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Maikee Ydell R.

BSNED – Generalist III

1. What have you understood of the following?

a. Objectivity or Subjectivity of history. In your opinion, should history be subjective or
In my opinion, history can be "objective" and "subjective. If history means what happened
in the past, it is objective: it happened. If history is an account of what happened in the past,
with or without an explicit attribution of meaning or interpretation, it is subjective.

b. Historical Method
The historical method is the process of critically examining and analyzing the records and
survivals of the past. It is the collection of techniques and guidelines that historians use to
research and write histories of the past.

c. Historiography
Historiography refers to the writing of history based on the critical examination of sources,
the selection of particulars from the authentic materials, and the synthesis of particulars into a
narrative that will stand the test of critical methods.

d. Historical Analysis
Historical Analysis is a method of the examination of evidence in coming to an
understanding of the past. There are four purposes of these methods that will be considered.
These are (1) the selection of a subject for investigation; (2) the collection of probable sources
of information on that subject; (3) the examination of those sources for genuineness (either in
whole or in part); and (4) the extraction of credible particulars from the sources (or parts of
sources) proved genuine.

e. Differences between primary and secondary resources.

Sources are divided into two kinds: Primary and Secondary. A primary source is the
testimony of an eyewitness. A Secondary source is the testimony of anyone who is not an
eyewitness - that is, of one who was not present at the events of which he tells.

2. List sources of “History”

• Oral tradition
• Books
• Historical sites
• documents
• Archives
• Museums
• Archaeology
• Anthropology
• Linguistics
• and TV programs
3. List 3 to 5 reason why you think studying history is important today and to your field of
We all know that some people think or view history as a boring and unimportant subject.
History is one of the most important subjects because it will make you a better person. The first
reason is awareness. It teaches us warning signs. The second reason is it provides a sense of
identity, and lastly, we will be able to understand society. As an Education Student, studying history
is very important. History shows us where we have been, and the history of education has important
lessons to teach us about what has been done well and what has been done horribly. We can use
our historical knowledge to go forward as much better educators. It is even more so because the
future of any country lies in its education.

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