REVISED ESSAY 4-Jennifer Tanaya

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Jennifer Tanaya


(Developing Story from The Legend of Kelana Sakti; Modern Version)

The young tyranny CEO in a new workplace, his name is Daba and he got inherited
this title by his father who has passed away because of an illness. But Daba is an arrogant
child, because he has been spoiled since he’s a little kid. He believes that every single
person are below him and they're just a servant that needs to obey his order. The late CEO
has a secretary named Lana, he is very kind and always helps others when they need help.
Daba’s father entrusted Lana to help his son to be a great CEO for this company. Lana is
also very happy to help Daba, but it's the opposite for Daba. He’s jealous of Lana, because
his father always talks about how great and diligent he’s at work and he feels threatened,
he’s afraid that his father gave the seat of CEO of the company to Lana. With Daba's deep
hatred of Lana, he treated him much worse than other employees. He never called Lana by
his name and always disrespected him. One day, the Chairman of the company came and
inspected Daba’s work. He noticed how Lana is very diligent doing his work and how
detailed he is. He wanted Lana to be the CEO of this company, not Daba who only lazes
around and never works.

Before the Chairman of the company met Lana, Lana always had been ordered
around by Daba to do his work or even unrelated work tasks, such as cleaning his shoes,
cleaning his office, tailored and washing his dirty clothes, etc. Daba's action was noticed by
the other employees, but they’re afraid they will become the next Lana if they help him or
even support him against Daba and also they are afraid to get fired. Once there was an
employee who spoke up to Daba how his actions aren't very professional, Daba got really
angry and fired them instantly, they also got thrown by the security outside the company.
That’s why they're afraid to speak up about this situation.

One night, Lana got a call from his mother. A voice then heard, it was his mother
“Lana? Can you go home early dear?” Lana then answered “I can ask my boss to let me go
home early if you want mom, why? Do you need my help with something?” “I feel really sick
and dizzy, I can't even get up.” Lana now notices how weak his mother's voice is, “Alright,
just stay put and I will ask my boss to let me go home early.” “Okay, I will be waiting then. If
he doesn’t allow you to go home early, it’s okay. Keep the good work and see you at home”
his mother then hung up. Lana in a hurry goes to Dana’s office and knocks on the door.
Once Dana let Lana come into the room, Lana immediately told Dana if he can go home
early because of his mother's condition. Like Lana expected, Dana isn’t allowing him to go
home early, instead giving him more work to do. Lana keeps begging him to at least let him
drive his mother to a nearby hospital. Dana then said “Sure, if you kneel in front of me
maybe i will reconsider it.” Lana can only tighten his fist and slowly kneel in front of Dana.
“Hahahahaha I can't believe it, the so-called prodigy is behaving like a desperate dog
hahahahaha.” Dana keeps laughing and mocking Lana, Lana can only endure it. “Because
I'm in a good mood today, I will send some men to your house to take care of your mother
and you will continue your work.” Daba said in an intimidating tone to show that Lana can’t
say no or complain about it. Lana then thanked his boss and went back to work. It’s already
late and Lana is just preparing to go back home, on his way home he bought his mother's
favorite food. When he arrived and opened the door, what he saw made him freeze and turn
pale. He immediately dropped the food and rushed to his unconscious mother. Lana called
her and there’s no response, he tried to check her pulse and breathing and there’s none, he
tried everything to ensure that she’s still alive. And the results are none. He called the
ambulance and while he waited, he kept hugging her, calling her, and sobbing. 10 minutes
passed, finally the ambulance arrived and picked up his mother. When they arrived at the
hospital and the doctor checked her condition, Lana saw their expressions. He knew
immediately what happened, he slumped to the ground and cried really hard. If he went
home early this would have never happened…..wait…Lana then remember, Dana said he
sent his people to his home to take care of her, what happened? After Lana took care of his
mother's funeral, he went to his workplace where Dana resides at this time. Unlike his usual
behavior, Lana barged into Dana office. He grabbed Dana's collar and asked him what
happened to those “men” Dana sent to his house. Dana punched him on the face and told
Lana that he can’t hurt him, because he’s his boss. Lana ignored his statement and the
pain, he kept asking him what happened. “Oh? that? I never send anyone. Why? Did your
old woman die? If she is, she’s too old anyway and with her death the oxygen will not be
wasted.” Dana said mockingly to Lana, Lana was ready to punch him but a voice interrupted
him. “I see, so this is the current CEO behavior. Truthfully I'm disappointed with you Dana. I
know how you behave, but I let you because of your father's wishes. But, this has crossed
the line. As the Chairman of this company, you’re fired and I do not wish to see you here.
And Lana, I give you my condolences for your mother. But, I have good news for you.
Congratulations, I will promote you to be the new CEO.” Said the Chairman, with the flick of
his finger, Dana got dragged outside by the security before he could cause a ruckus. The
one who has always been ordered around now has become the ruler. A few months have
passed and Lana has done a fantastic job as the new CEO. All the employees are also very
happy with this situation.

From Lana’s story we would know that we need to be professionals within a

workplace and respect fellow co-workers despite different titles. Even if you hold power in
that workplace, you also have a big responsibility to uphold. And if you work hard, it will be
paid off or someone of importance will see it and lend a helping hand. Also, if you are
disrespecting and being rude to someone, just remember that karma will come for your
actions that have hurt other people.

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