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Implant Design and Implant Types

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The Mini Dental Implant in Fixed and

Removable Prosthetics: A Review
Dennis Flanagan, DDS1*
Andrea Mascolo, DDS2

Dental implant treatment can restore oral function to edentulous patients. Recently, mini
implants have been shown to be successful in minimally invasive treatment. There are initial
reports of mini implants retaining removable prostheses and supporting fixed partial and
complete dentures. This article reviews the treatment of edentulous patients with prostheses
and mini implants and offers guidelines for successful outcomes.

Key Words: dental implant, mini implant, small-diameter implant, minimally invasive,
flapless surgery, prosthesis, fixed prosthesis, removable prosthesis

INTRODUCTION Mini implants may be relatively easy to

place and restore with appropriate preoper-

he use of dental implants to
replace natural teeth has become ative data collection, such as osseous ridge
commonplace in contemporary contour and gingival quantity. Additionally,
restorative and surgical dental there is some evidence that in highly
practices throughout the world. selected situations, mini dental implants
Substantiation of their efficacy has been well can be used to support fixed partial or
documented in the dental literature. There complete dentures.1–3
have been many advances in surgical tech- Mini implants may be immediately load-
niques and implant design features, and the ed in the appropriate osseous situations and
use of implants in edentulous sites can be may provide an alternative treatment if
successful and can have predictable, func- osseous conditions preclude a standard
tional, and esthetic outcomes. sized implant approach.2,3,11–14 In situations
A growing body of data suggests that where there is an inadequate interdental
mini dental implants can be used to retain space, reduced interocclusal space, conver-
removable complete and partial dentures in gent adjacent tooth roots or close proximity
selected patients. Much of the research has of adjacent tooth roots or narrow atrophic
been done on mini implants for orthodontic osseous contour, mini implants may be
use. Orthodontic forces applied are much appropriate.1–3
less than occlusal forces, and they are Mini implants are consistent with the
unidirectional and constant, unlike occlusal trend towards minimally invasive dentistry.
forces. Minimally invasive dentistry has been brought
to the forefront by some practitioners and
may be applied to implant dentistry where
Private practice, Willimantic, Conn. appropriate. Small diameter or mini implants
Private practice, Allesandria, Italy.
* Corresponding author, e-mail:
may provide solutions in patients where
DOI: 10.1563/AAID-JOI-D-10-00052.1 there is severe osseous atrophy or systemic

Journal of Oral Implantology 123

Mini Dental Implant in Fixed and Removable Prosthetics

FIGURES 1–4. FIGURE 1. Mini implants can retain a maxillary removable complete denture (Dr Todd
Shatkin). FIGURE 2. Four mini implants that retain a removable complete mandibular denture. FIGURE 3.
Intaglios with retainers in place to retain maxillary and mandibular removable complete dentures (Dr
Todd Shatkin). FIGURE 4. Panoramic radiograph of maxillary and mandibular mini implants that retain
removable complete dentures (Dr Todd Shatkin).

conditions that may contraindicate protracted appropriate long-term success. Atrophic

standard sized implant treatment. For exam- bone is usually of these types.
ple, a severely debilitated patient may tolerate Mini implants can also provide an imme-
the placement of 4 mini dental implants with diate solution for patients with atrophic
immediate loading to facilitate the retention edentulism. Successful immediate loading
of a removable mandibular complete denture of mini implants is related to primary
but not able to tolerate the protracted stability for retention of removable den-
treatment time required for standard sized tures.1–3,11,12 When the implants are placed
implants.3 in denser types of bone, with an insertion
The objective of this article is to discuss torque of at least 30 Ncm, they may be
the appropriate use of mini dental implants immediately loaded to retain an overden-
and to begin to establish guidelines for their ture. On completion of the procedure, the
use. patient immediately has a stable functional
denture. This treatment can be inexpensive
and expeditious compared with standard-
sized implant treatment.
Mini implants can retain maxillary or man- Mini implants were initially designed by
dibular removable prostheses (Figures 1 manufacturers to stabilize complete over-
through 4). However, the supporting bone dentures but quickly evolved as devices for
should be of the Misch type I or II for prosthetic retention and support because of

124 Vol. XXXVII/Special Issue/2011

Flanagan and Mascolo

the success of clinical cases.15–19 When movement and result in the implant failing
placed in dense bone mini implants can be to integrate or a delayed loss of integration.
immediately loaded to retain removable Clinical caution should be exercised in these
complete and partial dentures. The implant cases. Bone should be Misch type I or II, and
is surgically placed and the retainer is an occlusal scheme that distributes occlusal
embedded in the acrylic base of the denture loads evenly or an implant protective occlu-
in a pick-up technique. sal scheme should be used. However, there
Just because the bone is dense does not is little published evidence to confirm fixed
ensure 100% success, however. Occlusal mini-implant–supported complete or partial
forces may overload the implant and cause denture treatment in the maxilla.1–3
a failure. Although a minimum of 6 implants may
Survival analyses demonstrate the long- be needed to retain a maxillary removable
term high performance of mini dental im- complete denture, 10 to 12 implants may be
plants used for denture stabilization. Survival needed to support splinted fixed complete
analyses of mini implant have rates more maxillary prostheses.1–3 Occlusal and masti-
90% depending on methodology and sur- catory forces are distributed over multiple
vival criteria.1,2,12,20 splinted implants, thus reducing the relative
The minimum number of mini implants load on any single implant by increasing the
required for appropriate retention of com- surface area loaded against the supporting
plete removable dentures may be 6 in the bone.3
maxilla and 4 in the mandible.1,2,12,20 The Two mini implants may be used for
parallelism of mini implants for overdentures certain mandibular tooth-bound molar sites
generally should not exceed 20 degrees to to accept a splinted crown restoration.3,22
avoid nonseating of the denture and con- Generally, these sites have shortened site
version of axially directed loads to off-axial lengths where a standard diameter implant
loads by the angled position of the im- may not fit with adequate tooth-to-implant
plant.1–3,12,21 A surgical guide may be needed spacing. Two mini implants can resist axial
to ensure close parallelism for mini-implant forces. However, rounded and narrow pros-
placement. thetic teeth may be required to present a
small occlusal table to minimize off-axial
Single mini implants may support single
In sites where there is osseous atrophy or crown restorations (Figures 7 and 8). Sites
site-length attenuation, mini implants may with short interdental space (less than 5 mm),
be placed to support fixed restorations in such as maxillary lateral and mandibular
highly selective patients (Figures 5 and 6). incisors, and sites where tooth movement
Esthetic concerns arise. The esthetic zone is has imposed on the site length or the local
wherever the patient deems it to be. Patient anatomy is diminutive may accept a single
expectations may be unrealistic and accept- mini implant.3,23 Anterior sites may be more
ance of potentially smaller prosthetic coro- appropriate because of lower occlusal forces.
nas may be objectionable to certain pa- Surgical guides may be needed for single
tients. or multiple mini-implant placements for
Immediate loading of mini implants may fixed prosthetics.2 These guides may be
not be appropriate for fixed appliances. constructed from computerized tomograms
Fixed prosthetics may apply much greater or directly on a working cast by a laboratory
off-axial forces, which may induce micro- technician.

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Mini Dental Implant in Fixed and Removable Prosthetics

FIGURES 5–9. FIGURE 5. Radiograph of 4 mini implants supporting a fixed splinted prosthesis. FIGURE 6.
Splinted fixed prosthesis supported by 4 mini implants 3 years after surgery. FIGURE 7. A radiograph of a
single mini implant that supports a single crown. FIGURE 8. Single crown supported by a single mini
implant. FIGURE 9. Radiograph of 3 implants, a standard external Hex 4.1-mm diameter implant (far left)
with bone loss to the first thread, a 3-mm mini implant with slight bone loss (far right), and a 1.8-mm
mini implant with no apparent radiographic bone loss (center).

When mini implants are splinted in fixed loosening in one abutment may cause the
partial or complete dentures, the adjacent fixed bridge to rotate slightly on the
implants are anchored to each other, dissi- cemented abutment and lose osseointegra-
pating force and minimizing the potential for tion. An astute clinician may choose to
implant micromovement. However, cement definitively cement only mini-implant–sup-

126 Vol. XXXVII/Special Issue/2011

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ported prostheses to prevent this complica- Die, Guilford, Conn) that is strong and durable
tion. The most retentive metal-to-metal for a working cast.3 An additional layer of die
cements are the resins and resin-modified separator may be required to ensure a passive
glass ionomers. Care should be taken to fit for the fixed prosthesis. The laboratory
ensure that the surface tension of the mixed technician can be instructed to make a wax
cement does not prevent the cement from pattern with a large lingual support and metal
reaching the deepest part of the casting circumferential margin to prevent distortion of
during the cementation procedure. the pattern during lifting and spruing. The
Mini implants are one piece and do not casting and porcelain application is then
have separate abutments. Thus, there is no performed in the usual fashion.
micro-gap issue. The coronal portion of the
implant is the abutment and can be
prepared for parallelism. A conventional
crown and bridge impression technique is Mini dental implants have diameters ranging
appropriate. Polyvinyl siloxane materials from 1.8 to 3.3 mm and lengths ranging from
provide a satisfactory impression with little 10 to 15 mm. Standard-diameter implants
tissue toxicity. The coronal portion of the range from about 3.4 to 5.8 mm. One
implant may require preparation to ensure advantage of mini implants is that in some
parallelism and a passive fit. The implant sites they may be placed without raising a
surgeon should take care to place the mini surgical flap, thus making the procedure
implants closely parallel so that only mini- minimally invasive and the surgery more
mum or no preparation is required. Excessive tolerable.3–5
preparation may predispose the corona to The use of mini dental implants to
metal fatigue fracture. support or retain dental prostheses is a more
Natural teeth have periodontal ligaments recent development in implant dentistry and
and intrude under an occlusal load to as has become a controversial topic (Figures 1
much as 200 mm. Implants do not intrude and 2). Failures in some cases have dissuad-
under an occlusal load. During clenching and ed some clinicians from using mini implants.
grinding, the implant-supported prosthesis These failures may have been due to
may be the only contact and may thus bear placement in inadequate bone sites or use
the full force of occlusion (26). Each patient is of implants of inadequate length. Mini
different in this regard, and this tooth implants may require a minimum length of
intrusion is difficult to measure, so a built- 11.5 mm to be successful. Appropriate
in prosthetic occlusal relief or a gap in osseous support depends on bone density;
unforced maximal intercuspation of approx- however, this comment is based on clinical
imately 100 mm may be appropriate. This experience and not on scientific research.1,2
ensures that the implant-supported prosthe- Because mini implants have a very small
sis will not bear the full force of the jaws diameter, the clinician should use implants
during clenching. that are as long as anatomically possible.
This increases the bone-presenting profile
and lessens the force per square millimeter
The clinician must have knowledge of the
The coronas of mini implants are small. To osseous contour of the underlying bone
construct fixed prostheses, the laboratory because the implants require osseous sup-
should use a polyurethane die material (Poly- port for proper osseointegration and long-

Journal of Oral Implantology 127

Mini Dental Implant in Fixed and Removable Prosthetics

term function. These implants do require Volume 5 p 3 r2 3 h, where p 5 3.14, r 5

osseous support for proper osseointegration radius, h 5 height;
and long-term function. Without proper Mini implant volume 5 3.14 3 1 3 1 3 10
support, osseous dehiscences or fenestra- 5 31.4 cubic mm; and
tions may result in an early or late failure Standard implant volume 5 3.14 3 2 3 2
under load. Computerized tomographic 3 10 5 125.6 cubic mm
scans or ridge-mapping techniques can 125.6/31.4 5 4
provide the clinician with contour informa- Thus, the standard-diameter implant is about
tion to ensure proper implant placement.6 four times the volume of the mini implant.
Atrophic thin osseous ridges can be Empirically, the larger volume displacement
augmented with extra-cortical grafts or ridge may inhibit healing angiogenesis and osteo-
expansion.7–9 Standard-sized implants may genesis by physically blocking cellular in
need 1.8 mm cortical thickness for appropri- growth and cytokine activity.
ate osseous support while mini implants may Because mini implants have a very small
require only 1 mm in certain situations.10 A diameter, the clinician should use implants
2 mm wide ridge that is split with a No. 15 that are as long as anatomically possible.
scalpel or piezoelectric blade, expanded with This increases the bone-presenting profile
a chisel-type osteotome and then apically and lessens the per square millimeter force
drilled, can provide the minimum ridge applied to the bone under load.
width for mini-implant treatment. Mini implants can be successfully used to
The physical dimensions of the mini and retain or support prostheses in certain types
standard-diameter implants can be com- of sites where bone volume is limited and
pared using, for simplicity, 2 mm diameter where there is attenuated interdental or
and 10 mm length for the mini implant and interocclusal space, reduced width of the
4 mm diameter and 10 mm length for the residual ridge, convergent roots or close
standard implant. proximity of root trunks, congenitally miss-
The circumference of a mini implant is p ing maxillary lateral incisors, and pre- or
3 diameter (2 mm) 5 6.28 mm. The postorthodontic treatment.1–3,13,17,24 Ortho-
circumference of a standard 4-mm implant dontic and provisional implants generally
is p 3 4.0 mm 5 12.56 mm. The mini implant have machined surfaces that are not rough
has about 50% (6.28/12.56) of the percuta- so they can be easily removed at the end of
neous exposure compared with the stan- treatment. These are temporary modalities.
dard-diameter implant. In addition, the forces applied to orthodontic
Assuming a cylinder, the profile of a mini implants are unidirectional and a small
implant (2 mm 3 10 mm) is about half fraction of multidirectional occlusal forces.
compared with a standard-diameter implant If an implant site is inadequate, site
(4 mm 3 10 mm): development can be done. Augmentation
techniques have been reported in the dental
2 mm 3 10 mm 5 20 square mm
literature that facilitate placement of stan-
4 mm 3 10 mm 5 40 square mm
dard-diameter implants in a deficient ridge
20/40 5 1/2
using blocks, particulated grafts, or ridge
However, the volume of a mini implant is expansion.9,25 These surgeries may require
about 1/4 that of a standard-diameter several stages before prosthetic construction
implant. For simplicity the volume will be is initiated. Augmentation procedures have
calculated as a cylinder for a 2 3 10 mm mini drawbacks such as prolonged treatment
implant and a 4 3 10 mm standard implant: times, morbidity, and expense.8 Mini dental

128 Vol. XXXVII/Special Issue/2011

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treatment may be an appropriate alternative by presenting less of a surface area that may
to standard-sized implant treatment in the accumulate plaque.
appropriate patient.1–3,9 Thin cortical bone and loose underlying
As with standard-diameter implant treat- trabeculation (types III to IV) of the posterior
ment, there are relatively few systemic maxilla provide a decreased osseous matrix
contraindications or relative contraindica- for osseointegration and may not be appro-
tions to implant treatment. These relative priate for mini-implant treatment.14 Bone
contraindications include radiation therapy types I and II may provide the best results in
over 50 Gy, uncontrolled diabetes, severe the long term. Furthermore, occlusal forces
osteoporosis, and excessive long-term ciga- are much greater in the posterior and may
rette smoking (Meier). be a consideration for treatment planning.
Minimally invasive mini implants can The occlusal forces in the anterior are much
enable the treatment of patients with less, and this area is more conducive for
relative contraindications to standard-sized mini-implant use.
implant treatment, including geriatric pa- The healing period for mini implants may
tients and patients with psychological disor- be shorter than that for standard-sized
ders (anxiety). Smokers are at a greater risk implants but this may be related to the
for mini implant failure compared with denser bone quality into which mini im-
nonsmokers.2,35 Bruxism may be an adverse plants are generally placed.11 The denser
factor, however, this has not been estab- bone required for mini implants may provide
lished and may be minimized by an appro- better initial support than less dense bone
priate occlusal scheme.26 sites. One study, by Büchter and cowork-
In general, implant treatment may not be ers,28 found no significant changes in the
indicated for children under age 16 because fixation of mini implant after 1 and 4 weeks
of the dynamic osseous changes these of bone healing. Another study suggested
patients undergo that cause anatomic that micromovements around the fixtures
changes for oral and osseous implant may not occur with immediate loading of
position. mini implants.2,29 Immediate loading can be
Minimally invasive implant surgery allows performed without loss of stability when the
clinicians to place implants using less surgi- load-related biomechanics do not exceed an
cal time, usually without extensive flaps, unknown upper limit of movement at the
resulting in less bleeding and postoperative osseous crest.29 However, these orthodontic
discomfort.2,3 The design of mini implants is applied loads were constant, low force, and
such that insertion techniques minimize soft- not cyclic as in normal oral physiology, and
tissue and bone displacement. Mini implants these studies were performed in animals.
produce less osseous displacement than The results may not be extrapolated to
standard implants and may present less of human application.
a barrier for osseous healing and angiogen- For initial stability of standard-diameter
esis for osseointegration. A mini implant has implants, a healing micromovement less
about a quarter of the volumetric displace- than 75–150 mm and an insertion-placement
ment of a standard-diameter implant of the torque value $32 N/cm may be needed for
same length. There is also less percutaneous uneventful immediate loading.14 This imme-
exposure compared with standard-sized diate loading may in fact be nonfunctional
implants because the mini implant has about loading because there is usually a large gap
50% less circumference.3 This may be between the prosthesis and the opposing
important if oral hygiene is compromised dentition when in maximum intercuspation.

Journal of Oral Implantology 129

Mini Dental Implant in Fixed and Removable Prosthetics

These parameters may or may not be If the bone is deemed to be less dense the
applicable to mini implants because the mini clinician must judge the appropriate use of
implant delivers more force per square mini implants in that particular site. This
millimeter to the bone. requires knowledge of the underlying osse-
Implants supporting fixed prostheses ous contour. The osseous contour can be
may be more successful than those support- established with a computerized tomogram
ing removable prostheses. Survival rates for or ridge-mapping techniques.6
fixed prostheses are 98.3%.2 Attached gingiva of at least 2 mm is
Mini implant failures are attributed to advantageous for flapless procedures and to
mobility with or without suppuration; the prevent periodontal inflammation.3,31 Prima-
failure time for these procedures usually will ry stability is the major concern for implant
occur within 6 months.1,2 survival and insertion torque is an important
The accumulating research in implant parameter for stability. Appropriate torque
dentistry is usually on standard-diameter placement may range from 32 to 50 Ncm for
implants. This information may or may not standard-diameter implants. Mini implants
be applicable to mini implants. An astute may require a higher torque to ensure
clinician needs to take into account the postoperative stability.33,34 A torque of
physical differences between these implants 50 Ncm may be a maximum for mini
before applying any implant research to implants because of the potential for frac-
clinical treatment. ture of the implant body.
Mini implants do not appear to be Occlusion and splinting are also important
subjected to postplacement bone resorption factors in mini implant survival. Although an
as much as standard diameter external implant-protected occlusal scheme is appro-
hexed implants. Mini implants are one piece priate, splinting may be important to mini-
with no abutment microgap and have much mize cyclic-loading metal fatigue and implant
less physical displacement, which may be coronal fracture.32
responsible for this (Figure 9). Figure 1 Standard-sized implants may need 1.5–
shows radiographic bone levels around 3 2 mm space from a natural tooth. Mini
implants. The far left implant is an external implants may only require 0.5 mm minimum
hex Implant (3-I, Palm Beach Gardens, Fla) space.
shows radiographic bone loss to the first Primary stability is the main concern for
thread. The far right implant is a 3-mm one- implant survival, and insertion torque is an
piece implant (Biohorizons, Birmingham, important parameter for stability. Appropri-
Mich) that shows slight radiographic bone ate torque placement may range from 32 to
loss. The center implant, which shows little 45 Ncm for standard-sized implants, but mini
or no bone loss, is a 1.8 mm diameter mini implants may require a larger, 50 Ncm,
implant (IntraLock, Ardmore, Okla). torquing placement force to ensure postop-
Mini implants exert greater force per erative stability (IntraLock).33,34 A torque of
square millimeter on the supporting bone 50 Ncm may be a maximum for mini implant
than standard-diameter implants. These placement because of the potential for
forces may overload or fracture the support- implant fracture.
ing bone, causing the implant to fail.3 Less Based on the experience of the authors, a
dense osseous sites, such as type IV, may be minimum implant length of 11.5 mm may be
contraindicated for mini implants.12,30 required for immediate loading of mini
The presenting bone site needs to be implants and for retention of removable
evaluated during the osteotomy procedure. complete dentures.2,3 Although the implant

130 Vol. XXXVII/Special Issue/2011

Flanagan and Mascolo

length does not contribute as much to the ment. Following are suggested initial guide-
implant stability as does the diameter, this lines for mini implant use:
small amount may be enough to ensure
N Type I and II (Misch) bone sites are most
immobility and resistance to occlusal load-
appropriate for mini implants
ing. Thus, the longer length may provide
N Minimum of 1-mm thickness of facial and
additional surface at the bone/implant inter-
lingual cortical bone
face to compensate for the small diameter. A
N Approximately 100 mm occlusal relief for
length of 10 mm in type I bone may be
fixed prosthetics
acceptable in patients with lesser occlusal
N A rounded minimal occlusal table
biting forces.
N Minimum space of 0.5 mm between tooth
Combination syndrome is an oral condi-
and mini implant
tion that is characterized by an edentulous
N Minimum of 6 mini implants for remov-
maxilla with an atrophic maxillary anterior
able complete dentures in the maxilla
with fibrous replacement, supererupted
N Minimum of 4 mini implants for remov-
mandibular anterior natural teeth, hypertro-
able complete dentures in the mandible
phic maxillary tuberosities, and atrophic
N Minimum of 10 mini implants for splinted
edentulous posterior mandibles. This condi-
fixed complete prosthetics in the maxilla
tion can be appropriately treated with mini
N Minimum of 8 mini implants for splinted
implants. The maxillary complete denture is
fixed complete prosthetics in the mandible
usually unstable because of the compress-
N Implant protective type of occlusal scheme
ible maxillary anterior tissue. Because there is
for fixed prosthetics
no posterior support for the occlusion, the
N Esthetic requirements are addressed pre-
denture releases the posterior seal by the
anterior compression against the maxillary
N Polyurethane working die material or
anterior fibrous tissue. Posterior support can
material of similar durability
be provided by placing mini implants in the
N Extra die separator may be indicated
atrophic posterior mandible to support fixed
splinted crowns that occlude with the Most of the mini-implant evidence is based
posterior maxillary denture teeth. Generally, on retrospective data, case series, or uncon-
the atrophic bone in the posterior mandible trolled studies. Randomized, controlled, pro-
is narrow but can have enough height to spective, longitudinal human trials are needed
avoid the neurovascular canal. A lingualized to further validate this treatment.
or zero-degree occlusal scheme is appropri-
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