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Submitted by: Irish Angelou J. Dela Cruz

Grade 11 – St. Ignatius
Submitted to: Mr. Carlito M. Caberto
Objectives: There are things that everyone can do to help those who
need it. Even small actions and small donations make a difference.
Giving is a way to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Even
small acts of kindness and giving have an effect. It reminds others that
they are not alone. And that there are people who are willing to help.

Comprehensive Description: Many disaster that's been happening

in the Philippines and need to be considered in able for the residents to
live peacefully in a community. Facing the reality, there are problems
existing in every area that should be met a resolved for the sake of every
subordinates. I'm sure you've heard about the typhoon that's been going
in the Siargao del norte and Dinagat Island in Mindanao. It's a disaster,
and I know it's hard to see our kapwa Filipino suffering with this kind of
thing happening around them. However, we can do something about it,
is to lend our helping hand to them.

Now, how can we really help them and how will we satisfy their needs
in terms of their situation? It's simple, by gathering some things we don't
need nor using, just like clothes, bedding etc. We can also donate money
or supplies they might need due to disaster or volunteers at shelters if
you can or just send awareness on someone you know that will able to
help and the most important we must do, is to pray for them because it is
most effective way to express our care, concern, hope, love and desired
outcome for others. It is something we can do when feeling helpless in
every other way. Perhaps, my actual plan is to gather citizen that are
willing to help or with the group of volunteers. We're going to be
helping out at food distribution centers, as well as assisting out with
other tasks that need doing in response to the disaster, just like helping
them rebuild their home that's have been affected by the typhoon. For
this to happened, members will have a contribution for us to gain things
that might need in the plan. We'll also providing support for people who
have been affected by the disaster. I know it's not much but if we all
work together, we can make a real difference for some people who need
it most. By lending our helping hand, we will give them hope that things
could get better than they have been before the disaster and as I said
earlier, prayer for them is must because prayer is the sacred touch that
turns worry, fear and anxiety into strength. So it you're interested in
helping out wherever possible, go! and lend a helping hand.

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