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Welcome to the Writing Skills exam section

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© Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment

You must answer 4 questions in this test.

There is a question on every page of this book. Fill in the problem with the blue pen.


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Move appointment

You are following a course. You have an appointment tomorrow with Amber, another student.
You cannot and do not want to make another appointment. You therefore write an e-mail to

• Write that you want to reschedule the appointment.

• Write why you want it. Think for yourself why. • Suggest a
new date.

Write the email.

Write in whole sentences.
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You will receive a neighborhood newspaper every week. Anyone from the neighborhood can write something for
this newspaper.
You write about a party that you celebrate every year. Write down at least three sentences. Think

Why are you celebrating?

Who's coming to the party?
What are you doing at the party?

Write in whole sentences.

This is my text about the party I celebrate every year:

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Register gym

You like to exercise. You go to a gym near you. You must fill out a form.

Some data you have to come up with yourself.

Fill in the form.

Registration form Sports club SPRINT

Personal details
First and last name

Postal code
City Telephone
number O man / O woman
Gender Date of
birth Which group lesson do you want to do now?
0 Fitness
0 Yoga
0 Running
How often would you like
to come? 0 1x
per week 0 2x
per week 0 more than 2x
per week Why do you choose this group lesson?

How is your health?

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Exchange service

You have to work on Sunday but you would like to be off. You therefore write an e-mail to your
colleague Farida. You ask if she wants to trade with you.

• Write down why you are emailing.

• Write why you want to trade. Think it yourself. • Write
down which day you can work.

Write the email.

Write in whole sentences.

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