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Tommy Lipsman

Chapter 11

1. It means that carrying memories puts a

burden on the person carrying them.
2. Jonas is still young and new in his position
as keeper of memories, he doesn't know what
terrible memories lie ahead of him.
3.In the community order is above everything
else, you do as you are told, get assigned roles
like everyone else, and live as you are
instructed. This lets the community keep
Being different in the community will hinder
its efficiency and may cause damage to the
'normal' life people in the community. As a
result, sameness is praised.
4. The giver has honor, not power.
Power would give him the option to change
the community, and shape it into a way only e
could with his vast knowledge.
On the other hand, honor gives min the
respect of others, but not much else.
Honor can't make people listen to him, or let
him change the community.
5. The giver gave him a memory of a sunburn.
6. Within the context of the story, the giver
refers to his role as the 'Giver of memories'.

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