Revised Essay 13 - Jennifer Tanaya - 1SA03

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Jennifer Tanaya


Sexual Harassment

Is sexual harassment also happens in campus? Yes, but before indulging more on it.
What is sexual harassment? Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature,
which makes a person feel offended, humiliated and/or intimidated. And according to the
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) sexual harassment includes
unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical
harassment of a sexual nature in the workplace or learning environment. Sexual harassment
does not always have to be specifically about sexual behavior or directed at a specific
person. For example, negative comments about women as a group may be a form of sexual
harassment. Doing sexual harassment can only hurt the victim and yourself. Not only your
reputation is tarnished, but its effect is more damaging to the victim. They could have a
heavy trauma and usually it takes a really long time to recover or they could never recover at

“Source: Sexual Harassment - RAINN & Sexual Harassment at the Workplace - ILO”

Sexual harassment happens in many form, for example making conditions of

employment or advancement dependent on sexual favors, either explicitly or implicitly can
counts as sexual harassment. Physically harassing someone sexually, requesting for sexual
favors, verbally saying inappropriate things, touching someone without their consent, talking
about sexual things in public or work or learning places, forcing someone to engage in doing
sexual things, sending inappropriate videos or pictures or text messages to other people,
and many more. Things that have been mention are counts as sexual harassment. So, make
sure you don’t do things that have been mentioned and if you encounter things that have
been mentioned, please contact the authority or guardian or parents. Someone you are
comfortable and safe with this information regarding your privacy.

“Source: Sexual Harassment - RAINN”

There’s a term called bystander intervention. It means stepping in to help someone in

trouble. This term could be a good strategy for stopping or interrupting someone from being
sexually harassed. If you see someone is being sexually harassed, you can interrupt them
by distracting them. That way the assailant can’t continue their action. You also could talk to
the one who is being harassed and ask them if you can accompany them, that way the
harasser can’t approach them anymore. The safest way to help someone being sexually
harassed is by contacting the authorities and if you’re too afraid to step in, you can tell other
people about it and get their help.

“Source: Sexual Harassment - RAINN”

There’s a case not a long time ago about sexual harassment in Gunadarma University.
The victim reported the assailant to the police and stated that the assailant forcefully touched
the victim's private part. The assailant then tied to a tree, forced to drink their own urine, and
stripped naked by their fellow students after hearing their action (sexual harassment). It
seems someone is recording the action of other students “punishing” the assailant and it
became known to other people beside Gunadarma’s students, lecturers, and employees.
But, in the end the victim forgave the assailant and took back the case. The victim also said
that it's already been three months.

“Pelecehan di Gunadarma: Awal Mula, Persekusi, hingga Keterangan polisi -


Sexual harassment always can be avoided if you don’t have such impure thoughts
about the other peoples. If you do such things, you can’t blame the victim. Because you’re
the one who takes the action and chooses the path. A lot of victims from sexual harassment
can’t fully recover because of the trauma the assailant inflicted on them. Not only did you
ruin your own reputation, you also embarrassed your own family. Never blame the victim if
they are sexually harassed. It's not because of how the victim clothed themselves, there’s a
case of someone who fully covered themselves and still got sexually harassed. It's always
the assailant's fault, because the one who took and started the action are them.

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