Unit1 Introduction To AI

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Session: 2022-23 Grade-9 Artificial Intelligence

Unit-1: Introduction to AI

ACTIVITY 1: Writing Subjective Responses

Q1. You have heard that the development in the field of artificial intelligence will always create
ethical issues. Do you agree? Comment.
Breakthroughs in the sphere of science and technology are made for the use of humans primarily.
Moreover, humans are capable of both good and bad, and they can use the same technology for both
good and bad. So, it will not be wrong to state that if human beings have found an ethical use of
advancements in science and technology, they have used it unethically as well. For example, it is using
advancements in medical science to create biological weapons. This aspect will also remain valid for
advancement in AI technology as it is ultimately human beings who are going to use AI technology. As
such, AI technology will always create ethical issues.

Q2. Your parents are thinking about installing 'Home Nanny' for 24X7 monitoring and protection of
your one-year-old brother at home. The 'Home Nanny' will transmit data in real-time to the
company website, and the company will inform your parents in case of any danger. What are some
of the ethical concerns related to this issue?
Some of the ethical concerns that can arise out of the Home Nany monitoring and protection system
1. Type of data collection: The Home Nany will be collecting real-time data from the different
areas of the home, including bedrooms. This can very well include data of adult conversations,
behaviour, and action. This collection of data not required for protecting the baby can become
2. Use of Data: The data collected by the Home Nany can be personal even in cases where this
data is predominantly related to the child in question. The purpose for which the company
will use this data can be unethical.
3. Access of Data: This ethical concern is related to individuals in the company who will have
access to the collected data. These individuals can use the data unethically unless there is a
robust data protection system in place.
Q3. You are a commander of a top-secret nuclear defence installation. The government is
considering to deploy an AI-based 'Smart Protector.' The protector will scan the internet for
information and automatically launch nuclear weapons if it finds any attack on the country. Will you
allow the deployment of this AI? Give reasons.
No, I will never allow the deployment of such an AI-based system because:
1. The system is too open-ended. The system will launch nuclear weapons if it finds any attack.
Any attack might not justify the launching of the weapon. For example, what if country A starts
an online attack using false information against us? Will the AI system consider this as ‘any
attack’ and launch nuclear attack?
2. The use of nuclear weapons has enormous implications. Having an automatic AI-based system
for their launching without any human oversight is not prudent. At best, these systems should
alert human beings about the need to launch nuclear weapons, and human beings should
make the final call.
3. The Internet is not the correct source for finding information regarding the attack on the
country, especially in the context of false news and false information. What if the AI system
also believes this false information and launches a nuclear attack?

Q4. Congratulations! You have been appointed as the CEO of ABB United. The board of directors has
asked you to develop a smart security system for protecting a school. What will be the features that
you will choose to include in this system? Why?
I will like the following features in the Smart Security System for the School:
1. Smart identification feature will use cameras for automatically identifying students, teachers,
and staff entering and leaving the school premises.
2. A smart access system will only allow authorized individuals to enter the different areas of the
school. For example, only sixth standard students should be allowed to enter the sixth
standard classrooms, and only teachers should be allowed access to the teachers' room.
3. Smart visitors feature, which will tag every visitor to the school and keep a check for ensuring
that they only enter the authorized areas.
4. The electronic alarm system will raise the alarm if somebody tries to enter unauthorized areas
or if someone tries to break into the school.
Q5. We must not use smartphones as the various Apps can collect and misuse data. Do you agree?
No, I do not agree with the statement that we should not use smartphones because various apps can
collect and misuse data. It is true that most of the Apps on smartphones collect data for various
reasons. For example, it is collecting location data for providing better navigation solutions. It is also
true that many companies collecting this data misuse them. Nevertheless, this should not lead to
stopping the use of smartphones. The benefits of using smartphones are much more than the risk
related to misuse of data. We cannot throw the baby out with the bathwater. A better approach is to
check the apps to see which data they collect, how they use the data, and deleting the suspicious apps.

Q6. Human beings are capable of showing emotional behaviour. Can we develop strong AIs without
the ability of emotions? Comment.
No, I do not think that we can develop strong AIs without the ability of emotions. Strong Artificial
Intelligence Systems are theoretical AI systems that will have intelligence equivalent to human beings
at the very least. These systems will be capable of reasoning, planning, making judgments,
communicating, decision making, etc. with human-like intelligence. Human intelligence uses both logic
and emotions to undertake all of these activities. Mimicking human intelligence without accounting
for human emotions is impossible.

Q7. Self-driving vehicles learn from human behaviour for taking actions. What are some of the
dangerous human behaviour that such vehicles can learn? Comment.
One of the strengths of the AI systems is its ability to continuously learn and improve. Self-driving
vehicles based on AI systems also have a similar capability to learn and improve. The following are
some of the dangerous human behaviours that such systems can learn:
1. Human beings are unpredictable in their behaviour. The AI system might learn how to become
2. AI system might learn prejudices from human beings and act accordingly on the road.
3. AI system might not be able to differentiate between dangerous unacceptable and acceptable
legal behaviour. It means that it might learn behaviour which is legal but unacceptable and
4. AI system might learn patterns of dangerous driving.

Q8. Smart Cities involve a huge number of smart devices and buildings communicating with each
other. This will require substantial investment in communication infrastructure. Is this expenditure
justified when there are in the city who live in poverty? Comment.
There cannot be a simple yes or no answer to this question. Each city has to balance the different
needs in the city. We cannot have a city without roads, electricity, water, schools, etc. in which all the
funds are spent on the poor. At the same time, we cannot have a modern city with the best of the
infrastructure in which a section of the society does not even have enough to eat. This balancing will
depend mainly on two things:
First, the amount of money spent vis a via the benefit which will be gained by the spending. Second,
the people who are going to be benefited from technology. For example, a smart meter project with
an expenditure of Rs 500 crore might help in saving Rs 1,000 crore over ten years in addition to
environmental benefit. This means that the first balance between investment and benefit is met. Now
at least the part of this saving can be flowed back in helping the people living in poverty. A project
should not be taken unless it justifies both these points.

Q9. One of the goals of research in artificial intelligence systems is to develop AI systems that act
and behave like humans. Since we humans are unpredictable, should we also make AI-based
systems that are unpredictable like us? Comment.
Logical and rational systems or beings are predictable. Human beings are not rational and logical
beings, i.e., they do not depend on logic alone for their decisions, actions, and behaviour. They also
use emotions, experiences, superstitions, etc. This makes them unpredictable. This unpredictability is
a source of high strength and danger. This can foster creativity and give birth to advancements in
science and art. This same unpredictability can make people criminals.
The problem is that we cannot develop AI systems capable of behaving like humans unless we make
them unpredictable, i.e., we allow irrational and illogical variables to influence the actions, decisions,
calculations, etc. of the AI system. This is also one of the struggles with which the scientists today are
struggling. They do not know how to give this ability to AI systems or how to ensure that this ability
will not be misused.
Q10. The use of artificial intelligent systems should be restricted because the increase in use is
related to an increase in the risk of hacking. Comment
I do not agree with the statement that the use of artificial intelligent systems should be restricted
because the increase will lead to an increase in the risk of hacking. Doing so will mean that we are
throwing all the positives due to the risk of negatives. Instead, we have to put systems in place to
ensure that the risk of hacking is reduced. Interestingly these days, AI systems themselves are being
used for reducing the risk of hacking.

Q11. List a few smart devices that can make your house smarter. Give reasons for selecting each
smart device?
Some of the devices which can make my house smarter are:
1. Smart Lighting: These lights can be programmed to respond to my behaviour automatically.
They can dim, switch on, or switch off depending on my actions.
2. Smart Vacuum Cleaners: These vacuum cleaners can clean my house without my
3. Smart temperature control: These devices can help me in reducing my electricity bill by
controlling the air conditioners, and air heaters in my home based on the need and the
behaviour of individuals in the house.
4. Smart cameras: These cameras can help in providing better security in my house.
5. Smart locks: These locks will increase the security of my house.

Q12. Can we have Smart Cities without Smart Buildings? Comment.

Yes, we can have Smart Cities without having Smart Buildings, but the effectiveness of such cities will
be limited. Smart Cities are cities that use Smart solutions for providing better services to its residents.
These smart solutions always involve the use of technology, even though they might not AI-based
A City can become a Smart City by using solutions like smart traffic lights, smart street lighting, smart
cameras, etc. None of these solutions require Smart Buildings. Smart Buildings like Smart Schools,
Smart Police Stations, Smart Post Offices, etc. will help in increasing the efficiency of the Smart Cities,
which is already using other smart solutions.
Q13. Write an as short note on the dangers of living in smart cities.
The dangers of living in smart cities are mainly associated with the data in smart cities. Smart Cities
collect, store, and use massive amounts of data related to its residents. This collection, storage, and
usage of this data create dangers for individuals. Some of these dangers are:
1. Selecting which data is to be collected: Smart Cities use smart solutions that use smart
devices. These smart devices are capable of collecting a massive amount of data. For example,
what audio and video data should be collected for improving the safety of the people with
minimum effect on their privacy.
2. Safety of stored data: Smart cities might not the route which children take for school or adults
take for office. They will know where the residents go for playing, relaxing, or eating. Wrong
elements of the society can use access to this data through hacking or other means and use it
for kidnappings, murders, extortions, etc.
3. Use of the stored data: This danger will be related to the checks and balances in place in the
system regarding the use of collected data. For example, a smart city will know the religion,
caste, faith, ethnicity, etc. of an individual. Will this data gets used for improving the services
provided by the state, or will it be used for targeting different minorities?

Q14. Give two examples of how artificial intelligence can change the defence sector in the coming
Artificial Intelligence systems are affecting different areas of the world, including the defence sector.
Following are the two examples of how the defence sector is getting changed:
1. Smarter Weapons: Artificial intelligence is making weapons smarter. Smart weapons can
reduce damage to civilians, change targets based on needs, increase their effectiveness, etc.
2. Smarter Defence: Artificial intelligence is making defence system smarter. For example, they
are providing increased security to critical targets, reducing the dangers of security leaks,
increasing the protection of civilians, etc.
Q15. Write a short note on how your life would be without artificial intelligence. (Imagine that you
do not have any of the AI products, services, solutions, etc., with you).

Our lives would have been much different without the use of artificial intelligence-based solutions,
which we used. Some of the areas which will be different are:
1. Internet Search: The effectiveness of the internet search results, which we take for granted
today, will fall significantly. The Image and video search features will be gone entirely.
2. Ride services: The services of ride providers like Uber, Ola, Lyft, etc. will be significantly
affected. These services use an AI system for providing rides, calculating ride charges, etc.
3. Online Marketplaces: The user services of an online marketplace like Amazon will be
significantly affected. These services use AI systems for making recommendations, selecting
discounts, calculating stock, etc.
4. Smart Building: Many of the features of the Smart Buildings will fail.

ACTIVITY 2: Project Writing

Congratulations! You have been elected as the Chief Administrator of your city on the promise that
you will convert it into the city of the future. How will you go about it? What are the various smart
initiatives which you will undertake in your city?
Suggested steps for completing this project:
Step 1: Go to the internet and search for some of the smart initiatives taken by different cities across
the world.
Step 2: Go to the library and search different reference books for finding out about how different
smart solutions can help in making cities smarter.
Step 3: Talk to your parents and teachers and ask them about the different smart initiatives about
which they know.
Step 4: List out the smart initiatives which you will like to implement in your city.
ACTIVITY 3: Project Writing
As the Chief Administrator of your city, you are going to make the announcement regarding your
smart initiatives you are bringing. You plan to announce these initiatives in a press conference. You
know that the members of the opposition party will be there to highlight the ethical concerns
around your initiatives. To deal with this situation, list out some of the ethical concerns which can
emerge out of your initiatives; and your plans to deal with such concerns.
This project is the continuation of the project in Activity 2. Suggested steps for completing this project:
Step 1: Take the smart initiatives list prepared for Activity 2 of this chapter.
Step 2: Identify the different ethical concerns which can arise out of these initiatives. Remember that
most of the ethical concerns related to AI and Smart cities deal with the collection, storage, and use
of data. Another ethical concern is the balance between the needs of different sections of the society
(especially sections which are financially at a disadvantage) and the cost of adopting smart solutions.
Step 3: Think about how you can reduce the identified ethical concerns. Remember that you can never
eliminate these concerns.

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