Assignment 11 Activity 1

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Kristofferson D.

CE - 1C

Assignment 11

Activity 1
E-mail 1: For my Friend:
Good Morning Bro. I saw you posted an ad looking for a freelance writer. I actually am
looking for a job right now since my schedule this semester is lighter because of the flexible
learning system. We are together in the school paper since elementary so you already know
that I have skills in writing. You also know that I am really passionate when I focus my mind into
something. I hope you consider these and hire me. Thank you Bro. See you soon!

F-mail 2: For an Unknown Employer

Dear Mr. Lee:
My name is Kristofferson Ponce, currently taking up Bachelor of Science in Civil
Engineering. I actually been following you on social media and noticed that you posted an ad
looking for a freelance writer. I’ve been a part of school paper since my elementary days and
I’m looking forward to get an introduction to your company where I want to learn more about
freelance writing. I wonder if we can meet and make my introduction to you. You can contact
email me at or by phone at 09495889996.
Thank you.

Kristofferson Ponce

Activity 2

Briefly describe the contents of your e-mails using the three elements that shape a content of
any message: purpose, audience, and tone.

Elements E-mail #1 E-mail #2

Purpose (What is your reason My purpose in this email is to My purpose in this email is to
for composing the e-mail?) apply for a job apply for a job
Audience (To whom did you To my friend To a stranger
send you the e-mail?)
Tone (How do you describe My writing style in this email My writing style in this email
your writing style? What is very informal because it is is very formal and has a
attitude was conveyed in your my friend. My attitude in the format. I am quite restrained
e-mail? Is it formal, email is very relaxed and very because the words should be
restrained, relaxed, etc.?) friendly. right.
Activity 3

Now, go back to your e-mail for an unknown employer (e-mail #2). Evaluate your writing based
on the criteria of an effective communication. Write your rating on the grid below.

3- Absolutely, yes! 2-Somewhat 1-Sadly, no

Criteria Rating
Did I give facts rather than vague impressions? 3
Did I give my information in a concise and 3
efficient manner?
Was I clear in stating what I expect from the 3
recipient or what I can do for the recipient?
Was I persuasive enough to convince the 2
reader that I am qualify for the job?

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