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Climate change => Desertification => loss of biodiversity

Loss of Biodiversity:
 The biodiversity loss can have significant direct human health impacts
with an inadequate ecosystem

Desertification is associated with biodiversity loss and contributes to global climate

change through loss of carbon sequestration capacity. (
-Desertification destroys the biodiversity necessary: Different plant species produce different
litter components and, contribute to soil formation and nutrient cycling. The species diversity of
vegetation supports both livestock and wildlife. All plants support production that regulates
global climate
Which leads to reducing soil productivity and vegetation losses.
Sum up: desertification => reducing soil productivity + vegetation losses
-Loss of vegetation:
+ Dryland soils contain over ¼ of all of the organic carbon stores in the world. (Asian is the
largest continent with 17mill km2, 2nd is Africa with 11mill, though Africa’s land is only 64,7%
as large as Asia, the temperature of their desertified lands are up to 84,6% that of Asia)
+A lack of water, and soil salinisation in irrigated areas. Irrigated crops need 80 cm (about 30
inches) of water annually, hence them not being provided enough water because of desertization.

Negative effects on animals:

 Many terrestrial animals find it difficult to find a new home due to
illegal logging. habitat destruction is the primary driver of global
biodiversity loss, some terrestrial animals cannot find it difficult to
adapt to a new enviroment. This would put these species at a higher risk
of extinction.
 A similar catastrophic extreme heat event took place in Australia, where thousands of flying
foxes were killed due to heat stress. These foxes live comfortably below forty-two degrees
Celsius, but recent climate change has led to higher temperatures and led to thousands of
flying fox deaths

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