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Results and Discussion

Preliminary Phytochemical Screening:

The preliminary phytochemical screening results are showed the presence of the following constituent
as shown in the table constituents Tests Observation

1. carbohydrates Molisch’s test +

Fehling’s test +
Barfoed’s test +
2. Proteins Millon’s test _
Biuret test _
3. Amino acids Ninhydrin test _
Millon’s test _
4. Fixed oil and fats Saponification test _

5. Saponins Foam test +

6. Phenolics and tannins Fecl3 test +

Gelatin test +
Lead acetate test +
7. Alkaloids Dragondroff’s test +
Mayer’s test +
Hager’s test +
Wagner’s test +
8. Flavonoids Conc.H2SO4 test +
Aqueous NaOH test +
Shinoda’s test +
9. Steroids Libermann Burchard’s test +

10. Triterpenoids Noller’s test +

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