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Project Title: ET EACH SHOW (TV SHOW)

Project Objectives:

 demonstrate understanding of the concepts, principles, theories of ICT. Systems and

policies as they apply to and affect the teaching and learning process in various content
 show skills in the positive use of ICT to facilitate the teaching and learning process.
 show skills in the selection of, development, and use of a variety of teaching and
learning resources, including ICT, to address learning goals.
 demonstrate knowledge of ICT policies, guidelines, and procedures that provide safe
and secure learning environments.

Pictures of planning and actual presentation

Questions and Answers

1. In today's world, how's the technology been superior in terms of teaching


- In a 21st century learning, ICT literacy of a teacher has a huge contribution in

teaching as well as the productivity of the resources where teachers does not
need to make visual aids manually nor input their documents in a handwritten
way. The teaching resources in today's time are really superior and in control
ever since the pandemic. It's a vital tool that teachers are using especially with
the change of mode of learning to online or virtual. With the policies limiting the
face-to-face interaction, technologies are the ones who make the educational
institutions continue their purpose of providing education to the students.

2. How the policies make our students be more responsible for using the internet?

- With the current policies such as cybercrime law and anti- cyber bullying with the
general internet etiquette, most of the netizens are using the internet responsibly.
Also, with these policies implemented, we can penalize people who will violate
and abuse their use of the internet and because of the policies, students know
their limitations in using technology and internet.

3. As a preservice teacher what can you contribute to promote quality education?

- I can promote quality education through mastering the lessons I am teaching,

aligning my resources to the needs of my students and being credible enough to
share my knowledge to them and as a teacher you need to be creative, and
technology makes our job convenient however we should be mindful of using

4. How does the ICT improve student learning?

- ICT improves the learning of the student through the power of advancement of
the technology, exploring the usage of ICT as a mode of teaching resources and
ICT as a bridge of communicating students' interest and improvement. ICT
improves the learning of a student especially in this generation where computers
are a vital tool in learning. This will help them be more aware of the advantages
they can get in using our technologies.
5. How the ICT changed the education?

- ICT changed the education by debunking the traditional way of teaching and thru
enhancing the resource.

6. How do you promote safety practices while using the internet?

- First, I'll discuss all the consequences of using the internet irresponsibly for them
to be aware of what will be the punishment of violating the rules and policies.
Also, I'll always guide and facilitate them while using the internet. But most
importantly we should teach the students that even when there is no one looking,
we should always be responsible when using the internet because safety
practices always start with us, with that, you can be a model to everyone on how
to maintain safe space or safety practices of ICT and we can also share some
tips through social media.
7. Can you explain the importance of safe and smart use of technology in the
teaching-learning process?

- The safe and smart use of technology in the teaching-learning process is crucial
for a number of reasons. Firstly, technology has the potential to greatly enhance
the learning experience for students by providing them with access to a wealth of
information and resources that would otherwise be unavailable. This can lead to
more engaging and interactive learning experiences, as well as increased
opportunities for collaboration and communication between students and

However, it's also important to remember that technology also brings its own set
of risks and challenges, such as concerns around online safety, digital
citizenship, and data privacy. By being aware of these risks and taking steps to
mitigate them, educators can ensure that the use of technology in the classroom
is both safe and productive for all students.

Additionally, technology also allows teachers to personalize the learning

experience for students, providing different students with different materials and
resources that are tailored to their specific needs and learning styles. This can be
done through the use of adaptive learning software, which can automatically
adjust the curriculum to match the student's pace and level of understanding.
In summary, the safe and smart use of technology in the teaching-learning
process can greatly enhance the learning experience for students, but it is
important for teachers to be aware of the risks and challenges that come with
technology, and to take steps to mitigate them. Additionally, it allows for
personalization of the learning experience, and it is an important tool in modern

8. How do you see the role of both the teacher and the student in the modern
classroom, particularly in terms of utilizing technology?

- In my opinion, the role of the teacher in the modern classroom, particularly in

terms of utilizing technology, is to act as a facilitator and guide for the students.
The teacher's role is to provide students with access to the necessary technology
and resources, and to instruct them on how to use them in a safe and effective
manner. Additionally, the teacher should be able to integrate technology into the
curriculum in a way that enhances the learning experience for students, and to
provide guidance and support as needed.

The role of the student in the modern classroom, in terms of utilizing technology,
is to actively engage with the technology and resources provided to them, and to
take responsibility for their own learning. This includes using technology to
access information and resources, collaborating with classmates, and utilizing
technology to communicate and share their ideas and understanding.

Additionally, in the modern classroom, both teacher and student should be able
to work together to create an environment that encourages the use of technology
and allows students to take ownership of their own learning. This includes
providing regular feedback and opportunities for students to reflect on their own
learning, as well as creating a culture of mutual respect and trust.

In summary, in the modern classroom, the role of the teacher is to act as a

facilitator and guide for the students, providing them with access to technology
and resources, and integrating technology into the curriculum. The role of the
student is to actively engage with the technology and resources provided, take
responsibility for their own learning, and to work together with the teacher to
create an environment that encourages the use of technology.
9. What policies do you believe are essential to keep in mind when incorporating
technology into the classroom?

- When incorporating technology into the classroom, there are a few key policies
that I believe are essential to keep in mind. The first is the importance of student
data privacy and security. This includes ensuring that all student data is properly
protected and kept confidential, and that the use of technology in the classroom
complies with all relevant laws and regulations.

Another important policy to keep in mind is the use of appropriate content and
resources. This includes ensuring that the technology and resources used in the
classroom align with curriculum standards and are age-appropriate for the
students. Additionally, it's important to make sure that the resources used in the
classroom align with the school's or district's policies and guidelines.

Another key policy is the importance of digital citizenship, which includes

teaching students about responsible and appropriate use of technology, including
online safety, cyberbullying, and copyright laws. Educators should also teach
students on how to evaluate the credibility and reliability of the information they
find online.

Finally, it's important to have a plan in place for technical support and
troubleshooting. This includes having a designated person or team responsible
for maintaining and troubleshooting the technology used in the classroom and
providing regular training and support for both teachers and students as needed.

In summary, when incorporating technology into the classroom, it's essential to

keep in mind policies related to student data privacy and security, the use of
appropriate content and resources, digital citizenship, and technical support and
troubleshooting. These policies should align with the school's or district's policies
and guidelines and should be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary.

10. How do you stay informed about the latest innovations in educational
assessment and how do you incorporate them into your teaching practice?

- Staying informed about the latest innovations in educational assessment is

important for me to ensure that I am providing my students with the most
effective and efficient methods of evaluating their learning progress.
- One way I stay informed is by regularly reading and researching on educational
assessment journals, articles, and studies. I also attend professional
development workshops and conferences that focus on educational assessment
and technology. This allows me to learn about new assessment tools and
strategies, as well as to network with other educators and experts in the field.
Another way I stay informed is by being part of online communities and groups
that focus on educational assessment. This allows me to connect with other
educators and experts, and to share information and resources related to

Once I have a good understanding of the latest innovations in educational

assessment, I evaluate which would be most beneficial to my students and
incorporate them into my teaching practice. This includes experimenting with
different assessment tools and strategies, such as formative assessments,
adaptive learning software, and gamified assessments, and using data to
evaluate the effectiveness of each method.

In summary, I stay informed about the latest innovations in educational

assessment by reading and researching, attending professional development
workshops and conferences, and being part of online communities and groups.
And I evaluate and incorporate the most beneficial methods into my teaching
practice, always being open to try new methods and use data to evaluate their

11. Can you discuss the importance of setting and meeting learning goals, both for
the students and the teacher, in the context of technology-enhanced learning?

- I believe that setting and meeting learning goals is crucial for both students and
teachers in the context of technology-enhanced learning. For students, setting
and meeting learning goals helps to provide a clear direction and purpose for
their learning. It helps them to understand what they are expected to learn, and
how their learning will be evaluated. Additionally, setting and meeting learning
goals can help to increase student motivation and engagement, as they are able
to see the progress they are making towards achieving their goals. As a teacher,
setting and meeting learning goals is essential for me to ensure that I am
providing my students with an effective and efficient learning experience. It helps
me to design a curriculum that aligns with the learning goals, and to use
technology in a way that supports student learning. Additionally, setting and
meeting learning goals can help me to evaluate the effectiveness of my teaching,
and to make any necessary adjustments to my instruction.
In the context of technology-enhanced learning, setting and meeting learning
goals can be accomplished in a number of ways. For example, students can use
technology to set and track their own learning goals, and to receive regular
feedback on their progress. Additionally, teachers can use technology to create
and track learning goals, to provide students with opportunities to reflect on their
learning, and to provide regular feedback on student progress.

In summary, setting and meeting learning goals is essential for both students and
teachers in the context of technology-enhanced learning. It helps students to
understand what they are expected to learn, and how their learning will be
evaluated, and helps teachers to design a curriculum that aligns with the learning
goals, and to use technology in a way that supports student learning.

Member’s Name

Romiel Añete

Mary Joyce Baday

Daniel Bibat

Rodlorience Barrion

Bea Rita Cruz

John Lloyd Galicia

Alex Huertas

Ella Mariz Magnaye

Rodil Onquit

Christian Potenciano

Jerwin Sanchez

John Patrick Singcol

Angelo Villagracia

Record of the presentation:

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