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Parenthood and Studenthood: A Study on the Experience of Senior High School

Student-Parent in Camanjac National High School (SY 2022-2023)

Submitted by:
Abejero, Percy Mae M.
Alcancia, Joshua B.
Bandico, Eloise Ann M.
Cadeliña, Rodeza P.
Cartalla, Adrian Jade L.
Dela Cruz, Nara Mae D.
Diputado, Jade
Diputado, John Stephen F.
Estender, John Paul C.
Kadusale, Irish C.
Ygay, Analyn A.


Submitted to:

Mr. Richard Gamaliel C. Cortez



For Student-Parents, juggling parenthood and schoolwork without sacrificing either

endeavor presents a significant challenge. When a parent is required to give her studies her

whole concentration, her behavior could be at odds with the conventional parenting role

(Visick, 2009). Given the various experiences and difficulties of parenthood in various

cultures, discourse about the "good parent" in any society is based on the traditional

parenthood role (Goodwin & Huppatz, 2010). However, its definitions differ by society

(Zhang, 2011). Role difficulties lead parents to give up one role in favor of another (Springer

et al., 2009). The school culture's myths, standards, and values may have an impact on this

behavior. Academic activities are intertwined with challenging competitions. Therefore,

parenthood responsibilities impose a large burden on students’ shoulders. The academic

community focuses mainly on success, development, and never-ending competitions without

providing any support.


Being a parent and a student at the same time is a growing trend that is one of the

most often discussed issues in society. What could be the experiences or the

struggles/challenges that a Student-Parents faced? Observing this phenomenon, the

researchers performed a research proposal to increase the information of Student-Parents

experiences of parenthood. Parenthood obligations place a heavy weight on students'

shoulders, such as managing and maintaining time management in their academics and

parenting roles, which can cause stress and strain for their obligations as a student and a
parent at the same time. For a Student-Parent, raising a child Is a full-time job that can be

highly stressful hence you'll need to plan if you're a parent and a student to ensure you had

enough time to do your schoolwork. With the function of parenthood as its focus, this study

aimed to investigate and characterize the experiences of Student-Parent. Ten Student-Parents,

aged between 16 and 28 who were studying at Camanjac National High School, were chosen

for this qualitative study from 2022 using deliberate sampling, interviews were used to gather



Education is recognized as a developmental tool and a parent individual’s right.

Nevertheless, the characteristics of parent reproduction have become a barrier to some female

students. It is necessary that parents’ reproduction rights are recognized in academic settings

and their rights for education are respected with consideration given their demographic

characteristics. (Esia-Donkoh, 2014). Also, one of their main challenges of being a Student-

Parents are lack of time to manage studying and parenting roles.

The purpose of this study seeks to understand the challenges, needs and experiences

which occur at the intersection of parent-hood and student-hood for Student-Parents, as well

as exploring ideologies of what it means to be a “good parent” or “good student.”

The research aims to identifies and answer the following questions:

1. What has it been like for you to be a parent and a student at the same time?

2. What strategies do you use to balance being a parent and a student at the same time?

3. How do you feel about having a child while attending school?

4. What aspect of being a Student-Parent is the most difficult?

5. How would you prioritize your tasks as a parent and a student?


In addition to exploring conceptions about what it means to be a "good parent" or

"good student," the aim of this study is to comprehend the difficulties, needs, and experiences

that arise for parents and students at the junction of Parenthood and Student-hood. The

beneficiaries of this research are as follows:

 The Students

The direct recipients of the output of this research is for them to know that even

though they are young parents, they can still study and finish their desired degree.

 The Parents

The results of this study were intended to assist parents in dealing with issues

regarding their already-parent child or child who is already a parent. Its impact on the parent

is that they learn how challenging it is to raise a child who is already a parent and to raise a

child while studying.

 The Teachers

The findings of this study hoped to help the teachers to know the benefits that they

can get in this study and for them to add their knowledge and ideas for what the Student-

Parent’s been facing and to understand more on their situation. Whether a new parent or an

older parent returning to the classroom, the challenges for Student-Parents trying to complete
a degree is daunting. However, there are some things we can do to help support student

parents in our classroom. Many students who are parents may not know or feel comfortable

advocating for their needs to their professor. That's why they're also going to adjust for the


 The School

The results of this study were intended to assist the school in managing a student who

is already a parent; as a result, they adjusted how Student-Parent that can manage their

learning by dispensing modules. As a result, the Student-Parents can feel assured knowing

that the school was aware of its position.

 DepEd

The finding of this study hoped to help the DepEd to know more about the trials and

struggles of our Student-Parents, and so they could adjust. Emphasizing the need for critical

thinking in today’s education, Briones noted that a liberating kind of basic education will

help teach the youth that while they have freedom to choose, such choices must be made with

adequate and accurate information. So, this research will be a big help.


This research paper has chosen 10 students from Grade 11 and Grade 12 Senior

students of Camanjac National High School as the respondents of the said research. It will be

conducted on the month of December at Camanjac National High School to cover the

problem of being a Student-Parent.


These are the definitions of the terms of how we use them on our study:

Parenthood- The state of being a parent and the responsibilities involved.

Studenthood- The state or quality of being a student.

Parent's experience -Parents teach us to have confidence and belief in ourselves.

Parents- Knew from experience how important for people to believe in themselves for

children to be whole, strong and grow with a healthy estimation of oneself.

Parenting Roles- The parent as nurture, in adult relationships, as an individual, as a worker,

as a consumer, as a community member, and as an educator. Parents have all these roles

which make their life more difficult, but a teacher could make it easier.

Student-Parent- According to (Yang, 2010) Student-Parent are incite in finishing their study,

having a perseverance in every challenge that they conquer for their child, and parents who

keep on supporting them. They might experience difficulties but indeed, their child is their



This chapter covers a range of literary works that have been held relevant to the topic

of this study- it includes pieces from online sources. This review includes published and

unpublished theses and dissertations, and internet use. These materials are connected to the

current topic in some manner.

Student-Parents’ narratives portrayed their studies as having been a highly emotional

experience that was comparable to, as well as distinct from, that which has previously been

documented amongst female mature students on traditional academic degrees (O’Shea &

Stone, 2011; Poulson, 2003; Shafi & Rose, 2014). This situation led to a decision to make

their accounts the primary focus of analysis.

According to Obioma and Ngozichukwuka, cited in Adofo (2013), as a result of the

necessity for education, there has been the view that one who ceases to learn ceases to exist

although the one may be living. However, in the traditional society, it is perceived that the

man is the head of the family and breadwinner and so needs to be educated for better

employment and higher income. The woman who is the heart and keeper of the home must be

trained at the kitchen (Mumuni, 2000).

The trend has made it necessary for parent of today to be educated so that they will be

equipped with the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to fit into the ever-growing global

economy. Hence, a lot of educational reforms have been embarked upon, targeting both male

and female participation at all levels of education in Ghana ( Adusah-Karikari, 2008).

Nevertheless, Caplan (1993), notes that the academic tenure clock and parent’s

biological clocks coincide. Due to their reproductive responsibilities parent have had to

combine their quest for higher education with childbirth. This has resulted in a phenomenon

of Student-Parents in our various higher educational institutions.

This phenomenon has brought in its wake a lot of struggles by the Student-Parent

considering the fact that the universities do not have facilities like lactation rooms, and

convenient places for the baby sitters who accompany them while the home setting may pose

other challenges that prevent the Student-Parent from leaving the child at home. According to

Egenti and Omoruyi (2011) the stress and trauma which they have to go through make them

feel psychologically, emotionally and physically ill-disposed towards the programmed.

The effect of the inadequate support systems in the universities and the home in terms

of academics, childcare and financial support cannot be overemphasized. This study thus

seeks to find out the struggles in terms of academics, childcare, financial issues and coping

strategies of Student-Parents who combine the worlds of family and academic pursuits


This research is supported by Cabrera and Quesea’s study of Pregnancy Profile,

Relationship with Parents, and Child-rearing Experiences of Teenage Parent in an Island

Municipality in Quezon Province, Philippines. Cabrera & Quesea (2005) sought to determine

the teenage pregnancy profile in terms of age, to whom they are living with, and place of

residence on first pregnancy, and main source of awareness about sex; ascertain their

relationship with parents in terms of doing things together, communication/ attention,

helping/ understanding behaviors and feelings; love and respect, and conflict; assess their

child-rearing experiences that may influence their sexual behaviors; find out the differences

in their relationship with parents and child-rearing experiences along with their pregnancy

profile; and establish the link between the teenage parents relationship with parents and

child-bearing experiences.

In this study, the experiences of the Student-Parent conceived the theoretical

framework based on the Sequence of Steps System Approach. This approach is composed of

interrelated elements that served as guide by the researchers in solving the problem under


Parenthood and Studenthood: A

Study on the Experience of
Senior High School Student-
Parents in Camanjac National
High School SY 2022-2023
in Camanjac National High
(SY 2022-2023)

The Positive and Negative Student’s Mental, Physical and

Experience of Being Parenthood Emotional Health and School
and Studenthood Performance




The study design that was employed to address the research questions outlined in

Chapter 1 is discussed and described in this chapter. It covers the design, sampling plan,

setting, data collection tool and procedure, as well as the method for data analysis.

Additionally, the ethical considerations surrounding the study are presented in this chapter.


This study used a phenomenological approach in qualitative research. It aimed to

describe and give an idea on how student-parent experience a certain phenomenon, among

the Senior High School students in Camanjac National High School.


This research is conducted in the Camanjac National High School situated in

Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental. With the approximately 40 teaching staff and Non-

teaching staff. With an average of 1,000 student population and 277 Senior department;

where the 10 Student-Parents were taken from.


The study group of the research will consist of 10 Senior High School students of

Camanjac National High School. The researcher used convenience sampling and snowball

sampling. Convenience, due to the proximity between the researcher and the respondents.
Snowball, as more units join the sample, more new units are added, which causes the

snowball effect. The respondents will be gathered from two (2) Senior Department the Grade-

11 and Grade-12 students at Camanjac National High School With reference to school

records, the researchers will ensure that the chosen students at the two department, will

possess the following conditions:

1.The respondents should be studying at Camanjac National High School.

2. The student should be enrolled in this school year 2022-2023.

3. Lastly, the student should be a parent in view of the fact that the research is all about



In this study, the researcher applied structured interview as the first tool, that relies on

asking a set of questions to the respondents to collect data.

Open ended questions allow you to better understand the respondent's true feelings

and attitudes about the questions. The interview consists of five questions. Interviewing

involves asking questions and getting answers from participants to collect the data. Stated

that interview is a period when researchers asked one or more participants, asking questions

and record their answers, to support the document analysis to collect the data about the

research problem; that is to know their experiences as a student-parent. This encourages

dialogue on both sides. It offers interviewers the ability to learn the responses to questions

and the explanations behind the respondents' responses. The respondents have time to discuss

delicate topics. Additionally, it provides qualitative data that may be contrasted with both
historical and projected data. This type of interview is very adaptable, which is why most

researchers like to employ it. (4 May 2022 by Tegan George)


The purposes of this research were used in a set of questions. The data collection was

utilized by the researcher was a structured. For the purposes to be effective, the procedures of

collecting data are written below:

1. Before conducting the research study, the researcher sent a letter of approval to the

principal of the school to ask permission to conduct a survey in the campus.

2. After the letter was being approved by the school principal the researcher then

proceeded to conduct research study on the campus.

3. The researcher then handed out consents to the participants of the study and explained

their rights for the duration of the research.

4. We practiced confidentiality with the participant data that we collected and discretion to

uphold their right to privacy.

5. After gathering all the necessary data, the researcher proceeded to analyze all the data.


We must familiarize ourselves with the data we acquire as the first stage in the

analysis process. This can mean listening to the audio and writing down what you hear,

reading the text and taking notes, or just simply browsing over the data to get to know it. The

second is coding. When we code, we highlight textual elements—typically phrases or

sentences—and develop acronyms or "codes" to denote what those elements mean. The third

step is coming up with themes. First, we look over our created codes and look for patterns. In

the fourth step, we review the themes and make sure that they accurately and effectively

summarize the facts. Once we've narrowed down the list of themes, it's time to give each one

a name and a brief definition. Finally, we'll write up by gathering the outcomes of our data



Every time a research study is carried out with the participation of people, every

researcher needs to practice ethical considerations. We made great effort to ensure that their

ethical rights were upheld when they took part in our research study. To make sure that their

ethical rights were not violated, we first obtained permission from the principal Mrs. Ma.

Gina S. Anqui and noted by Mr. Richard Gamaliel C. Cortez, practical research adviser in

Camanjac National High School.

All participants received official informed consent. The study's participants

understood the material that was provided to them and received enough of it. Their

involvement was a free option, and they were not forced to stay in the study beyond their

desire to do so. Additionally, the researchers ensured that the benefits of participating in this

study outweighed the risks for them. We respected our participants' right to privacy by

maintaining secured and confidentiality regarding the information we obtained from them


The findings of the data collected from the subjects are given and examined in this

chapter. In response to the issues raised in the first chapter, the data were gathered, processed,

and then analyzed. This chapter investigates the underlying significance of the research

information gleaned from the empirical study.

In this study, 15 respondents were the initial participants in Camanjac National High

School-Senior High Department. Among the 15 initial participants there were 6 actual

respondents, considering the sensitivity of the topic.

(Refer to Appendix C for the Interview Transcript)

1. What is your experience of being a parent and student at the same time?



Hard work HW 2

Time Management TM 1

Multi-tasking M 1

Balancing Responsibilities HW 1

Stress S 1

Hard work got a percentage of so in our result, as a student, they know that they have dreams

and goals in life. They must put effort into their studies despite the challenges that they are
facing every day (e.g., they must take care of their child before going to school, the expenses,

taking care of their families). With some time-management, parents can feel less stressed and

get more things done around the home and for their children. Multitasking is constant for

student-parents during this pandemic even now because they must multitask for their child

while studying. Based on what the respondent answered balancing responsibilities show that

families have trouble managing work, family, and community responsibilities. Stress is also

part of the experiences of being a student parent. Stress can be defined as any type of change

that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain.

2. How do you play your roles as a parent and student at the same time?



Time Management TM 5

Positive Thinking PT 1

Role Conflict RC 1

Effective time management allows students to complete more in less time, because

their attention is focused and they're not wasting time on distractions, they can have time for

their study and for their family. Positive thinking also helps promote greater feelings of

happiness and overall satisfaction with life. Being a positive student parent, you will be able

to cope with all the trials and you will be able to give the right guidance in taking care of your

child while studying. Role conflict between being a parent and a student at the same time,

having both responsibilities is hard.

3. How do you feel about being a parent and student at the same time?



Happiness H 2

Stress S 1

Mix Emotion ME 1

Proud P 1

Pressure P 1

Emotions are one of the challenging parts of being a student parent. Emotion is widely

studied and investigated in psychological science. It is a construct important for art, literature,

and everyday life, and is at the core of the human experience. Traditionally, emotions are

categorized dichotomously, as negative, or positive, unpleasant, or pleasant, activated or

deactivated, and so on (Plutchik, 1980; Russell, 1980). Stress can be defined as any type of

change that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain.

4. What is the most challenging part of being a Student-Parent?



Baby’s Health BH 2

Chasing Time CT 1

Financial Problem FP 1

Time Management TM 1
Confusion C 1

Based on the 6 respondents, the challenging part of being a Student-Parent is the need

to care of their child. According to an article entitled Raising Child Network, being a teenage

parent what matters most to children is what their parents do, not what age their parents are.

When parents raise their children in nurturing, warm, sensitive, responsive, and flexible

ways, children grow and develop well. Time management, chasing time, financial problem

and confusion are also the challenging part of being a student-parent, difficulty balancing the

demands of school with the demands of work and family, and financial limitations that make

it difficult to remain enrolled

5. How will you manage your time as a Student-Parent?



Self-Discipline SD 1

Time Management TM 2

Split Decision SD 1

Giving Quality Time GQT 1

Support System SS 1

Positivism is the practice or tendency to be positive or optimistic in life. When we are

positive, we engage in positive thinking, have positive emotions, and engage in positive

behaviors like kindness and generosity. Split decision helps with stress management and can
even improve your health. Giving quality time, you will be able to cope with all the trials and

you will be able to give the right guidance in taking care of your child while studying. The

support system that usually comes with optimism is a key part of effective stress

management. And effective self-discipline is associated with many health benefits. If you

tend to be pessimistic, don't despair — you can learn positive thinking skills.

Codes Themes

Hard Work

Role Conflict


Support System

Baby’s Health


Mix Emotions




Positive thinking

Time Management

Giving Quality Time

Chasing Time

Balancing Responsibilities

Split Decision
Trying to juggle school and parenting?

Students who are also parents face unique challenges as they pursue their education at

the university level. They juggle many responsibilities and have high demands on their

energy and time. When at school, student parents must consider childcare needs, the health

and well-being of their children, and may struggle with feelings of guilt or sadness being

away from their children. Student parents may have to miss class to stay home with a sick

child and worry about their ability to be successful in school.  Research has shown that

talking about feelings lowers their intensity. Psychologists at UCLA have proven what we've

suspected all along, that talking about feelings is relieving. Through brain imaging studies,

the researchers found that the mere act of putting feelings into words reduced brain activity in

the amygdala, one of the primary areas of the brain associated with processing emotional

responses, meaning that the intensity of an emotion decreases. One of the common challenges

among student-parents is the lack of time to manage their roles as students and parents. Time

management is also a huge issue for student-parents because they have difficulties in

choosing their priorities while attending to their two roles. The results of the survey showed

that the respondents often experienced family issues and concerns in terms of managing their

time and childcare because not all of them have a support system.



The objective of this research was to identify or comprehend the difficulties, needs,

and experiences that arise for student-parents at the junction of parenthood and student-hood.

Our research was based on the response of the grade 11 and 12 students from senior

high department in Camanjac National High School. The researchers used interview and

dispersed some consent on each respondents utilizing the snowball and convenience method

of gathering data. We distributed 6 consents to each respondent. There was a total of 277

senior high students and the researchers selected 6 participants who answered the interview.

Phenomenology and thematic analysis were used to review and identify the answers across

the profiles and transcripts generated for this study. The main themes identified were

struggles, feelings, and timetable. We asked 5 questions to each respondent. There was a total

of 6 participants who responded to the interview. There were more women who answered

than men. The majority of those who responded were modular students.

The sum of all the responses from each respondent shows that most of them play their

roles as parents and students by managing their time. It can be seen how they managed their

time. On the second respondent, she did all her role as a mother or parent before doing her

school matters. On the other hand, it is stated that even though they managed the time, they

still feel stress and question their capabilities in doing their roles in both situations. The fifth

respondent stated that successful time management can make your life a little easier and

allow you to play your roles as a parent and student properly. Therefore, time management is

one of the solutions offered by the respondents to their problem of balancing their roles as a

student and parent.

According to our research findings, senior high students aged 16– 29 years old have

the possibility to engage in sexual activity with their own perception and practices that result

in becoming a parent. Most of our interviewees do their best in managing their time while

studying and caring for their child. Furthermore, few of our respondents demonstrated self-

discipline. Each of the parents who participated in this study was highly motivated to

complete their education and instill the value of education in their children. This finding was

also supported in the literature. Despite having doubts about their ability to complete a

degree, low-income student parents are strongly motivated by the desire to be a good role

model for their children.


The Parents

The researchers recommend that even though you’re already a parent, you have the

rights to continue to pursue your desired degree. Supplementary, there are many chances to

study. According to Matthew Henry “Better late than never”. The findings of this study were

intended to help parents address issues related to their parent child or their already parent

child. To the parents, guardians of the students should be responsible and regulate what their

children do.

The Teachers
The researchers recommend special care where therapeutic communication is

significant in educating and counselling young people at the stage where sex characteristics

start to appear. The teachers of this school should advocate to their students that despite the

fact that they are already a Parent there are many chances to study back for them to give their

children's bright future.

The School

The researchers recommend, Education is important in the development of an

individual. Throughout elementary up to high school years, sex education was inculcated in

the curriculum as mandated by the DepEd. The results of this study were intended to assist

the school in managing a student who is already a parent; as a result, they adjusted how

Student-Parent that can manage their learning by dispensing modules. As a result, the

Student-Parents can feel assured knowing that the school was aware of her position.

The Community

The community would know that even if you have a child, you can still be educated.

Several students with children often decide to finish their degree to open up new career

opportunities and give their kids a better life. Some student parents are also single parents,

working full-time to support their child while managing a full course load. Students as

members of the community learn how to decide on what are they going to do regarding in the

desire to perform sexual activities, through their different experiences in the community. It’s

a long, hard road, but it’s a path they’ve decided is worth it. The Responsible Parenthood and

Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. 10354) which was signed on December
21, 2012, gives access to free contraceptives, sexual education, fertility control, and maternal



Informed Consent Form

Mrs. Ma. Gina S. Anqui

School Principal
Camanjac National High School
Dumaguete City, 6200
Good day Ma’am,

We the researchers would like to conduct a research entitled “Parenthood and

Studenthood: A Study on the Experience of Senior High School Student-Parent in Camanjac
National High School S.Y 2022-2023.”

We would like to hear the experience of those students who are also a parents. We are
writing this letter to ask permission to conduct a research in your school. Rest assured that the
data we will gather will be utmost confidentially. Interviewees will be told of their rights for
their participation in the study.

Hoping for your kind consideration.


The Members

Abejero, Percy Mae M. Diputado, Jade

Alcancia, Joshua B. Diputado, John Stephen F.

Bandico, Eloise Ann M. Estender, John Paul C.

Cadeliña, Rodeza P. Kadusale, Irish C.

Cartalla, Adrian Jade L. Ygay, Analyn A.

Dela Cruz, Nara Mae D.

Noted by:

Mr. Richard Gamaliel C. Cortez

Research Adviser

Mrs. Ma. Gina S. Anqui

School Principal

Informed Consent Form

Good day!

We would like to ask a permission to have you as a part of our research study entitled
“ Parenthoood and Studenthood: A Study on the Experience of Senior High School Student-
parent in Camanjac National High School S.Y 2022-2023.”We would like to know about
your experiences and struggles as a Student-Parent.

We assure that your response will be held utmost confidentially. We will prioritize
your safety and security. We will schedule the interview in your most convenient time. You
have the rights to withdraw from the interview anytime.

Hoping for your positive response.


The Members

Abejero, Percy Mae M. Diputado, Jade

Alcancia, Joshua B. Diputado, John Stephen F.

Bandico, Eloise Ann M. Estender, John Paul C.

Cadeliña, Rodeza P. Kadusale, Irish C.

Cartalla, Adrian Jade L. Ygay, Analyn A.

Dela Cruz, Nara Mae D.



Interview Transcript

1. What is your experience of being a parenthood and student at the same time?

SP1: "Somewhat hard but you'll be able to get through everything. Trust the process"
Code: Hard work (HW)
SP2: It is very hard, I experienced that I will answer my module today,but i have so many
works to do and task.
Code: Hard work (HW)

SP3: "hm stress Kay sometimes maglibog ka kung unsa imuhang unahun Ang trbaho sa balay
ba or Ang imng anak dayun naapa Kay gi apas na modules na ma answeran Kay lagi deadline

(Stress because there are times when you're not sure what to focus on first: your child's
homework or your own? Stress because there are too many modules to complete since there
is always a deadline.)
Code: Time management (TM)

SP4: “gagama og module while gabantay og bata, magpulaw, og magpakaon sa bata naa pay

(Making modules while babysitting, stayed up all night, feeding the child and making some
part time job.)
Code: Multitasking (M)

SP5: “karanasan ko bilang isang magaaral at magulang ang masasabi kolang mahirap talaga
kasi Hindi lang sa pagbabantay Ng bata ang kailangan mong totokan,kailangan mo din
matutukan ang pagaaral mo ,dapat balanse talaga Yun walang pinapataas o pinapababa para
makayanan mo lahat.”

(From my experience as a student and a parent, I can say that its really difficult because you
don't just have to focus on watching over your child, but also on your studies,so there must be
a balance so that you can cope with everything.)
Code: Balancing responsibilities (BR)

SP6: “As a student -parent my experience is restless, angry sometimes and stress, but I never
forgot to organized my role”
Code: Stress (S)

2. How do you play your roles as a parent and student at the same time?

SP1: "Time management is the key"

Code: Time Management (TM)

SP2: “I will see to it that my works are done before I go to my module. Time management for
my family and a student.”
Code: Time management (TM)
SP3: "kaya man Ang tanan buluhatun ug Ang Bata pati Ang modules peru usahay maka-
ingun nlng kas imng kaugalingun na Kaya paba ni peru naa man koy Bata kayanun nku para
sa iyang kaugmaun"

(I am able to manage all of the duties, the child, and the module, but occasionally I wonder if
I am still capable of doing this. but of course, I'll keep working for my child.)- (TR) Taking
Code: Positive thinking (PT)

SP4: “bahin sa oras, kabalo ra mo handle sa sitwasyon”

(Managing time, know how to handle the situation)

Code: Time Management (TM)

SP5: “If Ang time mo namanaged mo ng maayus magiging successful ang paghihirap mo
bilang isang magulang na nagaaral.”

(If you manage your time properly, your struggle as a student parent will be easy.)
Code: Time Management (TM)

SP6: “I play the roles as a parent and a student by balancing my time between parenthood and
being a student.But even I act balance or fair it is unavoidable to have role-conflict.”
Code: Role conflict (RC)

3. How do you feel about being a parenthood and student at the same time?

SP1: "Ofc , happy"

Code: Happiness (H)

SP2:” I'm just happy because I know someday it will be finished.”

Code: Happiness (H)

SP3: "Happy sometimes Sad because Kay lahi na Ang menyu kompara sa Dalaga Kay tuana
punta imng kwarta sa Bata pati gastusin sa balay Wala nay maimuha na mapalit kung unsa
imuhang kaunon or palitun na gamit"

(Happy but occasionally sad since living alone compared to having a baby is different
because the money you work for goes to the baby and, of course, for the daily requirements,
so there isn't anything left for you to buy items you desire or need.)
Code: Mix emotions (ME)

SP4: “kapoy, kada adlaw sige gihilantan, stressful, kulang tulog.”

(It's tired, having a fever every day, stressful, lack of sleep.)

Code: Stress (S)

SP5: “Pakiramdaman bilang isang nanay na nagaaral nakakaproud siguro lalo na Kung
maachieve muna ang gusto mo Kasi kahit nalugmok ka ng isang beses nakabangon kaparin.”
(You can feel proud as a mother who is studying at the same time, especially if you achieve
what you want, because even though you fall down, you never give up.)
Code: Proud (P)

SP6: “I feel pressure about, but I need to continue.”

Code: Pressure (P)

4. What is the most challenging part of being a Student-Parent?

SP1: "Its when your baby's not feeling well"

Code: Baby's health.

SP2: “When my work need to be done and my module will also be done.”
Code: Chasing Time (CT)

SP3: "hm kanang magsakit imuhang anak Niya walay Kay kaduolan kundi ikaw² ra and
naapa Kay problema Kay nag modules paka"

(When your child is ill, you are by yourself with no one to turn to for support and you still
have modules to finish)
Code: Baby's health (BH)

SP4: “pag pulaw, pag bantay, financial problem, pag trabaho”

(Stayed up all night, babysitting, financial problem, having part time job)
Code: Financial problem (FP)

SP5: “Ang pinakamahirap bilang isang magulang na magaaral ay ang pagmanaged mo nang
oras. Kasi pagbata dapat talaga 24 hours ka nakabantay eh Kaya saludo ako sa mga
estudyanteng may nakatapos kahit namay anak na.”

(The most difficult thing as a student parent is managing your time, because when we say
baby, you really have to be on guard 24 hours, so salute to all the students out there who have
graduated even though they already have children.)
Code: Time management (TM)

SP6: “The most challenging part of being a student -parent is when your child got sick or
illness it is very difficult for me in choosing what is my priority while attending to my two
Code: Confusion (C)

5.How will you manage your time as a Student-Parent?

SP1: "Self discipline is highly needed"

Code: Self-discipline (SD)

SP2: “In the morning I Have work and after that I have free time in the afternoon, I think two
hours that the time I will answer my module because I'm a modular student at the same time
parent and a working student.”
Code: Time management (TM)

SP3: "hm 50% sa akua baby ug sa trabaho as a wife and 50% sa akoa modules usahay dili na
50% Kay maga bei rko mag answer f matulog na akoa baby Kay ma Buntag daghan nkung

(I split my time in half: 50% for my kid, 50% for my wife's errands, and 50% for my
modules, though sometimes I can't really call it 50% as I work on my modules every night
even if my child is already asleep because I have a lot to accomplish the next day.)
Code: Split decision (SD)

SP4: “bahin . ug mag apas sa oras, hatag ra og saktong time, giving time both studies and
being a parent.”

(Managing time, inadequate time, giving quality time, giving time both studies and being a
Code: Giving quality time (GQT)

SP5: “I managed my time because of the help and support of my family.”

Code: Support System (SS)

SP6: I manage my time as a student -parent by having a schedule or time management on

doing my responsibilities as a parent and a student.
Code: Time management (TM)


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