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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 294 (2020) 106881

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Identifying and estimating soil erosion and sedimentation in small karst T

watersheds using a composite fingerprint technique
Zihao Caoa, Zhuodong Zhanga, Keli Zhanga,*, Xin Weia, Shizhen Xiaob, Zhicheng Yanga
State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resources Ecology, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
School of Karst Science, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, China


Keywords: The highly heterogeneous surface environment and subsurface conduit network in karst areas make estimating
Soil erosion soil erosion extremely complicated. Sediment fingerprint techniques have been successfully applied in soil
Composite fingerprint technique erosion research in karst areas as a new way to more effectively collect information on soil loss. However, few
Cs sediment fingerprint factors, most of which are based on radioactive fallout tracers, such as 137Cs and/or 210Pb,
Magnetic susceptibility
have been used in existing studies. The soil loss rate estimated by these fingerprint factors varies greatly among
Karst watershed
different watersheds. To clearly identify the sedimentary sequence, to estimate the changes in soil erosion in
recent years, and to relate the soil erosion process to rocky desertification, a composite sediment fingerprint
technique is used in this study. Two typical watersheds with peak clusters and depressions and with different
degrees of rock desertification were selected, and sediment cores were extracted from the depressions to measure
changes in 137Cs, magnetic susceptibility, soil organic carbon (SOC) and sediment particle composition at dif-
ferent depths. The results indicated that the soil loss rates in the Liaojiawodang (LJWD) and Dajutang (DJT)
watersheds showed a fluctuating decrease from 1954 to July 2018. The severe soil erosion in the periods of
1954–1963,1963–1970 and 1976–1986 was mainly caused by large-scale reclamation and deforestation. In
addition, heavy rainfall in 1983 and 1991 might have played a significant role in the soil loss in the DJT
watershed in 1978–1986 and in the LJWD watershed in 1986–2000, respectively. The construction of agri-
cultural terraces several decades ago and the implementation of the Closing Mountains for Forest Cultivation,
Grain for Green and Poverty Alleviation projects in recent years to improve the ecological environment have
effectively alleviated the soil erosion in the studied watersheds. Over the past 60 years, soil loss in the LJWD and
DJT watersheds decreased by approximately 89 % and 87 %, respectively. In karst areas, rocky desertification
and soil erosion do not exhibit identical trends. Because of severe rocky desertification, the soil erosion in the
LJWD watershed was significantly less than that in the DJT watershed. This study provides important in-
formation on detailed sediment dating and demonstrates the potential of using 137Cs, magnetic susceptibility,
SOC and sediment particle composition to identify changes in erosion in a watershed.

1. Introduction area, which develop soils slowly (Zhang et al., 2011a). Once the soil is
lost, it is extremely difficult to recover the soil layer because a period of
Karst is a particular geomorphic unit with a rugged surface, poor approximately 2000–8000 years is required to generate 1 cm of soil on
soil, and underlying limestone that is easily fractured and dissolved. average (Jiang et al., 2014). Therefore, the fragile ecological environ-
Limited agriculture can be performed in such regions around the world ment and slow social development attributed to serious soil loss have
as the bedrock is generally exposed at the surface, especially on slopes been typical characteristics of the karst region of China. To maintain
with thin soil cover (Kranjc, 2012; Jiang et al., 2014). However, in the sustainable development and food security, it is essential to control soil
550,000 km2 karst region of Southwest China, sloping land is in- loss and protect land resources in the karst region of China. However,
tensively cultivated and provides food for approximately 100 million accurate data on soil loss in the karst region are scarce because of the
people. However, unfavorable land use practices have resulted in the difficulty of plot building and sediment observation. Fortunately, the
loss of relatively fertile topsoil and land degradation and in ecological composite fingerprint technique represents a credible method for
disasters related to the relatively soluble carbonate rocks in the karst identifying the long-term soil loss rate by analyzing deposited sediment.

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (K. Zhang).
Received 25 September 2019; Received in revised form 15 February 2020; Accepted 20 February 2020
Available online 27 February 2020
0167-8809/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Z. Cao, et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 294 (2020) 106881

Karst is characterized by widespread caves, fractures and fissures, 2. Materials and methods
which strongly affect the runoff and erosion processes in karst regions
(Martin et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2017). First, soil particles are trans- 2.1. Study area
ported into fractures and fissures into subsurface systems instead of
along the soil surface (Zhang et al., 2007a; Tang et al., 2010). Second, The sampling was conducted in two peak-cluster depression wa-
eroded soils from slope areas often fill in karst conduits and depressions tersheds with different degrees of rocky desertification in July 2018.
rather than being transported directly into a river, as in other regions The Liaojiawodang (LJWD) peak-cluster depression watershed
(Jiang et al., 2014). Due to the combination of surface and subsurface (105°37′47″E, 25°39′12″N) and Dajutang (DJT) peak-cluster depression
processes, soil erosion in karst regions is so complicated that traditional watershed (105°06′32″E, 27°15′56″N) are located in Anshun County
methods, such as field plots and rainfall simulations, are not sufficient and Bijie County, respectively, in Guizhou Province, Southwest China
to capture the runoff and soil losses via both the surface and subsurface (Fig. 1). The rocky desertification is more severe in Anshun County than
systems. in Bijie County. These regions feature a subtropical monsoon climate
As a milestone in erosion research methods, sediment fingerprint characterized by hot rainy summers and cold humid winters. The mean
techniques, such as radioactive fallout tracers (Pennington et al., 1973; annual temperature varies from 10 °C to 15 °C. The mean annual pre-
Ritchie and McHenry, 1990; Walling and He, 1997; Andŕeas et al., cipitation varies from 850 mm to 1379.5 mm and exhibits significant
2008; Li et al., 2019a), magnetic susceptibility (de Jong et al., 1998d; seasonality, with most precipitation occurring during the rainy season
Liu et al., 2020; Yu et al., 2017), sediment particle size (Grimhaw and (Apr.–Sep.).
Lewin, 1980; Walling and Moorehead, 1989; Yu et al., 2019) and soil The LJWD watershed, with a total area of 1.33 km2, consists of a
organic components (Andŕeas et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2017; Li et al., 5502 m2 flat area in the center and a series of surrounding slopes. These
2019b), have been successfully applied to research soil erosion and hillslopes are relatively steep, and most of the measured slopes are
sedimentary processes over the past few decades. Compared with steeper than 25°, except at the foot of the hillslopes. Because the area
conventional monitoring methods, fingerprint techniques are reliable, has a long history of cultivation on the hillslopes, which may have
economical and rapid methods for determining soil loss. The radio- contributed to soil loss, fragments and boulders of limestone are ex-
active fallout tracer can be used as chronometers of recent deposits to posed on the middle and upper slopes (Zhang et al., 2011a). According
identify sedimentary processes and estimate soil erosion rates on the to field assessment, rocky areas account for at least 30 % of the surface
basis of sample collection instead of long-term monitoring (Zhang and area. The primary soil type in this area is yellow soil, according to the
Walling, 2005; Li et al., 2003,). Soil magnetic material and soil organic Chinese genetic classification of soil, and is classified as Udic Ferrisol in
components can be adopted as tracers to measure soil loss and redis- the Chinese Soil Taxonomy and Udic Ultisols in the US Soil Taxonomy
tribution based on their changes in profiles at different slope positions (Gong et al., 1999). The hillslopes are dominated by shrubs, the foot of
(de Jong et al., 1998d; Liu et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2017; Yu et al., the hillslopes is generally cultivated with maize (Zea mays L.) and oil-
2019). On the other hand, the sediment itself can also serve as a tracer seed rape (Brassica campestris L.), and the depression is dominated by
(Grimhaw and Lewin, 1980; Walling and Moorehead, 1989; Li et al., grass (Galiumodoratum).
2017; Zhang et al., 2018). The particle size of sediment and its dis- The peak clusters in the DJT area exhibit similar terrain and geo-
tribution with depth can record the process of sedimentation. In turn, logic structure characteristics (Zhang et al., 2011b). The DJT watershed
by analyzing sediment particle size changes with depth, the sediment has a total area of 0.07 km2 and a 3942 m2 flat area surrounded by
sources in the watershed can be identified, and the contribution of hillslopes with an average gradient greater than 20°. Limestone is ex-
sources to the sediment yield can be effectively estimated. Furthermore, posed on the slopes and accounts for 15 % of the total surface area. The
composite fingerprint techniques solve problems associated with the soil type in the DJT watershed is the same as that in the LJWD wa-
relationship between erosion and sediment delivery and with the tershed. The hillslopes are dominated by grass and some rare shrubs
temporal and spatial variations in eroded sediment yield in a catchment (Spiraea salicifolia L., Hypericum patulum Thunb.), and the depression is
(Tang et al., 2013). covered with grass (Galiumodoratum, Cynodondactylon).
Topography characterized by clusters of steep hills and ridges sur- With a total population of more than 100 million, the karst region in
rounding a flat center (so-called peak-cluster depression topography) is Southwest China is a major poverty-stricken area in China, and nearly
the most typical landscape in the karst region of China (Fig. 1). In a half of the total number of impoverished citizens of China are con-
watershed, the depressions act as a sink area into which runoff pours centrated in this region (Zhang et al., 2011a). The hillslopes have long
and sediment is deposited, similar to a lake or reservoir. (Pennington been cultivated to provide sufficient food. In environments with steep
et al., 1973). The sedimentary sequence deposited in a karst depression terrain and frequent rainfall, unfavorable land use practices cause se-
provides a good environment for testing the applicability of fingerprint vere soil erosion. After interviewing the local senior farmers and ex-
techniques. Therefore, fingerprint techniques have been widely applied perts, it was determined that since the implementation of the Grain for
in the karst region in Southwest China to estimate soil loss (Table 1). Green ecological project in 2000, the area of farmlands on hillslopes in
The results from previous studies have contributed greatly to the un- the LJWD and DJT watersheds has decreased substantially through
derstanding of soil loss in the karst region. However, the tracers used in transformation into woodland or grassland.
previous studies were very limited in number, and the results of study
lacked the support and verification of other tracers. Moreover, the 2.2. Field sampling
calculated soil loss rate varied greatly from site to site (Table 1). Hence,
it is imperative to use multiple composite fingerprint techniques to Sediment samples were taken across profiles at two selected sites in
estimate the soil loss rate and to improve soil loss predictions in karst the LJWD and DJT depressions in July 2018. Therefore, sediments
regions. This study aims to identify the sedimentary sequence, estimate deposited until July 2018 were included in this study. The sampled soil
the sedimentation rate and investigate the changes in soil erosion over a profiles were 100 cm in width and 220 cm in depth at the centers of the
nearly 60 year period by using multiple sediment fingerprint techni- LJWD and DJT depressions. The profiles were then divided into 23
ques, including radioactive fallout tracer 137Cs, magnetic susceptibility, sampling depths on average, each of which was 10 cm apart. After each
soil organic carbon (SOC) content and sediment particle size in order to soil profile was prepared, sediment samples were collected from the
relate the soil erosion process to rocky desertification in the karst region bottom (220 cm) to the ground surface (0 cm), and two samples were
of China. taken at each depth as replicates. In total, 92 samples were collected
from the two depressions for laboratory analysis of magnetic suscept-
ibility, sediment particle size and SOC content.

Z. Cao, et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 294 (2020) 106881

Fig. 1. Location of the karst peak-cluster depression watershed and sampling site.

In addition, two 200 cm-long sediment cores were extracted using laboratory of Beijing Normal University.
an 8 cm-diameter auger near the LJWD and DJT soil profiles. The se-
diment cores were sectioned and sampled at an interval of approxi-
mately 5 cm from the soil surface to a depth of 100 cm and then at an 2.3.1. Radionuclide 137Cs
interval of approximately 10 cm from 100 cm to 200 cm. Altogether, 60 To ensure that the test samples were fully representative, two re-
samples were taken from the two cores for soil bulk density calculation plicate core samples from each depth were mixed well. Approximately
and 137Cs analysis. 320 g of each sample (≤ 2 mm) added to a measuring box (7 cm in-
ternal diameter and 6.5 cm height), which was then sealed with poly-
vinyl chloride tape and left undisturbed for 28 days to allow the sample
2.3. Laboratory analysis to achieve equilibrium. Then, these samples were measured by gamma-
ray spectrometry using a high-resolution, low-background, low-energy,
All the samples were air-dried, weighed, and passed through a 2 mm hyperpure n-type coaxial germanium detector (GMX 50P4) coupled to
sieve. Then, the activity of the radionuclide 137Cs, magnetic suscept- an ORTEC amplifier and multichannel analyzer. The counting time was
ibility, particle size and SOC content were measured in the soil more than 33,000 s to ensure that the measurement precision was less

Z. Cao, et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 294 (2020) 106881

Table 1
Overview of the recent applications of sediment fingerprint techniques in karst areas in China.
Location Watershed Sediment fingerprints Sediment yield Reference
(t km−2 yr-1)

137 210
Sichuan, Southwest China Wujiagou watershed Cs, Pb 624 (Watershed) Zhang et al. (2004)
Sichuan, Southwest China Xiangshui watershed Cs 1759 (Forest land) Hou et al. (2007)
4468 (Slope cropland)
Chongqing, Southwest China Longyan river watershed Cs 112.5 (Forest land) Zhang et al. (2007b)
2264.8 (Slope cropland)
Puding, Southwest China Chongtou depression watershed Cs 20.7 (Watershed) Bai et al. (2009)
Puding, Southwest China Shirenzhai watershed Cs 2315 (Watershed) Zhang et al. (2011b)
Puding, Southwest China Shirenzhai watershed Cs, 210Pb 2757 (Watershed) Bai et al. (2013)
Puding, Southwest China Zhongba watershed Cs 19.25–27.5 (Watershed) Yan et al. (2012)
Puding, Southwest China Chenqi watershed Cs, Magnetic susceptibility / Cheng et al. (2019)
Maolan, Southwest China Gongchenbei depression watershed Cs 45.95 (Grass land) He et al., 2009a,He et al., 2009b)
0 (Forest land)
Maolan, Southwest China Grassland depression Cs, pollen / He et al. (2013)
Huanjiang, Southwest China Guzhou watershed Cs 57.1 (Watershed) Li et al. (2010a)
Huanjiang, Southwest China Guzhou watershed Cs 50.2 (Watershed) Li et al. (2010b)
Huanjiang, Southwest China Guzhou watershed Cs, RUSLE 15.8 (Watershed) Feng et al. (2016)
Huanjiang, Southwest China Guzhou watershed Cs, 210Pb, SOC, sediment particle size 283 (Watershed) Li et al. (2019b)
Yongkang, Southwest China Yongkang watershed Cs 20.53 (Watershed) Bai et al. (2010)
Yaji, Southwest China Yaji experimental site Cs, GIS 13.68 (Watershed) Li et al. (2016)
Yimeng Mountain region, China Quananzi watershed Cs, 210Pb, Clay 1.8 (Watershed) Zhang et al. (2018)

Note: “/” means unknown.

than ± 5% at the 90 % confidence level. The 661.6 keV line was used 2.4. Data analysis
for the 137Cs analysis, and the mass concentration density of 137Cs (Bq
kg−1) was calculated via the following equation: 2.4.1. The 137Cs dating model
Cs has been widely used for dating and providing independent
137Cs= (Narea / W ∙T ∙C)× 1000 (1) information on erosion and sedimentation rates (Ritchie and McHenry,
1990). In the karst depressions selected to trace the sediment process,
where Narea is the net peak area of 137Cs, W is the sample weight (g), T is
the land use types can be broadly divided into undisturbed land and
the counting time (s), and C is the detection efficiency of 137Cs.
cultivated land. The adopted assessment models to calculate the sedi-
ment deposition rate (R, cm yr−1) and soil loss rate (M, t km−2 yr−1)
2.3.2. Magnetic susceptibility are different for the two kinds of land use (Zhang and Walling, 2005; He
A Bartington magnetic susceptibility meter (MS2) was used to et al., 2009a; Li et al., 2010a). For undisturbed land, the sediment de-
measure soil magnetic susceptibility. Approximately 15 g of each position rate and soil loss rate since 1963 can be calculated based on the
sample (≤ 2 mm) was placed in an 8 cm3 plastic box. Before mea- depth of a single well-defined 137Cs peak as follows:
surement, the machine was preheated for 10 min to ensure that the
R = [H/ (Ts −1963)] (4)
measurement error was within 0.2. Blank readings on air were taken
before and after every sample measurement (de Jong et al., 1998d). The
M =ρ∙s∙H∙10-2/A(Ts− 1963) (5)
specific volume of magnetic susceptibility (κ) was measured at low
(0.47 kHz; κlf) and high (4.7 kHz; κhf) frequencies (Yu et al., 2017). The where H is the depth of the 137
Cs peak (cm), Ts is the sampling year (yr),
soil bulk density (ρ, g cm−3) was determined by dividing the dried soil ρ is the soil bulk density (tm−3), s is the depression area (m2), and A is
mass by the volume. The parameter χ (χlf or χhf, 10-8 m3 kg-1) is the the watershed area (km2).
ratio of κ (κlf or κhf) to ρ (Dearing, 1994): For the cultivated land, the deposited sediments in the plow layer
are mixed by tillage practices. Hence, the 137Cs is evenly distributed
χ=( κ/ ρ) (2) across the depth of the plow layer, and the distribution depth at a de-
The frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility (χfd, %) was cal- position site is greater than the depth of the plow layer (Bai et al., 2010;
Li et al., 2010a). The sediment deposition rate (R, cm yr−1) and soil loss
culated via the following equation using χlf and χhf (Dearing, 1994):
rate (M, t km−2 yr−1) since 1963 are calculated as follows:
χfd = (χlf − χhf / χlf ) × 100 (3)
R= (h−hp) / (Ts −1963) (6)

M=ρ∙s(h−hp )∙10-2/A(Ts − 1963) (7)

2.3.3. Sediment particle size
Approximately 2 g of each sample was weighed and pretreated with where h is the total 137Cs distribution depth in the profile (cm) and hp is
hydrogen peroxide and hydrochloric acid to remove the organic frac- the plow layer depth (m).
tion, and the sample was then subjected to chemical and ultrasonic A karst depression is an area that accumulates sediment in a wa-
dispersion. Then, the particle size was determined using a Mastersizer tershed, and sediment from elsewhere in the watershed is deposited on
3000 laser granulometer (Malvern Instruments, Malvern, England). the central flat bottom of the depression. Hence, these sediments pro-
vide record information on cultivation, land utilization and soil loss in
the watershed. Therefore, there may be other age markers besides the
2.3.4. Soil organic carbon age marker of 1963. The sediment deposition rate (R, cm yr−1) and soil
Approximately 10 g of each sample (≤ 2 mm) was passed through loss rate (M, t km−2 yr−1) in other periods can be calculated based on
0.15 mm sieves, and a 0.05 g sample was then weighed from the ≤ 0.15 the following modified formulas:
mm fraction to determine the SOC content using the potassium di-
chromate colorimetric method. S= (hf − hl / Tf − T)
l (8)

Z. Cao, et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 294 (2020) 106881

M= ρ∙s(hf − hl)/ A( Tf − T)
l (9) Table 3
137 137 Statistical analysis of soil characteristics in the LJWD and DJT profiles.
where f denotes an earlier Cs age marker and l denotes a later Cs
age marker; hf and hl are the distribution depths of the earlier 137Cs age Soil characteristics Location Min Max Mean SD CV

marker and later 137Cs age marker (m), respectively; and Tf and Tl are χlf LJWD 158.64 218.46 181.06 18.11 10
the years corresponding to the earlier 137Cs age marker and later 137Cs (10−8 m3 kg-1) DJT 40.67 86.92 56.3 11.81 20.99
age marker (yr), respectively. χfd LJWD 11.17 12.33 11.93 0.26 2.18
(%) DJT 7.75 9.22 8.47 0.37 4.33
SOC LJWD 1.92 5.42 2.9 0.78 26.95
2.4.2. Calculation of rainfall erosivity (g kg−1) DJT 1.56 3.68 1.95 0.43 21.85
Rainfall is a key factor affecting the loss of soil in a watershed. Clay LJWD 2.04 7.61 4.83 1.42 29.32
Therefore, rainfall erosivity is a vital index for dating and identifying (%) DJT 7.02 15.01 10.46 2.46 23.49
sedimentation changes in a depression within a given timeframe. To Silt LJWD 67.46 85.59 79.76 4.29 5.39
(%) DJT 62.49 80.17 70.71 4.32 6.11
calculate rainfall erosivity, a record of monthly rainfall in the study Sand LJWD 7.79 29.31 15.41 4.76 30.86
area from 1954 to 2018 was collected from the National Meteorological (%) DJT 6.28 27.17 18.79 5.38 28.64
Information Center ( The rainfall erosivity for in-
dividual monthly periods was estimated with the following equation
(Da Silva, 2004): In the LJWD profile, χlf varied from 158.64 × 10−8 m3 kg-1 to
218.46 × 10−8 m3 kg-1, with an average value of 181.06 × 10−8 m3
EI30i = 73.989 ×(P 2i /Pa)0.7387 (10) kg-1, and χfd varied from 11.17 % to 12.33 %, with an average value of
where EI30i is the monthly average rainfall erosivity (MJ mm ha−1 11.93 %. Compared with the LJWD profile, the DJT profile exhibited
h−1), Pi is the rainfall in month i (mm), and Pa is the average annual obviously lower soil magnetic susceptibility values (χlf and χfd); χlf
rainfall (mm). The annual average rainfall erosivity is the sum of the varied from 40.67 × 10−8 m3 kg-1 to 86.92 × 10−8 m3 kg-1, with an
monthly average rainfall erosivity as follows: average value of 56.3 × 10−8 m3 kg-1, and χfd varied from 7.75 % to
9.22 %, with an average value of 8.47 %. The SOC content varied from
R=∑ EI30i 1.92 g kg-1 to 5.42 g kg-1 in the LJWD profile, with an average value of
i=1 (11) 2.9 g kg-1, and from 1.56 g kg-1 to 3.68 g kg-1 in the DJT profile, with an
average value of 1.95 g kg-1. The high magnetic susceptibility values
where R is the annual average rainfall erosivity (MJ mm ha h yr−1) −1 -1
and SOC content in the LJWD depression indicated that soil loss has
and n is the number of months within a year. The model has been been severe in the watershed over the last 60 years.
shown to be reliable in complicated karst areas (De Almeida et al., Generally, the soil magnetic susceptibility values are higher in
2017; Cao et al., 2018). topsoil and lower in the subsoil or near the parent material (Dearing,
1994), and they decrease from the soil surface to the parent material in
3. Results and discussion a soil profile under natural conditions. However, the magnetic sus-
ceptibility profile can be altered by soil erosion or sediment deposition
3.1. Description of the sediment profile characteristics (Liu et al., 2015; Yu et al., 2017). In our study, the magnetic suscept-
ibility values (χlf and χfd) in the DJT and LJWD profiles were similar
All the samples were pooled together to demonstrate the soil char- (Figs. 2 and 3). The magnetic susceptibility profiles indicated that the
acteristics of the two sampling profiles, as shown in Tables 2 and 3, and sediment sources in the two watersheds did not fluctuate or that the
the distribution characteristics of 137Cs are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. The deposited sediment principally came from the parent material of the
topsoil 137Cs concentrations in the LJWD and DJT profiles were 3.39 Bq soil on the slopes.
kg−1 and 4.02 Bq kg−1, respectively, and there was no significant The sediment particle size contents in the LJWD and DJT profiles all
difference between the two depressions. However, obvious differences showed the same trend of silt > sand > clay (Table 3). However, the
between the two depressions were present in the vertical distribution clay and sand contents had peaks and exhibited high variability in the
pattern. The concentration of 137Cs varied from 0 to 8.48 Bq kg−1 in the profiles (Figs. 2 and 3 and Table 3). These results indicated that the clay
LJWD profile, with an average concentration of 4.15 Bq kg−1, while the and sand particles were poorly sorted during the process of transport
concentration of 137Cs varied from 0 to 5.86 Bq kg−1 in the DJT profile, and deposition, and this phenomenon could reflect aspects of the me-
with an average concentration of 1.65 Bq kg−1. Although the 137Cs chanism responsible for sediment particle transport in an erosional
concentration in the LJWD profile varied more widely than that in the environment, such as flood volume, rainfall intensity or sediment
DJT profile, 137Cs exhibited weak variability in the LJWD profile source (Li et al., 2017).
(Table 2) owing to the lack of cultivation over the last 30 years due to
frequent waterlogging. The uniform 137Cs distribution in the upper part
of the LJWD profile may be because of the input of sediment from the 3.2. Dating of the sediment profiles
sloping cropland. The 137Cs distribution in the DJT profile was rela-
tively homogeneous, but there were some peaks. In the LJWD profile, the deepest depth at which 137Cs was detected

Table 2
Statistical characteristics of Cs in the LJWD and DJT profiles.
Location Land use Previous Topsoil 137Cs concentration 137
Cs concentration Depth of 137
Cs distribution Depth of 137
disturbance (Bq kg−1) (Bq kg−1) (cm) peak
Min Max Mean SD CV

LJWD Grass Undisturbed 3.39 0 8.48 4.15 2.67 64.36 140 95

DJT Grass Cultivated 4.02 0 5.86 1.65 2.23 134.68 55 40

Note: CV refers to the coefficient of variation and is in % (similarly hereinafter).

Z. Cao, et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 294 (2020) 106881

Fig. 2. Distributions of 137

Cs, χlf, χfd, soil organic carbon (SOC), clay, silt, and sand in the LJWD depression sediment profile.

was 140 cm, and the highest 137Cs concentration occurred at a depth of which 137Cs can be detected should have been deposited in 1954.
95 cm. From 95 cm downward, the 137Cs concentration declined con- However, it is usually difficult to detect 137Cs in sediment layers de-
tinuously, and no 137Cs was detected deeper than 140 cm. From the soil posited in 1954 because of the low concentration and decay of 137Cs.
surface to 95 cm, the 137Cs concentration also declined but exhibited Therefore, it is usually risky to use the 1954 age marker to date sedi-
some unique changes (Fig. 2). For instance, the 137Cs concentration ment processes. Fortunately, a study in the same research area in-
rapidly declined at a depth of 70 cm and sharply increased at a depth of dicated that the initial release of 137Cs can still be detected in some
55 cm, and it slightly increased again at a depth of 40 cm in the profile. areas of Southwest China (Zhang et al., 2005a). Based on the results
In the DJT profile, the deepest depth at which 137Cs was detected was mentioned above, we speculated in this study that the deepest layers in
60 cm, and the highest 137Cs concentration occurred at a depth of 40 which 137Cs was detected, 140 cm in the LJWD profile and 60 cm in the
cm. The 137Cs was uniformly distributed within the 0–25 cm and 25–45 DJT profile, represent 137Cs deposition in or near 1954. Most of the
cm depths but sharply decreased from 45 to 60 cm deep (Fig. 3). The Cs fallout occurred in the decade between 1956 and 1967, with high
changes in the 137Cs concentration at depths of 25 cm, 20 cm and 10 cm inputs in 1958 and 1962 and the highest input in 1963 (Fig. 4a). As a
were approximately consistent with the changes observed in the LJWD typical age marker, 1963 has been widely recognized and used world-
profile; however, the deepest detection depth differed greatly, being wide (Pennington et al., 1973; Ritchie and McHenry, 1990; Zhang et al.,
deeper in the LJWD profile than in the DJT profile. The SOC content 2005b). In the LJWD depression, the 137Cs peak corresponding to 1963
showed a decreasing trend with depth in both profiles; the SOC content occurred at a depth of 95 cm. In the DJT depression, the 137Cs peak
was highest within the depth ranges of 0–10 cm in the LJWD profile and corresponding to 1963 occurred at a depth of approximately 40 cm. In
0–5 cm in the DJT profile (Figs. 2 and 3). addition to the 1954 and 1963 age markers, other auxiliary 137Cs age
Different types of fingerprint factors have different diagnostic ef- markers could also be adopted for sediment dating. The 137Cs fallout
fects on the erosional environment (Tang et al., 2013). In this study, we declined rapidly through the mid- and late 1960s and early 1970s
used multiple fingerprint factors (so-called composite fingerprint owing to the implementation of the nuclear test ban treaty (Walling and
technique) to measure soil loss and identify the sedimentary sequence. He, 1997; Zhang et al., 2005b). Thus, 1970 can be regarded as a distinct
Thereinto, the magnetic susceptibility and sediment particle composi- marker and corresponds to the sediment layers at depths of 70 cm in the
tion were used as indicators to reflect the erosional environment of the LJWD profile and 25 cm in the DJT profile (Figs. 2 and 3). China's
watershed, and the 137Cs concentration and SOC content were used as nuclear tests peaked in 1976 (Fig. 4a), and the associated release of
indicators to divide and date the sediment profile. Cs formed an important age marker in sediment deposited in some
Cs was first recorded in soil in 1954 (Pennington et al., 1973; areas. For example, 137Cs deposited in 1976 has been detected in Lake
Walling and He, 1997). Consequently, the deepest sedimentary layer in Dianchi and Lake Baikal sediments (David et al., 1991; Zhang et al.,

Fig. 3. Distributions of 137

Cs, χlf, χfd, soil organic content (SOC), clay, silt, and sand in the DJT depression sediment profile.

Z. Cao, et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 294 (2020) 106881

Fig. 4. Sediment deposition rates and erosion modulus values in the LJWD and DJT watersheds for six periods. Fig. 4a is the LJWD watershed, and 4b is the DJT
watershed. The gray columns indicate the erosion modulus of the watershed in the six periods, regardless of land use. The dark gray columns indicate the erosion
modulus of the watershed, assuming all the sediment comes from slope cropland. Due to limited land use information, only the erosion modulus of cultivated land in
1986 – 2000 and 2000 – 2018 is available. The cultivated land in the DJT watershed was converted to grass after the Grain for Green project was implemented in
2000; therefore, there was no erosion modulus for cultivated land after 2000 (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article).

2005a). Therefore, the secondary 137Cs peaks occurring at depths of 55 0.36 cm yr−1, and 0.28 cm yr−1 in the DJT depression (Table 4 and
cm in the LJWD profile and 20 cm in the DJT profile were related to the Fig. 5).
1976 age marker in this study. The 137Cs fallout increased sharply in Detailed information about the sediment deposition rates and ero-
1986 because of the Chernobyl accident (Fig. 4a), and additional 137Cs sion modulus in the six periods is presented in Fig. 5. The sediment
input was received in Europe and adjacent regions (Carter and deposition rates in the LJWD depression showed a decreasing trend
Moghissi, 1977; Cambray et al., 1989; Hirose et al., 2001; Lee et al., from the 1954–1963 period to the 1976–1986 period and a distinct
1997; Warneke et al., 2002). Due to the limited impact of the accident, increasing trend from the 1976–1986 period to the 1986–2000 period.
the 1986 marker for dating sediments remains controversial. However, After 2000, the deposition rate sharply decreased. To show soil loss in
some scientists have suggested that it can be regarded as an age marker the watershed clearly, we transformed the deposition rate into the
in some areas, such as Southwest China, Northwest China, Japan and erosion rate expressed as volume per unit area per year. The erosion
Korea (Wan, 1999; Hirose et al., 2001; Lee et al., 1997; Zhang et al., rate during the period of 1954–1963 was 228 t km−2 yr-1 and then
2005b). Considering the distance from the accident site, we speculated decreased to 68 t km−2 yr−1 in the 1976–1986 period. The soil loss rate
that the small 137Cs peaks occurring at 40 cm in the LJWD profile and increased slightly in the 1986–2000 period to 98 t km−2 yr−1 but
10 cm in the DJT profile likely reflect 137Cs deposition in 1986. continued to decrease after 2000 in response to the Grain for Green
An increase in the SOC content in topsoil may be an indicator of project. The erosion rate during 2000 – July 2018 was only 25 t km−2
land use changes (Cheng et al., 2016; Yu et al., 2019). The Grain for yr−1, representing a decrease of approximately 89 % over the past 60
Green project was implemented in 2000 in the study area, and most of years. The trends of the sediment deposition rate and erosion modulus
the cultivated land on the hillslopes was converted to shrubland or in the DJT depression were similar to those in the LJWD depression. A
grassland (Yang et al., 2017; Li et al., 2019b). As a result, the SOC continuous decrease in the deposition rate was found from the
content in the topsoil in the watersheds has increased over the past 1954–1963 period to the 1970–1976 period, with a slight increase in
decade. Thus, the age marker of 2000 in the LJWD and DJT profiles is the 1976–1986 period. Subsequently, the deposition rate gradually
clearly associated with the change in the SOC content. decreased from the 1976–1986 period to the 2000 – July 2018 period.
The corresponding erosion rate in the 1954–1963 period was as high as
3.3. Sediment deposition rate and erosion modulus estimation 1791 t km−2 yr−1 and then decreased to 671 t km−2 yr−1 in the
1970–1976 period. The soil erosion rate increased noticeably to 806 t
According to the sediment dating of the LJWD and DJT profiles, the km−2 yr−1 in the 1976–1986 period and then rapidly decreased to 224
historical deposition was divided into six periods: 1954–1963, t km−2 yr−1 in the 2000 – July 2018 period. The erosion rate decreased
1963–1970, 1970–1976, 1976–1986, 1986–2000 and 2000–July 2018 by approximately 87 % over the past 60 years in the DJT depression.
(Table 4). For each period, the sediment thicknesses in the LJWD profile Because the depressions were surrounded by steep slopes, the se-
were 45 cm, 25 cm, 15 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm, and 10 cm, respectively, and diment delivery ratio (SRD) can be considered to have a value of one in
those in the DJT profile were 20 cm, 15 cm, 5 cm, 10 cm, 5 cm, and 5 the studied watersheds. Therefore, the soil loss can be reliably esti-
cm, respectively. The corresponding deposition rates in the LJWD and mated using the deposition rate in the depressions, and the soil loss can
DJT depressions for each period were calculated based on the sediment be related to land utilization. Therefore, we use the sediment deposition
thickness and duration, yielding 5 cm yr−1, 3.57 cm yr−1, 2.50 cm rate to estimate the erosion process in the LJWD and DJT watersheds
yr−1, 1.50 cm yr−1, 2.14 cm yr−1, and 0.56 cm yr−1 in the LJWD from 1954 to July 2018. The soil loss decreased significantly over time
depression and 2.22 cm yr−1, 2.14 cm yr−1, 0.83 cm yr−1, 1 cm yr−1, in both selected watersheds. However, the erosion rate was obviously

Z. Cao, et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 294 (2020) 106881

Table 4
Summary of the sampling depth, bulk density, catchment area, depression area, and sediment thickness of the LJWD and DJT depressions.
Location Sampling depth Bulk Catchment area Depression area Deposited thickness in different periods
(cm) density (km2) (m2)
(g cm−3) Time period Thickness (cm)

LJWD 200 1.1 1.327 5502 2000 – July 2018 10

1986–2000 30
1976–1986 15
1970–1976 15
1963–1970 25
1954–1963 45
DJT 200 1.37 0.067 3492 2000 – July 2018 5
1986–2000 5
1976–1986 10
1970–1976 5
1963–1970 15
1954–1963 20

Fig. 5. Global nuclear event statistics and rainfall and rainfall erosivity in the LJWD and DJT watersheds. Fig. 5a shows the number of nuclear tests worldwide and in
China from 1954 to 1991 and the annual deposition of 137Cs. Figure 5b1 and 5b2 show the annual precipitation of LJWD and DJT watersheds from 1954 to 2017,
respectively. Figure 5c1 and 5c2 show the annual rainfall erosivity in the LJWD and DJT watersheds, respectively.

higher in the DJT watershed than in the LJWD watershed, whereas the than those in the DJT watershed (Fig. 4), and cultivated land was also
sediment deposition rate was obviously higher in the LJWD depression more extensive in the LJWD watershed than in the DJT watershed
than in the DJT depression (Fig. 5). The decrease in sediment yield in (Fig. 6). Therefore, the sediment deposition rate was higher in the
both watersheds occurred in response to terracing over several decades LJWD catchment with a smaller deposition area. However, the erosion
to promote agriculture and to the Closing Mountains for Forest Culti- rate was significantly higher in the DJT catchment than in the LJWD
vation, Grain for Green and Poverty Alleviation projects implemented catchment in this study because of differences in the degree of rocky
in recent years to improve the ecological environment (Jiang et al., desertification, which was higher in the LJWD catchment. In karst
2014; Cheng et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2017). The difference between the areas, soil erosion may be the dominant reason for rocky desertifica-
LJWD and DJT watersheds was caused by environmental conditions tion, but soil loss gradually decreases with the increasing rock exposure.
and human activities in the two regions. Generally, soil loss depends on In addition, soil erosion is extremely sensitive to human activities
precipitation, topography, soil properties, land use/land cover, and the and land use changes in Southwest China (Bai et al., 2013). Soil erosion
degree of rocky desertification in Southwest China (Wilcox et al., 2008; changes in both watersheds over the past 60 years were also somewhat
Jiang et al., 2014; Dai et al., 2017). In the LJWD watershed, the pre- related to historical events, as land use changes occurred during this
cipitation, rainfall erosivity and slope angle were obviously greater period. During 1954–1970, soil erosion was severe in both the LJWD

Z. Cao, et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 294 (2020) 106881

Fig. 6. Land use changes in the LJWD and DJT watersheds before and after 2000. Fig. 6a shows the LJWD watershed, and Fig. 6b shows the DJT watershed.

and DJT watersheds, mainly because of a sharp increase in population DJT watersheds has decreased gradually because of the Closing
and extensive cultivation for food production (Fig. 5). In the 1970s, the Mountains for Forest Cultivation project implemented in Guizhou
Chinese government began to pay attention to soil conservation and Province after 1980 and the Poverty Alleviation and Grain for Green
encouraged the construction of terraces, dams and reservoirs to control projects implemented in Southwest China after 2000. As a result, the
soil loss. Therefore, soil erosion has decreased since the mid-1970s, cultivated land in the LJWD and DJT watersheds has decreased sig-
especially in the DJT watershed, which features a large area of terraces nificantly since 2000 (Fig. 6), from 0.27 km2 to 0.13 km2 in the LJWD
(Fig. 6b). However, the farming activities under the new rural economic watershed and from 0.03 km2 to 0 km2 in the DJT watershed. As cul-
system caused soil loss to increase once again in 1978 (Wang et al., tivated land has decreased and vegetation has increased, sediment
2003). In contrast, soil loss decreased continually in the LJWD wa- yields in the LJWD and DJT catchments have decreased by 74 % and 22
tershed from 1976 to 1986 owing to increasing rocky desertification. In %, respectively.
addition to human activities and land use, heavy rainfall in 1983 and
1991 might have played a significant role in the soil erosion in the DJT 4. Conclusions
watershed in 1976–1986 and the LJWD watershed in 1986–2000, re-
spectively (Fig. 4). Since the mid-1980s, soil erosion in the LJWD and In this study, 137
Cs, magnetic susceptibility, SOC and sediment

Z. Cao, et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 294 (2020) 106881

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