing a quality and standardize final year
project among other students. This application has three of user which are the student,
supervisor, and coordinator.

Below are features of the application:

Table 1.1 Features of the Application

Feature Feature Description Roles


F01 Start project The web application shall allow Student

user to create a project.
F02 View Project The web application shall allow Student

Copyright © 2022 by Syahmi Najhan Bin Saiful Azlan. All Rights Reserved.
Software Requirements Specification for Digital Final Year Project Management and Tracking Page 2

user to view the project.

F03 Add Project The web application shall allow Student
user to add more project if
F04 Edit project The web application shall allow Student
user to edit project information.
F05 Delete Project The web application shall allow Student
user to delete existing project
F06 View documents The web application shall display Student,
list of documents add by user
list supervisor

F07 Add documents The web application shall allow Student,

user to add documents.

F08 Edit documents The web application shall allow Student,

user to edit the documents
information. supervisor

F09 Delete documents The web application shall allow Student,

user to delete the documents
added. supervisor

F10 Update The web application shall send an Student,

update notification to the user if
notifications there are any changes. supervisor

F11 View notification The web application shall allow Student,

user to view notification list.

F12 Online meeting The web application shall allow Student,

user to have online meeting.

F13 Enroll student The web application shall allow Supervisor

user to enroll student as their team
or supervisee.
F14 Delete student The web application shall allow Supervisor
user to delete the student
F15 View Student The web application shall allow Supervisor
user to view the list of students
that they enrolled.
F16 View guidelines The web application shall display Student,
the guidelines related to project.

Copyright © 2022 by Syahmi Najhan Bin Saiful Azlan. All Rights Reserved.
Software Requirements Specification for Digital Final Year Project Management and Tracking Page 3


F17 Create guidelines The web application shall allow Coordinator

user to create a new guideline.
F18 Add guidelines The web application shall allow Coordinator
user to add new guidelines.
F19 Edit guidelines The web application shall allow Coordinator
user to edit current guidelines.
F20 Delete guidelines The web application shall allow Coordinator
user to delete existing guidelines.
F21 View supervisor The web application shall allow Student,
the users to view the existing list
of supervisors. coordinator

F22 Create supervisor The web application shall allow Coordinator

user to create a supervisor list.
F23 Add supervisor The web application shall allow Coordinator
user to add supervisor into the
existing list.
F24 Edit supervisor The web application shall allow Coordinator
user to edit the current list of
F25 Delete supervisor The web application shall allow Coordinator
user to delete the supervisor’s
name in the list.
F26 Sign Up The web application shall allow Student,
user to sign un.


F26 Sign In The web application shall allow Student,

user to sign in.


Copyright © 2022 by Syahmi Najhan Bin Saiful Azlan. All Rights Reserved.
Software Requirements Specification for Digital Final Year Project Management and Tracking Page 4

1.3. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

Term Definition
SRS Software Requirements Specification
CT Constraints
AS Assumptions
DP Dependencies
PR Performance Requirement
DC Design Constraints
SC Standard Compliance
RL Reliability
AV Availability
SR Security
MT Maintainability
FYP Final Year Project

1.4. References
[1] "What is an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)?," Lucidchart, [Online]. Available:

[2] N. T, "Use Case Relationship," Binary Terms, 21 July 2020. [Online]. Available:

1.5. Overview
This document contains four sections:

Section 1 contains the purpose, scope, definitions, acronyms, and references made to

other documents

Section 2 contains the overall description of the application, including constraints and


Section 3 contains specific requirements of the system to be implemented.

Section 4 contains other non-functional requirements for the application.

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Software Requirements Specification for Digital Final Year Project Management and Tracking Page 5


This section of the SRS contains the overview of the application which describes

product perspective, product functions, user classes and characteristics, operating

environment, design and implementation constraints, assumptions, and dependencies of

the application.

2.1. Product Perspective

This subsection explains about the application’s interaction with other system. This

subsection also describes about how the application would operate inside various

constraints. These constraints include:

a) System interfaces
b) User interfaces
c) Hardware interfaces
d) Software interfaces
e) Communications interfaces
f) Memory
g) Operations
h) Site adaptation requirements

2.1.1. System interfaces

Not Applicable

2.1.2. User interfaces

The user interface for this application shall be compatible with any windows desktops or


The user interface shall be implemented with any tool or software package.

Details for the user interface will be included in System Design

2.1.3. Hardware interfaces

The application can only be accessed on windows desktops or laptops. All hardware for

the application requires a connection to the internet.

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Software Requirements Specification for Digital Final Year Project Management and Tracking Page 6

2.1.4. Software interfaces

Following are the software used for the mobile application:

Software Used Description

MySql Local Database to save details, document and any other data
saved by user.

Laravel A framework that helps in web application development.

2.1.5 Communications interfaces

Digital Final Year Project Management and Tracking application shall use HTTP

protocol for communication over the Internet.

2.1.6 Memory constraints

Not Applicable.

2.1.7 Operations

Refer to 2.1.2 User Interface.

2.1.8 Site adaptation requirements

Not Applicable.

2.2. Product Functions

The table below contains the list of features to be implemented in the application.

Table 2.1 Features to be Implemented

Feature Feature Description Roles

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Software Requirements Specification for Digital Final Year Project Management and Tracking Page 7


F01 Start project The web application shall allow Student

user to create a project.
F02 View Project The web application shall allow Student
user to view the project.
F03 Add Project The web application shall allow Student
user to add more project if
F04 Edit project The web application shall allow Student
user to edit project information.
F05 Delete Project The web application shall allow Student
user to delete existing project
F06 View documents The web application shall display Student,
list of documents add by user
list supervisor

F07 Add documents The web application shall allow Student,

user to add documents.

F08 Edit documents The web application shall allow Student,

user to edit the documents
information. supervisor

F09 Delete documents The web application shall allow Student,

user to delete the documents
added. supervisor

F10 Update The web application shall send an Student,

update notification to the user if
notifications there are any changes. supervisor

F11 View notification The web application shall allow Student,

user to view notification list.

F12 Online meeting The web application shall allow Student,

user to have online meeting.

F13 Enroll student The web application shall allow Supervisor

user to enroll student as their team
or supervisee.
F14 Delete student The web application shall allow Supervisor
user to delete the student
F15 View Student The web application shall allow Supervisor
user to view the list of students

Copyright © 2022 by Syahmi Najhan Bin Saiful Azlan. All Rights Reserved.
Software Requirements Specification for Digital Final Year Project Management and Tracking Page 8

that they enrolled.

F16 View guidelines The web application shall display Student,
the guidelines related to project.


F17 Create guidelines The web application shall allow Coordinator

user to create a new guideline.
F18 Add guidelines The web application shall allow Coordinator
user to add new guidelines.
F19 Edit guidelines The web application shall allow Coordinator
user to edit current guidelines.
F20 Delete guidelines The web application shall allow Coordinator
user to delete existing guidelines.
F21 View supervisor The web application shall allow Student,
the users to view the existing list
of supervisors. coordinator

F22 Create supervisor The web application shall allow Coordinator

user to create a supervisor list.
F23 Add supervisor The web application shall allow Coordinator
user to add supervisor into the
existing list.
F24 Edit supervisor The web application shall allow Coordinator
user to edit the current list of
F25 Delete supervisor The web application shall allow Coordinator
user to delete the supervisor’s
name in the list.
F26 Sign Up The web application shall allow Student,
user to sign un.


F27 Sign In The web application shall allow Student,

user to sign in.


2.3. User Classes and Characteristics

There will be 3 types of users who will be using this web application. The users are

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Software Requirements Specification for Digital Final Year Project Management and Tracking Page 9

student, supervisor, and coordinator. Students are the individuals who want to manage

and track their FYP progress and to follow a set of guidelines that will help them in

making a quality project. Supervisors are individuals who will keep track on the student

progress. Coordinators are individuals who will create the guidelines for the students to

follow and create the list of supervisor’s names for the students to refer. The user must

have the basic knowledge to use a mobile application.

2.4. Constraints

CT-1: This application requires a maximum of 4 months for the development,

with 1 month for the testing and reworks.

CT-2: For final year project purpose, the application is built by only one person.

2.5. Assumptions and Dependencies

AS-1: All users have connection to the Internet.

DP-1: Application can run on most windows desktops or laptops.

2.6. Apportioning of Requirements

Not Applicable

3. System Features
This section contains the functional requirements of the Digital FYP Management and

Tracking application with its priority, starts with the overall requirement and then the

requirements for each feature of the system. Figure 3.1 below shows the use case of the


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Software Requirements Specification for Digital Final Year Project Management and Tracking Page 10

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Software Requirements Specification for Digital Final Year Project Management and Tracking Page 11

Figure 3.1 Use Case of Digital Final Year Project Management and Tracking

Table 3.1 Overall Requirement

Requirement ID Description
RQ01_00 The web application shall allow user to create a project.
RQ02_00 The web application shall allow user to view the project.
RQ03_00 The web application shall allow user to add more project if necessary.
RQ04_00 The web application shall allow user to edit project information.
The web application shall allow user to delete existing project

The web application shall display list of documents add by user


RQ07_00 The web application shall allow user to add documents.

RQ08_00 The web application shall allow user to edit the documents
RQ09_00 The web application shall allow user to delete the documents added.
The web application shall send an update notification to the user if
there are any changes.
RQ11_00 The web application shall allow user to view notification list.
RQ12_00 The web application shall allow user to have online meeting.
RQ13_00 The web application shall allow user to enroll student as their team or
RQ14_00 The web application shall allow user to delete the student
The web application shall allow user to see the list of students that
they enrolled.
The web application shall display the guidelines related to project.

The web application shall allow user to create a new guideline.


The web application shall allow user to add new guidelines.


RQ19_00 The web application shall allow user to edit current guidelines.

RQ20_00 The web application shall allow user to delete existing guidelines.
The web application shall allow the users to view the existing list of
The web application shall allow user to create a supervisor list.

The web application shall allow user to add supervisor into the existing
The web application shall allow user to edit the current list of
The web application shall allow user to delete the supervisor’s name in
the list.

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Software Requirements Specification for Digital Final Year Project Management and Tracking Page 12

The web application shall allow user to sign up.


The web application shall allow user to sign in.


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Software Requirements Specification for [Digital Final Year Project Management and Tracking] Page 13

3.1. F01 Start Project

3.1.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Start Project are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority

The application shall display the project created by the High

3.1.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name Start Project

Use Case ID UC01
Primary actor(s) Student
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition -
Post condition Project created displayed.
Result(s) Application displays Project created.
Main 1. User opens the Application.
Scenario 2. Application displays Project Page.
3. User click create project.
4. User input the details of project
5. User click create.
6. Application display ‘Project Created’.
Alternative -
Exception Scenario -

Related -
Use case(s)

3.2. F02 View Project

3.2.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for View Project are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority

The application shall display the project created High

Copyright © [2022] by [Syahmi Najhan Bin Saiful Azlan]. All Rights Reserved.
Software Requirements Specification for [Digital Final Year Project Management and Tracking] Page 14

3.2.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name View Project

Use Case ID UC02
Primary actor(s) Student
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition A project has been created prior to viewing.
Post condition Project created is shown on the landing page.
Result(s) Application will display the existing project created by student.

Main 1. User click the project icon

Scenario 2. User view the created project
Alternative Scenario -

Exception Scenario -

Related -
Use case(s)

3.3. F03 Add Project

3.3.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Add Project are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority

The application shall display add project icon. High

The application shall not allow user to click on ‘add’ if the High
name of new project does not enter.

3.3.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name Add Project

Use Case ID UC03
Primary actor(s) Student
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition User has created another project.
Post condition A new project is created.
Result(s) The application displays the new project created.
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Main 1. User click on the ‘Add Project’ icon.

Scenario 2. User input the new project details.
3. User click add.
4. User view the new project created.
Alternative -
Exception Scenario -

Related -
Use case(s)

3.4. F04 Edit Project

3.4.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Edit Project are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority

The application shall allow the user to edit the existing High
RQ04_01 details of the project.

3.4.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name Edit Project

Use Case ID UC04
Primary actor(s) Student
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition User has already created a Project.
Post condition Selected Project details have been updated.
Result(s) User updated the details of the selected project.

Main 1. User taps on the project name created.

Scenario 2. User clicks on edit.
3. User enter new details of the project.
4. User clicks on save.
5. User view the updated details.
Alternative Scenario -

Exception Scenario -

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Related -
Use case(s)

3.5. F05 Delete Project

3.5.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Delete Project are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority

The application shall delete all the details and contents High
inside the project.

3.5.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name Delete Project

Use Case ID UC05
Primary actor(s) Student
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition User has already created a Project.
Post condition Selected Project is removed from the application
Result(s) User deleted the selected project and all its content.
Main 1. User clicks on the project name.
Scenario 2. Application displays the project details.
3. User clicks on delete button.
4. Application prompt a confirmation message.
5. User clicks ‘YES’.
6. The application removes the project and all its contents.
7. The application display the project page.
Alternative -
Exception Scenario -

Related -
Use case(s)

3.6. F06 View Documents List

3.6.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for View Documents List are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority

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The application shall display the list of documents added High

in project.

3.6.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name View Documents List.

Use Case ID UC06
Primary actor(s) Students, supervisor.
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition User has already created a project
Post condition List of added documents is displayed.
Result(s) User sees List of added documents.
Main 1. User clicks on the document’s icon.
Scenario 2. Application displays the existing documents that have been
Alternative -
Exception Scenario -

Related -
Use case(s)

3.7. F07 Add Documents

3.7.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Add Documents are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority

The application shall display an area where user can add High

3.7.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name Add Document

Use Case ID UC07
Primary actor(s) Students, supervisor.
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition User already created a Project.
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Post condition User add a document.

Result(s) A document has been uploaded.
Main 1. User clicks on the document icon.
Scenario 2. Application displays the list of documents that have been added
if have.
3. Application display also an area for user to add documents.
4. User can add document by clicking ‘+’ or by dragging the
document into the area to upload.
5. User click save.
6. Application show ‘Document added successfully’.
7. Application displays the list of documents.
Alternative -
Exception Scenario -

Related -
Use case(s)

3.8. F08 Edit Documents

3.8.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Edit Documents Name are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority

The application shall allow user to edit the documents High
The application shall restore the name of the document if Low
it is emptied.

3.8.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name Edit Document

Use Case ID UC08
Primary actor(s) Students, supervisor.
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition User already added document.
Post condition User update the document name.
Result(s) A new name for the document is updated.

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Main User clicks on the document list icon.

Scenario Application displays Document List.
User right click on the name of the documents
User click ‘change name’
User enter new name.
User clicks ‘Enter’
Application displays Documents List with the updated Document
Name at the top.
Alternative Scenario 4a User empties the Document Name
1. User click ‘change name’
2. User empties the Document Name Field
3. User clicks ‘Enter’
4. Application the restores the name of the Document.
Exception Scenario -

Related -
Use case(s)

3.9. F09 Delete Document

3.9.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Delete Document are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority

The application shall allow user to delete a Document. High

3.9.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name Delete Document

Use Case ID UC09
Primary actor(s) Students, supervisor.
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition User already added a Document.
Post condition User deleted Document.
Result(s) A Document has been deleted

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Main 1. User clicks on document list.

Scenario 2. Application displays Document List that have been added.
3. User right click on the document that need to be delete.
4. User selects “Delete”
5. Application displays a confirmation message.
6. User clicks “Yes”
7. The application removes the Document
8. The application displays Document List page.
Alternative Scenario -

Exception Scenario -

Related -
Use case(s)

3.10. F10 Update Notifications

3.10.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Update Notifications are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority

The application shall send notification when there are High
any changes happen within the project.

3.10.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name Update Notifications

Use Case ID UC10
Primary actor(s) Student, supervisor.
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition User have done any changes within the application.
Post condition Application sent out Update Notification.
Result(s) User gets a notification.
Main 1. User done any changes within the application.
Scenario 2. Application sent out Update Notification.

Alternative -
Exception Scenario -

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Related -
Use case(s)

3.11. F11 View Notifications

3.11.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for View Notifications are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority

The application shall allow user to View Notifications. High

3.11.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name View Notifications

Use Case ID UC11
Primary actor(s) Student, supervisor.
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition Application have sent out notification.
Post condition User can View Notifications.
Result(s) Notification List is displayed
Main 1. User clicks on the ‘Bell’ icon to notification list.
Alternative -
Exception Scenario -

Related -
Use case(s)

3.12. F12 Online Meeting

3.12.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Online Meeting are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority

The application shall allow users to have online meeting. High

3.12.2. Functional Requirement

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The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name Online Meeting

Use Case ID UC12
Primary actor(s) Student, supervisor.
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition -
Post condition User can have an online meeting.
Result(s) Application displays the online meeting link.
Main 1. User clicks on the Meeting icon.
Scenario 2. User paste a link for online meeting.
3. User click save.
4. Application display ‘Meeting link added successfully’
5. User click on the added link to enter the meeting.
6. User will be redirect to the chosen meeting platform.
Alternative Scenario

Exception Scenario -

Related Use case -

3.13. F13 Enroll Student

3.13.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Enroll Student are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority

The application shall allow supervisor to enroll student High
as their team or supervisee.

3.13.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name Enroll Student

Use Case ID UC13
Primary actor(s) Supervisor
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition Student have already sign up.
Post condition Supervisor added students in their team.
Result(s) Enroll Student updated.

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Main 1. User clicks on Enroll Student icon.

Scenario 2. User enter the student id.
3. Application prompt confirmation.
4. User click ‘YES”
5. User have enrolled the student.
6. User can access the user documents and see the progress.
Alternative Scenario 3a. User enter wrong student id
1. User enter wrong student id.
2. Application display ‘Student does not exist’

Exception Scenario -

Related -
Use case(s)

3.14. F14 Delete Student

3.14.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Delete Student are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority

The application shall allow user to delete student from High
their team.

3.14.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name Delete Student

Use Case ID UC14
Primary actor(s) Supervisor
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition User already added student.
Post condition User deletes Student.
Result(s) The student will be deleted from the supervisor access.
Main 1. User clicks on Student.
Scenario 2. Application displays the list of students that they enrolled.
3. User right click on the selected student.
4. Application display a delete icon.
5. User click on delete icon.
6. Application display confirmation message.
7. User clicks on the ‘YES’
8. Student have been deleted.
9. Application will display the student list.

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Alternative -
Exception Scenario -

Related -
Use case(s)

3.15. F15 View Student

3.15.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for View Student are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority

The application shall allow user to see the list of students High
that they enrolled.

3.15.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name View Student

Use Case ID UC15
Primary actor(s) Supervisor
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition User already enrolled student.
Post condition User see a list of students.
Result(s) The application displays the list of students enrolled.
Main 1. User clicks on the student icon.
Scenario 2. Application displays the list of students enrolled.

Alternative -
Exception Scenario -

Related -
Use case(s)

3.16. F16 View Guidelines

3.16.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for View Guidelines in Errand are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority

The application shall allow user to see the existing High
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3.16.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name View Guidelines

Use Case ID UC16
Primary actor(s) Student, supervisor, coordinator
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition Coordinator has already created guidelines.
Post condition User can see the guidelines.
Result(s) The application display the existing guidelines.
Main 1. User clicks on the guideline’s icon.
Scenario 2. Application displays the list of guidelines.
3. User click on specific guidelines to view.
4. Application displays the specific guidelines.
Alternative -
Exception -
Related -
Use case(s)

3.17. F17 Create Guidelines

3.17.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Create Guidelines in Errand are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority

The application shall allow user to create new guidelines. High

3.17.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name Create Guidelines

Use Case ID UC17
Primary actor(s) coordinator
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition -
Post condition User created a new guideline.
Result(s) Guideline is created in the application.
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Main 1. User clicks on the guideline’s icon.

Scenario 2. User click on ‘Add Guideline Folder’ icon.
3. User enter new name.
4. User click on the create icon.
5. Application display ‘Guideline successfully created’
6. User see the list of guidelines created.
Alternative Scenario -

Exception Scenario -

Related Use -

3.18. F18 Add Guideline

3.18.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Add Guideline are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority

The application shall allow user to add new guideline in High
the existing guideline folders.

3.18.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name Add Guidelines

Use Case ID UC18
Primary actor(s) Coordinator
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition User already created guidelines folder.
Post condition User add a new guideline in the guidelines folder.
Result(s) New guideline is created
Main Scenario 1. User clicks on the existing guidelines folder.
2. User clicks on add guidelines.
3. User clicks on ‘+’ or hover the guidelines document to add.
4. User clicks on add icon.
5. Application displays ‘New Guidelines Added’.

Alternative Scenario 2a. User write the guidelines manually.

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1. User clicks on add guidelines.

2. User write the guidelines in the text box.
3. User clicks on add icon.
4. Application displays ‘New Guidelines Added’.

Exception Scenario -
Related -
Use case(s)

3.19. F19 Edit Guidelines

3.19.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Edit Guidelines are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority

The application shall track user’s location in the High

3.19.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name Edit Guidelines

Use Case ID UC19
Primary actor(s) Coordinator
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition Guidelines have been created.
Post condition User enter update on the guidelines.
Result(s) The guideline details will be updated.

Scenario 1. User clicks on the guideline folder icon.
2. Application displays Guideline List that are inside the selected
guideline folder.
3. User right click on the name of the guidelines.
4. User click ‘change name’
5. User enter new name.
6. User clicks ‘Enter’
7. Application displays Guideline List.

Alternative Scenario 2a User want to change details inside the guideline.

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1. User clicks on the guideline folder icon.

2. Application displays Guideline List that are inside the
selected guideline folder.
3. User clicks on the desired guidelines.
4. User click edit
5. User enter new guidelines details.
6. User clicks ‘Enter’
7. Application display ‘Successfully Updated’.
8. Application displays Guideline List.

2b User want to change details inside the guideline.

1. User clicks on the guideline folder icon.
2. Application displays Guideline List that are inside the
selected guideline folder.
3. User clicks on the desired guidelines.
4. User click edit.
5. User clicks on ‘+’ or hover the guidelines document to add
or right click on the existing document to delete
6. User clicks ‘Enter’
7. Application display ‘Successfully Updated’.
8. Application displays Guideline List.
Exception Scenario

Related -
Use case(s)

3.20. F20 Delete Guidelines

3.20.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Delete Guideline are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority
The application shall delete all the contents of guidelines. High

3.20.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name Delete Guideline

Use Case ID UC20
Primary actor(s) Coordinator
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition User created a guidelines folder or guidelines list

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Post condition User delete guidelines folder or guidelines list

Result(s) Selected guideline will be deleted and all its content.
Main 1. User clicks on Guidelines folder.
Scenario 2. Application displays the list of guidelines that they created.
3. User right clicks on the selected guidelines.
4. Application displays a delete icon.
5. User click on delete icon.
6. Application display confirmation message.
7. User clicks on the ‘YES’
8. Guidelines have been deleted.
9. Application will display the guidelines list.
Alternative 1a User want to delete the Guidelines folder
Scenario 1. User right click on the Guidelines Folder.
2. Application displays a delete icon.
3. User click on delete icon.
4. Application display confirmation message.
5. User clicks on the ‘YES’
6. Guidelines have been deleted.
7. Application will display the guidelines page.
Exception -
Related -
Use case(s)

3.21. F21 View Supervisor

3.21.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for View Supervisor are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority
The application shall allow user to see list of supervisors. High

3.21.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name View Supervisor

Use Case ID UC21
Primary actor(s) Coordinator, Student
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition List of supervisors have been created.
Post condition User can see the list of supervisors
Result(s) List of supervisors displayed.

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Main 1. User clicks on the supervisor’s icon.

Scenario 2. Application displays the existing supervisor that have been

Alternative -
Exception -
Related -
Use case(s)

3.22. F22 Create Supervisor

3.22.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Create Supervisor are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority
The application shall allow user to create supervisor list. High

3.22.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name Create Supervisor

Use Case ID UC22
Primary actor(s) Coordinator
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition -
Post condition User create a supervisor list
Result(s) A new supervisor list is created.
Main 1. User click on the Supervisor Icon.
Scenario 2. Application will display a blank form of Supervisor List.
3. User create a name for the list.
4. User click create.
5. Application display ‘Successfully Created’
6. Application display the updated Supervisor List.

Alternative -

Exception -
Related -
Use case(s)

3.23. F23 Add Supervisor

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3.23.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Add Supervisor as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority
The application shall allow user add supervisor name into High
the existing list.

3.23.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name Add Supervisor

Use Case ID UC23
Primary actor(s) Coordinator
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition User created a supervisor’s list
Post condition User add the supervisor into the list.
Result(s) Supervisor name will be added into the existing list.
Main 1. User clicks on the supervisor’s list icon.
Scenario 2. Application displays the empty list or not.
3. User can add supervisor name by clicking ‘+’.
4. User enter the supervisor details.
5. User click save.
6. Application show ‘Supervisor added successfully’.
7. Application displays the updated list of supervisors.
Alternative -

Exception -
Related -
Use case(s)

3.24. F24 Edit Supervisor

3.24.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Edit Supervisor are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority
The application shall allow user to edit the supervisor list. High

3.4.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

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Name Edit Supervisor

Use Case ID UC24
Primary actor(s) Coordinator
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition User created a list of supervisors.
Post condition User edit the supervisor list.
Result(s) The new details will be updated.
Main 1. User clicks on the supervisor icon.
Scenario 2. Application displays Supervisor List.
3. User right click on the name of the supervisor.
4. User click ‘update’
5. User enter new details.
6. User clicks ‘Enter’
7. Application show ‘Supervisor Updated successfully’.
8. Application displays the updated list of supervisors.
Alternative 1a User want to change the name of the list
1. User clicks on the supervisor icon.
2. Application displays Supervisor List.
3. User right click on the name of the list.
4. User click ‘change name’
5. User enter new name.
6. User clicks ‘Enter’
7. Application show ‘List Name Updated successfully’.
8. Application displays the updated name of list of
Exception -
Related -
Use case(s)

3.25. F25 Delete Supervisor

3.25.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Delete Supervisor are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority
The application shall delete the supervisors. High

3.20.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name Delete Supervisor

Use Case ID UC25

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Primary actor(s) Coordinator

Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition User added the supervisor.
Post condition User delete the supervisor’s name.
Result(s) Selected name of supervisor will be deleted and all its detail.
Main 1. User clicks on Supervisor.
Scenario 2. Application displays Supervisor List.
3. User right click on the supervisor’s name that need to be delete.
4. User selects “Delete”
5. Application displays a confirmation message.
6. User clicks “Yes”
7. The application removes the Supervisor
8. The application displays Supervisor List page.

Alternative -
Exception -
Related -
Use case(s)

3.26. F26 Sign Up

3.26.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Sign Up are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority
The application shall allow user to sign un. High

3.26.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name Sign Up
Use Case ID UC26
Primary actor(s) Student, supervisor, coordinator.
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition -
Post condition User signed up for the application.
Result(s) Application will display sign in page after signing up

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Main 1. User clicks on the sign-up icon.

Scenario 2. Application displays the sign-up form
3. User enter the details.
4. User click ‘Sign Up’.
5. Application will display ‘Successfully Signed Up’
6. Application will display the main page.

Alternative -

Exception -
Related -
Use case(s)

3.27. F27 Sign In

3.27.1. Description and Priority

The functional requirements for Sign In are as followed:

Requirement ID Description Priority
The application shall allow user to sign in. High

3.27.2. Functional Requirement

The following table shows the details of this feature.

Name Sign In
Use Case ID UC27
Primary actor(s) Student, supervisor, coordinator.
Other actor(s) -
Pre-condition User already sign up.
Post condition User signed in into the application.
Result(s) Application will display the main page.
Main 7. User clicks on the sign in icon.
Scenario 8. User enter the credentials.
9. User click sign in.
10. Application will display ‘Signed In’
11. Application will display the main page.

Alternative 3a User enter credentials incorrectly.

Scenario 1. User click sign in.
2. User enter wrong details.
3. Application will display ‘Wrong Password or Username’
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4. Application will display the sign in page again.

Exception -
Related -
Use case(s)

4. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

4.1. Performance requirements

PR-1 The average response time for the application shall be within 2 seconds.

PR-2 The application shall receive information from the database within 12 seconds.

PR-3 The average response time for the application to process the new data shall be

within 5 seconds.

4.2. Logical database requirements

Entity Relational Diagram (ERD) is a diagram that is used to design relational database

and shows the relationship between entities within an application.

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Figure 4.1 ERD of Digital FYP Management and Tracking

4.3. Design constraints

DC-1 MySQL is used as a database.

4.3.1. Standards compliance

SC-1 This documentation follows the ‘template FYP SW v3’ template by

UNITEN’s coordinator of subject CGEB4313 Final Year Project 1.

4.4. Software system attributes

This subsection details the software system attributes that related to the system.

4.4.1. Reliability

RL-1 The application shall provide access to the user within 5 seconds during peak


4.4.2. Availability

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AV-1 The application shall be accessible to the user 24 hours a day.

AV-2 The database shall be accessible to the application 24 hours a day.

4.4.3. 5.4.3 Security

SR-1 User’s shall only allow access to their own information.

SR-2 The application’s server shall only be accessed by the developer.

4.4.4. Maintainability

MT-1 The application shall be easy to be expanded. The code shall be implemented

in a certain way that it helps the addition of new features.

4.4.5. Portability

Not Applicable

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