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Business English

Class A, Monday, March 21st, 2022

Name: Stanislas cindy

Student No.: 172214056

Group’s Name: black widow

A. Get the meanings of these words and change these verbs into V2 and V3.
V1 --> V2 --> V3

V1 V2 V3 Meaning
1. invent invented invented menciptakan

2. move moved moved bergerak

3. compare compared compared membandingkan

4. develop developed developed mengembangkan

5. use used used menggunakan

6. operate operated operated beroperasi

7. save saved saved menyimpan

8. process processed processed proses

9. enjoy enjoyed enjoyed menikmati

10. install installed installed memasang

11. mention mentioned mentioned menyebutkan

12. control controled controled kontrol

13. stop stopped stopped

14. combine

15. suppress

16. carry

17. enhance

18. play

19. work

20. prepare

21. investigate

22. cooperate

23. manage

24. procrastinate

25. estimate

26. remain
27. watch

28. learn

29. discussed

30. pass

31. inform

32. happen

33. affect

34. predict

35. seize

36. contribute

37. start

38. add

39. minimize

40. construct

41. improve
42. divide

43. measure

44. pick

45. stop

46. continue

47. organize

48. appear

49. contain

50. consist

B. Get the meanings of these words and decide the English parts of speech. Decide the
category of these words into Noun Person, Noun Thing, Adjective, Verb, or Adverb

Example: expensive = mahal 🡪 Adjective

1. Convenient = nyaman , adjective

2. Awareness = kesadaran , noun

3. Fully = sepenuhnya , adverb

4. Enjoyable = menyenangkan , noun

5. Technology = teknologi , adverb

6. Digital = digital , Conjunction

7. Officially = secara resmi , adverb

8. Experience = pengalaman , adjective

9. Industrial = industri , noun

10. Scientist = ilmuwan ,

11. Constant =

12. Intelligent =

13. Qualified =

14. Sophisticated =

15. Comfortable =

16. Preference =

17. Serious =

18. Securely =

19. Instrument =

20. Inventor =

21. Connection =

22. Rechargeable =

23. Scientist =

24. Productive =

25. Workable =

26. Invention =

27. Specification =

28. Durable =

29. Smoothly =

30. Affordable =

31. Valuable=

32. Wisely=

33. Investment=

34. Possible=

35. Achievement=

36. Procastinate=

37. Eligible=

38. Management=

39. Advisor=
40. Doubtful=

41. Manager=

42. Institution=

43. Revolution=

44. Possibility=

45. Supervisor=

46. Profitable=

47. Beneficial=

48. Underestimate=

49. Productivity=

50. Cooperative=

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