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Brief report

Chairman of the CAIAG Advisory Commission

following the results of the 14th meeting of the SAB

September 13, 2022

Location: 1) Conference hall of the Central Asian

Institute for Applied Geosciences (CAIAG), Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

2) Potsdam Helmholtz Center - German

Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ), Potsdam, Germany

Present: Ukashev Zhyrgalbek Isakeyevich - Director of the Center for Emergency

Situations and Disaster Risk Reduction of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan;

Chimyrov Akylbek Urkalyyevich - Head of the Department of «Geodesy and

Geoinformatics» of the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and

Architecture. N. Isanov(KSUCTA), Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan;

Thielo Schöne - Global Geomonitoring and Gravitational Field GFZ

Present via videoconference:

Begaliev Ulugbek Turdalievich - Chancelor of the International University of Innovative

Technologies, President of the International Association of Experts on Earthquake-

Resistant Construction, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan;

Nurtaev Bakhtiyar Saifullayevich - Deputy Director of Research of the Institute of

Geology and Geophysics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan;

Rybin Anatoliy Kuzmich - Director of the Scientific Station of the Russian Academy of

Sciences, Russia;

Oth Adrien-Science Director of Europian Center of Geodinamics and Seismology


Hoelzle Martin-Faculty Professor of Geo sciences of Freiburg University,

Switzerland,Chairman of Scientific Advisory Board CAIAG ;

Thomas Scholten - Department of Earth Sciences Department of Soil Science and


Eberhard Karl University in Tübingen (Germany).

Christoph Schneider - Professor of Climate Geography, Director of the Geography of

Humboldt University of Berlin (Berlin, Germany)

Absent for a good reason: No absent

The Invetees:

Oliver Bens - Co-Director of CAIAG

Moldobekov Bolot Duishenalievich - Co-Director of CAIAG, Acting Head of

Department 1.

Abdybachaev Ulan Asylbekovich- Research Scientist of Department 1;

Usubaliev Ryscul Abdyzhakypovich - Head of Department 2;

Zubovich Alexander Vladimirovich - Head of Department 3;

Zhaparkulova Cholpon Shabynovna - Head of Department 4.

Progress of the meeting:

Start at 14.00-18.30 (Bishkek) / 10:00-13:30 (Potsdam)

Item 1. Welcoming and approving the agenda of the 14th meeting of the Scientific

Advisory Commission

B.Moldobekov and O.Bens welcomed all members and guests of the Scientific Advisory

Board of the 13th meeting, expressed gratitude to all members of the SAB.

Item 2. - Introduction of a new SAB member

Tilo Schöne - introduced himself to the members of the SAB. Briefly described his

professional work.

Item 3. - Election of the Chairman of SAB 2023-2025

B. Moldobekov outlined the situation of the election of the new chairman of the SAB,

the members of the SAB elected Begaliev Y. T chairman for 2023-2025.

Item 4. - Approval of protocol of the last meeting on 10 September 2021

The protocol of the 2nd meeting of the SAB is approved without change.

Item 5 - Report on the activities of CAIAG for the period 2021. (Heads of Department)

Department 1: Moldobekov B. The reporting period is for 2021 according to the

adopted SRP 2019-2022. Twenty landslides in the south of Kyrgyzstan were studied

under a project of the Asian Development Bank. The results were transmitted to the

Ministry of Emergency Situations and to the Asian Development Bank (ADB). A number

of geophysical (magnetometric and seismometric) studies have been carried out in the

Pamir-Tien Shan active zone, in particular in the Aram-Kungei fault. Also, GPS

observations on two previously established section in 2014 were continued. The map of

seismic hazards for the city of Bishkek using the Vs30 method has been updated. The

data obtained requires further refinement. The "building-ground" system continues to

provide early warning for seismic occurrences and is being improved.

Asked by Chymyrov A. about the problems in updating the seismic map of the city of

Bishkek, B. Moldobekov added that within the approved of the adopted regulations on

seismic security that works on seismic zoning of the cities of Kyrgyzstan is envisaged and

CAIAG intends to carry out these activities in cooperation with other institutions.

On the question of A. Rybin about the geophysical model of the fracture zone

B.Moldobekov supplemented with the example of the Aram-Kungei fault, which used

instrumental methods of research.

On the question of Oth A. whether there were field measurements or it was a proxy in

the methods Vs30 B.Moldobekov added that he is based on earlier instrumental


Department 2: R.Usubaliev presented the report of the Department 2 on the results of

works for 2021.

The Department is continuing its work on the study of reference glaciers in Kyrgyzstan.
The Department’s research program is closely linked to Swiss projects that have been
under way for more than 10 years. The degradation of the glaciers of Abramov, Golubin,
glacier 185, Petrov, etc. is tracked by remote method. The mass balances of the glaciers
of Kyrgyzstan are shown.

Temperature of South Enilchek glacier as well as surface changes were measured. The

water flow of the rivers of Kyrgyzstan, in particular the Shahimardan, Tar and Ala-Archa

rivers, is being studied. The level of Lake Issyk-Kul is monitored and pollution of the lake

in Balykchy is observed. Potentially dangerous breakthrough glacial-nival lakes in the

Chu valley are being studied, where the number of lakes on the northern slope of the

Kyrgyz Ala-Too ridge is increasing. Groundwater in the city of Bishkek is monitored.

Projects from three sources are under way.

Asked by T. Shone about river flows, how the data were determined, as well as on the

glacier South Enilchek, whether there was a tool geodetic survey other than remote R.

Usubaliev replied that the data obtained by remote (satellite) are averaged and also

defined by component, and the South Enilchek glacier had a toolkit study prior to the

pandemic. The ground-based data and obtained results were broadly identical to those

of remote sensing data.

Question asked by A. Rybin about the fluctuation of the water level on Lake Issyk-Kul,
R.Usubalyev answered that the main reason -is naturally connected with climate
change. But it may also be related to human activities. B.Moldobekov added about the
cyclicity of low water and full water, that the same picture is observed in the Toktogul

On the question of T.Sholten about the retreat of glaciers compared to other world
glaciers what difference is observed R. Usubaliev added that Tien-Shan glaciers are less
degraded, for example, compared to the Alpine glaciers. He also added that glaciers in
the highlands are less exposed to degradation. But, Professor H. Schneider disagreed. M.
Hoelzle added that the retreat and decrease of glaciers on the example of the Alps was
at a high record.

Department 3: A. Zubovich presented a report on theme 3, "Monitoring systems and

data management". Under the Project Development and Support of the CAIAG
Monitoring System, the following network stations are currently maintained: 32 seismic,
23 hydrometeorological 32 GPS, 2 dust and 4 tidal (at Issyk Kul). Maps of station
locations in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan are presented.

In the development and support of Information Systems and databases, work has been
carried out on several systems, one of which is the Sensor Data Storage System, which
contains more than 930 million data sets. Data units. The «Monitor» page for visual
control of input data was developed. The possibilities of monitoring the surface level of
many water bodies around the world have been shown. The levels of changes in the
Issyk-Kul lake, the Toktogul reservoir and the Aral Sea are shown. Methods of warning
during seismic events have been developed. The water supply and sanitation systems of
Naryn and the Forest Ecosystem Management System are being supported.

Department 4: Zhaparkulova provided a report on the projects that successfully passed

and are being prepared for implementation (GLOFCA project, CROMO-ADAPT and
projects funded by the European Commission. Work has been done on the CAIAG
Master’s Program website. Events were prepared and held on the meeting of high-level
government officials in CAIAG, as well as representatives of international organizations
such as the German Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Germany to KR,
GIZ and UNDP. Organized online meetings within the framework of various projects.
Data on memorandums concluded with the CIAAG. Information about the master
program of CAIAG together with KSMU named after Asanaliev. Work is continuing on
the development and updating of the CAIAG library. Data on the publication of CAIAG
are provided.

Item 6 - Strategy for CAIAG 2023 – 2034

B. Moldobekov provided detailed information on the strategy 2023-2034, which is

aimed at conducting research of CAIAG.

When asked by J. Ukashev, what for the strategy covers the 10-year period
B.Moldobekov said that the previous strategy was similar. T. Sholten added that the
strategy clearly and flexibly reflects further research plans. T.Shone added that the
strategy included research in Central Asian countries, but it would be good to include

Item 7 - SRP 2023 – 2025

B. Moldobekov provided information to the Research Program. The main directions of

scientific work in accordance with the functions of the CAIAG departments are
presented. A. Chymyrov completed the master’s program required to be accredited at
the national and international level, which would allow attracting students. B.Nurtayev
proposed to include cross-border issues and expand cooperation with scientific
institutes of Uzbekistan.

Item 8 – Miscellaneous

The Chief Executive Officers of CAIAG have proposed that meetings of CAIAG to be
moved in order to provide reports at the end of the year or early next year, as well as by
the frequency of the meeting every three years. O. Bens added that the time taken to
write reports was summer, so field work was shortened. The Directorate proposes that,
after discussion by the SAB, the issue will be discussed in the SB

T. Sholten supported the proposal of the Directorate. T. Shone noted that it is necessary
to work out the meeting, and it is best to hold it once a year. Adrien Oth added that in
case of changes in the frequency of the meeting at least need to be covered by
publications once a year. A. Chymirov added that it was possible to hold a meeting every
three years. B. Moldobekov proposed to submit a short report every year in case of

Decision of the SAB members: to accept the Directorate’s proposal to shorten the
record and move the meeting early next year.

The Scientific Advisory Board noted that during the reporting period, research
department had carried out research under the Research Program (R&P) and applied
projects from third sources. The results were published in international and national
scientific publications, and reported at scientific conferences

The Scientific Advisory Commission notes that the applications are carried out in close
cooperation with the organizations concerned, which ensures their practical use, in
particular by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic, The Ministry
of Transport and Communications and the State Agency for Environmental Protection
and Forestry of the Kyrgyz Republic.

In general, the Scientific Advisory Commission appreciates the results obtained, notes
the work of the Institute for 2021 and recommends that the Supervisory Board adopt
and approve the report. For the approval of the Report on the work of CAIAG for 2021.
Members of the SAB voted «FOR» unanimously. «AGAINST» - 0.

Recommendations of the members of the Scientific Advisory Commission:

1. Expand cooperation with scientific institutes of Uzbekistan

2. Consider international accreditation of the CAIAG Master’s Program

Chairman of the
CAIAG Scientific Advisory Board M. Hoelzle

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