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Motivation ‘The manner in which urges, drives, desires, aspirations strivings or needs direct, control or explain human behaviour —- Mc farland Inner state that energies or activates behaviour Process of stimulating people to action to accomplish task Unsatisfied Need——Drive———Action --——— | Satisfaction Needs, Drives and Goals Unsatisfied need give rise to drive to relieve tension, drive energise person towards accomplishing goal Motivation Process- ‘Awareness of Need ‘Search for action Leads to either fulfilment or unfutfilment of need ‘Then Revaluation and New Action Nature Internal Feeling ‘Complex Goal Oriented Dynamic ‘Continuous Significance Efficiency Better Relations : improves work environment, enables cordial and healthy relations Stability of workforce: motivated workforce loyal to enterprise, reduce labour turnover and absenteeism Reduction of wastage Achievement of organisational goals Facilitates change Motivation Theories 1) Maslow’s need hierarchy theory Individual needs form hierarchy :- Physiological Safely Social Esteem- self respect(ego and status needs), competence, achievement. and approval Self actualisation : to realise one’s potential Satisfied need cease to be motivator Appraisal —- Needs are not the only determinant Hierarchy cannot be fixed No cause and effect relationship : same need may not lead to same response/behaviour Multiplicity of needs Satisfied need may be motivating force : some may not even aspire once lower level needs are satisfied Herzberg Two factor theory Motivation and Hygiene theory (Maintenance) interview— 200 engineers and accountants in US , asked to relate elements of jobs which made them feel exceptionally good or exceptionally bad Sources of Dissatisfaction were related to environment, they were different from factors identified as sources of jib satisfaction Maintenance/Hygiene factors ‘Company policy and Administration Working conditions Inter personal relation with superior and subordinates Salary and benefits Status Personal lite Job security ‘Supervision Motivation Recognition Achievement Advancement Work Growth Responsibility Hygiene Factors Absent. Present Dissatisfaction. No satisfaction Motivation Factors Absent Present No Satisfaction ‘satisfaction Job enrichment— —— job is the source of motivation ‘Thhave more meaning in the jobs Similarity between Maslow and Herzberg Both stress on varying needs of individuals Maintenance factors related to lower level needs are defined by Maslow till Social Motivational factors : higher order needs Both oversimplify motivation process Basis Mastow Herzberg Order Hierarchy No such order Motivator Unsatisfied need Higher level needs are motivator (Motivation factors) Nature of theory Descriptive theory Prescriptive —— Job enrichment can deal with problem related to motivation Formulation Formulated in terms of needs of | Formulated in terms of rewards workers and incentives Salary Can motivate Financial rewards do not motivate Essence of theory ‘Any Unsatisfied need canbe —_| Satisfied need regulate the motivator behaviour and performance McGregor Theory X and Theory Y ‘Two sets of employees based on perception of human nature ‘Theory X ‘Assumptions + Dislike work, avoid + Lacks ambition, avoid accepting responsibilty + Solf centred and indifferent to organisational goals + Resistant to change and wants security + Lacks creativity + Autocratic management style, carrot and stick technique for motivating + Strict control, close supervision + Organisation tends to be impersonal and authority is centralised + They presents pessimistic nature of employees, they emphasise on physiological and safety needs if equated with Maslow’s need hierarchy ‘Theory Y + Does not dislike work, work is natural as play * People can be self directed and self controlled. External control and threat of punishment are not the only means of motivating people to achieve organisational goals + Ability to be creative and innovative exists among larger segment of population + Average human being does not avoid rather seek responsibil * Individuals desire rewards that satisfy their self esteem and self actualisation need rather than valuing security above all other rewards associated with work Itis for the management to realise the potential of employees by creating opportunities, providing proper guidance. Management can integrate goals of employees with the organisational goals. Such type of people are self directed and self controlled and can be motivated by encouraging Participation to work as a team. ‘Theory Y type of organisation is characterised by Decentralisation, job enlargement, participative leadership, Job enrichment, two way communication, consultive decision making, creativity and innovation, informal relatinahip Appraisal: *+ Simple theory + Mc Gregor theory is influenced by Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. He grouped Maslow’s hierarchy lower level need{Theory X) and higher order (Theory Y ) but without any hierarchy + Theory offer framework for analysing relationship between motivation and leadership style * Criticism + Over generalised + Divides people into two totally contrasting categories, employees are not always extreme + Optimal approach to human behaviour is somewhere in between + Complex nature of human being is not taken into consideration + Also management style of leadership is also categorised into two extremes which may not be true William G Ouchi Ouch's theory Z — Based on comparative study of Japanese and American management practices Ouchi wrote a book called Theory Z How American Business Can Meet the Japanese Challenge (1981), in this book; Ouchi shows how American corporations can meet the Japanese challenges with a highly effective management style that promises to transform business in the 1980s. The secret to Japanese success, according to Ouchi, is not technology, but a special way ‘of managing people. "This is a managing style that focuses on a strong company philosophy, a distinct corporate culture, long-range staff development, and consensus decision-making" (Quchi, 1981). Ouchi shows that the results show lower turn-over, increased job commitment, and ‘dramatically higher productivity. Much like McGregor's theories, Ouchi's Theory Z makes certain assumptions about workers. Some of the assumptions about workers under this theory include: * Workers tend to want to build happy and intimate working relationships with those that they work for and with, as well as the people that work for them. * Workers have a high need to be supported by the company, and highly value a working environment in which such things as family, cultures, and traditions, and social institutions are regarded as equally important as the work itself. These types of workers have a very well developed sense of order, discipline, a moral obligation to work hard, and a sense of cohesion with their fellow workers. * Workers can be trusted to do their jobs to their utmost ability, so long as management can be trusted to support them and look out for their well-being Collective decision making long term employment slower promotion focus on training individual responsibility One of the most important pieces of this theory is that management must have a high degree of confidence in its workers in order for this type of participative management to work. This theory assumes that workers will be participating in the decisions of the company to a great degree. Ouchi explains that the employees must be very knowledgeable about the various issues of the company, as well as possess the competence to make those decisions. He also points out, however, that management sometimes has a tendency to underestimate the ability of the workers to effectively contribute to the decision-making process (Bittel, 1989), For this reason, Theory Z stresses the need for the workers to become generalists, rather than specialists, and to increase their knowledge of the company and its processes through job rotations and constant training. Promotions tend to be slower in this type of setting, as workers are given a much longer opportunity to receive training and more time to learn the ins and outs of the company's operations. The desire, under this theory, is to develop a workforce that has more loyalty toward staying with the company for an entire career. It is expected that once employees do rise to a position of high-level management, they will know a great deal more about the company and how it operates and will be able to use Theory Z management theories effectively on the newer employees. Mutual Trust : trust, openness and integrity are essential ingredients for effective organisation Strong bond between organisation and management Employee involvement Integrated organisation: theory z recommends sharing of information, job rotation, team work rather than divisions or formal organisational structure. Employees thus develop group spirit in the organisation Informal control system: Human Resource Development: attempts are made to develop new skills among employees, this is done through job enlargement, career planning etc. Drawbacks Participation of workers in decision makings neither liked by workers nor management Provision of life term employment to develop strong bond seems difficult emphasises on common culture and class feeling within organisation Organisation between any structure- absence of structure may lead to chaos

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