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Gerund (Ving) Infinitive(toV)

1) в ролі підмета (Ving…) 1) після дієслів (крім модальних

Studying English sounds great. (must come, should visit, may rain,
Playing football is great. might rain, can jump) и
Reading the book is interesting.
agree, disagree, want, would like,
2) після певних дієслів: plan, need, offer, promise, hope
admit, appreciate, avoid, complete,
consider, continue, delay, deny, discuss, Sergey agreed to jump with the
enjoy, escape, excuse, finish, imagine, parachute.
insist on, involve, give up, keep, mind, 2) в ролі підмета (в офіційному стилі)
miss, put off =postpone, practice, To V+to be=Ving+to be
prevent, quit, recommend, resist, risk, To jump with the parachute is risky.
suggest, understand
He imagines spending time together. To walk late is dangerous. = Walking
late is dangerous.
I enjoy studying English.
3) після прикметників
I enjoy study English
Nice to meet you.
I enjoyed studying English yesterday.
4) після іменника:
We avoided meeting with them.
It’s pleasure to work with you.
I continue learning Maths.
5) після займенників :
3) після певних фраз : somebody, anybody,nobody\
Be busy, it’s no use, it’s (no) good, it’s something,anything, nothing
worth, can’t help, can’t stand, get used
to= get accustomed to, have difficulty in, There is nothing to lose.
need help, look forward to, there’s no 6) після запитальних слів (крім why)
sense in askwho
I can’t help eating ice-cream. tell + what +toV
decide where
He can’t stand spending time forget… when…
The daughter asked how to boil
They are busy learning the rules. potatoes.
4) після дієслів : 7) для того щоб виразити ціль
Spend time\money +Ving
Save I went shopping to buy some
Waste apples.
I usually spend my money traveling. 8) після слів enough и too

He wasted time playing computer He is too young to get married.

games. He is smart enough to get this job.
5) після дієслова go в значенні 9) після слова only для вираження
«займатися чим-небудь» незадоволення
Go +Ving He calls only to ask for help.
She goes skiing every winter.
They go swimming every day.

6) після прийменників (after, before,

instead of, for, on, without etc.)

He came over instead of calling.

He gave up smoking last year.

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