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Name : John Paul Bicaldo

Grade and section: 12- ABM D
Module: 4

I would prefer the sole proprietorship, because its on attractive form of business and because it’s
the default store. Minimal paperwork and low-set up cost are two major benefits it having as sole
proprietorship. in addition there is the ease of maintaining it. In fact according to SBA its the simple
and least expensive business type we can establish when starting a business, a sole properties is the
simple structure to choose from it sole proprietorship is non registered, incorporated business run
Safety by individual with no distinct between the the business debts, losses and liabilities we don’t
need to separates for our business any profit we make is simply treated as our own income the sole
proprietor has complete control and decision making power over the business without any partners
you’re the sole owner of the business and can therefore run it as you choose the important fact with this
business structure id that the owner is reliable for all obligations of the business including debt and
lawsuit there is no separation because the assets of the owner and assets of the business.
Name: John Paul Bicaldo
Grade and Section: 12- ABM D
Module: 3

As a elected president of our school “senior high school accounting and management, also known
as SHS ABM organization” as a president I, and my fellow officers will be responsible of updating and
alert in every situation . it will be diffidently helpful it this project will push through it is important for
a student entrepreneurship program and a regular basic to build campus awareness this can be done via
regular informal student meetups/meetings which introduce interested student to the entrepreneurship
program team. Provide proper student mentor ship and advisors, this is the most important part of
supporting student entrepreneur . mentors who have gone through the process of launching a start
up/business themselves can help student understand the challenges involved and motivate the to set up
an initial business plan. It is also important to understand a student time trans resources and
responsibilities in order to provide the best adduce it also a great idea to treat the entrepreneurship
facility as an institution in itself and to put together a proper advisory composed if experienced.
Connected and passionate individuals ready to contribute their expertise another way to add value to
the entrepreneurship program is to invite external speakers motivation and mentors from a variety of
areas. The best practice is to partner with a medium to a large firm the may be interested in following
young entrepreneurs from the start for example a business could dedicate team members to work on a
consultancy basis with the school the main interest if the external stacks holders is to keep on eye out
the potential ideas and startups that could benefits them. Entrepreneurship education provides a
comprehensive learning management for student entrepreneurs helping them to establish correct values
and accumulate new knowledge to shape their innovate ability and personality it aids student from all
socioeconomic background to their innovate ability and personality it aids student from all
socioeconomic background to think outside the box and nurture in intentional and skills. It creates
opportunities, ensure, social justice, instills confidence and stimulate the economy.

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