True or False

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True or false

1- The colorless substances absorb white light and must be investigated in the visible region. (X)

2- Spectroscopic analysis is commonly carried out in solutions only. (X)

3- EMR vibrates parallel to the direction of propagation and this imparts a wave motion. (X)

4- The reciprocal of the wavelength is called the wave number (✓)

5-Wavelength is more fundamental characteristic of EMR than frequency. (X)

6-Frequency and wave length are directly proportional to energy. (X)

7- Born–Oppenheimer (BO) approximation that the motion of the atomic nuclei and electrons
in a molecule can be separated. (✓)

8- The broadening of band is even greater in solid. (X)

9- Lambert states that: the intensity of the emitted light increase as the thickness of the
absorbing medium increases. (X)

10- Lambertʼs law is very great application in chemistry. (X)

11- Transmittance is not used very in modern instruments, because the relationship with
concentration is not linear. (✓)

12- A compound with a high molar absorptivity is very ineffective at absorbing light. (X)

13- Beerʼs law is of great importance in qualitative analysis. (X)

14- Spectral curves are characteristic of the absorbing substance and these can be used
for qualitative analysis of solute species. (✓)

15- The absorptivity is a constant, characteristic of the absorbing substance and of the
particular wavelength of radiation used. (✓)

16- Refractive index is essentially constant at concentrations of about 1M. (X)

17- Beerʼs law strictly valid only at high concentrations. (X)

18- The absorption peaks may be altered in position, shape and height as the concentration
increases. (✓)

19- It is desirable to choose a solvent that absorb appreciably in the wavelength region to be
examined. (X)
20-If the absorbance of the blank is large; a small relative error in its measurement
can introduce a large relative error in the final results. (✓)

21- Using polychromatic radiation always gives a positive deviation from Beer’s law. (X)

22- Stray radiation is extraneous radiation which strikes the detector but does not go
through the sample. (✓)

23- At higher concentrations of analyte, the absorbance is smaller than expected. The result is a
negative deviation from Beer’s law. (✓)

24- In the infrared region, absorption bands are generally shifted slightly to longer wavelengths
as the temperature increases. (X)

25- Glass and quartz cells used in the visible and ultraviolet regions should be cleaned with
hot concentrated acid. (X)

26- Electronic transition of formaldehyde involves π-π * and n-π* which wave length of π-π *
higher than that of n-π*. (X)

27- For atoms, electronic transitions should result in very narrow absorbance bands at
wavelengths highly characteristic of the difference in energy levels of the absorbing species.

28- For molecules, the bands are broadened due to vibrational and rotational energy levels
are superimposed on the electronic energy levels because many transitions with different
energies can occur. (✓)

29- Temperature usually has only primary effects on absorption control are unnecessary. (X)

30- If the absorbing solute is involved in equilibrium, temperature control may be unnecessary
and must be checked for specific cases. (X)

31- Hot concentrated acids should be avoided, since they may attack some cells. (✓)

1- Which of the following depend on the nature of the medium?

a) Velocity b) wavelength c) frequency d) both a and b

2- Because many transitions with different energies can occur, the bands are …….

a) Sharp b) broad c) both a and b d) none

3- ……. Is the number of cycles occurring per second?

a) Frequency b) wavelength c) velocity d) wave number

4- When sodium atoms are excited in flame, yellow light with wave length 589 nm is emitted
with frequency equals……… s-1. (Velocity = 3x1010 cm/s)

a) 3.2x1014 b) 1.15x1010 c) 5.09x1014 d) 4.08x1013

5- ………is inversely to energy

a) Frequency b) wavelength c) wave number d) both a and b

6- In order for EMR to be absorbed by matter, there must be an interaction between...........of

radiation and some electric charge in the material substance.

a) Electric field b) magnetic field c) both a and b d) none

7- Beers-lambert law related to the absorption of monochromatic radiant energy

by…… system
a) Homogeneous b) transparent b) both a and b d) none

8- The final form of lamberts law, is an exact law and applies to any……. medium

a) Homogeneous, scattering b) Homogeneous, non-scattering

c) Heterogeneous, scattering d) Heterogeneous, non-scattering

9- The unit of absorptivity is ………….

a) Liters per gram-centimeter b) gram per centimeter

c) Liters per gram-mole d) none

10- Molar absorptivity is used when concentration is expressed by…….

a) Gram per litre b) mole per litre c) d) milligram per litre

11- Unit of transmittance is

a) Mole per litre b) gram per litre c) gram eq. per litre d) dimensionless

12- The relation between absorbance and transmittance is

a) A = -log %T b) A = 2- log %T c) A = 2 + log %T d) A = log %T

13- The magnitude of the molar absorptivity is governed by

a) Size of the absorbing species b) the probability of the transition

c) Both a and b d) none

14- The molecular weight can be calculated from:

a) ε = a × M. Wt. b) ε = a / M. Wt. c) a = ε × M. Wt. d) none

15- If molar absorptivity of solute is 1.1 x 104, then the absorbance through 0.5 cm thickness of
a 3x10-5M equals……..

a) 0.113 b) 1.15 c) 0.281 d) 0.165

16- If incident frequencies not corresponding to absorption frequencies, occur…… emission

a) Resonance b) fluorescence c) phosphorescence d) scattering

17- For Beerʼs law to be followed

a) Act independently of one another b) interact with each other

c) Absorb the same amount of radiation d) both a and c

18- It is preferable to make absorbance measurements at …….

a) Sharp absorption peak b) broad absorption peak

c) Both a and b d) none

19- It is sufficient simply to equilibrate sample and standards at

a) Room temperature b) high temperature c) low temperature d) zero K

20- As the temperature increases, absorption bands in UV and visible regions are shifted to

a) Longer wavelengths b) shorter wave length c) may be a or b d) none

21- If absorption measurements are made over an appreciable range of temperature, as in
determining equilibrium constants or in making kinetic measurements

a) The temperature change may result in a shift in the position of the absorption band.
b) The temperature change may result in a shift in the Intensity of the absorption band
c) both a and b
d) none of them

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